135 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling in support of a conceptual model for groundwater flow and geochemical evolution in the southern Outaouais Region, Quebec, Canada

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    A two-dimensional vertical-section numerical model for groundwater flow and transport using age, tritium and chloride was used to help validate a conceptual model of geochemical evolution within a representative regional-scale hydrogeological system in the Outaouais Region, Quebec, Canada. The flow system includes up to 30 m of Quaternary sediments and marine clays overlying fractured silicate rock of the Canadian Shield. Calibration of the regional flow model using observed piezometric levels and tritium concentrations showed that shallow groundwater flow is dominated by local flow systems limited to 30–40 m depth, 1–5 km long, and with groundwater residence times of 10–50 years. Intermediate systems, on the order of 5–15 km long, are less extensive than initially thought and are characterised by maximum depths of about 100 m and residence times of 200–6000 years. A model-calibrated hydraulic conductivity of 8 × 10−5 m.s−1 was required in the upper 50 m of the fractured bedrock. The active flow zone was inferred to extend to depths of about 100–150 m, with any deeper regional flow essentially negligible. Differences between tritium-based ages and simulated mean residence times were attributed to mixing of groundwater in open boreholes. Concentrations of 4He could be explained by diffusive transport from deeper and older groundwater, exacerbated by sampling. With new insight from the numerical modelling, the conceptual flow model has been updated to now include only a weak component of regional flow combined with significant local- and intermediate-scale flow systems connected to the upper fractured bedrock. The simulated flow system is also consistent with the geochemical evolution of the region, which is dominated by young Ca-HCO3-type waters in the unconfined aquifer and by older Cl− signatures from the remnant Champlain Sea seawater

    Simulation of groundwater age evolution during the Wisconsinian glaciation over the Canadian landscape

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    The simulation of groundwater age (residence time) is used to study the impact of the Wisconsinian glaciation on the Canadian continental groundwater flow system. Key processes related to coupled groundwater flow and glaciation modeling are included in the model such as density-dependent flow, hydromechanical loading, subglacial infiltration, glacial isostasy, and permafrost development. It is found that mean groundwater ages span over a large range in values, between zero and 42Myr; exceedingly old groundwater is found at large depths where there is little groundwater flow because of low permeabilities and because of the presence of very dense brines. During the glacial cycle, old, deep groundwater below the ice sheet mixes with the young subglacial meltwater that infiltrates into the subsurface; the water displacement due to subglacial recharge reaches depths up to 3km. The depth of penetration of the meltwater is, however, strongly dependent on the permeability of the subsurface rocks, the presence of dense brines and the presence or absence on deep fractures or conductive faults. At the end of the simulation period, it was found that the mean groundwater age in regions affected by the ice sheet advance and retreat is younger than it was at the last interglacial period. This is also true for frozen groundwater in the permafrost area and suggests that significant parts of this water is of glacial origin. Finally, the simulation of groundwater age offers an alternative and pragmatic framework to understand groundwater flow during the Pleistocene and for paleo-hydrogeological studies because it records the history of the groundwater flow path

