94 research outputs found

    Evaluation of motor performance of young football players with different levels of game performance.

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    Title: Evaluation of motor performance of young football players with different levels of game performance. Objectives: To identify possible differences in basic motor skills, technical football skills and agility in young football players (11-12 years) in terms of their different game performance. At the same time, the aim is to find out the mutual relations between the mentioned indicators. Methods: Quantitative research with an empirical character was used for the practical part of this bachelor thesis. A total of 25 football players (12.0 ± 0.2 years) were involved in the research. The evaluation of game performance was performed in the form of a scale questionnaire for coaches. The TGMD - 2 test battery (Test of Gross Motor Development - 2nd edition) was used to evaluate basic movement skills. A slalom test and a Loughborough soccer passing test were used to assess technical skills. Evaluation of fitness abilities was performed by using an agility test. Results: Players with the highest level of game performance achieved significantly better results in the basic movement skills test and in tests of football technique compared to players with a lower level of game performance. No significant difference was found in the agility fitness test between players with different levels of game...Název: Hodnocení motorické výkonnosti mladých hráčů fotbalu s odlišnou úrovní herní výkonnosti. Cíle: Zjistit možné rozdíly v základních motorických dovednostech, technických fotbalových dovednostech a agility u mladých hráčů fotbalu (11-12 let) z hlediska jejich odlišné herní výkonnosti. Současně je cílem zjistit vzájemné vztahy mezi zmíněnými ukazateli. Metody: Pro praktickou část této bakalářské práce byl použit kvantitativní výzkum s empirickým charakterem. Do výzkumu bylo celkem zapojeno 25 hráčů fotbalu (12,0 ± 0,2 let). Hodnocení herní výkonnosti bylo provedeno formou škálového dotazníku pro trenéry. Pro hodnocení základních pohybových dovedností byla použita testová baterie TGMD - 2 (Test of Gross Motor Development - 2nd edition). Na hodnocení technických dovedností byl použit test vedení míče (slalom) a přihrávkový test (Loughborough soccer passing test). Hodnocení kondičních schopností bylo provedeno pomocí agility testu. Výsledky: Hráči s nejvyšší úrovní herní výkonnosti dosáhli významně lepších výsledků v testu základních pohybových dovedností a v testech fotbalové techniky v porovnání s hráči s nižší úrovní herní výkonnosti. V kondičním testu agility významný rozdíl mezi hráči s různou úrovní herní výkonnosti zjištěn nebyl. Taktéž vzájemné vztahy mezi ukazateli základních pohybových...Sportovní hryFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Exploring and explaining participation in local opposition: brown coal mining in Horní Jiřetín

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    This book summarizes a three-year research project on local opposition to coal mining in the Northwestern part of the Czech Republic. The research focused on the relational dimensions of the opposition movement and the political context in which the movement operates

    Exploring and explaining participation in local opposition: brown coal mining in Horní Jiřetín

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    This book summarizes a three-year research project on local opposition to coal mining in the Northwestern part of the Czech Republic. The research focused on the relational dimensions of the opposition movement and the political context in which the movement operates

    Lower Carboniferous bivalves from the Drahany Upland (Culm facies) and their statigraphical significance

