6 research outputs found

    Proposal of Problem Solution of Monitoring of Employees

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    Má diplomová práce bude sloužit jako manuál pro personální manažery, ve kterém budou shrnuty formy a metody kontrolování zaměstnanců, se zaměřením na využití mystery calling a mystery shopping. Vytvořím program fuzzy logiky pod názvem PRACOVNÍ INSPEKTOR, pomocí něhož si budou moci personální manažeři analyzovat a kontrolovat pracovníky samostatně, a tím ušetří čas i finanční prostředky, které by jinak vynakládali externímu subjektu.My diploma thesis will serve as a manual for personnel managers in which forms and methods of control of employees will be summarized focused on mystery calling and mystery shopping. I will create a programme of fuzzy logic called OCCUPATIONAL INSPECTOR wherebly personnel managers will analyse and check their employees and therably save a part of financial resources which would otherwise be spent on external subject.

    Use of statistical methods to evaluate activities in the language school Lingua Plus, ltd.

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    Ve své bakalářské práci budu pomocí statistických metod analyzovat a hodnotit efektivitu činnosti Jazykové školy LinguaPlus, s.r.o. a vypracuji model, který bude tuto firmu informovat o budoucím vývoji činnosti při zachování, či změně určitých charakteristik. Tento model bude nápomocný chodu firmy, bude vysvětlovat neefektivní kroky v minulosti i opatření do budoucna.In my bachelor thesis I will analyse and evaluate work efficiency in the language school LinguaPlus, s.r.o. with the help of statistical methods. I will elaborate a model which would inform the company about its future activities development either under the same conditions, or after changing some characteristics. This model will be helpful for the company, will explain ineffective steps in the past, and precautions for the future.

    Clinical characteristics of patients with tick-borne encephalitis (Tbe) : A European multicentre study from 2010 to 2017

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    Funding Information: Conflicts of Interest: W.Z. received financial support from GSK, Pfizer, Merck, and Sanofi for organizing the “Graz Vaccination Day”. Funding Information: Funding: This study was financially supported by Land Steiermark (Office of the Regional Government of Styria, Department of Health Care and Science, Unit of Science and Research, Austria). D.R., L.K. and M.P. were supported by the Czech Ministry of Health (grant No. NV19-05-00457). P.B. and F.S. were supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (grant. No P3-0296). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus is a major cause of central nervous system infections in endemic countries. Here, we present clinical and laboratory characteristics of a large international cohort of patients with confirmed TBE using a uniform clinical protocol. Patients were recruited in eight centers from six European countries between 2010 and 2017. A detailed description of clinical signs and symptoms was recorded. The obtained information enabled a reliable classification in 553 of 555 patients: 207 (37.3%) had meningitis, 273 (49.2%) meningoencephalitis, 15 (2.7%) meningomyelitis, and 58 (10.5%) meningoencephalomyelitis; 41 (7.4%) patients had a peripheral paresis of extremities, 13 (2.3%) a central paresis of extremities, and 25 (4.5%) had single or multiple cranial nerve palsies. Five (0.9%) patients died during acute illness. Outcome at discharge was recorded in 298 patients. Of 176 (59.1%) patients with incomplete recovery, 80 (27%) displayed persisting symptoms or signs without recovery expectation. This study provides further evidence that TBE is a severe disease with a large proportion of patients with incomplete recovery. We suggest monitoring TBE in endemic European countries using a uniform protocol to record the full clinical spectrum of the disease.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Tick-Borne Encephalitis in an 8.5-Month-Old Boy Suspected of Febrile Seizures

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a serious viral neuroinfection affecting humans in large areas of Europe and Asia. TBE can occur at any age, but only a few reports of TBE in infants younger than 1 year have been published. Here, we report a case of severe TBE in an 8.5-month-old boy presenting with seizures at the beginning of the neurological phase

    Identification of positively selected genes in human pathogenic treponemes: Syphilis-, yaws-, and bejel-causing strains differ in sets of genes showing adaptive evolution

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    In the genus Treponema there are several human and animal pathogens that include the causative agent of syphilis (Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum; TPA), the causative agent of yaws (T. p. ssp. pertenue; TPE), and the causative agent of endemic syphilis (T. p. ssp. endemicum; TEN). T. paraluisleporidarum causes venereal spirochetosis in rabbits. We used whole genome sequences of 11 treponemal strains together with additional 62 draft genomic data to identify genes evolving under positive selection. The identified genes evolving under positive selection partly overlapped with the genes previously reported as recombinant and were found to be different in treponemal subspecies. Since both genetic recombination and positive selection could allow a survival of pathogenic bacteria despite the human immune response, identification of such genes could predict the major antigens recognized by the human immune system and also identify the most suitable components for development of an anti-treponemal vaccine