488 research outputs found

    The effect of cultural context on the efficiency of best practices in human resource .

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    The efficiency of High Performance Work Systems has been a special object of study for the last two decades. Analysis of their behaviour has involved the consideration of Several factors that supposedly moderate their efficiency, among which internal company factors stand out. However, contextual perspective has not been considered in great detail. In this regard, we go about our analysis incorporating cultural context as a possible moderating variable. From a sample of foreign affiliates of Spanish multinational companies, the results recommend that this variable be more closely considered in future investigations.Best practices; HPWS; human resources; cultural context; multinational enterprises

    International Business Strategies: Knowledge as a crucial component for their classification

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    The present paper aims at explaining the strategies of international business from the perspective of the Knowledge management approach. The authors through an alternative look at these strategies by using the production factor knowledge as the differentiating factor. In this sense, the paper classifies the international business strategies by means of a vector field defined by two different knowledge dimensions explaining in this way the distinct behaviours of companies in the international environment. With this, the authors propose a tool for management to position its organization and choose the appropriate business strategy.International strategies, knowledge management, knowledge, transaction costs theory.

    Gogoz kontra, sendagile: tema literario ezaguna geurean

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    Se hace un pequeño repaso de la profesión del médico, que a menudo aparece en los cuentos. Menciona autores incluso de la Grecia clásica que utilizaron a los médicos como personajes de sus obrasA short summary is made on the medical profession that quite often appears in the tales. The article names authors, even from ancient Greece that used doctors as characters of their play

    Dietary and genetic factors associated with risk for development of colorectal cancer: Case-control study in a Basque population

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    207 p.To date, case-control studies have revealed inconsistent evidence on the influence of dietary and genetic factors on colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. In order to better elucidate the role of some of these factors in the aetiology of CRC, the main objective of this study was to analyse dietary and genetic factors in a sample of cases and controls from the population-based CRC screening programme of the Osakidetza/Basque Health Service. In addition, taking into account that an unhealthy diet is associated with the risk of tumour recurrence, metastasis and death, the other aim of this thesis was to assess the adequacy of nutrients consumed and diet quality in a group of CRC patients postsurgery. The results showed that the diet of the studied CRC patients postsurgery is inadequate in many respects, including nutrients and food intakes. In fact, this inadequacy is associated with certain health determinants. On the other hand, there are direct associations between CRC risk and high-fat cheese, and inverse associations with fibre containing foods and fatty fish, as well as adherence to a Mediterranean Diet pattern, in the case-control sample analysed. With respect to genetic factors, it was confirmed a CRC susceptibility locus and the existence of associations between modifiable factors and the rs6687758 SNP; moreover, the Genetic Risk Score was associated with CRC. However, further studies are needed to better understand the influence of the dietary habits on CRC prevention and to establish the role of the genetic factors, as well as the contribution of the gene-diet interactions to the risk of CRC in this population

    Nicolás de Soraluce, Eugenio Azcue y los retratos de Miguel López de Legazpi

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    Entre los años cincuenta y sesenta del pasado siglo se producen en Guipúzcoa un gran número de retratos de hombres ilustres de la provincia. Esto sucede en gran parte gracias al interés del historiador Nicolás de Soraluce, que desde su cargo de procurador a Juntas y sus escritos aparece como el principal inspirador de esta producción. Trataremos de esclarecer en este artículo la historia de uno de aquellos retratos, el de Legazpi, y de ponerlo en relacióncon otros.Iragan mendeko berrogeitahamar eta hiru rogei urteen artean, Gipuzkoan, probintziako jaun gailenen erretratu ugari egin zenhau, hein handi batean, Nicolás de Soraluce historialariaren interesari esker gertatu zen, zeina, juntetan zuen prokuradore kargua eta bere idatzien arabera, produkzio honen inspiratzaile nagusi bezala agertzen den. Artikulu honetan erretratu horietarako baten historia agertzen -Legazpirena hain zuzen- eta gainuntzekoekin erlazionat zen saiatuko gara.Pendant les années cinquante et soixante du siècle précedent se réalise à Guipúzcoa un grand nombre de portraits d'hommes illustres de la province et cela se produit souvent grâce au historien Nicolás de Soraluce, qui, comme procureur du Conseil Provinciale et à travers ses oeuvres écrites, constitue le principal inspirateur de cette production. On essaiera de reconstruire l'histoire d'un de ces port raits, celui de Miguel López de Legazpi, et de le mettre en rélation avec quelques autres du même temps.During 50th and 60th of XIX century there was a large production of portraits about illustrious men from de province inspired by the historian Nicolás de Soraluce. We will t ry to explain the history about one portrait and connect it with other ones

    Orioko San Nicolas kofradia zaharraren birgaitzea. Orioko itsas oroimenaren museoa

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    Proyecto arquitectónico que propone rehabilitar la vieja cofradía de Orio en un museo

