125 research outputs found
O uso de Elisa como ferramenta complementar para o controle da tuberculose bovina no Brasil
The detection of infected animals is one of the main factors involved in tuberculosis control and, with some variations, is performed through intradermal tuberculin tests. Nevertheless, skin test-negative animals may be infected and represent an important threat to bovine tuberculosis eradication programs. Despite this well-known phenomenon, ELISA testing did not become a routine in tuberculosis control programs. Our purpose was to describe field applications of ELISA in the detection of anergic animals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From 18 herds involved on a tuberculosis control program, two presented skin test-negative infected animals what have delayed and compromised the success of the program, with severe economic losses. Infection in those animals was identified through ELISA and confirmed by isolation of M. bovis from lung lesions. Therefore they were considered to be the most probable source of continuing infection and responsible for the maintenance of the disease in their herds. Without the use of serological tests as ELISA those cows would probably stay in their herds perpetuating the disease and the eradication of the disease in those herds would become impossible. In conclusion, we suggest the use of ELISA as a valuable complementary tool in order to identify possible anergic cows that may be acting as reservoirs of the agent in the herd.A detecção de animais infectados é um dos mais importantes fatores envolvidos no controle da tuberculose e, com algumas variações, é realizado através de testes intradérmicos de tuberculinização. No entanto, animais negativos aos testes intradérmicos podem estar infectados e representam uma importante ameaça aos programas de erradicação da tuberculose. Apesar deste conhecido fenômeno, o uso de ELISA não é rotina nestes programas. Nosso objetivo foi o de descrever experiências do uso a campo de ELISA na detecção de animais anérgicos no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Dentre 18 rebanhos envolvidos em um programa de controle da tuberculose, dois apresentaram animais infectados negativos aos testes intradérmicos, o que atrasou e comprometeu o sucesso do programa, com severas perdas econômicas. A infecção nestes animais foi identificada através de ELISA e confirmada pelo isolamento de M.bovis nas lesões pulmonares. Desta forma foram considerados como a mais provável fonte de infecção e responsáveis pela manutenção da enfermidade nos rebanhos. Sem o uso de testes sorológicos como ELISA estes animais provavelmente permaneceriam nos rebanhos perpetuando a infecção e a erradicação da enfermidade seria impossível. Em conclusão, sugere-se o uso de ELISA como uma valiosa ferramenta complementar para identificar animais anérgicos que possam atuar como reservatórios do agente nos rebanhos
The Onomastics of Shakespeare\u27s Works with Classical Settings
The present invention discloses a set of dental arches comprising: an upper arch (1) formed by upper anterior (2) and posterior (3) artificial teeth and another lower arch (5) formed by lower anterior (6) and posterior (7) artificial teeth mounted in an orderly fashion on flexible bases (4) and (8) constructed of elastomeric resin in the form of an arch, having a three-dimensional movement capacity to enable adaptation to the anatomy and physiology of edentulous patients; the base material also allows the adjustment of each tooth individually, through changes of position, inclination or alignment, in a simple manner, thus producing custom prosthodontics; its use in the confection processes of removable complete and partial dentures saves time, labor and cost compared to traditional methods.US2009233255 (A1)A61C9/00A61C13/34US20070227690A61C9/00A61C13/3
Caracterização dos macrófagos presentes nas lesões cutâneas da hanseníase: estudo por monoclonais
As lesões cutâneas de 16 pacientes com hanseníase foram estudadas por imunofluorescência com anticorpos monoclonais anti-monócitos (OKM1 e anti-MO) e anti-Ia (OKIa). Foi avaliada a atividade de fosfatase ácida utilizando-se naftol AS-B1 fosfato como substrato. Os macrófagos parecem constituir uma população heterogênea em relação aos antigenos estudados neste trabalho e quanto a atividade enzimática. Em todas as formas estudadas um grande número de células eram OKIa positivas.The skin lesions from 16 leprosy patients were studied by immunofluorescence technique using monoclonal antibodies against monocytes (OKM1 and Anti-Mo) and la-like antigen. Acid phosphatase activity was evaluated using naphthol AS-BI phosphate as substrate. The macrophages seem to be a heterogeneous population in concern with the antigens here studied as well as the enzimatic activity. Ia-like antigen was expressed in a great number of cells throughout the clinical spectrum
Incarcerated Health: Profile Of The Multidisciplinary Team Provider Of Health Assistance In Prisons
Objective: draw a profile of the multidisciplinary team provider of health assistence in prisions.
