35 research outputs found

    Paths to sustainable plastic waste recycling

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    Application effect of home-based rehabilitation program led by self-efficacy theory after temporomandibular joint disk repositioning

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    Objective·To explore the effects of home-based rehabilitation program led by self-efficacy theory after temporomandibular joint disk repositioning.Methods·Convenient sampling method was used. Patients with temporomandibular joint disk displacement who received temporomandibular joint disk repositioning in Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from August 2020 to January 2021 were selected as the control group, and patients admitted from February 2021 to July 2021 were selected as the intervention group. The control group received the conventional home-based rehabilitation care, while the intervention group were given home-based rehabilitation program led by self-efficacy theory. The general information questionnaire was used to collect the general information about patients. The joint range of motion measuring, rehabilitation exercise compliance questionnaire, General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES), and Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) were used to investigate the joint range of motion, the rehabilitation exercise compliance score, the self-efficacy score and the uncertainty in illness score in the two groups at baseline and at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery.Results·A total of 167 patients with temporomandibular joint disk displacement who received temporomandibular joint disk repositioning surgery were enrolled, including 96 cases in the control group and 71 cases in the intervention group. There was no difference in the general information between the two groups (P>0.05). There were no differences in the maximal mouth opening, maximum rightward lateral movement, maximum leftward lateral movement, self-efficacy score and uncertainty in illness score between the two groups at baseline (all P>0.05). The maximal forward extension in the intervention group was significantly less than that in the control group (P=0.008). Repeated measurement variance analysis showed that the self-efficacy scores in the intervention group were higher than those in the control group at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery, and the differences were statistically significant (P=0.006, P=0.003, P=0.016). At 1 and 3 months after surgery, the scores of complexity dimension of uncertainty in illness in the intervention group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P=0.003, P=0.000). At 1 and 6 months after surgery, the rehabilitation exercise compliance scores in the intervention group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P=0.000, P=0.016). At 6 months after surgery, the maximum forward extension and maximum rightward lateral movement were significantly greater than those in the control group (P=0.024, P=0.008).Conclusion·The home-based rehabilitation program led by self-efficacy theory has a positive effect on improving the self-efficacy and compliance of rehabilitation exercise, reducing the disease uncertainty, and promoting the joint function recovery in patients receiving temporomandibular joint disk repositioning

    CD8(+) T Cells Involved in Metabolic Inflammation in Visceral Adipose Tissue and Liver of Transgenic Pigs

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    Anti-inflammatory therapies have the potential to become an effective treatment for obesity-related diseases. However, the huge gap of immune system between human and rodent leads to limitations of drug discovery. This work aims at constructing a transgenic pig model with higher risk of metabolic diseases and outlining the immune responses at the early stage of metaflammation by transcriptomic strategy. We used CRISPR/Cas9 techniques to targeted knock-in three humanized disease risk genes, GIPR(dn) , hIAPP and PNPLA3(I148M) . Transgenic effect increased the risk of metabolic disorders. Triple-transgenic pigs with short-term diet intervention showed early symptoms of type 2 diabetes, including glucose intolerance, pancreatic lipid infiltration, islet hypertrophy, hepatic lobular inflammation and adipose tissue inflammation. Molecular pathways related to CD8(+) T cell function were significantly activated in the liver and visceral adipose samples from triple-transgenic pigs, including antigen processing and presentation, T-cell receptor signaling, co-stimulation, cytotoxicity, and cytokine and chemokine secretion. The similar pro-inflammatory signaling in liver and visceral adipose tissue indicated that there might be a potential immune crosstalk between the two tissues. Moreover, genes that functionally related to liver antioxidant activity, mitochondrial function and extracellular matrix showed distinct expression between the two groups, indicating metabolic stress in transgenic pigs' liver samples. We confirmed that triple-transgenic pigs had high coincidence with human metabolic diseases, especially in the scope of inflammatory signaling at early stage metaflammation. Taken together, this study provides a valuable large animal model for the clinical study of metaflammation and metabolic diseases.Peer reviewe

    Perennial grasslands enhance biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in bioenergy landscapes

