19 research outputs found

    Paliativna oskrba - obrt, ki to ne sme postati osebna izpoved svojca : spremna beseda

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    Zlorabe starostnikov na primeru doma za starejše

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    Scaling up: material culture as scaffold for the social brain

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    Many other species besides Homo sapiens are tool-users and even tool-makers, but one aspect of material culture still sets modern humans apart: our emotional and social engagement with objects. Here I argue that this engagement acted as a crucial scaffold for the scaling-up of human social networks beyond those of our closest relatives the chimpanzees to the global ‘small world’ of modern humans. Material culture plays a crucial role in conveying social information about relationships between people, places and things that extend geographically and temporally beyond the here and now – a role which allowed our ancestors to off-load some of the cognitive demands of maintaining such extensive social networks, and thereby surpass the limits to sociality imposed by neurology alone. Broad-scale developments in the archaeological record of the Lower Palaeolithic through to the early Neolithic are used to trace the process by which hominins and humans slowly scaled up their social worlds

    Reception of the Philosophy of Utopia and Hope by Ernst Bloch Among Philosophers of Slavic Countries

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    В статье представлено восприятие философии надежды и утопии Эрнста Блоха в славянс-ких странах. В большинстве этих стран Блох мало известен, но оказал значительное влияние на некоторых выдающихся философов, социологов и теологов этих стран. Автор статьи задает вопрос: по каким причинам данная философия не достигла большого резонанса даже после демократических перемен в славянских странах, когда политика потеряла свою монополию на философию. Скорее всего, мышление Блоха не получило большой популярности потому, что оно пропагандирует идею человеческой солидарности, что чуждо современному неолиберализму и направлено против всех отчужденных отношений. Второй вопрос: чему сегодня можно научится у Блоха? По мнению автора – по крайней мере тому, что будущее нельзя получить из прошлого, всегда нужно делать наоборот.The article looks at the reception of Ernst Bloch’s utopian philosophy and principle of hope in Slavic countries. Bloch is hardly known in most Slavic countries, but his work has influenced many outstanding philosophers, sociologists and theologians in these countries. The author of the article investigates the reasons why Bloch’s philosophy has met with little response in Slavic countries, even after the arrival of democracy in those countries, when politics lost its monopoly on philosophy. One reason why Bloch’s philosophy has not become very popular is that it promotes the idea of inter-human solida-rity, which means it is against contemporary neoliberalism and any and all relations of alienation. The second question is: what is it that Bloch’s philosophy can teach us? In the opinion of the author, there is at least one such thing: one cannot take the future out of the past – one should always do the reverse


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    V nalogi smo raziskali vpliv delovnih in organizacijskih spremenljivk na izgorevanje pri zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi in oskrbi v socialnovarstvenih zavodih Slovenije. Za zbiranje primarnih podatkov smo oblikovali dva modificirana anketna vprašalnika: modificiran vprašalnik MBI obravnava izgorelost pri delu, modificiran vprašalnik JDI pa obravnava zadovoljstvo pri delu. Kontrolna lista psihosomatskih motenj temelji na mednarodni klasifikaciji psihosomatskih motenj. Z anketiranci smo opravili tudi strukturiran intervju, ki obsega vprašanja o doživljanju delovne situacije, medosebnih odnosov z oskrbovanci in njihovimi svojci ter doživljanju starosti kot posebnega življenjskega obdobja. Raziskava je zajela deset socialnovarstvenih zavodov, vprašalnik je izpolnilo 228 zaposlenih.In the paper we investigate the impact of job and organizational variables on the combustion of employees in health care and care for the social welfare of Slovenia. For the collection of primary data , we designed two modified survey questionnaire : a modified questionnaire deals with the MBI burnout at work , a modified questionnaire JDI deals with job satisfaction. Checklist psychosomatic disorders based on the International Classification of psychosomatic disorders . The respondents were also carried out a structured interview consisting of questions about the experience of working situations , interpersonal relationships with care receivers and their relatives as well as experiencing the age specific life span . The survey covered ten social welfare institutions , the questionnaire was completed by 228 employees

    Uvodnik: zdravstvena nega v socialnih zavodih nekoč, danes in jutri

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    Komorne skladbe Srečka Koporca

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    Komorne skladbe Srečka Koporc

    Long-term healthcare professionals’ experiences of burnout and correlation between burnout and fatigue: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives The aim of the study was to analyze the long-term burnout levels of healthcare professionals (HCPs) working in Slovenian nursing homes during the fifth wave of the pandemic; to compare the results of similar facilities in 2020 and 2013; and to examine the correlation between demographics and burnout and fatigue among HCPs. Material and Methods The study used a descriptive, correlational cross-sectional method. Results In the fifth wave, HCPs suffered more from emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment than in the first wave of the pandemic and in the spring of 2013. The HCPs caring for COVID-19 patients and younger women had higher rates of burnout and fatigue than other occupational groups. There is a strong positive correlation between burnout and fatigue. Conclusions There is an urgent need to address the problem of fatigue and burnout with administrative measures. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(3):396–40

    Some aspects of burnout in nursing homes

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    Nursing personnel in nursing homes for elderly citizens are exposed to a number of factors that contribute to possible burnout syndrome. For this reason, the set objective of the research was to measure the degree of burnout, check the correlation between the burnout syndrome and satisfaction at work, and psychosomatic symptoms, as well as to figure out the main characteristics of burnout syndrome among the nursing personnel in nursing homes for the elderly in Slovenia

    Long-term healthcare professionals’ experiences of burnout and correlation between burnout and fatigue: A cross-sectional study

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    Objectives The aim of the study was to analyze the long-term burnout levels of healthcare professionals (HCPs) working in Slovenian nursing homes during the fifth wave of the pandemic; to compare the results of similar facilities in 2020 and 2013; and to examine the correlation between demographics and burnout and fatigue among HCPs. Material and methods The study used a descriptive, correlational cross-sectional method. Results In the fifth wave, HCPs suffered more from emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment than in the first wave of the pandemic and in the spring of 2013. The HCPs caring for COVID-19 patients and younger women had higher rates of burnout and fatigue than other occupational groups. There is a strong positive correlation between burnout and fatigue. Conclusions There is an urgent need to address the problem of fatigue and burnout with administrative measures