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    The Drahany Upland is built of a flysch sequence of Lower Carboniferous age (shale, greywackes, conglomerates), and a preflysch sequence of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age (spilites, carbonates, shales). Lower Carboniferous black shales are known by goniatites and bivalvian assemblages, also fossil traces. According to the Żakowa (1971) methodology were determined species of bivalves of the genus Posidonia and Septimyalina. Amler (1994) describes the morphology of the bivalve genus Streblochondria. So far was from the Culm sites od Drahany Upland determined 18 kinds of Lower Carboniferous bivalves represented by following species: Posidonia becheri, Posidonia corrugata, Posidonia kochi, Posidonia trapezoedra, Posidonia radiata, Septimyalina sublamellosa, Septimyalina lamellosa, Septimyalina cf. minor, Dunbarella mosensis, Streblochondria patteiskyi, Streblochondria praetenuis, Sanguinolites sp., Janeia böhmi, Polidevcia cf. sharmani, Anthraconeilo oblongum, Palaeoneilo luciniforme and Edmondia sp. These genera originated from localities of Myslejovice Formation (i. e. Opatovice, Dědice, Pístovice, Nemojany, Ježkovice, Radslavice and Myslejovice). Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves can be also used for correlation of goniatites zones in the Upper Viséan of Myslejovice Formation. Correlation table is adapted from Amler (2004). Correlation of bivalve zones to goniatite zones has proven to be useful. Due to the very variable conditions of the various locations the deviations can be partly caused by incompleteness of the fossil record from the specifi ed horizons.The Drahany Upland is built of a flysch sequence of Lower Carboniferous age (shale, greywackes, conglomerates), and a preflysch sequence of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age (spilites, carbonates, shales). Lower Carboniferous black shales are known by goniatites and bivalvian assemblages, also fossil traces. According to the Żakowa (1971) methodology were determined species of bivalves of the genus Posidonia and Septimyalina. Amler (1994) describes the morphology of the bivalve genus Streblochondria. So far was from the Culm sites od Drahany Upland determined 18 kinds of Lower Carboniferous bivalves represented by following species: Posidonia becheri, Posidonia corrugata, Posidonia kochi, Posidonia trapezoedra, Posidonia radiata, Septimyalina sublamellosa, Septimyalina lamellosa, Septimyalina cf. minor, Dunbarella mosensis, Streblochondria patteiskyi, Streblochondria praetenuis, Sanguinolites sp., Janeia böhmi, Polidevcia cf. sharmani, Anthraconeilo oblongum, Palaeoneilo luciniforme and Edmondia sp. These genera originated from localities of Myslejovice Formation (i. e. Opatovice, Dědice, Pístovice, Nemojany, Ježkovice, Radslavice and Myslejovice). Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves can be also used for correlation of goniatites zones in the Upper Viséan of Myslejovice Formation. Correlation table is adapted from Amler (2004). Correlation of bivalve zones to goniatite zones has proven to be useful. Due to the very variable conditions of the various locations the deviations can be partly caused by incompleteness of the fossil record from the specifi ed horizons

    Genetic and Biochemical Factors Related to the Risk and Disability Progression in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Sclerosis multiplex (multiple sclerosis, MS) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The immune regulatory defects lead to the process of inflammation and neurodegenerationthat results in the deterioration of neurological functions. It is still unclear as to why MS is so devastating and rapidly progressive in one patient and less so in another. It is known that the etiopathogenesis of MS is very complex, and many factors can be involved in the risk and character of the disease and its progression. In this chapter, we discuss the general molecular and cellular mechanisms of action of genetic and biochemical factors that are related to immune system regulation and thus can be connected to the individually varying risk and disability progression of MS. We found that gene variants of the gene polymorphism rs6897932 in interleukin 7 receptor α chain gene rs10735810 in vitamin D receptor gene and HLA-DR and HLA-DQ genes as well as the serum level of vitamin D are associated with MS risk or disability progression in Central European Slovak population

    Trace fossils from the Myslejovice Formation of the Drahany Culm Basin (Lower Carboniferous, Moravosilesian unit of the Bohemian Massif)

