998 research outputs found
Metabolism of nitrogenous wort components by brewers' yeast
A quantitative and qualitative identification of the nitrogenous constituents of
unfermented and final fermented wort has been performed for five industrial yeast strains.
Results highlight the importance of three key amino acids in yeast fermentation
performance. Supplementation of wort using individual amino acids and ammonia
clearly demonstrate lysine and arginine to be marker nitrogen wort constituents.
Synergistic effects of individual wort free amino acids and ammonia on yeast
fermentation efficiency were also examined. Further analysis of nitrogeneous wort
constituents included examination of oligopeptides with a molecular weight of less than
500 Daltons and the influence of yeast proteases on the availability of small peptides
during fermentation. Both lager and ale yeast can simultaneously use amino acids and
small peptides as sources of assimilable nitrogen. Laboratory malt and mash analysis of
28 malt types revealed that 80-95% of total free amino nitrogen originates during malting
and the remaining 5-20% during mashing
A relative trace formula and counting geodesic segments in the hyperbolic plane
In this work we study a modification of the hyperbolic circle problem, which is
one of the problems originally studied by A. Good. We consider the orbit of double
cosets of a Fuchsian group Γ by two hyperbolic subgroups H_1, H_2 in the hyperbolic
We use a relative trace formula with suitable test functions for the counting of
lengths of geodesic segments perpendicular to the closed geodesics corresponding
to H_1 and H_2. We present an elementary proof providing the main term in the
asymptotics and an error termof order O(X^{2/3}). We study themean square of the
error termand prove that it is consistent with the conjectural optimal error term
O(X^{1/2+ϵ}). To apply the relative trace formula we develop a large sieve inequality
for periods ofMaass forms. This requires a more subtle understanding of Huber’s
transform, which is a special case of the Jacobi transform studied by Flensted-
Jensen and Koornwinder. Our counting problem is a special case of counting in
the orthospectrum. We are motivated by previous work on geodesic segments
between a point and a closed geodesic, studied by Huber and Chatzakos–Petridis
The Microbial Ecology Of Listeria Monocytogenes As Impacted By Three Environments: A Cheese Microbial Community; A Farm Environment; And A Soil Microbial Community
This dissertation examined the microbial ecology of Listeria monocytogenes in three distinctly different environments: a cheese microbial community; a farm environment; and a soil microbial community.
The aim of the first study was to investigate the effects of L. monocytogenes on the composition of the surface microflora on washed rind soft cheese. Two trials with washed rind cheeses that were inoculated with 100cfu cm⁻² of a L. monocytogenes six strain cocktail were conducted. The first trial had to be terminated early (day 28) as contamination of Pseudomonas spp. from the initial brine did not produce the expected characteristics of the cheese during the aging period. For the second trial, cheese samples were aged in the lab for 60 days according to the cheesemakers specifications. Surface cheese rind samples were collected from both control and inoculated cheeses every 7 days. Cheese rind samples were analyzed through the standard BAM method for enumeration of L. monocytogenes and through amplification of the V4 region of 16S rRNA and ITS regions for identification of the surface rind bacterial and fungal communities, respectively. Our data showed that Pseudomonas spp. significantly changed the composition of the microorganisms found on the surface of the rind while L. monocytogenes had little effect. In addition, although the concentration of L. monocytogenes increased to levels of 10⁶ cfu cm⁻² based on the enumeration data, the genetic data was not able to identify it in the flora due to the fact that other genera were found at much higher concentrations, which is a limitation of molecular methods used for identification of pathogens in foods.
For the second study the presence and incidence of L. monocytogenes on farms that either produce raw milk cheese or supply the milk for raw milk cheese production was investigated. Five farms were visited and in total 266 samples were collected from barn, environmental, and milk sites. L. monocytogenes prevalence was found to be at 6% from all the farms tested with 10 isolates found in the barn samples, 5 from environmental sites and 1 from milking equipment. Samples were identified to the genus level through a modified BAM method and speciated though multiplex PCR. Included in the pathogenic isolates was a DUP-1042B L. monocytogenes strain that has been implicated in major outbreaks, which emphasizes the adaptability and persistence of highly pathogenic stains in food manufacturing environments. Results from this study continue to support the fact that contaminated silage can be an important reservoir of the pathogen in a dairy farm setting. From our data and field observations we identified that drinking water sources for the animals is also an important reservoir of L. monocytogenes in farm environments. More importantly this study has shown the importance of continuous monitoring of environmental sites for the presence of the pathogen, particularly in silage.