Method: an exploratory and descriptive study developed at the Instituto Libertador Penitentiary Sílvio Porto, a medium security establishment, located in the municipality of João Pessoa-PB.
Results: the health care of prisoners has not been developed in order to comply with the legislation established in the National Health Plan of the Penitentiary System (PNSSP), since it does not meet its numerical prerequisite.
Conclusion: it is urgent to propose and implement differentiated forms of work organization that have an impact on the process and on the quality of care provided to individuals with deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: Health; Prisons; Patient Care Tea
The comprehensive nature of primary health care: evaluation from the user standpoint
This study sought to evaluate the comprehensive nature of Primary Health Care (PHC),from the standpoint of the users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and users ofothers services of PHC. It involved a cross-sectional, analytical and quantitativestudy conducted in Montes Claros in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. For datacollection, the adult version of a validated Primary Care Assessment Toolquestionnaire was applied to 373 adult service users, of which 124 (33.6%) reportedattendance by the FHS and 249 (66.4%) reported attendance by other services. Scorewere assigned for the eight dimensions of the instrument, though only three were usedfor this study, namely first contact, accessibility, and longitudinality. The resultshowed that in relation to the comprehensive nature of PHC, there was a betterevaluation by the population that uses the FHS compared to those who use otherservices. The first contact, accessibility and longitudinality attributes obtainedhigher scores in the FHS care provided in comparison with other services, withstatistical significance for all attributes. The conclusion drawn is that it is offundamental importance to assess the attributes of PHC in order to improve thequality of services provided.Este estudo objetivou avaliar o processo de integralidade da Atenção Primária à Saúde(APS), sob o ponto de vista dos usuários da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e dodemais serviços da APS. Estudo transversal, analítico e quantitativo, realizado emMontes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil, que utilizou questionário validado Primary CareAssessment Tool, versão adulto, aplicado a 373 usuários adultos, sendo que 124(33,6%) referiram atendimento pela ESF e 249 (66,4%) referiram atendimento por outroserviços. Atribuíram-se escores para as oito dimensões do instrumento, entretanto, opresente estudo trabalhou com apenas três: primeiro contato; acessibilidade; e,longitudinalidade. Em relação à integralidade da APS, houve melhor avaliação pelapopulação que utiliza a ESF, comparando com a de quem utiliza outros serviços. Oatributos primeiro contato, acessibilidade e longitudinalidade obtiveram escores maielevados na modalidade de ESF em comparação com outros serviços, com significânciaestatística para todos os domínios. Conclui-se que é de fundamental importânciaavaliar os atributos da APS, com vistas à melhoria da qualidade dos serviçoprestados.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Enfermagem Programa de Pós-Graduação em CiênciasFaculdade de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano Santo Agostinho Departamento de EnfermagemUniversidade Estadual de Montes Claros Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPE Programa de Pós-Graduação em CiênciasSciEL
Liquid vs Solid Culture Medium to Evaluate Proportion and Time to Change in Management of Suspects of Tuberculosis-A Pragmatic Randomized Trial in Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Units in Brazil.
The use of liquid medium (MGIT960) for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis was recommended by WHO in 2007. However, there has been no evaluation of its effectiveness on clinically important outcomes.
A pragmatic trial was carried out in a tertiary hospital and a secondary health care unit in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. Participants were 16 years or older, suspected of having TB. They were excluded if only cerebral spinal fluid or blood specimens were available for analysis. MGIT960 technique was compared with the Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) method for laboratory diagnosis of active TB. Primary outcome was the proportion of patients who had their initial medical management changed within 2 months after randomisation. Secondary outcomes were: mean time for changing the procedure, patient satisfaction with the overall treatment and adverse events. Data were analysed by intention-to-treat. Between April 2008 and September 2011, 693 patients were enrolled (348 to MGIT, 345 to LJ). Smear and culture results were positive for 10% and 15.7% of participants, respectively. Patients in the MGIT arm had their initial medical management changed more frequently than those in the LJ group (10.1% MGIT vs 3.8% LJ, RR 2.67 95% CI 1.44-.96, p = 0.002, NNT 16, 95% CI 10-39). Mean time for changing the initial procedure was greater in LJ group at both sites: 20.0 and 29.6 days in MGIT group and 52.2 and 64.3 in LJ group (MD 33.5, 95% CI 30.6-36.4, p = 0.0001). No other important differences were observed.
