321 research outputs found
Individual identification of Black-throated Divers (Gavia arctica)
The potential to identify individual Black-throated Divers (Gavia arctica) on the basis of breeding plumage features was explored using 278 photos, including two paired birds followed during the years 2007-2015 at a specific breeding location. Observations were focused on: 1) white lines on the sides of neck, 2) mantle having rows of sharply contrasting white squares, and 3) small white spots on lesser andmedian coverts. In photos, the number ofwhite lines on the sides of neck varied from four to seven (mean = 5.0, n = 278), and the second line from the head was the highest in 92.1% of the photos. The number of " white square" rows on the mantle varied from 11 to 14 and the small white spots on coverts from 27 to 67. Identification of individual Black-throated Divers was potentially easiest if the plumage had some special patterns (19.4% of birds, n = 278). Plumage remained the same in the followed pair between years, as was also shown by the discriminant analysis, since the followed pair was correctly classified by sex but not by sides showing that sides are similar. To estimate whether it is possible to separate these two birds from other birds, a second discriminant analysis was accomplished. Thus, 125 other birds were added to analysis as a third group together with the followed pair (female andmale, nine years and n = 18 per sex). The linear discriminant analysis yielded a classification rate of 70.8% in original analysis and 69.6% based on the leave-one-out analysis (n = 161). These analyses were based on the relative height of the neck lines, their average relative height and standard deviation. When the number ofwhite spotswere added to this discriminant analysis, a correct classification rate of 77.4% in original analysis and 75.7% in the leave-one-out analysis was obtained (n = 115). These following nesting pairs during their breeding seasons in different years. Presumed female andmaleBlack-throatedDiver could be distinguished based on the shape of the forehead.Peer reviewe
Yksilöllinen vaihtelu kuikkien (Gavia arctica) reviirihuudoissa
Kuikkien (Gavia arctica) kuuluva reviirihuuto on tunnetuimpia luonnonÀÀniĂ€ pohjoisilla alueilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, voidaanko koiraskuikkia tunnistaa yksilöllisesti huudon perusteella. Vuosina 2018â2021 ÀÀnitettiin 19 urospuolisen kuikan reviirihuuto, 10 niistĂ€ 2â4 perĂ€kkĂ€isenĂ€ vuotena ja yhdeksĂ€n yhtenĂ€ vuotena. ĂĂ€nitykset tehtiin samalla jĂ€rvialueella Suomessa. Huuto koostuu yhdestĂ€ johdanto-osasta ja yhdestĂ€ tai useammasta toisto-osasta. Johdanto-osan ja ensimmĂ€isen toisto-osan spektrogrammeista mitattiin 17 eri parametriĂ€. NĂ€mĂ€ koostuivat spektrogrammin eri osien taajuuksista ja kestoista. Valitut parametrit analysoitiin tilastollisesti. ErotteluanalyysiĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin tutkittaessa kuikkayksilöiden yksilöllistĂ€ tunnistamista reviirihuutojen (n = 297) spektrianalyysin perusteella eri reviireillĂ€ (n = 19). Analyysit osoittivat, ettĂ€ kĂ€ytettĂ€essĂ€ 14 muuttujaa ja ristiinvalidointia, pystyttiin reviirit luokittelemaan huudon perusteella lĂ€hes 98 prosenttisesti oikein. TĂ€mĂ€ viittaa siihen, ettĂ€ samat yksilöt puolustavat reviiriÀÀn vuodesta toiseen.The intention of the study was to determine whether male Black-throated Divers (Gavia arctica) can be distinguished individually by their vocalization. The songs of 19 male Black-throated Divers (BTDs) were recorded in their territories in the same lake area in 2018â2021 in Finland. The songs were recorded in one year in nine territories and in 2â4 consecutive years in ten territories. The song consists of one introductory phrase and one or more repeat phrases. Seventeen variables were measured from the spectrograms of the introductory phrase and the first repeat phrase. These variables included the frequencies and duration of different parts of the spectrogram. The discriminant analyses were used to examine the recognition of individual BTDs based on the spectral analysis of the male yodels (n = 297) in different territories (n = 19). The discriminant analysis showed that when using 14 of the variables of the yodels, the discriminant analysis classified the yodels to correct territories at a rate of almost 98% based on the cross-validation of all data. This suggests that the same individuals defend their territory from year to year.Peer reviewe
