91 research outputs found

    Probabilistic approach to long range planning of manpower

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    Publication presents a total long range planning model for project oriented organizations. The total model consists of planning systems which originate - /1/ at the project level and consolidate into an overall plan, and /2/ from a budetary ceiling and allocate to the individual projects. Analysis of /1/ and /2/ is provided for management decision making

    Management of cultural diversity in group assessment for learning

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    Strój w czeskim piśmiennictwie parenetycznym XVI i XVII wieku

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    The aim of the article is to present the views of Czech preachers and moralists of the 16th and 17th centuries regarding the costumes of that time. In their works, the authors criticized the excessive care of the Czechs about the appearance, which they interpreted as a sign of pride and vanity. They did not agree to the demolition of existing patterns and rules regarding dress. They expressed the belief that each person should be dressed in accordance with his or her place in society. They stigmatized the imitation of foreign fashions because they saw it as a threat to Czech national identity. Particularly much space in parenetic works was devoted to women’s costumes. Moralists emphasized that a woman dressed up had a stronger effect on men and made it easier for them to commit the sin of sensuality. The parenetic writings in question were motivational in nature, serving to shape desirable attitudes and behavior.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie poglądów czeskich kaznodziejów i moralistów XVI i XVII wieku na temat ówczesnych strojów. Na kartach swoich dzieł autorzy krytykowali nadmierną dbałość Czechów o wygląd zewnętrzny, którą interpretowali jako przejaw pychy i próżności. Nie zgadzali się na burzenie istniejących schematów i obowiązujących zasad dotyczących stroju. Wyrażali przekonanie, że każdy człowiek powinien być ubrany zgodnie ze swoim miejscem w społeczeństwie. Piętnowali naśladowanie zagranicznych mód, ponieważ widzieli w tym zagrożenie dla czeskiej tożsamości narodowej. Szczególnie dużo miejsca w dziełach parenetycznych poświęcano strojom niewiast. Moraliści podkreślali, że kobieta wystrojona silniej działa na mężczyzn i ułatwia im popełnianie grzechu zmysłowości. Omawiane pisma parenetyczne miały charakter motywacyjny, służyły kształtowaniu pożądanych postaw i zachowań

    Risk in transport projekts

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    Abstract: The paper discusses the issue of risk in transport projects. The first part includes the analysis of definitions developed to describe the notion of risk. Based on the studies of the literature on the subject, the author discusses the ways the scholars dealing with this subject- matter perceive risk. The second part includes the discussion of risk sources and factors in transport projects, depending on individual project implementation stages. The third part consists in the author’s analysis of risk sources together with the presentation of basic risk factors assigned to such sources which affect the possibility of reaching the set objectives as part of a transport project being implemented. Keywords: Risk; Source of risks; Risk facto

    Bohemistyka na Uniwersytecie Szczecińskim

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    Satysfakcja użytkowników dworców kolejowych – perspektywa badawcza

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    W artykule autorzy prezentują problematykę badań społecznych jako przykład procesów pozwalających określić poziom realizacji standardów wyznaczanych przez wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne regulacje. Kumulacja wiedzy następująca w wyniku powtarzalnych lub komplementarnych procesów badawczych pozwala organizacji występować także w roli doradcy podczas tworzenia regulacji na różnych poziomach ustawodawstwa. Autorzy wskazują istotne etapy kształtowania metodologii procesów badawczych, przytaczając przykłady monitoringu satysfakcji klientów i jakości usług mających centralne znaczenie w konkurencyjności na współczesnych rynkach

    HERRING Governance Report Herring network institutions and governance

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    The Governance Report presents the research about the governance framework in which the various aspects and sectors that are relevant for spawning ground management are embedded.https://commons.wmu.se/herring/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Workshop on Baltic salmon management plan (WKBaltSalMP)