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    The research in this study is focused on trace fossils of the Myslejovice Formation, which is one of the lithostratigraphical units in the Lower Carboniferous sequences of the Drahany Culm Basin that belongs to the large area of Rhenohercynian Zone of the Variscan orogenetic flysch belt. Ichnofossils have mainly been collected in the southeastern part, near Vyškov. The material comes from the collection of Mr. Veleslav Lang which is nowadays stored in the Regional Museum of Olomouc. From this collection total 615 specimens in 10 ichnogenera and 13 following ichnospecies were determined and redefi ned: ?Alcyonidiopsis isp., Cosmorhaphe isp., Dictyodora liebeana, Diplocraterion parallelum, Gordia isp., Chondrites cf. intricatus, Chondrites isp., Nereites missouriensis, Nereites isp., Phycosiphon incertum, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites isp. and Rhizocorallium isp. The revised material comes from the following locations: Opatovice, Habrovany, Hamiltony, Ježkovice, Lhota, Luleč, Myslejovice, Nemojany – Blatická dolina, Nemojany, Otaslavice, Pístovice, Radslavice and Rychtářov. The overall character of ichnoassemblages indicates conditions of Nereites ichnofacies, which is typical for the distal parts of the suprafan turbidite lobes. Compared to other areas of Culm facies in Middle Europe, assemblages of the Myslejovice Formation belong among the less diversified.The research in this study is focused on trace fossils of the Myslejovice Formation, which is one of the lithostratigraphical units in the Lower Carboniferous sequences of the Drahany Culm Basin that belongs to the large area of Rhenohercynian Zone of the Variscan orogenetic flysch belt. Ichnofossils have mainly been collected in the southeastern part, near Vyškov. The material comes from the collection of Mr. Veleslav Lang which is nowadays stored in the Regional Museum of Olomouc. From this collection total 615 specimens in 10 ichnogenera and 13 following ichnospecies were determined and redefi ned: ?Alcyonidiopsis isp., Cosmorhaphe isp., Dictyodora liebeana, Diplocraterion parallelum, Gordia isp., Chondrites cf. intricatus, Chondrites isp., Nereites missouriensis, Nereites isp., Phycosiphon incertum, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites isp. and Rhizocorallium isp. The revised material comes from the following locations: Opatovice, Habrovany, Hamiltony, Ježkovice, Lhota, Luleč, Myslejovice, Nemojany – Blatická dolina, Nemojany, Otaslavice, Pístovice, Radslavice and Rychtářov. The overall character of ichnoassemblages indicates conditions of Nereites ichnofacies, which is typical for the distal parts of the suprafan turbidite lobes. Compared to other areas of Culm facies in Middle Europe, assemblages of the Myslejovice Formation belong among the less diversified

    Lower Carboniferous bivalves from the Drahany Upland (Culm facies) and their statigraphical significance

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    The Drahany Upland is built of a flysch sequence of Lower Carboniferous age (shale, greywackes, conglomerates), and a preflysch sequence of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age (spilites, carbonates, shales). Lower Carboniferous black shales are known by goniatites and bivalvian assemblages, also fossil traces. According to the Żakowa (1971) methodology were determined species of bivalves of the genus Posidonia and Septimyalina. Amler (1994) describes the morphology of the bivalve genus Streblochondria. So far was from the Culm sites od Drahany Upland determined 18 kinds of Lower Carboniferous bivalves represented by following species: Posidonia becheri, Posidonia corrugata, Posidonia kochi, Posidonia trapezoedra, Posidonia radiata, Septimyalina sublamellosa, Septimyalina lamellosa, Septimyalina cf. minor, Dunbarella mosensis, Streblochondria patteiskyi, Streblochondria praetenuis, Sanguinolites sp., Janeia böhmi, Polidevcia cf. sharmani, Anthraconeilo oblongum, Palaeoneilo luciniforme and Edmondia sp. These genera originated from localities of Myslejovice Formation (i. e. Opatovice, Dědice, Pístovice, Nemojany, Ježkovice, Radslavice and Myslejovice). Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves can be also used for correlation of goniatites zones in the Upper Viséan of Myslejovice Formation. Correlation table is adapted from Amler (2004). Correlation of bivalve zones to goniatite zones has proven to be useful. Due to the very variable conditions of the various locations the deviations can be partly caused by incompleteness of the fossil record from the specifi ed horizons.The Drahany Upland is built of a flysch sequence of Lower Carboniferous age (shale, greywackes, conglomerates), and a preflysch sequence of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age (spilites, carbonates, shales). Lower Carboniferous black shales are known by goniatites and bivalvian assemblages, also fossil traces. According to the Żakowa (1971) methodology were determined species of bivalves of the genus Posidonia and Septimyalina. Amler (1994) describes the morphology of the bivalve genus Streblochondria. So far was from the Culm sites od Drahany Upland determined 18 kinds of Lower Carboniferous bivalves represented by following species: Posidonia becheri, Posidonia corrugata, Posidonia kochi, Posidonia trapezoedra, Posidonia radiata, Septimyalina sublamellosa, Septimyalina lamellosa, Septimyalina cf. minor, Dunbarella mosensis, Streblochondria patteiskyi, Streblochondria praetenuis, Sanguinolites sp., Janeia böhmi, Polidevcia cf. sharmani, Anthraconeilo oblongum, Palaeoneilo luciniforme and Edmondia sp. These genera originated from localities of Myslejovice Formation (i. e. Opatovice, Dědice, Pístovice, Nemojany, Ježkovice, Radslavice and Myslejovice). Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves can be also used for correlation of goniatites zones in the Upper Viséan of Myslejovice Formation. Correlation table is adapted from Amler (2004). Correlation of bivalve zones to goniatite zones has proven to be useful. Due to the very variable conditions of the various locations the deviations can be partly caused by incompleteness of the fossil record from the specifi ed horizons


