167 research outputs found

    Follicular size affects the meiotic competence of in vitro matured prepubertal and adult oocytes in sheep

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    Non-atretic follicles dissected from prepubertal and adult ovaries were allocated in three groups: a) < 1 mm; b) 1-2 mm; c) > 2 mm. After 24 h of maturation, a lower percentage of adult oocytes from group a (P < 0.01) reached metaphase II than those from groups b and c (70.4 versus 89.5 and 95.5). Prepubertal oocytes showed similar results (P < 0.01; 27.2 versus 79.8 and 81.8). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in meiotic progression between prepubertal and adult oocytes of < 1 mm follicles. The diameter of prepubertal oocytes derived from group a was significantly lower (P < 0.01) compared to groups b and c (138.1 versus 142.1 and 145.6); adult oocytes showed similar results (P < 0.01; 142.2 versus 157.2 and 158.1 Oocytes with the same diameter derived from different follicles of prepubertal and adult ovaries showed similar meiotic progression rates. Des follicules non-atrétiques sélectionnés à partir d’ovaires d’ovins prépubères et adultes ont été répartis en trois groupes selon leur diamètre : a) < 1 mm ; b) 1-2 mm ; c) > 2 mm. Après 24 h de maturation les ovocytes dérivant des ovaires d’animaux adultes appartenant au groupe a ont atteint la MII dans des pourcentages nettement inférieurs (p < 0,01) à ceux observés pour les groupes b et c (70,4 versus 89,5 et 95,5). Des résultats identiques ont été obtenus avec les ovocytes provenant d’animaux prépubères (p < 0,01 ; 27,2 versus 79,8 et 81,8). Une grande différence (p < 0,01) dans le potentiel à reprendre la méiose existe entre les ovocytes de prépubères et des adultes provenant de follicules < 1 mm. Le diamètre des ovocytes d’agneaux provenant de follicules du groupe a était nettement inférieur (p < 0,01 ) par rapport à ceux provenant de follicules des groupes b ou c (138,1 versus 142,1 et 145,6). Des résultats identiques ont été observés pour les ovocytes provenant d’animaux adultes (p < 0,01, 142,2 versus 157,2 et 158,1). Des ovocytes de même diamètre provenant d’ovaires de prépubères et d’adultes ne diffèrent pas dans leur aptitude à reprendre la méiose

    Production and lambing rate of blastocysts derived from in vitro matured oocytes after gonadotropin treatment of prepubertal ewes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gonadotropin treatment on the in vitro maturation, blastocyst production, and developmental potential to term of oocytes collected from Sardinian neonatal and prepubertal ewes at 4 to 6 wk of age. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were recovered at 24 h after withdrawal of a 1/6th size progestagenated pessary from the donors, of which each received 120 IU FSH/LH and 400 IU PMSG in a single dose 36 h before sponge removal. Treated donors produced a greater ( P < .01) number of oocytes per animal (86.2 ± 7.9) compared with slaughterhouse (untreated) prepubertal ewes (55.5 ± 6.1) of the same age or with treated neonatal ewes (6.1 ± 0.7) 10 d old. During oocyte maturation, there were no differences in the percentage of germinal vesicle break-down (78.08 vs 74.24), metaphase I (89.13 vs 87.18), and metaphase II (77.91 vs 76.38) when evaluated after 8, 14, and 24 h of maturation, respectively, between oocytes from treated and slaughterhouse (untreated) prepubertal ewes. The embryo cleavage (71.1 vs 73.7) and blastocyst rates (22.2 vs 19.8) were similar in the treated and the untreated prepubertal ewes after transfer of in vitro matured oocytes into ligated oviducts of temporary recipients. The in vitro viability rates of vitrified blastocysts (81.2 vs 76.9) and the in vivo survival rates (46.1 vs 50.0) of embryos derived from in vitro matured and in vivo fertilized oocytes showed no difference. The data suggest that gonadotropin treatment increases oocyte production per animal but has no effect on oocyte quality because embryo production and lambing rates of blastocysts derived from in vitro matured oocytes were not markedly different from those derived from untreated prepubertal ewes of the same age

    M-phase promoting factor (MPF) and mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) activities of domestic cat oocytes matured <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>

