2,493 research outputs found

    Faulkner’s Age, Age in Faulkner’s Work

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    This talk explores children in Faulkner’s work and life, the importance of the concept of childhood to his literary vision, and the way that age and maturation feature thematically and structurally in his writings. The figure of the child has been integral to American political thought and national identity since the early national period. Over the course of the nineteenth century, the child came to represent nationalism, nation building, and the intrinsic connection between nationalism and race that was instrumental in creating a culture of white supremacy in the United States. Faulkner inherits and complicates this long American literary and political tradition, his writings at once enunciating the power of the child to transform racism in America and simultaneously complicating the idea of progress, be it political or individual. Progressive maturation (already partly a myth) becomes a particularly tangled concept in Faulkner’s writing, his distinctive literary style complicating linear concepts of age and therefore the political progress narratives that have been implicit in them from the nation’s beginnings

    En jämförelse mellan två bärstolsmodeller : En kartläggning av åsikter

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    Syftet med studien var att kartlägga prehospitala personalens åsikter vid Mellersta Ny-lands räddningsverk angående två olika bärstolsmodeller. En av modellerna kräver att användaren fysiskt lyfter stolen vid patienttransport ner för trappor. Den andra modellen var utrustad med en nedgångscylinder som möjliggör förflyttning av en patient ner för trappor utan att fysiskt behöva lyfta stolen. Specifikt strävade arbetet till att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1. Vilken stolmodell upplevs vara bättre? 2. Vilka för- och nackdelar hade stolmodellerna? Bärstolsmodellerna användes under ett simuleringstillfälle i rollen som ledare och följare. Ledaren var den som gick framför stolen medan följaren gick bakom stolen. Informanterna fyllde efter simuleringstillfället i en medföljande enkät. Bärstolsmodellen utrustad med en nedgångscylinder överträffade modellen utan nedgångscylinder när det kom till upplevd: fysisk påfrestning, minskande av skaderisker samt kontrollerbarhet (styra, ändra hastighet, balansera). Majoriteten av informanterna som besvarade enkäten föredrog att i framtiden använda bärstolsmodellen utrustad med en nedgångcylinder i arbetslivet. En tabell med bärstolsmodellernas för- och nackdelar togs också fram. Denna studie samt tidigare forskning gällande bärstolsmodeller rekommenderar att en modell som fysiskt inte behöver lyftas, utan kan ”glida” ner för trappor, används för att minska på den fysiska påfrestningen och eventuellt skaderisken vid patientförflyttningar ner för trappor med bärstol. Den tidigare forskningen har jämfört stolar som behöver lyftas med stolar som kan ”glida” ner för trappor. Framtida forskning kunde jämföra stolar som kan ”glida” ner med varandra och utreda vilka av dessa modeller som orsakar minst fysisk påfrestning, har den minsta relativa skaderisken och upplevs vara bäst av användaren.The aim of the study was to map out the opinions of pre-hospital personnel at Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitos regarding two different models of stair chairs. One of the models required the operators to physically carry the chair. The other model was equipped with a stair cylinder which allowed the operators to transfer the patient down the stairs without physically lifting the chair. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following research questions: 1. Which stair chair model is perceived better? 2. What are the pros and cons of each stair chair model? The stair chairs were used during a simulation, the informants tried each chair in the role as leader and follower. The leader was positioned in front of the chair while the follower was located behind the chair. A survey was answered after the simulation. The stair chair equipped with the stair cylinder was found superior compared to the stair chair without one. The experience of physical stress and risk of injury was decreased while the experience of controllability (control, change of speed, balance) was increased. The majority of the informants preferred the stair chair equipped with the stair cylinder as a stair chair to be used in future work. A pro-con chart for each stair chair model was also developed. This study, as well as other studies regarding stair chairs, recommend the usage of a model that can “slide” down the stairs to decrease physical stress and the possible risk of injury in patient transfer situations. Previous studies have compared stair chairs that require the operator to physically lift the chair with stair chairs that the operators can “slide” down the stairs. Future studies could compare models that “slide” down the stairs with each other to examine the physical stress, relative injury risk and preferability between these models.Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen prehospitaalisen henkilöstön mielipiteitä kahdesta kantotuolimallista. Yksi kantotuoleista vaati käyttäjiltä tuolin fyysisen nostamisen potilassiirrossa portaita alas. Toinen kantotuolimalli oli varusteltu rappulaskusylinterillä, joka mahdollisti potilaan siirtämisen portaita alas nostamatta itse tuolia. Tarkennettuna oli opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena vastata seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1. Kumpi kantotuoleista koetaan parempana? 2. Mitä hyviä ja huonoja puolia kullakin tuolilla oli? Kantotuolimalleja käytettiin simulaatiotilaisuudessa johtajan ja seuraajan rooleissa. Johtaja oli sijoittunut tuolin eteen ja seuraaja tuolin taakse. Vastaajat täyttivät tilaisuuden jälkeen kyselyn aiheesta. Kantotuolimalli rappulaskusylinterillä varusteltuna koettiin parempana kun huomioitiin seuraavat asiat: fyysinen kuormittavuus, loukkaantumisriskien väheneminen sekä kontrolloitavuus (ohjaus, nopeuden muuttaminen, tasapaino). Suurin osa vastaajista koki että rappulaskusylinterillä varusteltu kantotuoli olisi mieluisempi vaihtoehto työelämässä. Molempien kantotuolimallien hyödyt ja haitat nostettiin esille taulukoissa. Kyseinen tutkimus, sekä aiemmat tutkimukset kantotuolimalleihin liittyen, suosittelee käytettävän kantotuolimallia jota ei fyysisesti tarvitse nostaa, vaan jota voi liu`uttaa rappusia alas potilassiirroissa. Kyseisellä mallilla fyysinen rasittuvuus sekä mahdollinen loukkaantumisriski vähenisi. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat vertailleet kantotuolimalleja, jotka vaativat käyttäjien fyysisesti nostavan tuolia, malleihin joita voi liu´uttaa rappusia alas. Tulevaisuuden tutkimukset voisivat vertailla kantotuolimalleja joita voi liu´uttaa toisiinsa, tutkiakseen tuolien aiheuttamaa fyysistä kuormittavuutta, loukkaantumisriskiä sekä paremmuutta