Sikatalouden tuotantostrategiat
Suomessa sikatilat ovat investoineet merkittÀvÀsti suuriin yksiköihin, joissa tuotanto-kustannukset ovat alhaiset. Sikatilojen lukumÀÀrÀ vÀhenee nopeasti ja yksikkökoko kasvaa. Tuotannon tehostamisen toivotaan olevan ratkaisu alan kannattavuusongelmiin ja ajoittain hyvin alhaisiin sianlihan hintoihin. Tuotannon tehostamiseen tÀhtÀÀvÀ sianlihan tuotantostrategia sisÀltÀÀ kuitenkin merkittÀviÀ riskejÀ. Tilakoon kasvattaminen ja tuotantokustannusten alentaminen on vÀlttÀmÀtön, mutta ei riittÀvÀ keino kotimaisen sianlihantuotannon turvaamiseksi. Sen lisÀksi tarvitaan sianlihan tarjonta-ketjun kokonaisvaltaista kehittÀmistÀ ja tuotteiden erilaistamista tuontituotteista. Jatkossa tarvitaan selvÀsti nykyistÀ enemmÀn toimia, joilla vahvistetaan kotimaisen sianlihan tuotemerkkejÀ, luodaan uusia eri asiakasryhmille rÀÀtÀlöityjÀ tuotteita ja palveluja, ja vahvistetaan luomutuotannon tarjontaketjua ja markkinoita. Maatalouden taloudellisessa tutkimuslaitoksessa tehdyn tutkimuksen mukaan tuotannon tehostamisesta huolimatta sianlihan alhainen hinta voi viedÀ pohjan pois suomalaiselta sianlihan tuotannolta. Sianlihan hinta on ajoittain hyvin alhainen alan suhdannevaihtelujen vuoksi. TÀllöin suuretkin sikatilat ovat vaikeuksissa ja tuotanto voi vÀhentyÀ merkittÀvÀsti, jolloin kotimaisen raaka-aineen saatavuus vaarantuu. TÀmÀ taas tietÀÀ vaikeuksia koko tarjontaketjulle, joka rakentuu paljolti kotimaisen raaka-aineen varaan. Suomalaisen tuottajan tulisi saada sianlihasta korkeampi hinta kuin tuottajat kilpailijamaissa voidakseen kilpailla samoilla markkinoilla. Samalla kun sianlihan tuotanto keskittyy yhÀ suurempiin yksiköihin kuluttajien kotimaisuus-preferenssin sÀilyttÀminen saattaa olla tulevaisuudessa vaikeaa. Tuotantotavan merkitys voi vahvistua ja tuotteen alkuperÀmaan merkitys vÀhentyÀ. Jos suuret ulkomaiset lihantuottajat markkinoivat aktiivisesti ns. pehmeitÀ tuotantomenetelmiÀ, kotimaisen tavanomaisesti tuotetun sianlihan uskot-tavuus markkinoilla vaarantuu. TÀssÀ tilanteessa luomusianliha saattaa olla lihateollisuuden omia tuotemerkkejÀ uskottavampi vaihtoehto. Ongelmana on, ettÀ luomusianlihan tuotanto ja markkinat ovat Suomessa hyvin kehittymÀttömÀt. Muissa pohjoismaissa ja Keski-Euroopassa luomusianlihan markkinaosuus on huomattavasti suurempi kuin Suomessa. Ilman teollisuuden ja kaupan nykyistÀ olennaisesti aktiivisempia kehittÀmistoimia luomusianlihan tuotanto ja tuotteistaminen jÀÀ yhÀ enemmÀn kehityksessÀ jÀlkeen. Myös kansantaloudellisesti olisi edullista, ettÀ Suomessa tuotetulla luomurehuviljalle olisi kÀyttöÀ kotimaassa sen sijaan, ettÀ siitÀ osa viedÀÀn ulkomaille luomusian rehuksi. Luomusianlihan tuotannon laajentaminen vaatii riittÀvÀn suurta sikalakokoa ja luomurehun saatavuutta sekÀ markkinakanavien avaamista. Nautojen BSE-taudin leviÀminen vahvistaa hetkellisesti sianlihan kysyntÀÀ ja hintatasoa. TÀmÀ mahdollisuus tulisi kÀyttÀÀ hyvÀksi tarjoamalla asiakkaille uusia korkean lisÀarvon tuotteita ja palveluja. Kuluttajien huomion kohdistuminen sianlihaan tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia myös luomu-tuotannolle. HyvÀssÀ kysyntÀtilanteessa ei tulisi kuitenkaan uskotella, ettÀ sikatalouden tÀhÀnastinen kehitystyö olisi riittÀvÀ tulevaisuutta ajatellen.The effects of different production strategies on the future hog production volume and agricultural income were evaluated. The basic strategies evaluated were organic production, and efficient conventional production. Effects of different efficiency levels in conventional hog production were evaluated at a sector and farm level. The basic alternatives in conventional production were slow, moderate and fast growth in production efficiency. The development of production volume and agricultural income were simulated, using a dynamic regional sector model of Finnish agriculture (DREMFIA), at two different scenarios of the EU price level. The model incorporates imperfect substitution between domestic and imported