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    This work was undertaken in order to examine M-phase promoting factor (MPF) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) activities during meiotic progression of cat oocytes cultured in two different media for two different incubation times and preovulatory cat oocytes that reached MII in vivo. Oocytes recovered from ovaries of ovariectomized cats were cultured either in TCM 199 or SOF for 24 h and 40 h. In vivo matured oocytes were recovered by follicular aspiration from ovaries of domestic cats ovariectomized 24 h to 26 h after hormonal treatment. Results showed that the kinetic of MPF and MAPK activity was similar during meiotic progression of cat oocytes matured in TCM 199 and SOF. After 24 h of incubation, MII oocytes had significantly (p &lt; 0.001) higher MPF and MAPK levels than MII oocytes cultured for 40 h in both culture media. MPF and MAPK activity was significantly (p &lt; 0.01) lower in the oocytes matured in vitro than in those matured in vivo. This study provides evidence that the two different maturation media did not determine differences in MPF and MAPK fluctuations and levels during meiotic progression of cat oocytes and that the time of maturation influenced the level of the two kinases. Moreover, it shows that MPF and MPK activity is higher in in vivo matured oocytes than in in vitro matured oocytes, suggesting a possible incomplete cytoplasmic maturation after culture

    A 10-17 DOF Sensory Gloves with Harvesting Capability for Smart Healthcare

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    We here present a 10-17 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) sensory gloves for Smart Healthcare implementing an energy harvesting architecture, aimed at enhancing the battery lasting when powering the electronics of the two different types of gloves, used to sense fingers movements. In particular, we realized a comparison in terms of measurement repeatability and reliability, as well as power consumption and battery lasting, between two sensory gloves implemented by means of different technologies. The first is a 3D printed glove with 10 DoF, featuring low-cost, low-effort fabrication and low-power consumption. The second is a classical Lycra® glove with 14 DoF suitable for a more detailed assessment of the hand postures, featuring a relatively higher cost and power consumption. An electronic circuitry was designed to gather and elaborate data from both types of sensory gloves, differing for number of inputs only. Both gloves are equipped with flex sensors and in addiction with the electronics (including a microcontroller and a transmitter) allow the control of hand virtual limbs or mechanical arts in surgical, military, space and civil applications.Six healthy subjects were involved in tests suitable to evaluate the performances of the proposed gloves in terms of repeatability, reproducibility and reliability. Particular effort was devoted to increase battery lasting for both glove-based systems, with the electronics relaying on Radio Frequency, Piezoelectric and Thermoelectric harvesters. The harvesting part was built and tested as a prototype discrete element board, that is interfaced with an external microcontroller and a radiofrequency transmitter board. Measurement results demonstrated a meaningful improvement in battery operation time up to 25%, considering different operating scenarios

    Neurodevelopmental disorders and development of project of life in a lifespan perspective: between habilitation and quality of life

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    AbstractFor some years, the term “project of life” has become widely used in the field of neurodevelopmentaldisorders, and, at the same time, it has begun to make its way in many socialand health planning documents. However, beyond its relatively widespread use, this termdoes not yet possess an adequate and shared frame of the main underlying decision-makingprocesses. In particular, there is a need to identify the crucial questions for orientingthe choice of goals within the adolescent transition, which represents the complex hingebetween childhood and adulthood. Moreover, adulthood, which is often completely devoidof culturally and socially shared references, is still critical precisely because of thelack of future direction prompts usually represented by the stages of development. In thiscase, the themes of quality of life functioning as a guiding compass appear pertinent andmuch more relevant. The present contribution is, therefore, an attempt to present, in aunitary manner, the decision-making processes and questions at the basis of a constructof “project of life” shared within the scientific and associative communities

    Stress and wellbeing among professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental disorders. Review and intervention perspectives

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    AbstractSupporting individuals with NDD is extremely demanding, with significant exposure tocritical contexts and events, and painful ongoing experiences. Stress and burnout conditionis a main concern with growing interest in research, despite the lack of consensus ontheoretical explanatory models and modification standards.The paper provides an up-to-date review of risk factors and involved processes, and presentsevidence-based procedures and protocols to implement effective preventive actionsaddressing both organizational and individual factors. The aim is to offer a global understandingof the subject and offer examples of practical plans to increase the impact onthe quality of life of clients and staff members

    Sheep embryos derived from FSH/eCG treatment have a lower in vitro viability after vitrification than those derived from FSH treatment

