3 research outputs found

    Assessing Needs for Gerontological Education in Urban and Rural Areas of Ohio

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    Purpose of the Study: This project surveyed health care professionals from both urban and rural care settings in Ohio and examined differences in professionals’ needs and interests in continuing gerontological education. Design and Methods: The survey data were analyzed for 766 health care professionals descriptively, using cross-tabulations and c2 tests. Results: The key findings were that professionals are willing to drive a maximum time of one-hour per week to travel one way to attend classes/workshops to earn gerontology certificate among both urban and rural drivers [(4,N=514)=11.65,p=.020]. Distance learning was the most preferred method for furthering gerontological education for both urban (39%) and rural (49%) participants. One quarter or fewer of the professionals were interested in obtaining a master’s degree. Of slightly greater interest was pursuit of a graduate gerontology certificate (25% urban and 28% rural). It is concluded that there is a need and desire for professionals working with aging populations in Ohio to pursue additional education. Preferences for obtaining education inform us of the ways in which education can best be delivered. Implications: Youngstown State University can apply to increase gerontological education access in both urban and rural areas. Such educational opportunities will be a great service to the urban and rural areas of the aging population in the state of Ohio

    Restaurant-style dining in skilled nursing facilities: resident and employee satisfaction

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Hospitality Management and DieteticsDeborah D. CanterThe culture-change movement in skilled nursing facilities is challenging foodservices to consider their role in supporting the paradigm shift to person-centered care. Optimal nutrition for residents supports physical and emotional health of institutionalized older adults. The purpose of this study was to explore factors associated with resident dining in skilled nursing facilities that have transitioned from a traditional foodservice system to restaurant-style dining. The study investigated foodservice employee perceptions of resident satisfaction with foodservices, foodservice employee job satisfaction, and effect of the delivery system transition on employee intent to leave. The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I was a case study of one skilled nursing facility’s transition from the traditional foodservice to restaurant-style dining. Phase II consisted of a survey of residents and employees in seven skilled nursing facilities utilizing restaurant-style dining. Two questionnaires, addressing the constructs of food quality, service quality, and customization relating to resident satisfaction with foodservices, were developed and administered to residents and foodservice employees. The Phase 1 case study revealed differences in financial and unintended weight loss data from pre- to post-menu transitioning. Focus groups provided insight into resident satisfaction with food and foodservices. In both phases, residents were satisfied with restaurant-style dining. Statements regarding the ability to choose foods at meals times scored highly. Service statements such as “Being treated respectfully by employees” were rated high by the residents. Portion sizes and food quality consistency were rated lower by residents. Employee perceptions of resident satisfaction were consistent with the resident ratings of satisfaction. Foodservice employee job satisfaction was high and intent to leave was low. Job satisfaction mediated the relationship between the employee perception of resident service and their intent to leave. Overall, restaurant-style dining appears to be a positive alternative to the traditional foodservice system in skilled nursing facilities. Implications and future research are discussed