34 research outputs found

    PGE2-Induced IDO1 Inhibits the Capacity of Fully Mature DCs to Elicit an In Vitro Antileukemic Immune Response.

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    In the last years, dendritic cells (DC) have been evaluated for antitumor vaccination. Although DC-based vaccines have raised great expectations, their clinical translation has been largely disappointing. For these results, several explanations have been proposed. In particular, the concomitant expression by DCs of tolerogenic pathways, such as the immunosuppressive agent indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1), has been demonstrated. The aim of this study is to evaluate both the stimulatory and the tolerogenic feature of monocyte-derived DCs (Mo-DCs) after maturation with PGE2. In particular, the role of IDO1 expression in PGE2-matured Mo-DCs has been addressed. Here we show that PGE2, which is required for full maturation of DCs, is one mediator of DC tolerance by enhancing IDO1. PGE2-mediated expression of IDO1 results in the production of kynurenine, in the generation of Tregs, and in the inhibition of either the allogeneic or the autologous antigen-specific stimulatory capacity of DCs. When pulsed with leukemic lysates and matured with PGE2, DCs are impaired in the induction of IFN-γ secreting CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells due to IDO1 upregulation. Moreover, the inhibition of IDO1 enhances the antileukemic response. Overall, these results point toward the use of IDO1 inhibitors to enhance the vaccination capacity of DCs, matured with PGE2

    The SOCS3-independent expression of IDO2 supports the homeostatic generation of T regulatory cells by human dendritic cells.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs that have a role in the initiation of adaptive immune responses and tolerance. Among the tolerogenic mechanisms, the expression of the enzyme IDO1 represents an effective tool to generate T regulatory cells. In humans, different DC subsets express IDO1, but less is known about the IDO1-related enzyme IDO2. In this study, we found a different pattern of expression and regulation between IDO1 and IDO2 in human circulating DCs. At the protein level, IDO1 is expressed only in circulating myeloid DCs (mDCs) and is modulated by PGE2, whereas IDO2 is expressed in both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs and is not modulated by PGE2. In healthy subjects, IDO1 expression requires the presence of PGE2 and needs continuous transcription and translation, whereas IDO2 expression is constitutive, independent from suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 activity. Conversely, in patients suffering from inflammatory arthritis, circulating DCs express both IDO1 and IDO2. At the functional level, both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs generate T regulatory cells through an IDO1/IDO2-dependent mechanism. We conclude that, in humans, whereas IDO1 provides an additional mechanism of tolerance induced by proinflammatory mediators, IDO2 is stably expressed in steady-state conditions and may contribute to the homeostatic tolerogenic capacity of DCs

    Cancer Immunotherapy by Blocking Immune Checkpoints on Innate Lymphocytes.

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    Immune checkpoints refer to a plethora of inhibitory pathways of the immune system that play a crucial role in maintaining self-tolerance and in tuning the duration and amplitude of physiological immune responses to minimize collateral tissue damages. The breakdown of this delicate balance leads to pathological conditions, including cancer. Indeed, tumor cells can develop multiple mechanisms to escape from immune system defense, including the activation of immune checkpoint pathways. The development of monoclonal antibodies, targeting inhibitory immune checkpoints, has provided an immense breakthrough in cancer therapy. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), initially developed to reverse functional exhaustion in T cells, recently emerged as important actors in natural killer (NK)-cell-based immunotherapy. Moreover, the discovery that also helper innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) express inhibitory immune checkpoints, suggests that these molecules might be targeted on ILCs, to modulate their functions in the tumor microenvironment. Recently, other strategies to achieve immune checkpoint blockade have been developed, including miRNA exploiting systems. Herein, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on inhibitory immune checkpoints on NK cells and ILCs and we discuss how to target these innate lymphocytes by ICI in both solid tumors and hematological malignancies

    Regulatory T cells from patients with end-stage organ disease can be isolated, expanded and cryopreserved according good manufacturing practice improving their function

