5 research outputs found

    Korelasi Peningkatan Kadar Trigliserida Terhadap Pembentukan Small Dense LDL Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Type 2 diabetes increases of triglyceride level due to change of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)concentrations, with regard to both numbers and sizes of LDL particles. Small, dense LDL particles are more atherogenic than larger, buoyant LDL and that Apo B is more accurate measure than LDL with regard to predicting cardiovascular disease in patient with type 2 diabetes. This study to determine the correlation between elevated of triglyceride concentration to small dense LDL production in patient with type 2 diabetes. This study was cross sectional design. The subject in this study was type 2 diabetes patient with age more than30 years old (n=33). Triglyceride was analyzed by enzymatic-colorimetric method. Small dense LDL production was calculated by ratio of LDL/Apo B <1.2. Data analysis was performed with Spearman test with significance level of 0.05. The result showed that elevated of triglyceride concentration with small dense LDL formation (ratio of LDL/Apo B <1.2) found on 11 (33.4%) patient, while patient with the elevated of triglyceride concentration and non formation of small dense LDL (ratio of LDL/Apo B≄1,2) found on 9 (23.3%) patient. There was significantly correlation (p=0.027, r= -0.385) between the elevated of triglyceride concentration to the small dense LDL production. In conclusion, the elevated of triglyceride concentration lead to formation of small dense LDL in type 2 diabetes patient. Furthermore, LDL/Apo B ratio could be used as standard parameter to predict cardiovascular disease


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    Kanker merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan karena ketidaknormalan pertumbuhan sel. Resistensi sel kanker pada beberapa jenis obat kanker serta efek samping obat yang begitu besar terhadap sel normal merupakan masalah dalam pengobatan kanker. Hal ini mendorong para peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian guna penemuan obat antikanker baru. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan biota laut yang diperoleh dari perairan di Sulawesi Selatan yaitu spons Siphanocalina sp yang  bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimitosis dari hasil fraksinasi ekstrak kloroform spons  Siphanocalina sp. terhadap sel zigot Tripneustus gratilla Linn dan mengetahui golongan komponen kimia yang berperan dalam aktivitas antimitosis tersebut. Pengujian aktivitas antimitosis menggunakan sel zigot yang diperoleh dengan  pembuahan sel telur dan sperma Tripneustus gratilla Linn yang dilakukan secara invitro. Sel zigot kemudian diberi perlakuan fraksi-fraksi hasil fraksinasi ekstrak kloroform dengan konsentrasi 100 ”g/ml . Fraksi yang memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terbesar selanjutnya dilarutkan dengan pelarut etil asetat sehingga diperoleh subfraksi larut etil asetat dan tidak larut etil asetat. Selanjutnya, uji aktivitas  subfraksi larut etil asetat dan tidak larut etil asetat dilakukan dengan konsentrasi 1, 10, dan 100 ”g/ml. Pembelahan sel diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya setelah 2 jam inkubasi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fraksi tidak larut etil asetat memiliki aktivitas antimitosis yang kuat dengan nilai IC 50 15,14 ”g/ml. Kontrol positif yang digunakan yaitu vinkristin dengan IC50 sebesar 0,183  ”g/ml. Hasil identifikasi menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis menunjukkan bahwa golongan senyawa kimia yang memiliki aktivitas antimitosis pada fraksi tidak larut etil asetat spons Siphanocalina sp  diduga golongan alkaloida

