508 research outputs found

    Spectral function and quasiparticle weight in the generalized t-J model

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    We extend to the spectral function an approach which allowed us to calculate the quasiparticle weight for destruction of a real electron Z_c sigma (k) (in contrast to that of creation of a spinless holon Z_h(k) in a generalized tJt-J model, using the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA). We compare our results with those obtained using the alternative approach of Sushkov et al., which also uses the SCBA. The results for Z_c sigma (k) are also compared with results obtained using the string picture and with exact diagonalizations of a 32-site square cluster. While on a qualitative level, all results look similar, our SCBA approach seems to compare better with the ED one. The effect of hopping beyond nearest neighbors, and that of the three-site term are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Manifestation of photonic band structure in small clusters of spherical particles

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    We study the formation of the photonic band structure in small clusters of dielectric spheres. The first signs of the band structure, an attribute of an infinite crystal, can appear for clusters of 5 particles. Density of resonant states of a cluster of 32 spheres may exhibit a well defined structure similar to the density of electromagnetic states of the infinite photonic crystal. The resonant mode structure of finite-size aggregates is shown to be insensitive to random displacements of particles off the perfect lattice positions as large as half-radius of the particle. The results were obtained by an efficient numerical method, which relates the density of resonant states to the the scattering coefficients of the electromagnetic scattering problem. Generalized multisphere Mie (GMM) solution was used to obtain scattering matrix elements. These results are important to miniature photonic crystal design as well as understanding of light localization in dense random media.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Tight-binding g-Factor Calculations of CdSe Nanostructures

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    The Lande g-factors for CdSe quantum dots and rods are investigated within the framework of the semiempirical tight-binding method. We describe methods for treating both the n-doped and neutral nanostructures, and then apply these to a selection of nanocrystals of variable size and shape, focusing on approximately spherical dots and rods of differing aspect ratio. For the negatively charged n-doped systems, we observe that the g-factors for near-spherical CdSe dots are approximately independent of size, but show strong shape dependence as one axis of the quantum dot is extended to form rod-like structures. In particular, there is a discontinuity in the magnitude of g-factor and a transition from anisotropic to isotropic g-factor tensor at aspect ratio ~1.3. For the neutral systems, we analyze the electron g-factor of both the conduction and valence band electrons. We find that the behavior of the electron g-factor in the neutral nanocrystals is generally similar to that in the n-doped case, showing the same strong shape dependence and discontinuity in magnitude and anisotropy. In smaller systems the g-factor value is dependent on the details of the surface model. Comparison with recent measurements of g-factors for CdSe nanocrystals suggests that the shape dependent transition may be responsible for the observations of anomalous numbers of g-factors at certain nanocrystal sizes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Fixed typos to match published versio

    Searching for Anomalous Higgs Couplings in Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC

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    We investigate the sensitivity of the heavy ion mode of the LHC to anomalous Higgs boson couplings to photons, H-photon-photon, through the analysis of the processes photon photon to b anti-b and photon photon to photon photon in peripheral heavy ion collisions. We suggest cuts to improve the signal over background ratio and determine the capability of LHC to impose bounds on anomalous couplings by searching for a Higgs boson signal in these modes.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 4 figures included using epsfig, revised versio

    Exactly solvable path integral for open cavities in terms of quasinormal modes

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    We evaluate the finite-temperature Euclidean phase-space path integral for the generating functional of a scalar field inside a leaky cavity. Provided the source is confined to the cavity, one can first of all integrate out the fields on the outside to obtain an effective action for the cavity alone. Subsequently, one uses an expansion of the cavity field in terms of its quasinormal modes (QNMs)-the exact, exponentially damped eigenstates of the classical evolution operator, which previously have been shown to be complete for a large class of models. Dissipation causes the effective cavity action to be nondiagonal in the QNM basis. The inversion of this action matrix inherent in the Gaussian path integral to obtain the generating functional is therefore nontrivial, but can be accomplished by invoking a novel QNM sum rule. The results are consistent with those obtained previously using canonical quantization.Comment: REVTeX, 26 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Incipient Separation in Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions as Induced by Sharp Fin