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    Upper Carboniferous trace fossil Cruziana problematica d´Orbigny, 1849 found in the dump of Doubrava mine (Karviná district) is described. This paper is the first report about trace fossils occurence in the Karviná Formation. The producers of these traces were perhaps small arthropods

    Litofacies analysis of the basis of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation (Nízký Jeseník Mts., Moravian-Silesian Unit, Bohemian Massif)

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    A detailed field facies and ichnofacies analysis undertaken in the eastern part of the Nízký Jesník Mts. revealed that the basal part of Hradec-Kyjovice Formation of Upper Viséan age corresponded to coarse-grained siliciclastic turbidite system. Research was focused on detailed measurement of fifteen outcrops in the area. The formation was deposited in deep water environmental of the foreland basin by sediment gravity flows. Five facies were identified in the Hradec Member of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation: conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies, coarse grained sandstone facies, sandstone-siltstone facies and the muddy siltstone facies. The conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies and coarse grained sandstone facies represent proximal, coarse grained channel deposits of high-density turbidite currents. The sandstone-siltstone sediments consist of a variety of turbidites deposites in lobes and interchannel environments. The muddy siltstone facies were deposited in interchannel environments by lowdensity turbidite currents. Some depositional lobes contain trace fossils of the Nereites ichnofacies. Sedimentary record of the basal parts of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation indicates a Late Viséan a change in the development of Culm basin in Upper Viséan and beginning of new sedimentary cycle of sedimentation governed presumably by a compressional tectonic pulse.A detailed field facies and ichnofacies analysis undertaken in the eastern part of the Nízký Jesník Mts. revealed that the basal part of Hradec-Kyjovice Formation of Upper Viséan age corresponded to coarse-grained siliciclastic turbidite system. Research was focused on detailed measurement of fifteen outcrops in the area. The formation was deposited in deep water environmental of the foreland basin by sediment gravity flows. Five facies were identified in the Hradec Member of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation: conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies, coarse grained sandstone facies, sandstone-siltstone facies and the muddy siltstone facies. The conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies and coarse grained sandstone facies represent proximal, coarse grained channel deposits of high-density turbidite currents. The sandstone-siltstone sediments consist of a variety of turbidites deposites in lobes and interchannel environments. The muddy siltstone facies were deposited in interchannel environments by lowdensity turbidite currents. Some depositional lobes contain trace fossils of the Nereites ichnofacies. Sedimentary record of the basal parts of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation indicates a Late Viséan a change in the development of Culm basin in Upper Viséan and beginning of new sedimentary cycle of sedimentation governed presumably by a compressional tectonic pulse

    What's next for the European coal heartland? Exploring the future of coal as presented in German, Polish and Czech press

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    This article addresses the future of coal in the European coal heartland, i.e. in the area of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, which together account for nearly 57% of coal consumption and 87% of coal-mining jobs in the EU. It approaches the problem within the interpretative tradition of social research and explores the coverage of the future of coal in major newspapers and political magazines in the three countries. The results show that despite similar material conditions, the issue is presented in a fundamentally different manner as the media tend follow the dominant energy policy paradigm in their countries: in Germany, they facilitate the phase-out policies; in Poland, they act as an inhibiting factor; while in the Czech Republic, their coverage echoes the political uncertainty around lignite mining in the northwest part of the country. The results also suggest that the media act mainly as a platform for the countries’ decision makers and energy policy stakeholders to voice their perspectives. The prevalent media coverage thus simultaneously enable and constrain policy options by promoting dominant discourses and preventing alternative views from surfacing