Lastly manure amended soils in the northeastern U.S. were tested for the presence and survival of rifampicin resistant Escherichia coli (rE. coli), generic E. coli (gE. coli) and Listeria spp.. Both gE.coli and rE.coli samples were processed using either direct enumeration, MPN or bag enrichment methods. Samples were taken from both tilled and surface dairy solid manure-amended plots. Listeria samples were processed using a modified BAM method. Listeria presence was constant throughout the study. In contrast, rE. coli and gE. coli levels declined with time. The main conclusions of this study were that soil type, location and physical characteristics have a significant role in the survival of bacterial populations of rE. coli, gE. coli and Listeria spp. in soil. Dairy solids application does not seem to have a long term effect on the natural microbial population of soils. Tilling of soils results in increased survival of the bacterial population due to the fact that it increases soil pore size and facilitates moisture entry, which in turn has been shown to increase bacterial survival rates. Data from this research will assist in the creation of preventative measures that lead to the elimination of pathogen reservoirs. It will be further used to verify that a 120 day interval following manure application should be sufficient to ensure food safety of edible crops subsequently planted on these soils
Disputes in the Digital era : the evolution of dispute resolution and the model ODR system
Le sujet de la thèse est la résolution en ligne des litiges (ODR) et l'objectif de la thèse est de proposer un modèle de système ODR basé sur l'expérience du mouvement de résolution des différends. ODR n’est pas un phénomène isolé de ces derniers temps, mais en raison de l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends. Initialement, les différends survenus entre les parties à la proximité géographique et pour laquelle les tribunaux traditionnels sont le principal moyen de résolution. Cependant, comme les gens ont commencé à voyager de plus grandes distances et de communiquer de loin, les conflits ont évolué comme ils ont augmenté en nombre, sont devenus frontière plus complexe et de plus en plus transversale. Résolution des différends évolués en règlement des différends parallèle et alternatif (ADR) a été utilisée. Cependant, les conflits ont évolué une fois de plus quand le monde est entré dans l'ère numérique. Non seulement les conflits sont devenus encore plus transfrontalier, mais de nouveaux conflits sont apparus qui proviennent exclusivement dans le cyberespace. Afin de satisfaire aux exigences de l'ère numérique, la résolution des différends fit sortir le concept de l'ODR. ODR est née de la combinaison de l'ADR et de la technologie de l'information et de la communication (TIC) de l'ère numérique. D'autres moyens de règlement des différends ont été transférés dans le monde virtuel et ont donné naissance à la résolution des litiges en ligne. ADR et ODR sont examinés largement, et l'examen comprend leurs concepts, leur origine, les principales formes de négociation, de médiation et d'arbitrage et leurs équivalents en ligne, ainsi que leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. La thèse illustre l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends de l'ère analogique, lorsque la résolution des différends était face à face, à l'ère du numérique, lorsque les différends sont réglés dans le cyberespace. Il démontre que l'ODR est une nécessité de l'ère numérique, mais aussi qu'il a le potentiel pour être un moyen révolutionnaire, efficace et réussi à résoudre les différends; d'une manière qui sera l'avenir de la résolution des différends. Sur la base de l'expérience accumulée par l'examen de l'évolution de la résolution des différends et sur ? Lla base des conclusions tirées, la thèse formule une proposition pour le système ODR. La thèse décrit le système ODR, de son processus en trois étapes et la nécessité de l'arbitrage en ligne, sur le réseau ODR, la régulation du système ODR, l'architecture technologique des fournisseurs ODR, leur financement, ainsi que les mesures nécessaires de la sensibilisation et la confiance afin que ODR remplit son plein potentiel.The subject of the thesis is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and the aim of the thesis is to propose a model ODR system based on the experience of the dispute resolution movement. ODR is not an isolated phenomenon of recent times but a result of the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution. Initially, disputes occurred between parties with geographical proximity and for which traditional courts were the principal way of resolution. However, as people started to travel further distances and communicate from afar, disputes evolved as they increased in number, became more complex and increasingly cross border. Dispute resolution evolved in parallel and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was employed. However, disputes evolved once more when the world entered into the digital era. Not only disputes became yet again increasingly cross-border, but new disputes appeared that arose solely in cyberspace. In order to satisfy the requirements of the digital era, dispute resolution brought forth the concept of ODR. ODR arose from the combination of ADR and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the digital era. Alternative means of dispute resolution were transferred to the virtual world and gave birth to Online Dispute Resolution. ADR and ODR are examined extensively, and the examination includes their concepts, their origin, the main forms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their online equivalents, as well as their advantages and drawbacks.The thesis illustrates the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution from the “analog” era, when dispute resolution was face to face, to the “digital” era, when disputes are resolved in cyberspace. It demonstrates that ODR is a necessity of the digital era but also that it has the potential to be a revolutionary, effective and successful way to resolve disputes; a way that will be the future of dispute resolution. Based on the experience accumulated by examining the evolution of dispute resolution and based on the conclusions drawn, the thesis formulates a proposal for the ODR system. The thesis describes the ODR system, from its three step process and the necessity of online arbitration, to the ODR network, the regulation of the ODR system, the technological architecture of ODR providers, their funding, as well as the necessary steps of creating awareness and trust so that ODR fulfils its fullest potential
