91 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Value Parameters Of Acute Phase Reactances Of Infectious-inflammatory Process In Diagnostics Of Early Neonatal Sepsis

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    An advanced progress of clinical neonatology in recent years has enabled to achieve considerable success in newborn management with due respect to both medical treatment and general care, especially in the group of neonates with low body weight at birth. At the same time, neonatal sepsis in the early period still predetermine sickness and mortality of newborns.Material and methods. Clinical-paraclinical indices with detection of diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and interleukins-6 and 8 were evaluated in 100 neonates with available susceptibility factors to early neonatal infection from mother\u27s side and clinical signs of organ dysfunction in neonates with precautions of generalized infectious-inflammatory process at the end of their first day of life.Results. The data obtained substantiate that low concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 prevail, and therefore the mentioned mediators hardly can be used to verify early neonatal infection. In the majority of children C-reactive protein elevated the concentration of 10.0 mg/L which is traditionally considered to be a discriminant as to the verification of an infectious process in newborns.Conclusions. None of the clinical signs associated with infectious-inflammatory process in newborns in the first two days of their life enabled to verify reliably availability of systemic bacterial infection


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    An advanced progress of clinical neonatology in recent years has enabled to achieve considerable success in newborn management with due respect to both medical treatment and general care, especially in the group of neonates with low body weight at birth. At the same time, neonatal sepsis in the early period still predetermine sickness and mortality of newborns. Material and methods. Clinical-paraclinical indices with detection of diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and interleukins-6 and 8 were evaluated in 100 neonates with available susceptibility factors to early neonatal infection from mother’s side and clinical signs of organ dysfunction in neonates with precautions of generalized infectious-inflammatory process at the end of their first day of life. Results. The data obtained substantiate that low concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 prevail, and therefore the mentioned mediators hardly can be used to verify early neonatal infection. In the majority of children C-reactive protein elevated the concentration of 10.0 mg/L which is traditionally considered to be a discriminant as to the verification of an infectious process in newborns. Conclusions. None of the clinical signs associated with infectious-inflammatory process in newborns in the first two days of their life enabled to verify reliably availability of systemic bacterial infection


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    The aim of the work was to increase the effectiveness of treatment of the severe asthma phenotype in school-age children, taking into account the diagnostic value of atopic reactivity indicators. The study involved 30 pupils with severe asthma and 30 children with moderate-heavy version of it. Amid severe asthma increases risk of higher concentrations of IL-4 and IL-5 in the serum, and almost in every second child was observed the increased concentrations of Ig E (more than 545,3 IU/mL, odds ratio was 1,9 (95 % CI 1,1-3,4). In the group of patients with severe asthma were significantly more frequent cases of the skin hypersensitivity to household allergens with respect to the members of the second group. There were separated the indices of clinical and epidemiological risk and diagnostic value of some markers of atopic reactivity for verification of the severe asthma phenotype. It was established that the development of severe asthma in children marked tendency to reduce the metabolic activity of eosinophilic granulocytes in blood (in terms of intracellular content of cationic proteins and peroxidase) and phagocytic ability of these effector cells of allergic inflammation. For the phenotype of severe asthma the risk of high concentration of IL-4 and IL-5 in serum increased in 3,1 times, but this paraclinical test is rather suitable for verification of this phenotype (SP – 84,6% (95 % Sp 75,9–91,1)) than for its detection (Se – 36,4 % (95 % CI 26,9–46,6))

    Optimization of clinical diagnosis and treatment of acute tonsillopharyngitis in children