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    This report contains the output of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) workshop on evaluating a draft Baltic salmon management plan (WKBaltSalMP). The main aim was to provide scientifically based responses to a special request received from the European Commission (EC). The process included two meetings attended by scientific experts, national managers and stakeholder representatives. As requested, information on river size and estimated potential productivity was compiled and updated following consultation with national experts within ICES WGBAST (Baltic Salmon and Trout Assessment Working Group). Existing and alternative reference points for assessment of stock status and fishing opportunities were also examined. The group concluded that the currently used targets (50% and 75% of the potential smolt production capacity, PSPC) are inconsistent with the overall objective in the draft plan of achieving maximum sustainable yield (MSY). As a precautionary reference point Rlim was evaluated, defined as the lowest level of smolt production from which the stock would be expected to recover to its specific MSY-level (RMSY) in one salmon generation, if all fishing was completely closed. Simulations developed specifically for the workshop allowed evaluation of requested recovery rates of individual wild salmon stocks under alternative commercial fishing scenarios. The simulations examined commercial harvest rates ranging from 0 to 0.9 (encompassing rates that gives maximum yield in the commercial sea fisheries, located between 0.2 and 0.3; Figure 5.1.1), with additional values examined below 0.1 to better illustrate impacts on less productive river stocks. Neither the EC request nor the draft multiannual plan specify criteria for when (i.e. with what probability) a target has been reached. Therefore, stock-specific tables with simulation-based probabilities of smolt production being above alternative targets for each fishing scenario are presented. These analyses only included river stocks currently assessed analytically by ICES. For remaining stocks, such river specific probabilities could not be determined. For river stocks not assessed analytically, correlative analyses between total estimated sea survival and recruitment over generations were performed. These results indicate that sea survival seem to play an important role in the development also for these stocks, similar to for those currently included in the ICES model. A simplified stable-state population dynamics model was constructed to study trade-offs between mixed (sea) and stock-specific (river) fisheries in terms of achievable catches and proportions of stocks above/below reference points. This analysis illustrated that when the mixed fishery harvest rate is low all river stocks can achieve MSY, whereas when this harvest rate increases, smaller (less resilient) stocks fall below this target. That some smaller stocks fall below MSY (or even goes towards extinction) does not make a noticeable difference to the total yield. Hence, there exists an inbuilt conflict between overall production aims and protection of weak stocks that can only be resolved if mixed-stock sea fisheries for Baltic salmon are kept at a low level. The report also contains requested comments on the draft management plan. The workshop identified that the draft has a strict focus on commercial sea fisheries, although the relative importance of recreational fisheries for Baltic salmon has increased significantly over time. The current two management units for EU commercial fisheries (subdivisions 22 to 31 and Subdivision 32) are further maintained in the draft, whereas evidence has accumulated that salmon are migrating between these areas more than previously recognized. The draft finally does not address management of hatchery-reared Baltic salmon more than marginally, despite large ongoing releases for various purposes in most countries

    Metabolic control level and glucose variability in adolescents with type 1 diabetes during low and high-intensity exercise

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    OBJECTIVE The main purpose of this study was to characterize the determinants of metabolic changes in young type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and to determine glycemic variability during low and high-intensity exercise. PATIENTS AND METHODS 20 young male T1DM patients were divided into two subgroups characterized by levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c): HbA1c7.3% (worse HbA1c subgroup, n=10). All participants performed a maximal oxygen uptake test and two efforts of various intensities (45 minutes of aerobic exercise and 30 minutes of mixed aerobic-anaerobic intensity exercise). Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) were used to control the glucose concentration. RESULTS Changes in biomarkers describing the metabolic response were similar in both groups. A comparison of applied efforts exhibited that maximal capacity effort resulted in the highest values of blood glucose (BG) at the end (150.9-160.6 mg/dl) and 1 hour after the exercise (140.2-161.3 mg/dl). BG concentration before, during, 1 hour, and 24 hours after each exercise was insignificantly higher in the worse Hb1Ac group. CONCLUSIONS HbA1c levels are insufficient to confirm whether the applied effort is performed in acceptable glycemic values. The CGM monitors allow for precise control of BG variations and accurate planning of physical activity by adjusting the insulin and carbohydrate consumption dose