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    In the non breeding period, the effect of two superovulatory treatments (eCG/FSH in single dose or FSH alone in four decreasing doses) on the production of embryo quality following in vitro viability after vitrification procedures was investigated using forty-four adult Sarda breed ewes. In sheep treated with eCG/FSH, the mean number of corpora lutea was significantly (P &lt; 0.05) higher (11.8±4.0 vs. 8.05±3.8), although the recovery rate was significantly (P &lt; 0.01) lower (74.6 vs. 59.9) than with FSH alone. After vitrification (ethylene glycol and glycerol) was repeated three times, the rates of re-expansion at first and second warming were significantly (P &lt; 0.01) higher in embryos derived from FSH alone than in those with both gonadotrophins (94.9 and 41.9 vs. 72.8 and 18.6) and after the last vitrification the hatched blastocyst rates were 22.5 and 7.6. After differential stain, blastocysts derived from FSH alone showed a mean number of cells significantly higher than blastocysts from eCG/FSH (184.2 vs. 157.7). It was concluded that superovulatory treatment with eCG/FSH may increase the ovarian responses compared with FSH alone, but these embryos showed a reduction in viability rates after repeated vitrification. Pendant la saison non reproductive, on a évalué, chez 44 brebis adultes de race Sarde, l'effet de deux traitements de superovulation (le premier avec les eCG/FSH en une seule administration, le deuxième avec la FSH administrée en quatre doses décroissantes) sur la qualité des embryons produits et sur la viabilité in vitro après vitrification. Dans le groupe traité avec les eCG/FSH, le nombre moyen d'ovulations était plus élevé (11,8±4,0 vs. 8,05±3,8, P &lt; 0,05) tandis que le taux de récupération était plus faible (74,6 vs. 59,9, P &lt; 0,01) par rapport au groupe traité avec la FSH seule. Les embryons ont suivi 3 vitrifications successives (éthylène glycol et glycérol). Les pourcentages de réexpansion de la cavité blastocoelique après les deux premiers cycles de vitrification-décongélation étaient significativement (P &lt; 0,01) supérieurs pour les embryons dérivés du traitement avec la FSH seule par rapport à ceux dérivés du traitement effectué avec les deux gonadotropines (94,9 et 41,9 vs. 72,8 et 18,6). Après la dernière vitrification, les pourcentages d'éclosion étaient respectivement de 22,5 et de 7,6 pour les groupes FSH et eCG/FSH. Après coloration différentielle, les blastocystes dérivés du traitement avec la FSH seule avaient un nombre moyen de cellules supérieur (p &lt; 0,01) par rapport aux blastocystes dérivés du traitement avec eCG/FSH (184,2 vs. 157,7). En conclusion, le traitement superovulatoire avec eCG/FSH augmente la réponse ovarienne par rapport au traitement avec la FSH seule, mais ces embryons montrent une réduction des taux de survie en culture après les processus répétés de vitrification-décongélation

    Relative Sea-Level Rise and Potential Submersion Risk for 2100 on 16 Coastal Plains of the Mediterranean Sea.

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    The coasts of the Mediterranean Sea are dynamic habitats in which human activities have been conducted for centuries and which feature micro-tidal environments with about 0.40 m of range. For this reason, human settlements are still concentrated along a narrow coastline strip, where any change in the sea level and coastal dynamics may impact anthropic activities. In the frame of the RITMARE and the Copernicus Projects, we analyzed light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and Copernicus Earth Observation data to provide estimates of potential marine submersion for 2100 for 16 small-sized coastal plains located in the Italian peninsula and four Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, Tunisia, Cyprus) all characterized by different geological, tectonic and morphological features. The objective of this multidisciplinary study is to provide the first maps of sea-level rise scenarios for 2100 for the IPCC RCP 8.5 and Rahmstorf (2007) projections for the above affected coastal zones, which are the locations of touristic resorts, railways, airports and heritage sites. On the basis of our model (eustatic projection for 2100, glaciohydrostasy values and tectonic vertical movement), we provide 16 high-definition submersion maps. We estimated a potential loss of land for the above areas of between about 148 km(2)(IPCC-RCP8.5 scenario) and 192 km(2)(Rahmstorf scenario), along a coastline length of about 400 km

    Two culture systems showing a biphasic effect on ovine embryo development from the 1-2 cell stage to hatched blastocysts

