9 research outputs found

    Une base de données pour caractériser les émissions gazeuses

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    Improving the knowledge on the magnitude and origin of gaseous emissions from livestock sector is essential toreduce emissions, to meet the societal requirement and to setup regulations at national and European levels. Aconsortium involving research (Inra, Irstea) and technical development (Ifip, Itavi, Idele, CRAB, Terres Innovia,Arvalis) was created to setup a robust database (ELFE) on (inter)national literature references on gaseousemissions of poultry, herbivore, pork productions and related indicators. With help of the database ELFE, weaim to determine emission factors (EF) for NH3, GHG, odors and particles per technical itinerary, in order tointegrate different steps of animal and manure management (i.e. building, manure storage and treatment,spreading and pastures) in the estimations of livestock emissions. Building the structure of the database was thefirst step of this project. Further on, national and international literature data has been integrated in the database.The next steps concentrate on data analysis to determine average EF’s per itinerary and EF-variability due tometadata (i.e. animal type, climate, diet, duration, storage type...). Outcomes will be published in scientificjournals but also made available for stakeholders as guidance document (i.e. fact sheets, technical reports).L’amélioration des connaissances relatives aux émissions d’ammoniac et de GES du secteur de l’élevage estindispensable afin de réduire son impact environnemental et ainsi répondre aux exigences sociétales etréglementaires au niveau national et Européen. Un consortium regroupant des acteurs de la recherche (Inra,Irstea) et du développement (Ifip, Itavi, Idele, CRAB, Terres Inovia, Arvalis) s’est créé pour mutualiser lesréférences relatives aux émissions gazeuses des élevages de volailles, d’herbivores et de porcs dans une base de données intitulée ELFE (ELevages et Facteurs d’Emission). Son objectif principal est de produire des facteursd’émissions (FE) NH3, GES, odeurs et particules par itinéraire technique en intégrant les différents postesd’émissions (bâtiment, stockage, traitement, épandage et pâturage). La première étape du projet a été d’établir lastructure de la base pour intégrer les données d’émissions publiées et les métadonnées associées pouvantexpliquer leur variabilité. La seconde étape est l’alimentation de cette base à partir des références disponiblesdans la littérature internationale. L’étape suivante concerne leurs analyses en vue de calculer des FE moyens paritinéraire technique, mais aussi d’étudier l’influence des métadonnées sur leurs variabilités. La diffusion desrésultats sera réalisée sous forme de publications scientifiques mais aussi sous forme d’un guide qui seralargement diffusé auprès des acteurs des filières animales

    Elfe. Une base de données pour caractériser les émissions gazeuses

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    In France, 70% of ammonia and 18% of greenhouse gas (GHG) originate from the livestock sector. Thus, improving knowledge on the magnitude and origin of gaseous emissions is essential to reduce them, and then meet societal requirements and setup regulations at national and European levels. A consortium involving research (Inra, Irstea) and technical development (Ifip, Itavi, Idele, CRAB, Terres Innovia, Arvalis) was created to implement a robust database (ELFE) gathering (inter)national literature references on gaseous emissions of poultry, pork, herbivore productions and related indicators. With the help of the database ELFE, we aim to determine emission factors (EF) for NH3, GHG, particles and odors in various technical itineraries integrating the different steps of animal and manure management (i.e. building, manure storage and treatment, spreading and pasture). Building the structure of the database was the first step of this project financed by the French Agency of the Environment and the Control of Energy (ADEME). Further on, national and international literature data were integrated into the database. At the moment, around 1,000 publications are recorded, essentially focusing on NH3 and GHG emissions. The next steps concentrate on data analysis to determine average EF’s per itinerary and EF-variability due to metadata (i.e. animal type, climate, diet, duration, storage type...). Outcomes will be published in scientific journals but also made available for stakeholders as guidance documents (i.e. fact sheets, technical reports). The purpose of these documents is to advise agricultural consultants and authorities on ways of reducing emissions and improving air quality in livestock production systems

    Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses « à profil en Y-V-W »

