20 research outputs found

    Deploying an NFV-Based Experimentation Scenario for 5G Solutions in Underserved Areas

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    Presently, a significant part of the world population does not have Internet access. The fifth-generation cellular network technology evolution (5G) is focused on reducing latency, increasing the available bandwidth, and enhancing network performance. However, researchers and companies have not invested enough effort into the deployment of the Internet in remote/rural/undeveloped areas for different techno-economic reasons. This article presents the result of a collaboration between Brazil and the European Union, introducing the steps designed to create a fully operational experimentation scenario with the main purpose of integrating the different achievements of the H2020 5G-RANGE project so that they can be trialed together into a 5G networking use case. The scenario encompasses (i) a novel radio access network that targets a bandwidth of 100 Mb/s in a cell radius of 50 km, and (ii) a network of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAV). This set of SUAVs is NFV-enabled, on top of which Virtual Network Functions (VNF) can be automatically deployed to support occasional network communications beyond the boundaries of the 5G-RANGE radio cells. The whole deployment implies the use of a virtual private overlay network enabling the preliminary validation of the scenario components from their respective remote locations, and simplifying their subsequent integration into a single local demonstrator, the configuration of the required GRE/IPSec tunnels, the integration of the new 5G-RANGE physical, MAC and network layer components and the overall validation with voice and data services

    Mathematical models for performance estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems

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    Orientadores: Renato Baldini FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma análise detalhada do desempenho de sistemas OFDM, considerando a ação do ruído, seletividade na resposta em freqüência do canal, mobilidade do receptor, uso de esquemas de diversidade e ceifamento do sinal por parte do amplificador de potência. O procedimento de realização desta análise consiste em determinar expressões analíticas para estimar a probabilidade de erro de símbolo, comparando as expressões teóricas com resultados obtidos por simulações computacionais. O efeito do erro de estimação de canal no desempenho do sistema, considerando os diferentes cenários mencionados, também foi considerado, uma vez que empregou-se diversos algoritmos de estimação de canal nas simulações implementadas. Existe na literatura diversas expressões para estimar a probabilidade de erro de símbolo nas diferentes situações analisadas neste trabalho. No entanto, essas expressões são válidas para as modulações M QAM quadradas. Neste trabalho, expressões válidas para as modulações não quadradas são apresentadas para todos os cenários analisados. Além disso, algumas considerações utilizadas no desenvolvimento da expressão para estimar a probabilidade de erro de símbolo devido ao ceifamento são revistas, o que resulta em uma expressão mais realista. Este trabalho também apresenta uma breve descrição sobre as principais técnicas de controle de potência de pico para sinais OFDM, descrevendo detalhadamente o uso da transformada de Walsh-Hadamard para este fim. A integração desta transformada com todos os esquemas empregados ao longo do trabalho também é apresentada e o desempenho dos esquemas resultantes é comparado com o desempenho dos esquemas convencionaisAbstract: The aim of this work is to present a detailed analysis about the performance of OFDM systems considering noise, frequency selective fading, moving receiver, diversity and signal c1ipping by the high power amplifier. The approach used in the development of this analysis consists on determining analytical equations to estimate the symbol error probability and compare the theoretical results with the ones obtained by computational simulation. The effect of the channel estimation error is also considered in this analysis, once different channel estimation algorithms is employed to estimate the channel frequency response in the developed simulations. In the literature there are several expressions to estimate the symbol error probability in the different situations 'mentioned above. However, these expressions have been developed for square M QAM constellations. This work presents expressions that are also valid for nonsquare M QAM constellations. Also, the expression to estimate the symbol error probability due the c1ipping is rewritten, resulting in a new expression that is more accurate than the original one. This work also presents a short description of the main techniques used to control the peak to average power ratio in OFDM signals. The Walsh-Hadamard Transform technique is detailed described and its integration with all the schemes used in this work is presented. The performance of the resulting integration is compared with the performance of the conventional systemsDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Approximate sum rate for integer-forcing receiver with imperfect channel estimation

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    We analyze the performance of integer-forcing and compute and forward transform receivers in the presence of channel estimation errors. We derive an approximation for the mean achievable sum rate for both the receivers. For the integer-forcing receivers, we use a known approximation for its sum rate probability density function (PDF) to derive the PDF of the mean achievable sum rate with respect to the channel realizations, considering both correlated and uncorrelated scenarios. Numerical simulations highlight the tightness of all approximations and the sensitivity of these receivers to imperfect channel state information67121176711775CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão temnão te

    Combined Pre-Distortion and Censoring for Bandwidth-Efficient and Energy-Efficient Fusion of Spectrum Sensing Information

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    This paper describes a novel scheme for the fusion of spectrum sensing information in cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio applications. The scheme combines a spectrum-efficient, pre-distortion-based fusion strategy with an energy-efficient censoring-based fusion strategy to achieve the combined effect of reduction in bandwidth and power consumption during the transmissions of the local decisions to the fusion center. Expressions for computing the key performance metrics of the spectrum sensing of the proposed scheme are derived and validated by means of computer simulations. An extensive analysis of the overall energy efficiency is made, along with comparisons with reference strategies proposed in the literature. It is demonstrated that the proposed fusion scheme can outperform the energy efficiency attained by these reference strategies. Moreover, it attains approximately the same global decision performance of the best among these strategies

    Frequency-Shift Offset-QAM for GFDM

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