3,405 research outputs found

    Metaplastic woven bone in bone metastases: A Fourier-transform infrared analysis and imaging of bone quality (FTIR)

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    Most osteolytic tumors are in fact mixed and contain an osteoblastic component associated with the predominant osteolytic areas. This metaplastic woven bone is always evidenced by histological analysis even in the absence of radiological expression. Metaplastic bone formation reflects the activation of new osteoblasts coming from the stimulation of the dormant lining cells. Twelve patients with secondary metastases of the iliac crest evidenced by hot spots on a Tc-MBP san were diagnosed by histomorphometry on bone biopsies. Fourier Transformed InfraRed analysis and Imaging (FTIRI) was used on 4ÎŒm thick sections of undecalcified bone. The mineralization degree, carbonate substitution, crystallinity and the cross-links ratio of collagen (1660/1690cm bands) were determined. The matrix characteristics were analyzed and imaged in the pre-existing residual bone and in the metaplastic woven bone in the vicinity of the tumor cells. FTIRI provided images of the phosphate, amide and combination of peak ratio after having selected the peaks of interest. In addition, the matrix properties can be measured and compared between the old and newly-formed bones. Woven bone appeared poorly calcified with a low phosphate/amide ratio (P=0.03) crystallinity (P<0.0001) and carbonate substitution (P=0.003). Collagen was less mature as evidenced by lower cross-links (P=0.01). Woven bone associated with bone metastasis appears poorly mineralized and rapidly elaborated by osteoblasts. The collagenous phase of the bone matrix has a low level of reticulation. FTIRI is a powerful tool to measure and visualize the various components of the bone matrix in human diseases

    Allochthonous Carbon-a Major Driver of Bacterioplankton Production in the Subarctic Northern Baltic Sea

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    Heterotrophic bacteria are, in many aquatic systems, reliant on autochthonous organic carbon as their energy source. One exception is low-productive humic lakes, where allochthonous dissolved organic matter (ADOM) is the major driver. We hypothesized that bacterial production (BP) is similarly regulated in subarctic estuaries that receive large amounts of riverine material. BP and potential explanatory factors were measured during May-August 2011 in the subarctic RAyenne Estuary, northern Sweden. The highest BP was observed in spring, concomitant with the spring river-flush and the lowest rates occurred during summer when primary production (PP) peaked. PLS correlations showed that similar to 60 % of the BP variation was explained by different ADOM components, measured as humic substances, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). On average, BP was threefold higher than PP. The bioavailability of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon (ADOC) exhibited large spatial and temporal variation; however, the average value was low, similar to 2 %. Bioassay analysis showed that BP in the near-shore area was potentially carbon limited early in the season, while BP at seaward stations was more commonly limited by nitrogen-phosphorus. Nevertheless, the bioassay indicated that ADOC could contribute significantly to the in situ BP, similar to 60 %. We conclude that ADOM is a regulator of BP in the studied estuary. Thus, projected climate-induced increases in river discharge suggest that BP will increase in subarctic coastal areas during the coming century.Peer reviewe

    Colloidal stability of tannins: astringency, wine tasting and beyond

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    Tannin-tannin and tannin-protein interactions in water-ethanol solvent mixtures are studied in the context of red wine tasting. While tannin self-aggregation is relevant for visual aspect of wine tasting (limpidity and related colloidal phenomena), tannin affinities for salivary proline-rich proteins is fundamental for a wide spectrum of organoleptic properties related to astringency. Tannin-tannin interactions are analyzed in water-ethanol wine-like solvents and the precipitation map is constructed for a typical grape tannin. The interaction between tannins and human salivary proline-rich proteins (PRP) are investigated in the framework of the shell model for micellization, known for describing tannin-induced aggregation of beta-casein. Tannin-assisted micellization and compaction of proteins observed by SAXS are described quantitatively and discussed in the case of astringency

    Decrease of breast cancer cell invasiveness by sodium phenylacetate (NaPa) is associated with an increased expression of adhesive molecules

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    Sodium phenylacetate (NaPa), a non-toxic phenylalanine metabolite, has been shown to induce in vivo and in vitro cytostatic and antiproliferative effects on various cell types. In this work, we analysed the effect of NaPa on the invasiveness of breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and MCF-7 ras). Using the highly invasive breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, we demonstrated that an 18-hour incubation with NaPa strongly inhibits the cell invasiveness through Matrigel (86% inhibition at 20 mM of NaPa). As cell invasiveness is greatly influenced by the expression of urokinase (u-PA) and its cell surface receptor (u-PAR) as well as the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), we tested the effect of NaPa on these parameters. An 18-hour incubation with NaPa did not modify u-PA expression, either on MDA-MB-231 or on MCF-7 and MCF-7 ras cell lines, and induced a small u-PA decrease after 3 days of treatment of MDA-MB-321 with NaPa. In contrast, an 18 h incubation of MDA-MB-231 increased the expression of u-PAR and the secretion of MMP-9. As u-PAR is a ligand for vitronectin, a composant of the extracellular matrix, these data could explain the increased adhesion of MDA-MB-231 to vitronectin, while cell adhesivity of MCF-7 and MCF-7 ras was unmodified by NaPa treatment. NaPa induced also an increased expression of both Lymphocyte Function-Associated-1 (LFA-1) and Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which was obvious from 18 hour incubation with NaPa for the MDA-MB-231 cells, but was delayed (3 days) for MCF-7 and MCF-7 ras. Only neutralizing antibodies against LFA-1 reversed the decreased invasiveness of NaPa-treated cells. Therefore we can conclude that the strong inhibition of MDA-MB-231 invasiveness is not due to a decrease in proteases involved in cell migration (u-PA and MMP) but could be related both to the modification of cell structure and an increased expression of adhesion molecules such as u-PAR and LFA-1. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Les effets extra-osseux de la vitamine D : faits, questions et controverses

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    La vitamine D a été longtemps considérée comme une hormone utile pour réguler le métabolisme phosphocalcique et la minéralisation osseuse. Depuis dix ans, la progression des connaissances fondamentales et cliniques sur son influence pluritissulaire est vertigineuse. Les auteurs passent en revue les effets biologique et clinique de la vitamine D en particulier sur le systÚme immunitaire, les maladies auto-immunes, les infections, le cancer, le syndrome métabolique, le risque de chute, les fonctions cognitives et le fonctionnement musculaire

    Magnetism: the Driving Force of Order in CoPt. A First-Principles Study

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    CoPt or FePt equiatomic alloys order according to the tetragonal L10 structure which favors their strong magnetic anisotropy. Conversely magnetism can influence chemical ordering. We present here {\it ab initio} calculations of the stability of the L10 and L12 structures of Co-Pt alloys in their paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states. They show that magnetism strongly reinforces the ordering tendencies in this system. A simple tight-binding analysis allows us to account for this behavior in terms of some pertinent parameters

    Extraskeletal effects of vitamin D: Facts, uncertainties, and controversies

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    Vitamin D was long viewed as a hormone acting chiefly to regulate calcium-phosphate metabolism and bone mineralization. Over the last decade, however, basic science and clinical researchers have produced a bewildering amount of information on the extraskeletal effects of vitamin D. This article is a review of the clinical and biological actions of vitamin D including effects on the immune system, auto-immune diseases, infections, cancer, metabolic syndrome, fall risk, cognitive function, and muscle function
