67 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Winter protein pea cultivars in the conditions of Serbia

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    There is a widespread opinion that the development of winter cultivars of protein pea could significantly increase its cultivation area, especially in the temperate regions. A small-plot trial was carried out on a chernozem soil at the Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Ĺ anÄŤevi, including six French and three Bulgarian winter protein pea cultivars. The cultivar 5105 had the earliest date of beginning of flowering (April 16) and the earliest date of harvest (June 11). The cultivars Dove and 5105 had the highest winter survival coefficients, with 0.93 each in the year of 2004/05 and 0.92 each in the year of 2005/06. In average, the highest grain yield was in the cultivars 5174 (6567 kg ha-1) and Dove (6453 kg ha-1) while the lowest grain yield was in the cultivar Frilene (1062 kg ha-1)

    Identification of Genes Differentially Expressed in Response to Cold in Pisum sativum Using RNA Sequencing Analyses

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    International audienceLow temperature stress affects growth and development in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and decreases yield. In this study, RNA sequencing time series analyses performed on lines, Champagne frost-tolerant and Térèse frost-sensitive, during a low temperature treatment versus a control condition, led us to identify 4981 differentially expressed genes. Thanks to our experimental design and statistical analyses, we were able to classify these genes into three sets. The first one was composed of 2487 genes that could be related to the constitutive differences between the two lines and were not regulated during cold treatment. The second gathered 1403 genes that could be related to the chilling response. The third set contained 1091 genes, including genes that could be related to freezing tolerance. The identification of differentially expressed genes related to cold, oxidative stress, and dehydration responses, including some transcription factors and kinases, confirmed the soundness of our analyses. In addition, we identified about one hundred genes, whose expression has not yet been linked to cold stress. Overall, our findings showed that both lines have different characteristics for their cold response (chilling response and/or freezing tolerance), as more than 90% of differentially expressed genes were specific to each of them

    Abiotic Stress Responses in Legumes: Strategies Used to Cope with Environmental Challenges

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    Legumes are well recognized for their nutritional and health benefits as well as for their impact in the sustainability of agricultural systems. The threatening scenario imposed by climate change highlights the need for concerted research approaches in order to develop crops that are able to cope with environmental stresses, while increasing yield and quality. During the last decade, some physiological components and molecular players underlying abiotic stress responses of a broad range of legume species have been elucidated. Plant physiology approaches provided general outlines of plant responses, identifying stress tolerance-related traits or elite cultivars. A thorough identification of candidate genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits followed. Model legumes like Medicago truncatula, Lotus japonicus, and more recently, Glycine max provided valuable translational approaches for dissecting legume responses to abiotic stresses. The challenge now focuses on the translation of the information gained in model systems in controlled environments to crops grown under field conditions. In this review, we provide a general overview of the recent achievements on the study of abiotic stress responses in a broad range of model, grain and forage legumes species, highlighting the different approaches used. Major accomplishments, as well as limitations or drawbacks are discussed across the different sections. Some perspectives regarding new approaches for screening, breeding or engineering legumes with desirable abiotic stress resistance traits are anticipated. These advances will support the development of legumes better adapted to environmental constraints, tackling current demands on modern agriculture and food production presently exacerbated by global climate changes

    Etude du comportement de deux varietes precoces de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill, cv SITO et FISKEBY) dans le nord de la France

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 82600 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Étude du comportement de deux variétés de soja dans le Nord de la France. Influence de la densité

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    Le comportement de 2 variétés de soja du groupe de maturité 000 a été étudié en 1988 et 1989, en conditions de plein champ dans le Nord de la France. Ces 2 génotypes se différencient par leur croissance indéterminée (Sito) ou semi-déterminée (Fiskeby). L'étude a été réalisée pour des peuplements de 40, 80 et 120 plantes par m2. La floraison et la croissance des fruits débute avant que la croissance de l'appareil végétatif ne soit terminée. Cette période de compétition pour les assimilats est plus longue chez Sito que chez Fiskeby. À 40 et 80 plantes par m 2, la production en graines de Sito est supérieure à celle de Fiskeby. Dans ces conditions, le rendement est relié positivement à la quantité maximale de matière sèche végétative élaborée par le peuplement. Le passage de 40 à 80 plantes par m2 permet d'augmenter le rendement en produisant une plus grande quantité de matière sèche végétative, par unité de surface. À 120 plantes/m2, la variété semi-déterminée Fiskeby a un rendement plus élevé que Sito. À cette densité, ni la matière sèche végétative maximale, ni l'indice de récolte ne différencient les 2 variétés. Les raisons de ce comportement sont donc à rechercher au niveau de la capacité du couvert végétal à produire des assimilats et à les transférer jusqu'aux grains.Soybean behaviour in the north of France. Comparison between semi-determinate and indeterminate types and effects of plant population. The behaviour of 2 soybean varieties of maturity group 000 was studied in the north of France in 1988 and 1989 under field conditions. These 2 genotypes differ in their growth habit: indeterminate (Sito) and semi-determinate (Fiskeby). This experiment was conducted on populations of 40, 80 and 120 plants/m2. Blooming and fruit growth begin before vegetative growth is fully completed (figs 1, 2). This competition period for assimilates is longer for Sito than for Fiskeby. At 40 and 80 plants per m2, Sito grain production is more important than that of Fiskeby (fig 4). Under these conditions, grain yield is positively related to maximum vegetative dry weight (fig 3). The 80 plant/m2 population allows a higher grain yield than the 40 plant/m 2 by producing more vegetative dry weight on the same area basis (fig 3; table III). At 120 plants/m2, the semi-determinate variety Fiskeby shows a higher grain yield than Sito. At this density, maximum vegetative dry weight and harvest index are the same for both genotypes (fig 3, tables III, IV) and cannot explain the yield difference. Reasons for this behaviour have to be investigated at the level of the canopy's capacity for assimilate production and translocation

    RĂ©sistance au gel. Conditions d'acclimatation au froid

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    Acclimation of Medicago truncatula to cold stress

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    Acclimation of Medicago truncatula to cold stres

    Le pois d'hiver : une solution pour Ă©chapper aux stress climatiques et biotiques

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    National audienceLes pois de printemps, semés en fin d’hiver, sont plus exposés aux ravageurs et àAphanomyces. L’intérêt des pois d’hiver, semés à l’automne, est d’allonger le cycle, etainsi d’augmenter a priori le potentiel de rendement et d’avancer les stades sensiblesaux stress de fin de cycle vers des périodes moins exposées. Mais ce type de pois estconfronté au gel hivernal

    Influence du froid sur la survie des plantes

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