    Evolutionary aspects of lithosphere discontinuity structure in the western US

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    We have produced common conversion point (CCP) stacked Ps and Sp receiver function image volumes of the Moho and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath the western United States using Transportable Array data. The large image volumes and the diversity of tectonic environments they encompass allow us to investigate evolution of these structural discontinuities. The Moho is a nearly continuous topographic surface, whereas the LAB is not and the seismic images show a more complex expression. The first order change in LAB depth in the western U.S. occurs along the Cordilleran hingeline, the former Laurasian passive margin along the southwestern Precambrian North American terranes. The LAB is about 50% deeper to the east of the hingeline than to the west, with most of the increase in LAB thickness being in the mantle lithosphere. We infer that the Moho and the LAB are Late Mesozoic or Cenozoic everywhere west of the hingeline, modified during Farallon subduction and its aftermath. Between the hingeline and the Rocky Mountain Front, the LAB, and to a lesser extent the Moho, have been partially reset during the Cenozoic by processes that continue today. Seismicity and recent volcanism in the interior of the western U.S. are concentrated along gradients in crustal and/or lithospheric thickness, for example the hingeline, and the eastern edge of the coastal volcanic-magmatic terranes. To us this suggests that lateral gradients in integrated lithospheric strength focus deformation. Similarly, areas conjectured to be the sites of convective downwellings and associated volcanism are located along gradients in regional lithosphere thicknes

    Is label-free LC-MS/MS ready for biomarker discovery?

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    Label-free LC-MS methods are attractive for high-throughput quantitative proteomics, as the sample processing is straightforward and can be scaled to a large number of samples. Label-free methods therefore facilitate biomarker discovery in studies involving dozens of clinical samples. However, despite the increased popularity of label-free workflows, there is a hesitance in the research community to use it in clinical proteomics studies. Therefore, we here discuss pros and cons of label free LC-MS/MS for biomarker discovery, and delineate the main prerequisites for its successful employment. Furthermore, we cite studies where label-free LC-MS/MS was successfully used to identify novel biomarkers, and foresee an increased acceptance of label-free techniques by the proteomics community in the near future. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Imaging crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Colorado Plateau using finite frequency Rayleigh wave tomography

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    A new 3-D shear velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Colorado Plateau and surrounding regions of the southwestern United States was made with finite frequency Rayleigh wave tomography using EarthScope/USArray data. The goal of our study is to examine the Colorado Plateau lithospheric modification that has resulted from Cenozoic tectonism and magmatism. We have inverted for the isotropic Vs model from a grid of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves obtained by a modified two-plane wave method for periods from 20 to 167 s. We map the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary under the Colorado Plateau by identifying the middle of the shallowest upper mantle negative Vs gradient. The depths of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary inferred here agree well with receiver function estimates made independently. The strong lateral heterogeneity of shear velocity can be mainly attributed to 200–400 K variations in temperature together with ∼1% partial melt fraction in the shallow upper mantle. The resulting Vs structures clearly image the upper mantle low-velocity zones under the Colorado Plateau margins that are associated with magmatic encroachment. These upper mantle low-velocity zones resulted from the convective removal of the Colorado Plateau lithosphere that had been rehydrated by subduction-released water, refertilizing and destabilizing it. This convective erosion by the asthenosphere at the low-viscosity part of the lithosphere is driven by the large step in lithospheric thickness and the thermal gradient across the boundary between the plateau and the extended Basin and Range since the Mid-Cenozoic at a rate similar to that of magmatic migration into the plateau from the southeast, south, and northwest. Moreover, the Rayleigh wave tomography model images parts of a high-velocity drip in the western Colorado Plateau and thus provides additional seismic evidence for ongoing convective downwelling of the lithosphere that was initially suggested by receiver functions and body wave tomography. The widespread edge convective erosion, which the regional delamination-style downwelling processes are a 3-D manifestation of, could provide additional buoyancy sources to support the excess uplift at the margins of the platea