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    Background Here, we isolated, expanded and functionally characterized regulatory T cells (Tregs) from patients with end stage kidney and liver disease, waiting for kidney/liver transplantation (KT/LT), with the aim to establish a suitable method to obtain large numbers of immunomodulatory cells for adoptive immunotherapy post-transplantation. Methods We first established a preclinical protocol for expansion/isolation of Tregs from peripheral blood of LT/KT patients. We then scaled up and optimized such protocol according to good manufacturing practice (GMP) to obtain high numbers of purified Tregs which were phenotypically and functionally characterized in vitro and in vivo in a xenogeneic acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) mouse model. Specifically, immunodepressed mice (NOD-SCID-gamma KO mice) received human effector T cells with or without GMP-produced Tregs to prevent the onset of xenogeneic GVHD. Results Our small scale Treg isolation/expansion protocol generated functional Tregs. Interestingly, cryopreservation/thawing did not impair phenotype/function and DNA methylation pattern of FOXP3 gene of the expanded Tregs. Fully functional Tregs were also isolated/expanded from KT and LT patients according to GMP. In the mouse model, GMP Tregs from LT or KT patient proved to be safe and show a trend toward reduced lethality of acute GVHD. Conclusions These data demonstrate that expanded/thawed GMP-Tregs from patients with end-stage organ disease are fully functional in vitro. Moreover, their infusion is safe and results in a trend toward reduced lethality of acute GVHD in vivo, further supporting Tregs-based adoptive immunotherapy in solid organ transplantation

    Depletion of SIRT6 enzymatic activity increases acute myeloid leukemia cells' vulnerability to DNA-damaging agents.

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    Genomic instability plays a pathological role in various malignancies, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and thus represents a potential therapeutic target. Recent studies demonstrate that SIRT6, a NAD <sup>+</sup> -dependent nuclear deacetylase, functions as genome-guardian by preserving DNA integrity in different tumor cells. Here, we demonstrate that also CD34 <sup>+</sup> blasts from AML patients show ongoing DNA damage and SIRT6 overexpression. Indeed, we identified a poor-prognostic subset of patients, with widespread instability, which relies on SIRT6 to compensate for DNA-replication stress. As a result, SIRT6 depletion compromises the ability of leukemia cells to repair DNA double-strand breaks that, in turn, increases their sensitivity to daunorubicin and Ara-C, both in vitro and in vivo In contrast, low SIRT6 levels observed in normal CD34 <sup>+</sup> hematopoietic progenitors explain their weaker sensitivity to genotoxic stress. Intriguingly, we have identified DNA-PKcs and CtIP deacetylation as crucial for SIRT6-mediated DNA repair. Together, our data suggest that inactivation of SIRT6 in leukemia cells leads to disruption of DNA-repair mechanisms, genomic instability and aggressive AML. This synthetic lethal approach, enhancing DNA damage while concomitantly blocking repair responses, provides the rationale for the clinical evaluation of SIRT6 modulators in the treatment of leukemia

    Gpr171, a putative P2Y-like receptor, negatively regulates myeloid differentiation in murine hematopoietic progenitors.

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    Gpr171 is an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor putatively related to the P2Y family of purinergic receptors (P2YRs) for extracellular nucleotides, a group of mediators previously shown to regulate hematopoietic progenitor cells. No information is currently available on the ligand responsible for Gpr171 activation and its biological role remains unknown. We reconstructed Gpr171 phylogenesis in mice and confirmed that Gpr171 is evolutionally related to members of a P2Y gene-cluster localized on mouse chromosome 3. As a first step toward unveiling a role for Gpr171, we investigated its expression profile in murine hematopoietic cells. As opposed to other P2YRs, we found that Gpr171 expression is down-regulated in monocytes and granulocytes, suggesting a negative role in myeloid lineage specification. To test Gpr171 functional role, we next enforced Gpr171 expression in a myeloblastic cell line (32D cells) and in primary Sca-1(+) hematopoietic progenitors, and observed a decreased expression of myeloid markers upon induction of Gpr171, as well as an increased generation of colonies in vitro. Conversely, Gpr171 silencing induced opposite results, diminishing the expression of myeloid markers and the clonogenic potential of 32D cells. In vivo, mice transplanted with hematopoietic progenitor cells overexpressing Gpr171 displayed a significant reduction in the percentage of Mac-1(+)Gr-1(-) cells. As a preliminary step in the investigation of Gpr171 role in murine hematopoiesis, our findings indicate that the orphan receptor Gpr171 negatively regulates myeloid differentiation. Together with phylogenic analyses, our data suggest that Gpr171 may have followed a separate evolutionary pathway as compared to other P2YRs belonging to the same gene cluster

    The sixth sense: hematopoietic stem cells detect danger through purinergic signaling

