32 research outputs found

    Design and Vertical Tests of SPS-series Double-Quarter Wave (DQW) Cavity Prototypes for the HL-LHC Crab Cavity System

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    Crab crossing is essential for high-luminosity colliders. The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will equip one of its Interaction Points (IP1) with Double-Quarter Wave (DQW) crab cavities. A DQW cavity is a new generation of deflecting RF cavities that stands out for its compactness and broad frequency separation between fundamental and first high-order modes. The deflecting kick is provided by its fundamental mode. Each HL-LHC DQW cavity shall provide a nominal deflecting voltage of 3.4 MV, although up to 5.0 MV may be required. A Proof-of-Principle (PoP) DQW cavity was limited by quench at 4.6 MV. This paper describes a new, highly optimized cavity, designated DQW SPS-series, which satisfies dimensional, cryogenic, manufacturing and impedance requirements for beam tests at SPS and operation in LHC. Two prototypes of this DQW SPS-series were fabricated by US industry and cold tested after following conventional SRF surface treatment. Both units outperformed the PoP cavity, reaching a deflecting voltage of 5.3-5.9 MV. This voltage - the highest reached by a DQW cavity - is well beyond the nominal voltage of 3.4 MV and may even operate at the ultimate voltage of 5.0MVwith sufficient margin. This paper covers fabrication, surface preparation and cryogenic RF test results and implications

    Development of SRF Cavity Tuners for CERN

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    Superconducting RF cavity developments are currently on-going for new accelerator projects at CERN such as HIE ISOLDE and HL-LHC. Mechanical RF tuning systems are required to compensate cavity frequency shifts of the cavities due to temperature, mechanical, pressure and RF effects on the cavity geometry. A rich history and experience is available for such mechanical tuners developed for existing RF cavities. Design constraints in the context of HIE ISOLDE and HL-LHC such as required resolution, space limitation, reliability and maintainability have led to new concepts in the tuning mechanisms. This paper will discuss such new approaches, their performances and planned developments

    Results on Ultra-Precise Magnet Yoke Sectors Assembly Tests

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    Due to beam dynamics requirements and to reduce the cost and power consumption for the next generation of particle accelerators, their magnet systems need to be more and more compact and precise. As a consequence, the required tolerances on machining and assembling of components like the electromagnet iron yoke sectors are becoming tighter. R&D and prototypes procurement for future projects like the Compact Linear Collider require quadrupole yoke quadrants machined with micrometric precision, and assembled with an overall precision in the range of±10 Όm. A test program was launched at CERN in order to investigate the feasibility of such tight assembly tolerances. The program consists in testing three different types of assembly methods for ultra-precise dummy quadrants produced by electro discharge machining. The aim is to identify the best performing assembly procedures for magnet iron yokes. In this paper the firs

    Results on Ultra-Precise Magnet Yoke Sectors Assembly Tests

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    Validation of a Micrometric remotely controlled pre-alignment system for the CLIC Linear Collider using a test setup (Mock-Up) with 5 degrees of freedom

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    The CLIC main beam quadrupoles need to be prealigned within 17 um rms with respect to a straight reference line along a sliding window of 200 m. A readjustment system based on eccentric cam movers, which will provide stiffness to the support assembly, is being studied. The cam movers were qualified on a 1 degree of freedom (DOF) test setup, where a repeatability of adjustment below 1um was measured along their whole range. This paper presents the 5 DOF mock-up, built for the validation of the eccentric cam movers, as well as the first results of tests carried out: resolution of displacement along the whole range, measurements of the support eigenfrequencies

    CLIC main beam quadrupole active pre-alignment based on cam movers

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    Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a study for a future 48 km long linear electron-positron collider in the multi TeV range. Its target luminosity can only be reached if the main beam quadrupoles (MB quads) are actively pre-aligned within 17 ”m in sliding windows of 200 m with respect to a straight reference line. In addition to the positioning requirement, the pre-alignment system has to provide a rigid support for the nano-stabilization system to ensure that the first eigenfrequency is above 100 Hz. Re-adjustment based on cam movers was chosen for detailed studies to meet the stringent pre-alignment requirements. There are four different types of MB quads in CLIC. Their lengths and masses vary so that at least two types of cam movers have to be developed. The validation of the cams with less stringent space restrictions has proceeded to a test setup in 5 degrees of freedom (DOF). Prototypes of the more demanding, smaller cams have been manufactured and they are under tests in 1 DOF. This paper describes the challenges, test methods and results as well as current status of development of both cam based system types

    Development of an Eccentric CAM Based Active Pre-Alignment System for the CLIC Main Beam Quadrupole Magnet

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    CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) is a study for a future electron-positron collider that would allow physicists to explore a new energy region beyond the capabilities of today's particle accelerators. The demanding transverse and vertical beam sizes and emittance specifications are resulting in stringent alignment and a nanometre stability requirement. In the current feasibility study, the main beam quadrupole magnets have to be actively pre-aligned with a precision of 1 ”m in 5 degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) before being mechanically stabilized to the nm scale above 1 Hz. This contribution describes the approach of performing this active pre-alignment based on an eccentric cam system. In order to limit the amplification of the vibration sources at resonant frequencies a sufficiently high Eigenfrequency is required. Therefore the contact region between cam and support was optimized for adequate stiffness based on the Hertzian theory. Furthermore, practical tests performed on a single degree of freedom mock-up will show the limitation factors and further improvements required for successful integration in a full scale quadrupole mock-up presently under design

    Nano-motion control of heavy quadrupoles for future particle colliders: An experimental validation

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    This paper presents an experimental validation of a control strategy capable of boths tabilizing and positioning the heavy electromagnets of future particle colliders. The originality of the approach is to use the same active mounts to perform both tasks,with a nanometer precision.In aprevious paper,the concept has been studied numerically,and validated on a scaled single degree of freedom(d.o.f.) test bench.In this paper,it is extended to a two d.o.f. testbench,constituted of a heavy mass mounted on two active legs.Firstly,the model is described and the performances are discussed numerically. Secondly,experimental results are presented,and found to correlate well with the model,and comply with the requirements.Finally,the experimental results are combined with a simplified model of the beam-based feedback to evaluate the jitter of the beam.It is found that,at the scale of a single quadrupole,the mechanical stabilization of the quadrupoles reduces the vertical beam jitter by a factor 10

    Performances of the Main Beam Quadrupole Type1 Prototypes for CLIC

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    A critical magnet family for the future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is the Main Beam Quadrupole (MBQ) one. These magnets, placed along the two main linacs, will be actively stabilized in the nanometre range and are one of the key elements for reaching the outstanding nanometric dimensions and luminosity of the colliding beams. In the framework of the CLIC R&D and prototypes procurement for the CLIC Test Facility under construction at CERN, several prototypes of MBQ were procured. TheMBQ magnet has a classical electro-magnetic design. A challenging aspect of the design is the extremely high mechanical precision required for the manufacturing and assembly of the iron quadrants. The challenging manufacturing aspects are presented and discussed. Results on the realized prototypes are discussed