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    Agriculture is being challenged to provide food, and increasingly fuel, for an expanding global population. Producing bioenergy crops on marginal lands—farmland suboptimal for food crops—could help meet energy goals while minimizing competition with food production. However, the ecological costs and benefits of growing bioenergy feedstocks—primarily annual grain crops—on marginal lands have been questioned. Here we show that perennial bioenergy crops provide an alternative to annual grains that increases biodiversity of multiple taxa and sustain a variety of ecosystem functions, promoting the creation of multifunctional agricultural landscapes. We found that switchgrass and prairie plantings harbored significantly greater plant, methanotrophic bacteria, arthropod, and bird diversity than maize. Although biomass production was greater in maize, all other ecosystem services, including methane consumption, pest suppression, pollination, and conservation of grassland birds, were higher in perennial grasslands. Moreover, we found that the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem services is dependent not only on the choice of bioenergy crop but also on its location relative to other habitats, with local landscape context as important as crop choice in determining provision of some services. Our study suggests that bioenergy policy that supports coordinated land use can diversify agricultural landscapes and sustain multiple critical ecosystem services


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    Contains data on historical winter weather for Kellogg Biological Station and snowfall record, soil temperature, daily nitrous oxide flux, cumulative nitrous oxide flux, soil inorganic nitrogen and soil aggregates under three snow manipulation treatments over winters 2011-2013


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    Contains data on historical winter weather for Kellogg Biological Station and snowfall record, soil temperature, daily nitrous oxide flux, cumulative nitrous oxide flux, soil inorganic nitrogen and soil aggregates under three snow manipulation treatments over winters 2011-2013


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    Contains data on historical winter weather for Kellogg Biological Station and snowfall record, soil temperature, daily nitrous oxide flux, cumulative nitrous oxide flux, soil inorganic nitrogen and soil aggregates under three snow manipulation treatments over winters 2011-2013

    Data from: Reduced snow cover increases wintertime nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from an agricultural soil in the upper U.S. Midwest

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    Throughout most of the northern hemisphere, snow cover decreased in almost every winter month from 1967 to 2012. Because snow is an effective insulator, snow cover loss has likely enhanced soil freezing and the frequency of soil freeze–thaw cycles, which can disrupt soil nitrogen dynamics including the production of nitrous oxide (N2O). We used replicated automated gas flux chambers deployed in an annual cropping system in the upper Midwest US for three winters (December–March, 2011–2013) to examine the effects of snow removal and additions on N2O fluxes. Diminished snow cover resulted in increased N2O emissions each year; over the entire experiment, cumulative emissions in plots with snow removed were 69% higher than in ambient snow control plots and 95% higher than in plots that received additional snow (P < 0.001). Higher emissions coincided with a greater number of freeze–thaw cycles that broke up soil macroaggregates (250–8000 µm) and significantly increased soil inorganic nitrogen pools. We conclude that winters with less snow cover can be expected to accelerate N2O fluxes from agricultural soils subject to wintertime freezing

    Data from: Initial nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane costs of converting conservation reserve program grassland to row crops under no-till vs. conventional tillage

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    Around 4.4 million ha of land in USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts will expire between 2013 and 2018 and some will likely return to crop production. No-till (NT) management offers the potential to reduce the global warming costs of CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O emissions during CRP conversion, but to date there have been no CRP conversion tillage comparisons. In 2009, we converted portions of three 9-21 ha CRP fields in Michigan to conventional tillage (CT) or NT soybean production and reserved a fourth field for reference. Both CO2 and N2 O fluxes increased following herbicide application in all converted fields, but in the CT treatment substantial and immediate N2 O and CO2 fluxes occurred after tillage. For the initial 201-day conversion period, average daily N2 O fluxes (g N2 O-N ha-1 d-1 ) were significantly different in the order: CT (47.5 ± 6.31, n = 6) ≫ NT (16.7 ± 2.45, n = 6) ≫ reference (2.51 ± 0.73, n = 4). Similarly, soil CO2 fluxes in CT were 1.2 times those in NT and 3.1 times those in the unconverted CRP reference field. All treatments were minor sinks for CH4 (-0.69 ± 0.42 to -1.86 ± 0.37 g CH4 -C ha-1 d-1 ) with no significant differences among treatments. The positive global warming impact (GWI) of converted soybean fields under both CT (11.5 Mg CO2 e ha-1 ) and NT (2.87 Mg CO2 e ha-1 ) was in contrast to the negative GWI of the unconverted reference field (-3.5 Mg CO2 e ha-1 ) with on-going greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. N2 O contributed 39.3% and 55.0% of the GWI under CT and NT systems with the remainder contributed by CO2 (60.7% and 45.0%, respectively). Including foregone mitigation, we conclude that NT management can reduce GHG costs by ~60% compared to CT during initial CRP conversion


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    Contains data on greenhouse gas (nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane) fluxes from and soil water and nitrogen availability in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands before and after conversion on June 8, 2009 to row crops under no-till and conventional tillage, plus the global warming impact of individual greenhouse gases under no-till and conventional tillage soybeans and under an unconverted reference field for the period May 7 to November 24, 2009