85 research outputs found

    Motiver les Ă©tudiants du collĂ©gial Ă  bouger : regard sur la contribution des cours d’éducation physique

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    Conférence présentée lors de la Journée de la recherche sur la motivation au collégial - 2e édition, organisée dans le cadre du 87e congrÚs de l'Acfas, Gatineau, le 27 mai 2019

    Éducation physique vers l'adoption d'un mode de vie actif ? : Ă©tude sur les influences des cours d'Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial /

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    Également disponible en version papier.Titre de l'Ă©cran-titre (visionnĂ© le 29 oct. 2012)La prĂ©sente recherche a Ă©tĂ© subventionnĂ©e par le ministĂšre de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide Ă  la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)Bibliogr. : p. 122-12

    Éducation physique vers l'adoption d'un mode de vie actif ? : Ă©tude sur les influences des cours d'Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial /

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    Également disponible en version papier.Titre de l'Ă©cran-titre (visionnĂ© le 29 oct. 2012)La prĂ©sente recherche a Ă©tĂ© subventionnĂ©e par le ministĂšre de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide Ă  la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)Bibliogr. : p. 122-12

    Adolescent hockey players’ predispositions to adopt sport and exercise behaviours: an ecological perspective

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    Organized sport yields many cognitive, social and physical benefits and is one of the most popular types of physical activity for children and adolescents. Despite the benefits of sports participation, a substantial proportion of adolescents fail to meet Canadian guidelines regarding physical activity. In this regard, it is relevant to understand the mechanisms underlying the adoption of various active behaviours. This study aims to identify the predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors that potentially influence 4 categories of active behaviours using the Youth Physical Activity Promotion model (YPAP). Data was drawn from 416 male adolescent hockey players (Mage = 15.4; SD = 2) who completed a pre-validated questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and interaction analyses were performed to explain the contribution of each determinant. Findings reveal that there are different behavioural patterns based on the type of activity. The interaction between attitudes and environmental factors was a key predictor for each type of behaviour. Perceived competence was associated with more recreational activities, whereas the support of parents and coaches determined involvement in ice hockey. This study refined our understanding of physical activity participation among adolescents already involved in organized sports and emphasized the importance of considering multiple factors surrounding their environment. Several practical recommendations are made to improve young athletes’ predisposition to practice physical activity in an organized sports setting. © 2020 Huard Pelletier et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Perceived competence in ice hockey and its associations with relative age, early sport specialization, and players’ position

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    IntroductionIce hockey is a sport that has gained much attention in recent times, particularly concerning the development of young players. In the domain of youth sport development, one significant factor that must be considered is the perceived competence of players. This variable is closely linked to positive psychological outcomes and sustained practice. However, there is a lack of understanding about how other important developmental factors such as age, early sport specialization, players’ position and relative age affect players’ perceived competence. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the relationships between these developmental factors, perceived ice hockey competence and a global measure of perceived sport competence.MethodsData was drawn from 971 players (14.78 ± 1.61 mean age), who completed on-line questionnaires, from which we conducted path analyses involving all variables.ResultsYounger players tend to display higher perceived competence scores than older players. Additionally, players who opted to specialize earlier also reported higher perceived competence. Furthermore, forwards and defensemen had differing perceptions of their competence, which was in line with their respective roles on the ice. The study also showed relative age effects, in which players who were born earlier relative to the selection period tend to perceive themselves more advantageously in three components of perceived competence.DiscussionBased on these findings, several recommendations are proposed for coaches and decision-makers to encourage the positive development of ice hockey players. The study highlights that ice hockey-specific competencies are influenced by various factors, such as early sport specialization, relative age effect, player age, and position

    Exploring associations between sprinting mechanical capabilities, anaerobic capacity, and repeated-sprint ability of adolescent ice hockey players

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    IntroductionSprinting ability and anaerobic capacities are the determinant variables of the performance of ice hockey players. Recent research in sprinting showed the existence of distinct force–velocity (F–V) profiles, but the link between these profiles and anaerobic capacities remains unclear. This study explores the associations between F–V variables and anaerobic capacities among cohorts of highly trained adolescent ice hockey players.MethodsData from 36 men (age, 15.1 ± 0.2 years) and 34 women (age, 16.5 ± 0.7 years) were collected during off-season camps. All athletes completed a 30-m sprint test, a Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT), and a repeated-sprint anaerobic (RSA) test. F–V variables were calculated from the 30-m sprint test. Partial Pearson correlation coefficients for pooled data and Pearson correlation coefficients for individual male and female datasets were calculated.ResultsAmong the F–V variables, maximal theoretical velocity and power were moderately to largely associated with WAnT and RSA performance (|r| = 0.30–0.70). Maximal theoretical force was moderately associated with the RSA (r = −0.32 to −0.33).DiscussionThe results indicate the importance for highly trained adolescent players to be able to apply force at high velocities to maximize anaerobic capacities. Important differences between male and female players suggest training priorities may differ according to sex