pork, as well as development of productivity. According to the results, a relatively fast efficiency development is needed in order to reach production volumes roughly equal to the domestic consumption during the next 10 years. If the average prices in EU decrease more than 10% from the 1999 price level even a very fast efficiency development is not enough in order to cover the domestic consumption. If the average EU price level decreases more than 10% persistently, even the largest pork farms may not survive. Furthermore, fast efficiency development and heavy investments require high public investment supports and imply considerable risks both for farmers and for the environment. One can conclude that considerable increase in efficiency alone cannot guarantee the profitability of hog production, or the production volumes close to domestic consumption. It is estimated by various experts that there is an increasing demand for organic pork. However, the supply does not meet this demand and only 0.5% of the total pork supply is organic in Finland. The lack of supply was assessed to be an outcome of the lack of coordination between producers and meat processing industry resulting to insufficient price incentives for pork producers. Without great changes in the actions of the whole supply chain little or no increase in the supply of organic pork can be expected. It is concluded that fostering the efficiency development is necessary, though not sufficient, in order to maintain the current volume of conventional pork production and increasing the volume of organic pork production. Organic pork is a viable option only in sufficiently large farm units. Given the unfavourable natural conditions and structural inefficiencies in the Finnish pork sector, the public sector should continue to support investments in the pork sector if the national objectives and obvious consumer preferences to domestic pork are to be met. It is important, however, to recognise that supporting only bulk production will not result to sustained competitive advantage. Rather, it is concluded that an increasing part of the public support available should be directed to projects fostering product differentiation, as brand promotion, customer relations and organic production, as well as in diminishing environmental externalities and eliminating animal diseases. Using such a wide set of instruments is likely to be more effective in hedging against risks, like low and volatile market prices, than only relying on the efforts to increase the production efficiency. In other words, the Finnish hog sector needs continuing development in many areas in order to maintain its position in domestic markets.vokMTT TaloustutkimusProduction strategies of hog sector in Finlan
SisÀvaiheen kosteudenhallinta kerrostalotyömaalla
OpinnÀytetyössÀ kartoitettiin kerrostalotyömaan sisÀvaiheen kosteudenhallintaan vaikuttavia asioita. TyössÀ perehdyttiin siihen, mikÀ ylipÀÀtÀÀn aiheuttaa tarpeen sisÀvaiheen kosteudenhallinnalle. TyössÀ keskityttiin sisÀvaiheen kosteudenhallinnan kannalta kriittisiin työvaiheisiin ja asioihin, joita ovat esimerkiksi rakennuksen terÀsbetoninen runkorakenne, lattiatasoitustyöt, seinien tasoitustyöt sekÀ seinien maalaustyöt.
OpinnÀytetyössÀ kartoitettiin myös erilaiset laiteratkaisut, joiden avulla kerrostalotyömaalle pystytÀÀn luomaan sellaiset olosuhteet, joiden avulla rakenteet alkavat kuivaamaan ja sisÀilmasta saadaan eroteltua ja johdettua pois ylimÀÀrÀinen kosteus. OpinnÀytetyössÀ perehdyttiin ja tutkittiin myös Suomessa vaikuttava ilmasto ja sen erityispiirteet, jotka vaikuttavat suurelta osin kerrostalotyömaalla jÀrjestettÀviin sisÀilman ja rakenteiden kuivatustoimenpiteisiin.
OpinnÀytetyöhön saatiin kuivaustoimenpiteiden tuloksia kolmelta seurantatyömaalta, joissa erityisesti panostettiin sisÀvaiheen kosteudenhallintaan kosteudenpoistolaitteiden avulla. Saatujen tulosten perusteella pystyttiin toteamaan, ettÀ esimerkiksi kohteissa tehdyt lattiatasoitustyöt toivat merkittÀvÀn kosteuslisÀn kohteiden sisÀilmaan. LisÀksi yhdellÀ kolmesta seurantatyömaasta kokeiltiin kerroksiin sijoitettujen kosteudenpoistolaitteiden ja kohteen vesikatolle asennetun kanavapuhaltimen vaikutuksia lopputuloksiin.
