123 research outputs found


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    This study is the first to evaluate water safety and Legionella prevention from a management level perspective. It is an organisation’s duty to prevent any harm or risks potentially threatening the health of people. For that, certain processes are essential to be applied. They should be known by the people responsible and those, who are involved in any process serving to maintain health and safety, and to reduce known hazards. This thesis’s purpose is to create a significant contribution to knowledge by creating the first ever suggested framework for England. It makes a distinct and original contribution to knowledge as it is easy to understand and provides schemes and docu-ment templates for reference and for application. The specific aim of this research is to systematically identify the present situation of water safety and Legionella prevention in water systems in healthcare organisations, i.e. hospitals and hospital trusts in England. It seeks to create a framework guiding management processes to people re-sponsible to identify and better understand roles and processes to properly take action for the prevention of water system related infections caused by Legionella. The focus of the research lies in organisational structures from the point of view of Estates and Facilities Management. It anal-yses the current state of the process of Legionella prevention with a focus in England and with a different way of looking at the problem. In research papers the topic is neither very prevalent nor easily accessible at management levels. Methodology is built on a mixed methods research de-sign and a multilevel triangulation approach. An embedded design applies cases for analysis, that have been empirically collected during an exploratory first phase with cases in the UK, Germany and Switzerland. A consecutive country-specific phase fosuing the research more specific was applied for England. Data from interviews and documents was collected and analysed during the exploratory phase, which had a focus on taxonomy and to explore job descriptions and factors in hospitals that have a thematic connection to Legionella, risk management and water systems for the purpose of water safety management. This phase was also necessary to test the fluency of the procedures selected for data collection and verify and confirm the case strategy chosen. Re-search of the following phase collected and analysed data from interviews, a survey and docu-ments. The specific focus of this phase was to find patterns, define coding structures, build cate-gories, analyse and compare content by applying cycles of content analysis to find levels of ab-straction to create a draft version of a framework, which underwent a validation step in a final fo-cus group by experts in the field of risk management and water safety. Throughout the research process, the findings present a systematically reviewed and analysed picture of procedures of water safety management. It applies stakeholder analysis as well as pro-cess analysis, demonstrating levels of collaboration, risk management procedures, process man-agement, quality management, environmental management and knowledge management. The dissemination of the research’s output is a framework titled “Water safety management, Le-gionella prevention and risk management in hospitals: a framework for Estates and Facilities Man-agement in England”. It aims at closing the gap between theory and practice and complies with best practice. It translates given obligations into the professional field of Estates and Facilities Management and should be made available for transferring knowledge

    Risk Management - Hygiene and Legionella in water systems in hospitals: Relevance for Facility Management and Facility Services

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    To guide readers properly, it is necessary to say that this article is part of an ongoing research project. It is divided into four sections. For the purpose of introducing into the topic, a concise summary of the contextual framework and theoretical background is presented first. Here the authors introduce on the topic of hygiene, Legionella and risk management in the context of Facility Management and Facility Services. After sharing the perspective from the research project's context, section two reveals findings of a literature review, which worked out a potential search strategy for people new to the topic. It is also useful for people responsible, who wish to get deeper knowledge about the topics 'responsibility of stakeholders' and the ‘process’ of Legionella prevention. With the contents of section three shifting from research to (legal) practice, some responsibilities of stakeholders and the ‘process’ of Legionella prevention are presented. As the field work of the research project is still running, and participants (interview partners) are still needed, the last section of this article informs briefly about characteristics of the research project

    Legionella and risk management in hospitals - A bibliographic research methodology for people responsible for built environments and facility management

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    An ongoing research project investigates the roles and duties of persons responsible for the built environment with respect to risk management of water systems and Legionella prevention from a facility management’s perspective. Our literature review provides an approach for selecting and analysing abstracts of initially 177 journal articles, subjected to certain topic-specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Different decision strategies of either logic ‘yes/no’, Boolean operators ‘OR’ or ‘AND’ and decisions for single counts or cumulative counts of the identified three principal keywords ‘Legionella’, ‘hospital’ and ‘water’, were completed. A final list of ten principal reference articles from 29 journals was compiled. It suggests that the interconnected perspective of water systems, Legionella and hospitals seems to be underrepresented in the field of the built environment and facility management. The term ‘stakeholder’, which would refer to decision-makers, was not found more than once. Our result is a useful summary of established sources of information on environmental Legionella research. The results can be helpful for those new to the topic

    An evolutionary stage model of outsourcing and competence destruction : a Triad comparison of the consumer electronics industry