    Impact of the Wisconsinian Glaciation on Canadian Continental Groundwater Flow

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    During the Quaternary period, cyclic glaciations have occurred over a global scale as the result of a climatic variability that affected the Earth's atmospheric, oceanic and glacial systems. Quaternary glaciations and their associated dramatic climatic conditions, such as kilometers-thick ice sheet formation and permafrost migration, are suspected to have had a large impact on the groundwater flow system over the entire North American continent. Because of the myriad of complex flow-related processes involved during a glaciation period, numerical models have become powerful tools to examine groundwater flow system evolution in this context. In this study, a series of key processes pertaining to coupled groundwater flow and glaciation modelling, such as density-dependent (i.e., brine) flow, hydromechanical loading, subglacial infiltration, isostasy, sea-level change and permafrost development, are included in the numerical model HydroGeoSphere to simulate groundwater flow over the Canadian landscape during the Wisconsinian glaciation (~ -120 kyr to present). The primary objective is to demonstrate the immense impact caused by glacial advances and retreats during the Wisconsinian glaciation on the dynamical evolution of groundwater flow systems over the Canadian landscape, including surface/subsurface water exchanges (i.e., recharge and discharge fluxes) both in the subglacial and the periglacial environments. The major findings of this study are that subglacial meltwater infiltration into the subsurface dominates when the ice sheet is growing and, conversely, groundwater exfiltrates during ice sheet regression. This conclusion, which seems to be opposite to the classical hydromechanical loading theory, is a consequence of the interaction between the subglacial boundary conditions and the elastic properties of the rocks. Subglacial infiltration rates during ice sheet progression can reach up to three orders of magnitude higher than the infiltration rate into the periglacial environment and the current recharge rate into the Canadian Shield. The impact of the ice sheet on groundwater flow and the brine distribution was dramatic. Hydraulic heads below the ice sheet increase by up to three thousand meters at land surface and up to 1.5 km into the ground. At present time, large over-pressurized zones occur at depth because there has been insufficient time to enable dissipation to their original values. Based on the hydraulic head and solute concentration distribution after the last glacial cycle, it can be shown that the system did not recover to its initial conditions, and that it is still recovering from the last glacial perturbation. The permafrost has the effect of restraining large areas of the subglacial and periglacial environment from surface/subsurface water interaction; the subglacial permafrost appears along with a cold-based ice sheet, which prevents subglacial meltwater production. The occurrence of a shallow trapped pressure zone below the permafrost after the glacial cycle highlights the critical importance of permafrost on the recovery of the flow system after a glacial cycle. As a final contribution, the mean groundwater age across the Canadian landscape at the last interglacial (LIG) and throughout the last glacial cycle was computed. Groundwater age is defined as the time elapsed since the water infiltrated in a recharge zone; the mean groundwater age is the mean age of all the particles of water that would be measured in a sample of water. It was found that at LIG, the mean groundwater ages span a large range of values from zero to 42 Myr. Forty-two Myr old groundwater was calculated at depth where there is little groundwater flow and where a mass of stagnant groundwater exists due to high brine concentrations. During the glacial period, old groundwater below the ice sheet mixes with young subglacial meltwater that infiltrates into the ground and the resulting mean groundwater age is younger. The mixing below the ice sheet occurs at great depth, and locations where the mean groundwater age was older than 1 Myr reaches mean age values between 10 kyr and 100 kyr

    The impact of the last glaciation on groundwater flow in the northern baltic artesian basin (BAB): a numerical study

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    Subglacial recharge model, stable isotope, noble gases, 14C dating

    Developping a physically based groundwater vulnerability concept in a DPSIR framework

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    A general physically based method is presented to assess vulnerability of groundwater to external pressures with respect to quality and/or quantity issues. In the vulnerability assessments, many scientific authors agree nowadays that ‘physically based’ methods must be preferred to traditional approaches based on empirical overlay and index methods where physical attributes are often mixed with implicitly embedded conventional priorities. Results from one or another of these last methods can consequently be very dissimilar for a given case study and decision makers are losing confidence in these tools. A methodology is proposed to reframe the groundwater vulnerability assessment in a Pressure-State-Impact causal chain that is familiar to decision makers. The DPSIR framework, for describing interactions between society and the environment, defines a chain of Drivers that exert Pressures on the State of a given resource, such as water, which then generates an Impact that will require an appropriate Response (Kristensen, 2004). The concept of groundwater vulnerability assessment considered here is based on the calculation of sensitivity coefficients for a user-defined groundwater state for which several physically-based indicators are proposed. These sensitivity coefficients reflect the easiness with which the groundwater state transmits pressures into impacts. They are grouped into a vulnerability matrix of pressures and impacts that quantify vulnerability for every combination of causal links identified in the DPSIR chain. For that reason, the sensitivity coefficients are converted to vulnerability, using the concept of ‘falling below a given threshold’, which is commonly used in socioeconomic sciences (Luers et al. 2003). Outside the careful selection of the sensitivity analysis method that can significantly influence the computational effort (Beaujean et al., 2013), emphasis will be given to the illustration of the general methodology on a simple case (of an alluvial aquifer with concerns related to water supply) demonstrating the potential use of this general and physically based vulnerability assessment method. While the methodology is general, the choice of causal chains has to be made prior to the calculation. The vulnerability is also related to a damaged state and is related to the ‘distance’ between the current state and a given threshold. This choice is arbitrary such that the vulnerability is sensitive to the choice of the threshold. The framework is general and, when applied to water, can include states that are not limited to quality such as, for example, water quantity and availability