This study suggests that opting for the MGIT960 system for TB diagnosis provides a promising case management model for improving the quality of care and control of TB.
Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN79888843
Coletivo Sycorax: desdobramentos de práticas feministas de tradução
The Brazilian translation collective, Coletivo Sycorax, was founded in 2016, aimed at collectively translating feminist and anti-capitalist books, while promoting the circulation of translated works under open licenses and the distribution of physical copies for free. For the Coletivo, translation encompasses both the action of introducing selected works into Brazilian Portuguese, in a way that “approximates” or “makes them seem closer” to our current context, in addition to promoting workshops and other activities based on our translations. This text has four sections and reports on projects, which have emphasized cooperation and network-building that are at the core of collective translation. The first section addresses the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of Caliban and the Witch (2004) and Revolution at Point Zero (2012), both by Silvia Federici. The second reports on the experience of translating Re-enchanting the World (2018), also by Silvia Federici, with twenty other feminist translators in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The third section addresses the translation of Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (1986), by Maria Mies, in 2021; a project which represented an additional step toward directly negotiating royalties and translation rights to ensure open access to the translation. Finally, section four reports on the most recent project: an anthology of Latin American women and feminisms, in cooperation with Revista Amazonas and Ema Livros. Therefore, we aim to show how a number of feminist practices have unfolded from translation practice, which in turn has shifted from a collective translation practice to a commoning one.El Colectivo Sycorax se formó en 2016 con el objetivo de promover la traducción colectiva de libros feministas y anticapitalistas compartiendo las publicaciones a través de licencias abiertas y distribución de copias físicas. Para el Colectivo, la traducción engloba las acciones de acercar las obras al portugués, en el sentido de “avecindar” o “ hacer con que parezca más cercano”, y de realizar talleres y otras actividades con los textos traducidos. Este relato presenta algunos de los proyectos del Colectivo con énfasis en las alianzas y redes que componen la práctica de traducción colectiva. En la primera parte, presentamos la traducción al portugués brasileño de los libros Caliban and the Witch (2004) y Revolution at Point Zero (2012), ambos de Silvia Federici. La segunda parte relata la traducción de la obra Re-enchanting the World (2018), también de Silvia Federici, que se realizó en 2020 gracias al trabajo de otras veinte traductoras durante la pandemia de la Covid-19. La traducción de Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (1986), de Maria Mies, en 2021, representó un paso adelante en la negociación de los derechos de autor para garantizar el acceso abierto a las obras, tema de la tercera parte del relato. Actualmente, el Colectivo se dedica a la organización de una antología de aportes de mujeres y feminismos latinoamericanos, que se presenta en la cuarta parte, en alianza con la Revista Amazonas y Ema Livros. Constituimos así, por medio de la traducción, desarrollos de prácticas feministas: desde la propuesta de traducción colectiva hasta la concepción de la traducción comunizadora.O Coletivo Sycorax se formou em 2016 e tem a finalidade de promover a tradução coletiva de livros feministas e anticapitalistas, compartilhando as publicações por meio de licenças abertas e distribuição de exemplares físicos. Para o Coletivo, a tradução abarca tanto a ação de aproximar as obras do português, no sentido de “avizinhar” ou de “fazer parecer mais próximo” quanto a de realizar oficinas e outras atividades com os textos traduzidos. Este relato, dividido em quatro partes, apresenta alguns dos projetos do Coletivo, com ênfase nas parcerias e redes que configuram o exercício de tradução coletiva. Na primeira parte, apresentamos a tradução para o português brasileiro dos livros Caliban and the Witch (2004) e Revolution at Point Zero (2012), ambos de Silvia Federici. A segunda parte relata a tradução da obra Re-enchanting the World (2018), também de Silvia Federici, a qual ganhou corpo em 2020 por meio do trabalho de outras vinte tradutoras durante a pandemia de Covid-19. A tradução de Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (1986), de Maria Mies, em 2021, representou um passo à frente na negociação de direitos autorais para garantir o acesso aberto às obras, como expomos na terceira parte deste relato. Atualmente, o Coletivo se dedica à organização de uma antologia de contribuições de mulheres e feminismos latino-americanos, apresentada na quarta parte, em parceria com a Revista Amazonas e a Ema Livros. Constituímos assim, por meio da tradução, desdobramentos de práticas feministas: da proposta de tradução coletiva para a concepção de tradução comunizante
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