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    Outsourcing has gained much prominence in managerial practice and academic discussions in the last two decades or so. Yet, we still do not understand the full implications of outsourcing strategy for corporate performance. Traditionally outsourcing across borders is explained as a cost-cutting exercise, but more recently the core competency argument states that outsourcing also leads to an increased focus, thereby improving effectiveness. However, no general explanation has so far been provided for how outsourcing could lead to deterioration in a firm‟s competence base. We longitudinally analyze three cases of major consumer electronics manufacturers, Emerson Radio from the U.S., Japan‟s Sony and Philips from the Netherlands to understand the dynamic process related to their sourcing strategies. We develop an evolutionary stage model that relates outsourcing to competence development inside the firm and shows that a vicious cycle may emerge. Thus it is appropriate to look not only at how outsourcing is influenced by an organization‟s current set of competences, but also how it alters that set over time. The four stages of the model are offshore sourcing, phasing out, increasing dependence on foreign suppliers, and finally industry exit or outsourcing reduction. The evolutionary stage model helps managers understand for which activities and under which conditions outsourcing across borders is not a viable option. Results suggest that each of these firms had faced a loss of manufacturing competitiveness in its home country, to which it responded by offshoring and then outsourcing production. When a loss of competences occurred, some outsourcing decisions were reversed

    Strategic implications of valuation methods

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    Author's OriginalStrategy is ultimately aimed at creating shareholder value, placing valuation in a central role linking finance and strategy. Focusing on growth options, this paper uses a unique "perfect information" model to examine, from a strategy point of view, the relationship between the market value of the firm and its intrinsic, or DCF, value. Although the research is at the level of the firm, the results have implications at the level of individual strategies and projects, since a firm can be conceptualized as a collection of projects. The findings highlight the relationship between the value of growth options and macroeconomic conditions, industry characteristics, and firm-specific factors. A revised version of this paper has since been published in the journal Advances in Strategic Management. Please use this version in your citations.Alessandri, T. M., Lander, D. M., & Bettis, R. A. (2007), Strategic Implications of Valuation: Evidence from Valuing Growth Options, in Professor Brian Silverman (ed.) Real Options Theory. Advances in Strategic Management, 24, 459-48

    Heterogeneity and Strategic Choices: The Case of Stock Repurchases

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    Strategic decisions are fundamentally tough choices. Theory suggests that managers are likely to display bounded rationality. Empirics on the other hand assume rationality in choice behavior. Recognizing this inherent disconnect between theory and empirics, we try to account for behavioral biases using a theoretically consistent choice model. The traditional approach to modeling strategic choice has been to use discrete choice models and make inference on the conditional mean effects. We argue that the conditional mean effect does not capture behavioral biases. The focus should be on the conditional variance. Explicitly modeling the conditional variance (in the discrete choice framework) provides us with valuable information on individual level variation in decision-making. We demonstrate the effect of ignoring the role of variance in choice modeling in the context of firm’s decisions to conduct open market repurchases. We show that when taking into account the heterogeneity in choices, manager’s choices of conducting open market repurchases displays considerable heterogeneity and that not accounting for such heterogeneity might lead to wrong conclusions on the mean effects

    Ability-based view in action: a software corporation study

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    This research investigates antecedents, developments and consequences of dynamic capabilities in an organization. It contributes by searching theoretical and empirical answers to the questions: (a) What are the antecedents which can provide an organization with dynamic and ordinary capabilities?; (b) How do these antecedents contribute to create capabilities in an organization?; (c) How do they affect an organization's competitive advantage?; (d) Can we assess and measure the antecedents and consequences to an organization? From a first (theoretical) perspective, this paper searches answers to the first, second and third questions by reviewing concepts of an ability-based view of organizations that involves the abilities of cognition, intelligence, autonomy, learning and knowledge management, and which contributes to explain the dynamic behavior of the firm in the pursuit of competitive advantage. From a second (empirical) perspective, this paper reinforces and delivers findings to the second, third and fourth questions by presenting a case study that evidences the ability-based view in action in a software corporation, where it contributes by investigating: (a) the development of organizational capabilities; (b) the effects of the new capabilities on the organization; and (c) the assessment and measurement of the abilities and consequences

    Customer Experience Management

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    Dieser Beitrag leistet einen Beitrag zur Marketingforschung, da er den jungen aber von zunehmender Relevanz geprĂ€gten Forschungsstrang zum Themenkomplex CEM grundlegend entwickelt. Zum einen zeigt das identifizierte Rahmenkonzept auf, dass CEM ĂŒber einzelne unternehmerische FĂ€higkeiten wie dem Design von Serviceerlebnissen, das die bisherige CEM-Forschung bestimmt hat, hinausgeht. Zum anderen leistet das Konzept einen Beitrag zur Synthese fragmentierter, aber miteinander zusammenhĂ€ngender Literaturströmungen in der Marketingforschung ..
