248 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of kitoza, a traditional salted/dried/smoked meat product of Madagascar

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    Kitoza samples collected from producers in Madagascar were analyzed for their physicochemical and microbial properties. Lactic acid bacteria and coagulase‐negative staphylococci were the two codominant populations with average counts of 6–7 log cfu/g. Good hygienic practices were sometimes lacking but samples were not contaminated with Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, and Bacillus cereus and only once with Listeria monocytogenes. Staphylococcus aureus was found occasionally with higher counts in salted/dried products than in salted/smoked products. Moisture, protein, fat, and salt contents varied considerably and were on average 41.5, 43.5, 14.3, and 3.3 g/100 g, respectively, and water activity was 0.893 on average. Smoked kitoza showed higher moisture content compared to dried kitoza. Most of the smoked kitoza had a water activity higher than 0.9 which is not in accordance with their storage at ambient temperatures. Benzo(a)pyrene content was above 2 µg/kg in 11 out of 30 smoked samples (17 ± 16.5 µg/kg on average)

    Vers une infrastructure pour l'intégration des espaces institutionnels et personnels pour l'apprentissage

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    International audienceVers une infrastructure pour l'intégration des espaces institutionnels et personnels pour l'apprentissag

    Intégration des espaces institutionnels et personnels pour l'apprentissage

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    11 pagesInternational audienceLes environnements d'apprentissage institutionnels sont en général structurés suivant les besoins et objectifs des organisations qui les utilisent et prennent peu en compte les besoins des apprenants. En contrepoint, la sphère des services Web 2.0 en perpétuelle expansion a permis l'émergence d'environnements personnels d'apprentissage construits de manière ad hoc par les apprenants. Nos travaux s'intéressent à l'articulation entre ces deux types d'environnements afin de permettre une appropriation par les apprenants de leur apprentissage. Cet article présente un prototype d'intégration de scénarios pédagogiques (espace institutionnel) et de blogs (espaces personnels) qui pose les bases d'une architecture d'intégration plus générale

    Shotgun redox proteomics: identification and quantitation of carbonylated proteins in the UVB resistant marine bacterium, Photobacterium angustum S14

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    UVB oxidizes proteins through the generation of reactive oxygen species. One consequence of UVB irradiation is carbonylation, the irreversible formation of a carbonyl group on proline, lysine, arginine or threonine residues. In this study, redox proteomics was performed to identify carbonylated proteins in the UVB resistant marine bacterium Photobacterium angustum. Mass-spectrometry was performed with either biotin-labeled or dinitrophenylhydrazide (DNPH) derivatized proteins. The DNPH redox proteomics method enabled the identification of 62 carbonylated proteins (5% of 1221 identified proteins) in cells exposed to UVB or darkness. Eleven carbonylated proteins were quantified and the UVB/dark abundance ratio was determined at both the protein and peptide levels. As a result we determined which functional classes of proteins were carbonylated, which residues were preferentially modified, and what the implications of the carbonylation were for protein function. As the first large scale, shotgun redox proteomics analysis examining carbonylation to be performed on bacteria, our study provides a new level of understanding about the effects of UVB on cellular proteins, and provides a methodology for advancing studies in other biological systems

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Piezophilic, Mesophilic, Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis AM13(T.).

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    International audienceDesulfovibrio hydrothermalis AM13(T) is a piezophilic, mesophilic, hydrogenotrophic sulfate-reducing bacterium collected from a deep-sea hydrothermal chimney on the East Pacific Rise (2,600 m depth, 13°N). We report the genome sequence of this bacterium, which includes a 3,702,934-bp chromosome and a circular plasmid of 5,328 bp

    Etude de la durabilité des assemblages collés bois-béton soumis à des chargements hydriques

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    L'étude a pour objectif de déterminer les paramètres qui gouvernent les mécanismes d'endommagement d'un assemblage collé bois/béton soumis à des chargements hydriques. Des mesures des déformations globales par palmer et locales par la technique de corrélation d'image ont été réalisées lors du chargement hydrique. On analyse le comportement global de la structure en liaison avec des aspects plus locaux notamment les déformations du bois liées à sa teneur en eau (via des mesures par IRM) et les propriétés de la colle pour comprendre les couplages hygro-mécaniques

    Molecular determinants of surface colonisation in diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli (DEC): from bacterial adhesion to biofilm formation

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    peer-reviewedEscherichia coli is primarily known as a commensal colonising the gastrointestinal tract of infants very early in life but some strains being responsible for diarrhoea, which can be especially severe in young children. Intestinal pathogenic E. coli include six pathotypes of diarrhoeagenic E. coli (DEC), namely, the (i) enterotoxigenic E. coli, (ii) enteroaggregative E. coli, (iii) enteropathogenic E. coli, (iv) enterohemorragic E. coli, (v) enteroinvasive E. coli and (vi) diffusely adherent E. coli. Prior to human infection, DEC can be found in natural environments, animal reservoirs, food processing environments and contaminated food matrices. From an ecophysiological point of view, DEC thus deal with very different biotopes and biocoenoses all along the food chain. In this context, this review focuses on the wide range of surface molecular determinants acting as surface colonisation factors (SCFs) in DEC. In the first instance, SCFs can be broadly discriminated into (i) extracellular polysaccharides, (ii) extracellular DNA and (iii) surface proteins. Surface proteins constitute the most diverse group of SCFs broadly discriminated into (i) monomeric SCFs, such as autotransporter (AT) adhesins, inverted ATs, heat-resistant agglutinins or some moonlighting proteins, (ii) oligomeric SCFs, namely, the trimeric ATs and (iii) supramolecular SCFs, including flagella and numerous pili, e.g. the injectisome, type 4 pili, curli chaperone-usher pili or conjugative pili. This review also details the gene regulatory network of these numerous SCFs at the various stages as it occurs from pre-transcriptional to post-translocational levels, which remains to be fully elucidated in many cases

    Consumer acceptance and sensory profiling of reengineered kitoza products

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    Kitoza refers to a traditional way of preparing beef and pork in Madagascar. However, in order to improve some drawbacks previous identified, the product was submitted to a reengineering process. The acceptance and sensory profiling of improved Kitoza products among Portuguese consumers was investigated. A local smoked loin sausage was selected as basis for comparison. Firstly, a Focus Group study was performed to identify sensory descriptors for Kitoza products and explore product perception. Subsequently, a Flash Profile and a consumer sensory acceptance study were conducted. Flash Profile’s results showed that beef- and pork-based Kitoza products investigated differed considerably in all sensory dimensions. The Portuguese sausage was characterized as having a more intense and lasting after taste, as well as displaying a higher degree of (meat) doneness. The acceptance study yielded higher overall liking ratings for pork- than for beef-based Kitoza, although the Portuguese sausage remained the most appreciated product