5,090 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of toroidal black holes

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    The thermodynamical properties of toroidal black holes in the grand canonical ensemble are investigated using York's formalism. The black hole is enclosed in a cavity with finite radius where the temperature and electrostatic potential are fixed. The boundary conditions allow one to compute the relevant thermodynamical quantities, e.g. thermal energy, entropy and specific heat. This black hole is thermodynamically stable and dominates the grand partition function. This means that there is no phase transition, as the one encountered for spherical black holes.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps figures, revte

    False vacuum decay: effective one-loop action for pair creation of domain walls

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    An effective one-loop action built from the soliton field itself for the two-dimensional (2D) problem of soliton pair creation is proposed. The action consists of the usual mass term and a kinetic term in which the simple derivative of the soliton field is replaced by a covariant derivative. In this effective action the soliton charge is treated no longer as a topological charge but as a Noether charge. Using this effective one-loop action, the soliton-antisoliton pair production rate is calculated and one recovers Stone's exponential factor and the prefactor of Kiselev, Selivanov and Voloshin. The results are also valid straightforwardly to the problem of pair creation rate of domain walls in dimensions greater than 2.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    The Two-Dimensional Analogue of General Relativity

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    General Relativity in three or more dimensions can be obtained by taking the limit ω\omega\rightarrow\infty in the Brans-Dicke theory. In two dimensions General Relativity is an unacceptable theory. We show that the two-dimensional closest analogue of General Relativity is a theory that also arises in the limit ω\omega\rightarrow\infty of the two-dimensional Brans-Dicke theory.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, preprint DF/IST-17.9

    Two-Dimensional Black Holes and Planar General Relativity

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    The Einstein-Hilbert action with a cosmological term is used to derive a new action in 1+1 spacetime dimensions. It is shown that the two-dimensional theory is equivalent to planar symmetry in General Relativity. The two-dimensional theory admits black holes and free dilatons, and has a structure similar to two-dimensional string theories. Since by construction these solutions also solve Einstein's equations, such a theory can bring two-dimensional results into the four-dimensional real world. In particular the two-dimensional black hole is also a black hole in General Relativity.Comment: 11 pages, plainte

    Does a relativistic metric generalization of Newtonian gravity exist in 2+1 dimensions?

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    It is shown that, contrary to previous claims, a scalar tensor theory of Brans-Dicke type provides a relativistic generalization of Newtonian gravity in 2+1 dimensions. The theory is metric and test particles follow the space-time geodesics. The static isotropic solution is studied in vacuum and in regions filled with an incompressible perfect fluid. It is shown that the solutions can be consistently matched at the matter vacuum interface, and that the Newtonian behavior is recovered in the weak field regime.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, Revtex4. Some discussions on the physical nature of the interior solution and on the omega->infinity limit and some references added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    Three dimensional black holes in a generalized dilaton gravity action theory are analysed. The theory is specified by two fields, the dilaton and the graviton, and two parameters, the cosmological constant and the Brans-Dicke parameter. It contains seven different cases, of which one distinguishes as special cases, string theory, general relativity and a theory equivalent to four dimensional general relativity with one Killing vector. We study the causal structure and geodesic motion of null and timelike particles in the black hole geometries and find the ADM masses of the different solutions.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 4 figures as uuencoded postscript file

    The Three-Dimensional BTZ Black Hole as a Cylindrical System in Four-Dimensional General Relativity

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    It is shown how to transform the three dimensional BTZ black hole into a four dimensional cylindrical black hole (i.e., black string) in general relativity. This process is identical to the transformation of a point particle in three dimensions into a straight cosmic string in four dimensions.Comment: Latex, 9 page

    Relativistic Static Thin Disks: The Counter-Rotating Model

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    A detailed study of the Counter-Rotating Model (CRM) for generic finite static axially symmetric thin disks with nonzero radial pressure is presented. We find a general constraint over the counter-rotating tangential velocities needed to cast the surface energy-momentum tensor of the disk as the superposition of two counter-rotating perfect fluids. We also found expressions for the energy density and pressure of the counter-rotating fluids. Then we shown that, in general, there is not possible to take the two counter-rotating fluids as circulating along geodesics neither take the two counter-rotating tangential velocities as equal and opposite. An specific example is studied where we obtain some CRM with well defined counter-rotating tangential velocities and stable against radial perturbations. The CRM obtained are in agree with the strong energy condition, but there are regions of the disks with negative energy density, in violation of the weak energy condition.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Gravitational collapse to toroidal, cylindrical and planar black holes

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    Gravitational collapse of non-spherical symmetric matter leads inevitably to non-static external spacetimes. It is shown here that gravitational collapse of matter with toroidal topology in a toroidal anti-de Sitter background proceeds to form a toroidal black hole. According to the analytical model presented, the collapsing matter absorbs energy in the form of radiation (be it scalar, neutrinos, electromagnetic, or gravitational) from the exterior spacetime. Upon decompactification of one or two coordinates of the torus one gets collapsing solutions of cylindrical or planar matter onto black strings or black membranes, respectively. The results have implications on the hoop conjecture.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex, modifications in the title and in the interpretation of some results, to appear in Physical Review

    Rotating Relativistic Thin Disks

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    Two families of models of rotating relativistic disks based on Taub-NUT and Kerr metrics are constructed using the well-known "displace, cut and reflect" method. We find that for disks built from a generic stationary axially symmetric metric the "sound velocity", (pressure/density)1/2(pressure/density)^{1/2}, is equal to the geometric mean of the prograde and retrograde geodesic circular velocities of test particles moving on the disk. We also found that for generic disks we can have zones with heat flow. For the two families of models studied the boundaries that separate the zones with and without heat flow are not stable against radial perturbations (ring formation).Comment: 18 eps figures, to be published PR