435 research outputs found

    Emotions in business-to-business service relationships

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    Emotion in business-to-business service relationships regarding cargo services is explored. The service relationship is characterised by mutual trust and cooperation. Contact is mainly via telephone or e-mail with some face-to-face interactions and participants providing a complex, multi-skilled seamless service. Experience rather than training plays a vital role with long-term service relationships built up and maintained. Emotional sensitivity is acquired partly by experience and a repeat customer base but mainly through a genuine desire to help and get to know others. In contrast to the view of emotional labour bringing managerial control or adverse affects to service staff, the emotion engendered by this work is authentic expression bringing personal satisfaction

    Pay progression in routinised service sector work: navigating the internal labour market in a fast food multinational company

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    The United Kingdom's widespread use of low‐skill, low‐paid employment has been well documented. It has been argued internal labour markets (ILMs) benefit such workers, affording them with opportunities for progression. Relatively little is known, however, about the impact of ILMs on entry level workers undertaking routinised service sector work. Drawing on qualitative data, this article explores the prospects on offer in a market leading, fast food multinational company. Potential enabling features include on‐the‐job training, a transparent and integrated pay structure and a professed culture of progression. Occupational movements to positions above the low‐pay threshold are, however, relatively rare. We conjecture this contradiction is the result of the business context in which the firm operates. The findings suggest that in sectors where price leadership strategies dominate, escape from low pay is likely to be exceptional, even within large organisations featuring some of the classic characteristics of ‘pure’ or strong ILMs

    Resist or Comply:The Power Dynamics of Organizational Routines during Mergers

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    The role of power and agency in the development of organizational routines is under-theorized. In this paper, we draw on an in-depth qualitative case study of a merger between two academic institutions, a college of art and a university, and examine the diverging responses of two organizational routines (admissions and budgeting) during the course of the merger to understand how power dynamics contribute to resistance/compliance of routines. Our findings suggest that the differences in routines’ responses to a merger initiative can be explained by applying Bourdieu's theory of practice and by employing the concepts of field and symbolic capital to unpack power relations in the context of organizational routines, and to disclose why some routine participants can exercise their agency while others cannot. We find that (a) the field within which a routine operates and (b) the actors’ symbolic capital and position-taking during change implementation shape routines’ responses to organizational change initiatives

    Worker well-being and the importance of work: bridging the gap

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    The importance of worker well-being is widely-embraced both in theory and policy, but there are numerous perspectives on what it is, how to measure it, whether it needs improving and if so, how to improve it. We argue that a more complete approach to worker well-being needs to consider workers as full citizens who derive and experience both public and private benefits and costs from working. A broad framework on the meanings of work is used to expand the boundaries of worker well-being to reflect the broad importance of work in human life

    Between Boston and Berlin: American MNCs and the shifting contours of industrial relations in Ireland

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    peer-reviewedDrawing on detailed qualitative case studies and utilizing a national business system lens, we explore a largely underrepresented debate in the literature, namely the nature of change in a specific but critical element of business systems, that is the industrial relations (IR) institutions of the State and the impact of MNCs thereon. Given the critical mass of US investment in Ireland, we examine how US MNCs manage IR in their Irish subsidiaries, how the policies and practices they pursue have impacted on the Irish IR system, and more broadly their role in shaping the host institutional environment. Overall, we conclude that there is some evidence of change in the IR system, change that we trace indirectly to the US MNC sector. Further, the US MNC sector displays evidence of elements of the management of IR that is clearly at odds with Irish traditions. Thus, in these firms we point to the emergence of a hybrid system of the management of IR and the establishment of new traditions more reflective of US business system.ACCEPTEDpeer-reviewe

    Comprehensive analysis of blood cells and plasma identifies tissue-specific miRNAs as potential novel circulating biomarkers in cattle

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    Abstract Background The potential of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers of tissue function, both in health and disease, has been extensively demonstrated in humans. In addition, circulating miRNA biomarkers offer significant potential towards improving the productivity of livestock species, however, such potential has been hampered by the absence of information on the nature and source of circulating miRNA populations in these species. In addition, many miRNAs originally proposed as robust biomarkers of a particular tissue or disease in humans have been later shown not to be tissue specific and thus to actually have limited biomarker utility. In this study, we comprehensively analysed miRNA profiles in plasma and cell fractions of blood from cattle with the aim to identify tissue-derived miRNAs which may be useful as biomarkers of tissue function in this important food animal species. Results Using small RNA sequencing, we identified 92 miRNAs with significantly higher expression in plasma compared to paired blood cell samples (n = 4 cows). Differences in miRNA levels between plasma and cell fractions were validated for eight out of 10 miRNAs using RT-qPCR (n = 10 cows). Among miRNAs found to be enriched in plasma, we confirmed miR-122 (liver), miR-133a (muscle) and miR-215 (intestine) to be tissue-enriched, as reported for other species. Profiling of additional miRNAs across different tissues identified the human homologue, miR-802, as highly enriched specifically in liver. Conclusions These results provide novel information on the source of bovine circulating miRNAs and could significantly facilitate the identification of production-relevant tissue biomarkers in livestock. In particular, miR-802, a circulating miRNA not previously identified in cattle, can reportedly regulate insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, and thus could potentially provide a specific biomarker of liver function, a key parameter in the context of post-partum negative energy balance in dairy cows