6 research outputs found

    Influence of the pollution source location on the concentration of the impurity in street canyon

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    The work is devoted to the study of the flow structure and the nature of the impurities distribution in a street canyon, depending on the location of a constant intensity pollution source. The paper considers three cases when the source of the impurity is located: in the center at the bottom of the street canyon, at the bottom under leeward wall and at the bottom under windward wall

    Parallel implementation of a numerical method for solving transport equations for the mesoscale meteorological model TSUNM3

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    A parallel algorithm for numerical solution of a generalized unsteady 3-dimensional advection-diffusion equation for a mesoscale meteorological model TSUNM3 is considered. Efficiency of parallel implementation of the solver with Message Passing Interface (MPI), Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), Open Accelerators (OpenACC), and NVidia Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) technologies was compared. The efficiency of the MPIparallelized code of TSUNM3 model with a two-dimensional domain decomposition strategy applied is not less than 75% on 256–512 processes on Cyberia supercomputer of Tomsk State University

    Numerical prediction of local meteorological processes above a city with a supercomputer

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    This paper presents a parallel algorithm for numerical solution of equations for the non-hydrostatic mesoscale meteorological model TSUNM3. To justify the choice of the Message Passing Interface technology, computational experiments were performed to compare the effectiveness of the following parallelizing technologies: MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, and CUDA. 2D decomposition of the gridded domain for the TSUNM3 model has been carried out with MPI technology. It allows for a numerical forecast for the next day in 17 minutes of CPU time on 144 cores of the TSU Cyberia computing cluster

    Numerical simulation of extreme weather phenomena using highresolution mesoscale meteorological models

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    The results of the numerical prediction of dangerous weather phenomena (strong wind and fog) for the conditions of the city of Tomsk and the Tomsk district are considered. The numerical prediction is carried out with a resolution of 1 km using the WRF and TSUNM3 mesoscale meteorological models. The results of the calculations are compared with the observations obtained for selected dates in 2020 using the meteorological instruments of Research Equipment Sharing Center called “Atmosphere” of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics named after Zuev SB RAS and the airfield service of the Tomsk Airport

    The effect of temperature inhomogeneity on the concentration of impurities in a street canyon

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    With the developed micro-scale mathematical model for studying turbulent flows and the transfer of passive gaseous impurities in a street canyon, the effect of temperature inhomogeneity on the nature of the spread of harmful emissions in a street canyon when the emission source is located at the leeward side of the canyon, was studied