340 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate in the usability of a wireless accelerometer linked to a mobile phone via Bluetooth radio for measuring vertical displacement in running athletes. Five experienced runners were monitored during lactate threshold testing at three to five different velocities. Accelerometer data was received, processed and stored on the phone to be compared to simultaneous position transducer (ground truth) recordings after data collection. A paired t-test and statistical analysis show no significant differences in the reliability of the recordings. While further investigations are encouraged, the accelerometer and algorithm (running in J2ME on the mobile phone) proof as a flexible, easy-to-use tool for out-of-the-lab monitoring and to provide real-time feedback for running technique experiments

    New regression models for long-term cognitive change in Donepezil treated Alzheimer patients.

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    Objectives: To analyse and present regression models that can describe the long-term change in cognitive function (MMSE and ADAS-cog) of patients treated with donepezil for three years (n=435). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is an open, 3-year, multicentre study in a routine clinical setting. Patients with the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Diseases received the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil. The patients were assessed with several rating scales including MMSE, ADAS-cog at baseline and every 6 months for a total period of three years. In the first model we used a 6-month interval method. A regression model was fitted from the variables change in score between visits and the baseline score. For the 269 patients with at least 4 assessments each we also calculated a longitudinal regression model for the dependent variable ADAS-cog score at different intervals. In addition, we compared the scores from our model with those predicted by the Stern equation. Results: There was a significant quadratic component between baseline scores on MMSE and ADAS-cog and 6 months mean cognitive change (p<0,05). The 6 months rate of cognitive change in donepezil treated patients was strongly dependent on the baseline scores. The longitudinal regression model for the 269 patients showed that multiple linear regression analysis could be used to predict ADAS-cog score at different intervals (p<0,001). A different slope was observed between our model and the Stern equation. Conclusions: Regression models can predict the outcome of cognitive changes in donepezil treated patients. We also observed different outcomes compared to previous models concerning untreated patients

    Proteomic Evaluation of Neonatal Exposure to 2,2′,4,4′,5-Pentabromodiphenyl Ether

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    Exposure to the brominated flame retardant 2,2′,4,4′,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-99) during the brain growth spurt disrupts normal brain development in mice and results in disturbed spontaneous behavior in adulthood. The neurodevelopmental toxicity of PBDE-99 has been reported to affect the cholinergic and catecholaminergic systems. In this study we use a proteomics approach to study the early effect of PBDE-99 in two distinct regions of the neonatal mouse brain, the striatum and the hippocampus. A single oral dose of PBDE-99 (12 mg/kg body weight) or vehicle was administered to male NMRI mice on neonatal day 10, and the striatum and the hippocampus were isolated. Using two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), we found 40 and 56 protein spots with significantly (p < 0.01) altered levels in the striatum and the hippocampus, respectively. We used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI–ToF–MS) to determine the protein identity of 11 spots from the striatum and 10 from the hippocampus. We found that the levels of proteins involved in neurodegeneration and neuroplasticity (e.g., Gap-43/neuromodulin, stathmin) were typically altered in the striatum, and proteins involved in metabolism and energy production [e.g., α-enolase; γ-enolase; ATP synthase, H(+) transporting, mitochondrial F(1) complex, β subunit (Atp5b); and α-synuclein] were typically altered in the hippocampus. Interestingly, many of the identified proteins have been linked to protein kinase C signaling. In conclusion, we identify responses to early exposure to PBDE-99 that could contribute to persistent neurotoxic effects. This study also shows the usefulness of proteomics to identify potential biomarkers of developmental neurotoxicity of organohalogen compounds

    Assessment Based Information Needs in Manual Assembly

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    To handle the complex and flexible manufacturing of today it is vital to have well functional information systems for the operators so that they know when, what and where to assemble. The current designs of assembly work instructions differ much between companies, but also between plants within the same company. The digitalization trends and initiatives such as Industry 4.0 show the manufacturing industry the advantages to incorporate new methods and tools into their businesses. Even though manufacturing IT systems are designed to be adaptive to product and volume changes, they are still widely characterized by their rigid structures. Making large changes to manufacturing IT systems with comprehensive structures is complex and requires large amounts of resources. Therefore, it is important for the manufacturing companies to make the correct investments. In previous studies, two current state analyses have been conducted with the aim to map manufacturing engineering processes and IT systems producing assembly work instructions in a mass customization context. This paper presents results from the third part of a longitudinal study which focuses on identifying operators’ information needs in manual assembly of heavy vehicles. This third study aims to identify the information gap between the current state and the wanted state by assessing information needs at 13 assembly stations in three plants belonging to a global production network. The purpose is to identify design requirements for future assembly information systems enabling the practical use of the digitalization

    A possibility to measure elastic photon--photon scattering in vacuum

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    Photon--photon scattering in vacuum due to the interaction with virtual electron-positron pairs is a consequence of quantum electrodynamics. A way for detecting this phenomenon has been devised based on interacting modes generated in microwave waveguides or cavities [G. Brodin, M. Marklund and L. Stenflo, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{87} 171801 (2001)]. Here we materialize these ideas, suggest a concrete cavity geometry, make quantitative estimates and propose experimental details. It is found that detection of photon-photon scattering can be within the reach of present day technology.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Deltagerdriven forskning – växtodlingsgruppen: Resultat och utvärdering av arbetet under 1998 till 2001

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    De ekologiska lantbrukarna i Sverige har under lång tid utfört olika typer av utvecklingsarbete på gårdsnivå (Wivstad, 1999). I den fortsatta utvecklingen av ekologiskt lantbruk är det viktigt att ta tillvara dessa erfarenheter och kunskaper. Deltagardriven forskning är en förändringsprocess (Ullmark, 1998) där aktiva lantbrukare, rådgivare och forskare arbetar i grupp utifrån gemensamma intresseområden. Syftet är att knyta ihop forskarnas, rådgivarnas och lantbrukarnas teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper och erfarenheter. Alla som medverkar i processen är lika viktiga och alla parter som berörs av resultaten har möjlighet att påverka gruppens arbete och utveckling (Ullmark, 1998). Tillsammans identifierar gruppen problem och använder/utvecklar för lantbrukaren relevanta försöks- och forskningsmetoder som kan bidra till att lösa de praktiska problem som lantbrukaren faktiskt ställs inför. Genom deltagardriven forskning kan lantbrukarna även få möjlighet till att påverka var och hur forskning bedrivs. Forskningsfrågorna kan hämtas från lantbrukssystemets olika delar samt göra gruppen medveten om hur olika delar påverkar helheten (Wivstad, 1999; Eksvärd et al, 2001). I förlängningen kan deltagarna bli informatörer och överföra idéer till andra lantbrukare (Ullmark, 1998). Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, CUL, placerat vid SLU, har sedan 1998 ansvarat för det tvärvetenskapliga projektet ”Deltagardriven forskning” som ett verktyg för regional utveckling av det ekologiska lantbruket. Det övergripande målet har varit att öka kunskapen om hur man kan åstadkomma uthålliga lantbrukssystem. Projektet startade med sex delgrupper inriktade på följande områden: grönsaker – friland, grönsaker – växthus, höns, växtodling, biogas samt grisproduktion. Därefter har några tillkommit och några avslutats. För aktuell information se hemsidan: www.cul.slu.se. Ytterligare beskrivning kan fås i ”Deltagardriven forskning – forskningsinriktad aktörssamverkan för svenskt lantbruk” (Eksvärd, i tryck)