    Explanation of Judicial Decisions by Administrative Judges

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    Pravo na pravično suđenje sadrĆŸi i implicitna jamstva koja su nastala kroz praksu Europskog suda za zaĆĄtitu ljudskih prava, Sud u Strasbourgu je kao sastavni element prava na pravično suđenje ustavnovio i pravo na obrazloĆŸenje sudske odluke. Nije dovoljno samo formalno pozvati se ili citirati određene propise kao mjerodavne već su nadleĆŸna tijela, a osobito sudovi, duĆŸni obrazloĆŸiti na temelju kojih činjenica i okolnosti su utvrdili da su u okolnostima konretnog slučaja ispunjene pretpostavke iz tih propisa.The right to a fair trial also consists essentially of implicit guarantees arising from the practice of the European Court for the Protection of Human Rights. This court in Strasbourg has, in addition to establishing the right to a fair trial, also established the right to an explanation of the judicial decision. It is not enough to merely formally refer to or cite certain regulations as being reliable, but rather, authorized bodies, in particular courts, are obliged to explain the foundation on which the facts and circumstances were based. That this, they must justify that the facts and circumstances of the particular case have fulfilled the presumptions from those regulations

    The science and art of testing in ice hockey: a systematic review of twenty years of research

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    IntroductionIce hockey is a complex sport requiring multiple athletic and technical attributes. Considering the variety of tests developed, on-ice testing protocols have been created to measure the physiological and mechanical attributes associated with performance. To our knowledge, a lack of technical resources exists to help stakeholders opt for on-ice protocols from among those developed. It becomes crucial for researchers and practitioners to select relevant and context-specific procedures. This systematic review of the literature outlines an inventory of the on-ice tests that have been used in the domain of ice hockey research over the last twenty years, and summarize protocols mostly used in major athletic components.MethodsA search was performed on three databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Scopus) by following the PRISMA guidelines. Specific keywords were selected to find publications using on-ice testing protocols in the methodology. Four aspects of athletic attributes were used to categorize the protocols: aerobic capacity, acceleration-speed, agility-change of direction and ability to repeat skating sprints. Analyses were conducted regarding four categories of observations: population under study, on-ice reported test(s), outcomes measures and main findings.ResultsA total of 107 articles were included, resulting in 55 on-ice tests related to the on-ice assessments of four major athletic components: aerobic capacity (n = 7), acceleration-speed (n = 6), agility and change of direction (n = 23) and repeated skating sprint ability (n = 19). Testing in male and older cohorts (≄16 years old) predominates, with a primary focus on the competitive amateur level. The selected tests were mainly designed for assessing on-ice physiological responses and fitness (n = 38), talent identification-team selection (n = 19), efficiency of interventions (n = 17) and validation purposes (n = 16).ConclusionA prevalence of on-ice skating tests to assess the ability to repeat intense efforts, agility, acceleration and speed components exists, which are relevant and linked to match requirement. The wealth of on-ice tests used in the literature reflects the need to adapt the on-ice evaluation process to the population, constraints, and goals. This review is a valid toolbox and can benefit for researchers and practitioners interested in testing hockey players from different levels, with a variety of aims and needs, by helping them to select the relevant procedures to their environment and practice context

    Google between the Council of State and the Court of Justice of the European Union

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    Ovi primjeri pokazuju da se mehanizam pitanja koja se upućuju Sudu Europske unije ne odnosi samo na tumačenje standarda Zajednice (propisa, direktiva, itd.) ili na određena pitanja, poput prava trĆŸiĆĄnog natjecanja. Oni također mjere vaĆŸnost odgovornosti Suda Europske unije na osjetljivom području privatnosti. Očito je da će odgovori koje će Sud Europske unije dati na ova dva skupa pitanja imati veliku ulogu na utjecaj velikih američkih internetskih kompanija (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple) i ĆŸivot Interneta. Konačno, oni ilustriraju činjenicu da ni najprestiĆŸniji sudovi ne oklijevaju, kad je to opravdano, zauzeti stajaliĆĄte Suda Europske unije. Valja napomenuti da je u Francuskoj, Ustavno vijeće, iako čvrsto povezano s načelom superiornosti Ustava, upućeno na zahtjeve Suda Europske unije za tumačenje normi Zajednice kada je ovo tumačenje potrebno za kontrolu usklađenosti zakona kojim se propis Zajednice prenosi u Ustav Francuske (prvi put Odlukom 2013-314 P QPC od 4. travnja 2013., koji se odnosi na Europski nalog za uhićenje).These examples demonstrate that the mechanism of questions directed at Europske Union Courts is not only related to interpreting Community Standards (regulations, directives, etc.) or to certain issues such as market competition law. They also measure the importance of the European Union Court in the sensitive area of privacy. It is obvious that the answers the European Union Court will give to these two groups of questions will play a major role in the impact of large American Internet companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple) and life on the Internet. Finally, they illustrate the fact that the most prestigious courts do not hesitate, where necessary, to take the stance of the European Union Court. It must be mentioned that in France, the Constitutional Council, although firmly linked to the principle of Constitutional superiority, is directed to European Court demands for interpreting Community norms where this interpretation is necessary for controlling the harmonisation of laws by which Community regulations are transferred into the French Constitution (first time by decision 2013-314 P QPC of 4 April 2013 related to the European arrest warrant)