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    This study compared the effect of using either CZB or TCM 199 media on both the development of 1-2 cell ovine embryos from superovulated ewes to the blastocyst stage (Experiment 1), and the hatching process of ovine blastocysts developed in vitro (Experiment 2). For the first 5 d, the CZB medium showed higher rates of embryo development than the TCM 199 medium (p &lt; 0.001). The embryos reaching the &gt; 16 cell stage were 79 vs 52% and 74 vs 20% with or without an oviductal monolayer, respectively, and those reaching the blastocyst stage were 71 vs 46% and 46 vs 13% with or without cells. The CZB medium was less able to support the hatching process of the blastocysts obtained in the first experiment than was the TCM-199 medium + 10% FCS (fetal calf serum) with cells (31 vs 92%; p &lt; 0.001) or without cells (13 vs 66%; p &lt; 0.001). No blastocysts completely escaped from the zona pellucida (ZP) in the CZB medium compared with 80 and 61 % in the TCM 199 medium with or without cells, respectively. In Experiment 3, 47% of the blastocysts migrated through the artificial opening of the ZP and hatched completely. After 24 h of culture in the CZB medium, however, they showed blastocoelic cavity breakdown. During the preliminary cleavages, the ovine embryos developed better in CZB medium than in TCM 199, but the latter was more efficient in promoting the hatching process of the blastocysts. Les effets d’un milieu de culture, CZB, et d’un milieu de culture, TCM 199 + 10% de sérum de veau foetal, ont été observés sur le développement in vitro d’embryons d’ovins du stade 1-2 cellules au stade blastocyste (expérience 1) et dans le processus d’éclosion des blastocystes produits lors de l’expérience précédente (expérience 2). Le milieu CZB exerce un effet positif sur le développement embryonnaire par rapport au milieu TCM 199 après culture jusqu au stade &gt; 16 cellules (79 vs 52 % et 74 vs 20%) ou jusqu’au stade blastocyste (71 vs 46% et 46 vs 13%) en présence de cellules et en l’absence de cellules tubaires respectivement. Le processus d’éclosion est plus faible dans le milieu CZB que dans le milieu TCM 199 soit en présence (31 vs 92%) soit en l’absence (13 vs 66%) de cellules tubaires respectivement. Dans le CZB (expérience 3), 47% des blastocystes éclosent par une fente artificielle dans la zone pellucide, mais, après 24 h de culture, la cavité blastocoelique se dégonfle. Ces résultats montrent que le milieu CZB est plus indiqué pour le développement précoce d’embryons ovins alors que le milieu TCM 199 est plus efficace au moment de la phase d’éclosion

    Influence of co-culture with oviductal epithelial cells on in vitro maturation of canine oocytes

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    The process of oocyte maturation in the canine species is unique among mammals: oocytes are immature at ovulation and the resumption and progression of meiotic maturation occur in the oviduct. This study was performed to investigate (i) the effect of co-culture with infundibulum and ampullar oviductal epithelial cells on the in vitro maturation of canine oocytes and (ii) the culture time necessary to reach full meiotic maturation. For this purpose the oocytes, collected from the ovaries of bitches undergoing ovariectomies, were divided into three groups and cultured for 48 and 72 h with the following systems: (A) TCM 199 + 10% oestrus bitch serum + FSH (0.1 IU•mL–1), LH (0.1 IU•mL–1)+ progesterone (1 μg•mL–1) + oestradiol (1 μg•mL–1) + cysteamine (100 μM); (B) medium A plus infundibulum cells; (C) medium A plus ampullar cells. Infundibulum and ampullar cells were recovered from the oviducts of bitches at the oestrus stage of their cycle. The results showed that after 48 h of incubation, a significantly higher meiotic resumption (P &lt; 0.01) was observed in the oocytes cultured with infundibulum (59%) and ampullar cells (60.0%), than in the control group (40.0%). There was also a significantly (P &lt; 0.01) higher meiotic progression to the MII in systems B and C (15.6% and 16.7%) than in system A (4.0%). After 72 h of culture, the percentages of meiotic resumption and progression were unchanged. These results showed that both the infundibulum and the ampullar oviductal epithelial cells positively influence the meiotic resumption and progression of canine oocytes and that 48 h are sufficient for the completion of nuclear maturation
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