    Korelasi Peningkatan Kadar Trigliserida Terhadap Pembentukan Small Dense LDL Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Type 2 diabetes increases of triglyceride level due to change of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)concentrations, with regard to both numbers and sizes of LDL particles. Small, dense LDL particles are more atherogenic than larger, buoyant LDL and that Apo B is more accurate measure than LDL with regard to predicting cardiovascular disease in patient with type 2 diabetes. This study to determine the correlation between elevated of triglyceride concentration to small dense LDL production in patient with type 2 diabetes. This study was cross sectional design. The subject in this study was type 2 diabetes patient with age more than30 years old (n=33). Triglyceride was analyzed by enzymatic-colorimetric method. Small dense LDL production was calculated by ratio of LDL/Apo B <1.2. Data analysis was performed with Spearman test with significance level of 0.05. The result showed that elevated of triglyceride concentration with small dense LDL formation (ratio of  LDL/Apo B  <1.2) found on  11  (33.4%) patient, while patient with  the  elevated of  triglyceride concentration and non formation of small dense LDL (ratio of LDL/Apo B≄1,2) found on 9 (23.3%) patient. There was significantly correlation (p=0.027, r= -0.385) between the elevated of triglyceride concentration to the small dense LDL production. In conclusion, the elevated of triglyceride concentration lead to formation of small  dense  LDL  in  type  2  diabetes patient. Furthermore, LDL/Apo B  ratio  could be  used  as  standard parameter to predict cardiovascular disease.Keyword: Type 2 diabetes, triglyceride, Apoliprotein B, small dense LDL


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    A quantitative structure activity relationship study on a series of N-alkyl imidazole analogues using combination of various atomic descriptors and molecular descriptors have been investigated. The research was aimed to obtain mathematic equation Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship of N-alkyl Imidazole analougues as antibacterial agents at bacteria Staphilococcus aureus with electronic parameters used semiempiric Austin Model 1 (AM1) method  .Several statistical expressions were developed using stepwise multiple liner regression analysis. The best quantitative structure activity relationship models were further validated by leave-one-out method of cross-validation. The study revealed that the atomic net charges of C2&C3,E-Homo,E-lumo,dipole moment (”),and Total Energy (ET) contributed positively, and atomic net charges of C1,N1,&N2,Binding Energy (Eb),RMS Gradient (RMS), and Elecrtonic Energy (Ee)  contributed negatively. The quantitative structure activity relationship study provides important structural insights in designing of potent antibacterial agents. Several alternative models which have possibility to express the correlation betwen biological activity and electronic parameters, ”The best model” is represented by a linear function of activity versus atomic net charges of C2&C3 and E-Homo,E-lumo,dipole moment (”),and Total Energy (Ee) is axpressed by:Log(1/C) = 114,614 (±28,461) + 505,362 (±149,739) qC2 +  247,641(±47,025)qC3 + 0,819(±0,379) E-Homo + 93,404 (±25,997)E-Lumo + -24,982(±6,066)” + -0,002(±0,000).ET The cross validation analisys give minimal value of PRESS = 106,231and SEP = 3,435Key Words : QSAR, antibacterial, n-alkyl imidazole, Cross Validation Method

    Formulasi dan evaluasi tablet lepas lambat teofilin yang dibuat dengan sistem mengapung mengembang

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh variasi konsentrasi hidrosi-propilmetilselulosa pada tablet lepas lambat teofilin yang diformulasi dengan sistem mengapung mengembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi hidroksipropilmetilselulosa terhadap kecepatan disolusi teofilin dari sediaan. Pada penelitian ini dibuat empat formula tablet yang mengandung zat aktif teofilin 300 mg dan hidroksipropilmetilselulosa sebagai matriks masing-masing 240 mg/tablet (F1), 215 mg/tablet (F2), 198 mg/tablet (F3), 152 mg/tablet (F4). F1 dan F2 merupakan tipe noneffervescent sedangkan F3 dan F4 merupakan tipe effervescent. Tablet yang dihasilkan dievaluasi meliputi keseragaman ukuran, keseragaman bobot, kekerasan, kerapuhan, sifat pengapungan dan pengembangan dan disolusi. Uji disolusi dilakukan dengan pengaduk keranjang dalam 900 ml medium cairan lambung buatan tanpa enzim selama 4 jam dan medium dapat fosfat pH 6,0 selama 8 jam pada suhu 37+ 0,5 C dengan kecepatan pengadukan 50 putaran permenit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hidroksipropilmetilselulosa dapat memperlambat laju disolusi teofilin dari sediaan dan hanya formula tipe noneffervescent yang dapat mengapung. Analisis statistika menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap menunjukkan perbedaan nyata antara formula 1 dan formula 2 dengan pembanding. Formulasi tablet tipe noneffervescent (F1 dan F2) memberikan pelepasan teofilin yang lebih lambat dalam kedua medium disolusi dibandingkan teofilin pembanding