Disputes in the Digital era : the evolution of dispute resolution and the model ODR system
Le sujet de la thèse est la résolution en ligne des litiges (ODR) et l'objectif de la thèse est de proposer un modèle de système ODR basé sur l'expérience du mouvement de résolution des différends. ODR n’est pas un phénomène isolé de ces derniers temps, mais en raison de l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends. Initialement, les différends survenus entre les parties à la proximité géographique et pour laquelle les tribunaux traditionnels sont le principal moyen de résolution. Cependant, comme les gens ont commencé à voyager de plus grandes distances et de communiquer de loin, les conflits ont évolué comme ils ont augmenté en nombre, sont devenus frontière plus complexe et de plus en plus transversale. Résolution des différends évolués en règlement des différends parallèle et alternatif (ADR) a été utilisée. Cependant, les conflits ont évolué une fois de plus quand le monde est entré dans l'ère numérique. Non seulement les conflits sont devenus encore plus transfrontalier, mais de nouveaux conflits sont apparus qui proviennent exclusivement dans le cyberespace. Afin de satisfaire aux exigences de l'ère numérique, la résolution des différends fit sortir le concept de l'ODR. ODR est née de la combinaison de l'ADR et de la technologie de l'information et de la communication (TIC) de l'ère numérique. D'autres moyens de règlement des différends ont été transférés dans le monde virtuel et ont donné naissance à la résolution des litiges en ligne. ADR et ODR sont examinés largement, et l'examen comprend leurs concepts, leur origine, les principales formes de négociation, de médiation et d'arbitrage et leurs équivalents en ligne, ainsi que leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. La thèse illustre l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends de l'ère analogique, lorsque la résolution des différends était face à face, à l'ère du numérique, lorsque les différends sont réglés dans le cyberespace. Il démontre que l'ODR est une nécessité de l'ère numérique, mais aussi qu'il a le potentiel pour être un moyen révolutionnaire, efficace et réussi à résoudre les différends; d'une manière qui sera l'avenir de la résolution des différends. Sur la base de l'expérience accumulée par l'examen de l'évolution de la résolution des différends et sur ? Lla base des conclusions tirées, la thèse formule une proposition pour le système ODR. La thèse décrit le système ODR, de son processus en trois étapes et la nécessité de l'arbitrage en ligne, sur le réseau ODR, la régulation du système ODR, l'architecture technologique des fournisseurs ODR, leur financement, ainsi que les mesures nécessaires de la sensibilisation et la confiance afin que ODR remplit son plein potentiel.The subject of the thesis is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and the aim of the thesis is to propose a model ODR system based on the experience of the dispute resolution movement. ODR is not an isolated phenomenon of recent times but a result of the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution. Initially, disputes occurred between parties with geographical proximity and for which traditional courts were the principal way of resolution. However, as people started to travel further distances and communicate from afar, disputes evolved as they increased in number, became more complex and increasingly cross border. Dispute resolution evolved in parallel and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was employed. However, disputes evolved once more when the world entered into the digital era. Not only disputes became yet again increasingly cross-border, but new disputes appeared that arose solely in cyberspace. In order to satisfy the requirements of the digital era, dispute resolution brought forth the concept of ODR. ODR arose from the combination of ADR and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the digital era. Alternative means of dispute resolution were transferred to the virtual world and gave birth to Online Dispute Resolution. ADR and ODR are examined extensively, and the examination includes their concepts, their origin, the main forms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their online equivalents, as well as their advantages and drawbacks.The thesis illustrates the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution from the “analog” era, when dispute resolution was face to face, to the “digital” era, when disputes are resolved in cyberspace. It demonstrates that ODR is a necessity of the digital era but also that it has the potential to be a revolutionary, effective and successful way to resolve disputes; a way that will be the future of dispute resolution. Based on the experience accumulated by examining the evolution of dispute resolution and based on the conclusions drawn, the thesis formulates a proposal for the ODR system. The thesis describes the ODR system, from its three step process and the necessity of online arbitration, to the ODR network, the regulation of the ODR system, the technological architecture of ODR providers, their funding, as well as the necessary steps of creating awareness and trust so that ODR fulfils its fullest potential
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