Kohdetyömaiden sisÀvaiheen aikana kerÀtyn datan saamisen mahdollisti kohteisiin hankitut dataloggerit, joiden avulla pystyttiin helpolla tavalla seuraamaan kohteiden sisÀvalmistusvaiheessa sisÀilman kosteustasojen ja lÀmpötilan vaihteluita eri työvaiheiden aikana.The objective of this study was to gather information about humidity controlling at multistorey building sites. Excess air humidity causes many potential problems on quality of the final product and on schedule.
The theoretical section explores main sources of moisture that vaporizes from different materials which are used to complete the structure and interior partitions of multistorey building. There are many solutions on the market that help to reduce the humidity of the air inside the construction site. Devices that reduce the humidity often utilizes condensation or adsorption techniques. This study also introduces the devices that are needed to generate heat inside the constructionâs structure. The key points of drying indoor air are heat and ventilation.
The results suggest that it is necessary to plan the drying arrangements in advance in order to avoid quality problems and schedule delays on site. Specific internal construction phases can increase the indoor humidity by 50 %. Such phases are for example wall painting and plastering. Monitoring the humidity levels is very important and the solution for monitoring is data loggers. Data loggers can record humidity levels and temperature. The collected data is crucial in estimating the drying of the buildingâs structure and interior partitions.
The findings indicate that it is mandatory to use dehumidifiers on summer time and on autumn due to the high level of humidity in outdoor air. If the humid outdoor air goes inside the building it may actually significantly slow down drying process of the buildingâs structure and interior partitions
Challenges and Governance Solutions for Data Science Services based on Open Data and APIs
Peer reviewe
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Tetraplegics
Movement-disabled persons typically require a long practice time to learn how to use a brain-computer
interface (BCI). Our aim was to develop a BCI which tetraplegic subjects could
control only in 30 minutes. Six such subjects (level of injury C4-C5) operated a 6-channel
EEG BCI. The task was to move a circle from the centre of the computer screen to its right or
left side by attempting visually triggered right- or left-hand movements. During the training
periods, the classifier was adapted to the user's EEG activity after each movement attempt in a
supervised manner. Feedback of the performance was given immediately after starting the BCI
use. Within the time limit, three subjects learned to control the BCI. We believe that fast initial
learning is an important factor that increases motivation and willingness to use BCIs. We have
previously tested a similar single-trial classification approach in healthy subjects. Our new
results show that methods developed and tested with healthy subjects do not necessarily work
as well as with motor-disabled patients. Therefore, it is important to use motor-disabled persons
as subjects in BCI development
The role of cormorants, fishing effort and temperature on the catches per unit effort of fisheries in Finnish coastal areas
Population increase of piscivorous cormorants in Europe and in North America has created a conflict between fisheries and the species. The impact of cormorants on natural fish populations and yields of fishermen is still under debate. We investigated potential connection of the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo abundance, fishing effort and water temperature with the economically important perch Perca fluviatilis and pikeperch Sander lucioperca yields, measured as catches per unit of effort (CPUE) in gillnet fishing along the Finnish coastal areas (Baltic Sea) using 50 km International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) grids. Since cormorants generally take smaller prey than fishermen, we expected 2-5 years time lag effect of the cormorant numbers on CPUE. Correspondingly, we expected 4-7 years lag effect of temperature on CPUE. Despite the population increase of cormorants, CPUE of perch increased in 10 out of 29 ICES grids during the study period 2005-2014. Pikeperch CPUE increased in five out of 24 grids and decreased in one. There was significant annual variation in CPUE values of perch and pikeperch, but values were not significantly associated with changes in cormorant numbers and temperature either annually or long-term. However, the CPUE values of pikeperch decreased towards the north, which is likely temperature driven as northern colder waters are less suitable for this species than southern waters. There was no clear evidence that either predation by cormorants or fishing effort are associated with long-term trends of perch and pikeperch stocks on a larger scale along the Finnish coast. The increasing CPUE values in several areas indicate that stocks are more abundant than ten years ago despite an increasing cormorant population. Our study approach can be used to monitor potential changes in stocks and impacts of cormorant in the future. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
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