    Sensitivity and vulnerability to groundwater overexploitation by a ‘pressure state impact’ and process based approach

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    A methodology is developed for proposing a groundwater vulnerability assessment in a Pressure-State-Impact causal chain that is familiar to decision makers. The ‘Driver Pressure State Impact Response’ (DPSIR) framework, for describing interactions between society and the environment, defines a chain of Drivers that exert Pressures on the State of a given resource, such as groundwater, which then generates an Impact that will require an appropriate Response (Kristensen, 2004). The method is here based on the calculation of sensitivity coefficients for a user-defined groundwater state for which several physically-based indicators are proposed. These sensitivity coefficients reflect the easiness with which the groundwater state transmits pressures into impacts. They are grouped into a vulnerability matrix of pressures and impacts that quantify vulnerability for every combination of causal links identified in the DPSIR chain. For that reason, the sensitivity coefficients are converted to vulnerability, using the concept of ‘transgressing a given threshold’, which is commonly used in socioeconomic sciences (Luers et al. 2003). The concept of ‘rising above a given concentration threshold’ can be used for groundwater quality issues. The concept of ‘falling below a given piezometric head threshold’ can be used for groundwater quantity issues as aquifer overexploitation problems. Outside the careful selection of the sensitivity analysis method that can significantly influence the computational effort (Beaujean et al., 2013), emphasis is given to the illustration of the general methodology on a simple groundwater quantity case (of an alluvial aquifer with concerns related to water supply) demonstrating the potential use of this general and physically based vulnerability assessment method. While the methodology is general, the choice of causal chains has to be made prior to the calculation. The vulnerability is also related to a damaged state and is related to the ‘distance’ between the current state and a given threshold. This choice is arbitrary such that the vulnerability is sensitive to the choice of the threshold

    A conceptual model for anticipating the impact of landscape evolution on groundwater recharge in degrading permafrost environments

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    Temperatures in the arctic and subarctic are rising at more than twice the rate of the global average, driving the accelerated thawing of permafrost across the region. The impacts of permafrost degradation have been studied in the discontinuous permafrost zone at Umiujaq, in northern Quebec, Canada, for over 30 years, but the effects of changing land cover on groundwater recharge is not well understood. The water table fluctuation method was used to compute groundwater recharge using four years of water level data and soil moisture readings from five field sites characteristic of different stages of permafrost degradation and vegetation invasion. Results indicate that as vegetation grows taller, groundwater recharge increases, likely due to increased snow thickness. Results were then combined with a preexisting conceptual model that describes the evolution from tundra to shrubland and forests to create a new model for describing how groundwater recharge is affected by landscape evolution

    Three-dimensional numerical simulations of methane gas migration from decommissioned hydrocarbon production wells into shallow aquifers

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    Three-dimensional numerical simulations are used to provide insight into the behavior of methane as it migrates from a leaky decommissioned hydrocarbon well into a shallow aquifer. The conceptual model includes gas-phase migration from a leaky well, dissolution into groundwater, advective-dispersive transport and biodegradation of the dissolved methane plume. Gas-phase migration is simulated using the DuMux multiphase simulator, while transport and fate of the dissolved phase is simulated using the BIONAPL/3D reactive transport model. Methane behavior is simulated for two conceptual models: first in a shallow confined aquifer containing a decommissioned leaky well based on a monitored field site near Lindbergh, Alberta, Canada, and secondly on a representative unconfined aquifer based loosely on the Borden, Ontario, field site. The simulations show that the Lindbergh site confined aquifer data are generally consistent with a 2 year methane leak of 2–20 m3/d, assuming anaerobic (sulfate-reducing) methane oxidation and with maximum oxidation rates of 1 × 10−5 to 1 × 10−3 kg/m3/d. Under the highest oxidation rate, dissolved methane decreased from solubility (110 mg/L) to the threshold concentration of 10 mg/L within 5 years. In the unconfined case with the same leakage rate, including both aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation, the methane plume was less extensive compared to the confined aquifer scenarios. Unconfined aquifers may therefore be less vulnerable to impacts from methane leaks along decommissioned wells. At other potential leakage sites, site-specific data on the natural background geochemistry would be necessary to make reliable predictions on the fate of methane in groundwater
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