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    The incipient separation induced by the shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction at the sharp fin is the subject of present study. Existing theories for the prediction of incipient separation, such as those put forward by McCabe (1966) and Dou and Deng (1992), can have thus far only predicting the direction of surface streamline and tend to over-predict the incipient separation condition based on the Stanbrook's criterion. In this paper, the incipient separation is firstly predicted with Dou and Deng (1992)'s theory and then compared with Lu and Settles (1990)' experimental data. The physical mechanism of the incipient separation as induced by the shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions at sharp fin is explained via the surface flow pattern analysis. Furthermore, the reason for the observed discrepancy between the predicted and experimental incipient separation conditions is clarified. It is found that when the wall limiting streamlines behind the shock wave becomes\ aligning with one ray from the virtual origin as the strength of shock wave increases, the incipient separation line is formed at which the wall limiting streamline becomes perpendicular to the local pressure gradient. The formation of this incipient separation line is the beginning of the separation process. The effects of Reynolds number and the Mach number on incipient separation are also discussed. Finally, a correlation for the correction of the incipient separation angle as predicted by the theory is also given.Comment: 34 pages; 9 figure

    The dS/CFT Correspondence and the Big Smash

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    Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to -1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than -1, which leads to R.Caldwell's "Phantom cosmologies". These often have the property that they end in a "Big Smash", a final singularity in which the Universe is destroyed in a finite proper time by excessive *expansion*. We show that, classically, this fate is not inevitable: there exist Smash-free Phantom cosmologies, obtained by a suitable perturbation of the deSitter equation of state, in which the spacetime is in fact asymptotically deSitter. [Contrary to popular belief, such cosmologies, which violate the Dominant Energy Condition, do not necessarily violate causality.] We also argue, however, that the physical interpretation of these classically acceptable spacetimes is radically altered by ``holography'', as manifested in the dS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that, if the boundary CFTs have conventional properties, then recent ideas on "time as an inverse renormalization group flow" can be used to rule out these cosmologies. Very recently, however, it has been argued that the CFTs in dS/CFT are of a radically unconventional form, and this opens up the possibility that Smash-free Phantom spacetimes offer a simple model of a "bouncing" cosmology in which the quantum-mechanical entanglement of the field theories in the infinite past and future plays an essential role.Comment: 22 pages, clarification of triple analytic continuation, additional Comments added in the light of hep-th/020724

    Evolution of the electronic structure with size in II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals

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    In order to provide a quantitatively accurate description of the band gap variation with sizes in various II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals, we make use of the recently reported tight-binding parametrization of the corresponding bulk systems. Using the same tight-binding scheme and parameters, we calculate the electronic structure of II-VI nanocrystals in real space with sizes ranging between 5 and 80 {\AA} in diameter. A comparison with available experimental results from the literature shows an excellent agreement over the entire range of sizes.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Multiband tight-binding theory of disordered ABC semiconductor quantum dots: Application to the optical properties of alloyed CdZnSe nanocrystals

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    Zero-dimensional nanocrystals, as obtained by chemical synthesis, offer a broad range of applications, as their spectrum and thus their excitation gap can be tailored by variation of their size. Additionally, nanocrystals of the type ABC can be realized by alloying of two pure compound semiconductor materials AC and BC, which allows for a continuous tuning of their absorption and emission spectrum with the concentration x. We use the single-particle energies and wave functions calculated from a multiband sp^3 empirical tight-binding model in combination with the configuration interaction scheme to calculate the optical properties of CdZnSe nanocrystals with a spherical shape. In contrast to common mean-field approaches like the virtual crystal approximation (VCA), we treat the disorder on a microscopic level by taking into account a finite number of realizations for each size and concentration. We then compare the results for the optical properties with recent experimental data and calculate the optical bowing coefficient for further sizes