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    Introduction. Administration of antibiotics in case of acute tonsillopharyngitis (ATP) is reasonable only when the disease is caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus of A (BHSA) group, although clinical confirmation of its etiology is rather complicated. Objective. Improvement of the diagnosis and treatment of acute tonsillopharyngitis in children, considering the etiological factor and the clinical characteristics of the course of this disease. Materials and methods. 102 children with acute tonsillopharyngitis were included in the study. The patients were divided in 2 groups. The first group included 68 patients with non-streptococcal acute tonsillopharyngitis (nATP), the second one – 34 children with streptococcal acute tonsillopharyngitis (sATP) with BHSA. The study was performed in the Children Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, during the period 2014-2016. General clinical examination was performed in all the children, using MacIsaac, Centor and Breeze probabilistic-orientation clinical systems. Constellation pattern of ATP was simulated by successive Waald’s method in Kulbak’s modification. Results. MacIsaac and Centor clinical systems, with the total sum less than 3, with a specificity of 93.9% and a sensitivity of 12.5%, were indicative of non-streptococcal acute tonsillitis in children. The prospective 1-year observation of children who had ATP determined that every third child from the 1st group and half of the representatives from the 2nd group presented different complaints associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. In case of impossible microbiological examination in patients with ATP, we have suggested the algorithm of a rational administration of antibiotics for its treatment. Conclusions. MacIsaac and Centor probabilistic-orientation clinical systems with the total sum of less than 3 are indicative of non-streptococcal acute tonsillitis in children, with a high specificity, but low sensitivity. Therefore, according to our research, to reduce the risk of insufficient diagnosis of acute tonsillopharyngitis caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus when microbiological examination is not possible, a multilevel algorithm for its treatment should be used

    Modeling of GERDA Phase II data

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) of INFN is searching for neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay of 76^{76}Ge. The technological challenge of GERDA is to operate in a "background-free" regime in the region of interest (ROI) after analysis cuts for the full 100\,kg\cdotyr target exposure of the experiment. A careful modeling and decomposition of the full-range energy spectrum is essential to predict the shape and composition of events in the ROI around QββQ_{\beta\beta} for the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta search, to extract a precise measurement of the half-life of the double-beta decay mode with neutrinos (2νββ2\nu\beta\beta) and in order to identify the location of residual impurities. The latter will permit future experiments to build strategies in order to further lower the background and achieve even better sensitivities. In this article the background decomposition prior to analysis cuts is presented for GERDA Phase II. The background model fit yields a flat spectrum in the ROI with a background index (BI) of 16.040.85+0.7810316.04^{+0.78}_{-0.85} \cdot 10^{-3}\,cts/(kg\cdotkeV\cdotyr) for the enriched BEGe data set and 14.680.52+0.4710314.68^{+0.47}_{-0.52} \cdot 10^{-3}\,cts/(kg\cdotkeV\cdotyr) for the enriched coaxial data set. These values are similar to the one of Gerda Phase I despite a much larger number of detectors and hence radioactive hardware components

    Neutrino Physics with JUNO

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20 kton multi-purposeunderground liquid scintillator detector, was proposed with the determinationof the neutrino mass hierarchy as a primary physics goal. It is also capable ofobserving neutrinos from terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources, includingsupernova burst neutrinos, diffuse supernova neutrino background, geoneutrinos,atmospheric neutrinos, solar neutrinos, as well as exotic searches such asnucleon decays, dark matter, sterile neutrinos, etc. We present the physicsmotivations and the anticipated performance of the JUNO detector for variousproposed measurements. By detecting reactor antineutrinos from two power plantsat 53-km distance, JUNO will determine the neutrino mass hierarchy at a 3-4sigma significance with six years of running. The measurement of antineutrinospectrum will also lead to the precise determination of three out of the sixoscillation parameters to an accuracy of better than 1\%. Neutrino burst from atypical core-collapse supernova at 10 kpc would lead to ~5000inverse-beta-decay events and ~2000 all-flavor neutrino-proton elasticscattering events in JUNO. Detection of DSNB would provide valuable informationon the cosmic star-formation rate and the average core-collapsed neutrinoenergy spectrum. Geo-neutrinos can be detected in JUNO with a rate of ~400events per year, significantly improving the statistics of existing geoneutrinosamples. The JUNO detector is sensitive to several exotic searches, e.g. protondecay via the pK++νˉp\to K^++\bar\nu decay channel. The JUNO detector will providea unique facility to address many outstanding crucial questions in particle andastrophysics. It holds the great potential for further advancing our quest tounderstanding the fundamental properties of neutrinos, one of the buildingblocks of our Universe