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    Over the past decade, extracellular nucleotides (such as ATP and UTP) have emerged as key immunomodulators. This family of molecules, already known for its key metabolic functions, has been the focus of intense investigation that has unambiguously shown its crucial role as mediators of cell-to-cell communication. More recently, in addition to its involvement in inflammation and immunity, purinergic signaling has also been shown to modulate bone marrow (BM)-derived stem cells. Extracellular nucleotides promote proliferation, CXCL12-driven migration, and BM engraftment of hematopoietic progenitor and stem cells (HPSCs). In addition, purinergic signaling acts indirectly on HPSCs by regulating differentiation and release of proinflammatory cytokines in BM-derived human mesenchymal stromal cells, which are part of the hematopoietic stem cell niche. Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) research has recently blended into the field of immunology, as new findings highlighted the role played by immunological signals (such as IFNα, IFNγ or TNFα) in the regulation of the HSC compartment. In this Review, we summarize recent reports unveiling a previously unsuspected ability of HSCs to integrate inflammatory signals released by immune and stromal cells with particular emphasis on the dual role of extracellular nucleotides as mediators of both immunological responses and BM stem cell functions

    Interleukin-11 (IL-11) acts as synergistic factor for the proliferation of human myeloid leukemic cells

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    Interleukin-11 is a stromal cells derived cytokine which stimulates the proliferation of primitive haemopoietic progenitor cells. For this paper we have studied the constitutive expression of IL-11 mRNA in a panel of well-known leukaemic cell lines and samples from AML patients at diagnosis. Moreover, the same cellular populations were evaluated for their proliferative response to recombinant-human-(r-hu) IL-11 alone and combined with r-hu-IL-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and stem cell factor (SCE, c-kit ligand). The colony-forming ability of HL60, K562, KG1 cells and eight fresh AML cell populations was assessed by a clonogenic assay in methylcellulose. In eight additional AML cases the number of S-phase leukaemic cells induced by IL-11 was determined by the bromodeoxyuridine (BRDU) incorporation assay after 3 d of liquid culture. IL-11, as single cytokine, did not stimulate the colony formation of the three myeloid cell lines under serum-containing and serum-free conditions. In contrast, the proliferation of the leukaemic cells in response to IL-3, GM-CSF and SCF was enhanced by co-incubation with IL-11, and this effect was reversed in blocking experiments by the anti-IL-11 Moab. When tested on primary AML samples, IL-11 alone showed little, if any, proliferative activity. However, it increased the IL-3-dependent blast colony formation in eight out of eight cases and GM-CSF in seven cases. IL-11 also augmented synergistically the number of CFU-L stimulated by SCF in seven cases. A combination of three factors (1L-11 SCF and IL-3) yielded optimal colony formation. The BRDU studies showed the significant increase of AML cells in S-phase when IL-11 was combined with SCF, whereas the two CSF had no activity on their own. Positive interaction was also observed when IL-11 was added to IL-3 supplemented cultures in five out of eight cases tested. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction amplification (RT-PCR) demonstrated the constitutive expression of IL-11 mRNA in all the cell lines and 11/12 AML samples studied at diagnosis. These results indicate that IL-11 is expressed in leukaemic myeloid cells and that their proliferation is regulated by the cytokine which acts as a synergistic factor

    The Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Osteocyte Capacity to Modulate Dendritic Cell Functions Is Strictly Dependent on the Culture System.

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    In vitro differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) into osteocytes (human differentiated osteogenic cells, hDOC) before implantation has been proposed to optimize bone regeneration. However, a deep characterization of the immunological properties of DOC, including their effect on dendritic cell (DC) function, is not available. DOC can be used either as cellular suspension (detached, Det-DOC) or as adherent cells implanted on scaffolds (adherent, Adh-DOC). By mimicking in vitro these two different routes of administration, we show that both Det-DOC and Adh-DOC can modulate DC functions. Specifically, the weak downregulation of CD80 and CD86 caused by Det-DOC on DC surface results in a weak modulation of DC functions, which indeed retain a high capacity to induce T-cell proliferation and to generate CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Moreover, Det-DOC enhance the DC capacity to differentiate CD4(+)CD161(+)CD196(+) Th17-cells by upregulating IL-6 secretion. Conversely, Adh-DOC strongly suppress DC functions by a profound downregulation of CD80 and CD86 on DC as well as by the inhibition of TGF-β production. In conclusion, we demonstrate that different types of DOC cell preparation may have a different impact on the modulation of the host immune system. This finding may have relevant implications for the design of cell-based tissue-engineering strategies