    Steering Controller for Intelligent Vehicle

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    In the last years, the development of autonomous vehicles has arisen a big interest in the big industry of the automotive sector. In addition to several car manufacturing companies, many electronics enterprises are trying to join the market, and a big deal of research is being done in this field. This thesis contributes to said research by developing a steering controller for an autonomous Unmaned Ground Vehicle (UGV). Due to system specifics, the proposed controller must adapt to the already sealed low-level control of the UGV and function externally to it. The proposed controller is tailored as a deadband compensator, set to overcome the steering motor's internal proportional-integral-derivative (PID)'s steady state error constrains, and prompt the vehicle to respond accurately to the received reference angle. This compensator is created as a C++ code and implemented through Robot Operating System (ROS) architecture. After the results from the experimental work have been analyzed, the outcome is that the compensator does bring benefit in terms of accurately following the reference steering angle. Qualitative results show that once the compensator is implemented, most of the desired angles are achieved, while only a few cause the system to oscillate. Quantitative results do not present such a favorable outcome, with an improvement of around 9%. This might be due to the result being measured as the mean absolute error instead of the steady state error.En los últimos años, el desarrollo de vehículos autónomos ha generado un gran interés por parte de las grandes empresas del sector automotor. Además de varias compañías de fabricación de coches, muchas empresas de electrónica están intentando entrar al mercado, y se está realizando gran cantidad de investigación en este campo. Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación mediante el desarrollo de un controlador de dirección para un Vehículo Terrestre No Tripulado (UGV) autónomo. Debido a las particularidades del sistema, el controlador propuesto debe adaptarse al control de bajo nivel preestablecido del UGV, y funcionar externamente al mismo. El controlador propuesto se diseña como un compensador de deadband (zona muerta o zona neutral), establecido para vencer las restricciones del controlador PID interno del motor, e instar al vehículo a responder con exactitud al ángulo de referencia recibido. El compensador es programado en C++ e implementado a través de arquitectura ROS. Tras analizar los resultados del trabajo experimental, se concluye que el compensador es beneficioso en cuanto a seguir la referencia del ángulo de dirección con exactitud. Los resultados cualitativos muestran que una vez implementado el compensador, la mayoría de los ángulos son alcanzados, y solo unos pocos provocan oscilaciones en el sistema. Los resultados cuantitativos no presentan un resultado tan favorable, con una mejora entorno al 9%. Esto puede ser debido al uso del error absoluto medio como métrica en lugar del error en estado estacionario.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Ikuspegi kulturala giza baliabideen zuzendaritzan. Literaturaren berrikuspena eta etorkizunerako erronkak

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    Lan honetan giza baliabideen zuzendarit zari buruzko literaturaren berrikuspena egiten dugu ikuspegi kulturaletik. Helburu honekin, kulturaren eragina hainbat eremutan lant zen duten lanak aztert zen ditugu, esaterako, erakundeen konfi gurazioan edo giza baliabideen funt zioan bertan duen eraginean erreparatuz. Gainera, arreta berezia eskaint zen diogu nazioarteko testuinguruari, ikuspegi honen muinak ñabardura aipagarria baitauka ingurune honetan. Literaturan kultura aldagaiak duen kont siderazioari buruz eta baita ere etorkizunean ikuspegi teoriko hau aplikagarri izateak eskat zen dituen ikerketa beharrei buruz hausnarketa egiten dugu.KUTXA; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH

    Enpresaren estrategia konpetitiboa errendimendu handiko lan-sistemen faktore baldintzatzaile gisa

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    Lan honen helburua enpresaren estrategia konpetitiboak Errendimendu Altuko Lan-Sistemen (EALS) ezarpenean zeresanik izan dezakeen aztertzea da, hau da, sistema hauen ezarpenean faktore baldintzatzaile bezala jokatu dezakeen edo ez analizatzea. Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza Estrategikoaren esparruan ikerketa asko egin dira “praktika onenen” potentzialtasunean estrategia konpetitiboaren jokaera aztertu dutenak, zehazki, Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza-Errendimendua binomioan duen eragina ikertu dutenak. Baina hauetan batez ere bere izaera moderatzailea aztertu da ikuspegi kontingentean oinarrituz. Izaera baldintzatzaile hau aztertzeko helburuarekin, lehenik eta behin literaturaren azterketa egiten dugu. Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritza eta estrategia konpetitiboen arteko harremana lant zen duten ereduak berrikusten ditugu eta estrategia hauek EALS-kin erlazionat zen dituzten lanak ere kontutan hartzen dira. Ondoren, eta bereziki Porter-ek (1985) proposatutako estrategia konpetitiboei buruzko tipologian oinarritzen den eredua aztertuz, bertatik eratortzen diren konklusioak proposatzen dira. Horrez gain, aurrera begira EALS-n ikerketa ildo honetan sakondu beharko liratekeen urratsak proposatzen dira.KUTXA; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH


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    Kukuxumusu, S.L. is an organization that commercializes draws in different quality supports to be bought, used and enjoyed by people of any age, sex and condition, who expect amusing, original and different messages of a T-shirt, a cup, a key-ring. Kukuxumusu develops its activity in the souvenir and gift’s markets. The article analizes the global market strategy adopted by Kukuxumusu related to its portfolio, distribution channels and communication instruments. Since 1989, the year they sold their first T-shirt in San Fermin feasts, Kukuxumusu has become a firm with a strong corporate culture, which has grown making use of the new technologies. Both the brand management and the differentiation based on intangible attributes, are key factors in Kukuxumusu’s marketing strategy.Strategic marketing and Tactical marketing