    Географические и правовые проблемы делимитации арктических территорий Красноярского края

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    The present study deals with the geographical and legal problems of delimitation of the North and Arctic territories in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai). With respect to the legislative delimitation of the North as a separate entity, it provides characteristics the three main latitude zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai): the South (the Southern Latitude Belt), the Near North, and the Far (Extreme) North, along with the respective principles of territorial policy. The emphasis is placed on the insufficient substantiation of the “Arctic zone” delimitation on land, especially on the existing contradictions between its boundaries and the boundaries of the Extreme North zone. The article also explores the problem of political and legal regulation as regards the demarcation of the water area of the Arctic Ocean, which arose after the entry of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) into force, as its principal provisions were fundamentally different from the historically established division of the Arctic into five polar sectors belonging to Russia, Canada, the USA, Denmark and Norway. Some issues related to the influence of the differences in the Arctic maritime spaces’ legal status on the peculiarities of the development of their natural resources are also coveredРассмотрены географические и правовые проблемы делимитации Севера и Арктики Красноярского края. Исходя из законодательного выделения Севера, дана характеристика трех основных широтных зон Красноярского края – Юга (Южного широтного пояса), Ближнего Севера, Дальнего (Крайнего) Севера – и соответствующих им принципов территориальной политики. Указано на недостаточную обоснованность делимитации Арктической зоны на суше, особенно на имеющиеся противоречия между ее границами и границами зоны Крайнего Севера. Раскрыта проблема политико-правовой неурегулированности разграничения акватории Северного Ледовитого океана, возникшая после вступления в силу Конвенции ООН по морскому праву 1982 г., поскольку ее основные положения принципиально не совпадают с исторически сложившимся делением Арктики на пять полярных секторов, принадлежащих России, Канаде, США, Дании и Норвегии. Освещены вопросы влияния различий в правовом статусе морских пространств Арктики на особенности освоения их природных ресурсо

    Географические и правовые проблемы делимитации арктических территорий Красноярского края

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    The present study deals with the geographical and legal problems of delimitation of the North and Arctic territories in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai). With respect to the legislative delimitation of the North as a separate entity, it provides characteristics the three main latitude zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai): the South (the Southern Latitude Belt), the Near North, and the Far (Extreme) North, along with the respective principles of territorial policy. The emphasis is placed on the insufficient substantiation of the “Arctic zone” delimitation on land, especially on the existing contradictions between its boundaries and the boundaries of the Extreme North zone. The article also explores the problem of political and legal regulation as regards the demarcation of the water area of the Arctic Ocean, which arose after the entry of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) into force, as its principal provisions were fundamentally different from the historically established division of the Arctic into five polar sectors belonging to Russia, Canada, the USA, Denmark and Norway. Some issues related to the influence of the differences in the Arctic maritime spaces’ legal status on the peculiarities of the development of their natural resources are also coveredРассмотрены географические и правовые проблемы делимитации Севера и Арктики Красноярского края. Исходя из законодательного выделения Севера, дана характеристика трех основных широтных зон Красноярского края – Юга (Южного широтного пояса), Ближнего Севера, Дальнего (Крайнего) Севера – и соответствующих им принципов территориальной политики. Указано на недостаточную обоснованность делимитации Арктической зоны на суше, особенно на имеющиеся противоречия между ее границами и границами зоны Крайнего Севера. Раскрыта проблема политико-правовой неурегулированности разграничения акватории Северного Ледовитого океана, возникшая после вступления в силу Конвенции ООН по морскому праву 1982 г., поскольку ее основные положения принципиально не совпадают с исторически сложившимся делением Арктики на пять полярных секторов, принадлежащих России, Канаде, США, Дании и Норвегии. Освещены вопросы влияния различий в правовом статусе морских пространств Арктики на особенности освоения их природных ресурсо