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    Connues sous le nom de Schlitzgruben par les archéologues néolithiciens allemands, les « fosses à profil en Y-V-W » - selon l’appellation champenoise - ont vu leur nombre se multiplier récemment grâce aux décapages de grande envergure menés dans le cadre d’opérations d’archéologie préventive, notamment dans le nord de la France. C’est pour faire le point sur cette question encore très neuve et éclairer les problèmes que posent ces structures qu’a été organisée la table ronde internationale « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘ à profil en Y-V-W ’ : structures énigmatiques et récurrentes du Néolithique aux âges des Métaux en France et alentour » qui s’est tenue à Châlons-en-Champagne en novembre 2010. Les Actes qui constituent le contenu de cet ouvrage rassemblent dix-sept contributions concernant principalement le nord de la France, mais également la Belgique, l’Allemagne, la Norvège et le Japon - illustrant l’universalité de cette question -, ainsi que les discussions qui les ont suivies. La diversité des approches, tant sur le plan géographique que chronologique, la variété des situations exposées, le recours à l’ethno-archéologie, la prise en compte de datations radiocarbone enrichissent sérieusement le débat et provoquent un intérêt nouveau pour cette problématique. Il est maintenant clair qu’une organisation spatiale commence à être perçue et que ces fosses ne sont pas le fruit du hasard. Leur typologie et leur datation se précisent, les principales phases d’utilisation se situant du Néolithique à l’Âge du Fer. Cet ouvrage constitue une base indispensable pour le développement de nouvelles études que cette question va sans aucun doute susciter.Known as Schlitzgruben by German archaeologists of the Neolithic, the number of Y, V or W-shaped pits has increased recently as a result of far-reaching rescue archaeology operations, particularly in northern France. It was to elucidate the current position regarding this very new topic, and to discuss the issues that these structures raise, that an international round table was organised : « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘à profil en Y-V-W’ : structures énigmatiques et récurrentes du Néolithique aux âges des Métaux en France et alentour », which was held in Châlons-en-Champagne in November 2010. The proceedings of the round table, published here, consist in seventeen contributions that refer primarily to northern France - but also Belgium, Germany, Norway and Japan, thus illustrating the universal nature of the question - and the subsequent discussions. The debate has been seriously broadened by the diversity of geographic and chronological approaches undertaken, the recourse to ethno-archaeology, and the use of carbon dating, thus stimulating further interest. A spatial organisation is beginning to become apparent, confirming that these pits are not the result of chance. Their typology and dating are becoming clearer, with the principal phases of use spanning the period from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. This volume provides an indispensable basis for the development of new studies, which this subject will undoubtedly prompt.Die Anzahl der bei den deutschen Prähistorikern als Schlitzgruben und in der Champagne fosses „à profil en Y-V-W“ bezeichneten Grubenstrukturen ist in der letzten Zeit dank der groß angelegten Grabungen im Rahmen der Präventivarchäologie, insbesondere in Nordfrankreich stark angestiegen. Um sich einen Überblick über diese erst seit kurzem behandelte Problematik zu verschaffen und die Fragen zu beantworten, die diese Strukturen aufwerfen, wurde im November 2010 in Châlons-en-Champagne die internationale Gesprächsrunde « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘à profil en Y-V-W’ : structures énigmatiques et récurrentes du Néolithique aux âges des Métaux en France et alentour » organisiert. Die hier vorgestellten Akten umfassen siebzehn Beiträge - hauptsächlich aus Nordfrankreich, aber auch aus Belgien, Deutschland, Norwegen, und Japan sowie die anschließenden Diskussionen. Sie veranschaulichen die weltweite Bedeutung dieser Problematik. Die Vielseitigkeit der Ansätze, sowohl in geographischer als auch in chronologischer Hinsicht, die Vielseitigkeit der dargestellten Situationen, die Berufung auf die Ethnoarchäologie sowie die Berücksichtigung von Radiokarbondatierungen bereichern die Debatte wesentlich und erregen neues Interesse für dieses Thema. Es nun offensichtlich, dass eine räumliche Organisation erkennbar ist und dass diese Gruben nicht dem Zufall zuzuschreiben sind. Ihre Typologie und ihre Datierung zeichnen sich ab, wobei die Hauptnutzungsphasen vom Neolithikum bis zur Eisenzeit reichen. Diese Arbeit ist eine unentbehrliche Arbeitsgrundlage für die Entwicklung zukünftiger Studien zu diesem Thema

    An open-label randomized controlled trial of low-dose corticosteroid plus enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium versus standard corticosteroid treatment for minimal change nephrotic syndrome in adults (MSN Study).

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    International audienceFirst-line therapy of minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) in adults is extrapolated largely from pediatric studies and consists of high-dose oral corticosteroids. We assessed whether a low corticosteroid dose combined with mycophenolate sodium was superior to a standard oral corticosteroid regimen. We enrolled 116 adults with MCNS in an open-label randomized controlled trial involving 32 French centers. Participants randomly assigned to the test group (n=58) received low-dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg/day, maximum 40 mg/day) plus enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium 720 mg twice daily for 24 weeks; those who did not achieve complete remission after week 8 were eligible for a second-line regimen (increase in the prednisone dose to 1 mg/kg/day with or without Cyclosporine). Participants randomly assigned to the control group (n=58) received conventional high-dose prednisone (1 mg/kg/day, maximum 80 mg/day) for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint of complete remission after four weeks of treatment was ascertained in 109 participants, with no significant difference between the test and control groups. Secondary outcomes, including remission after 8 and 24 weeks of treatment, did not differ between the two groups. During 52 weeks of follow-up, MCNS relapsed in 15 participants (23.1%) who had achieved the primary outcome. Median time to relapse was similar in the test and control groups (7.1 and 5.1 months, respectively), as was the incidence of serious adverse events. Five participants died from hemorrhage (n=2) or septic shock (n=3), including 2 participants in the test group and 3 in the control group. Thus, in adult patients, treatment with low-dose prednisone plus enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium was not superior to a standard high-dose prednisone regimen to induce complete remission of MCNS

    Grams ME, Sang Y, Ballew SH, et al, for the Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium. Predicting timing of clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease and severely decreased glomerular filtration rate. Kidney Int. 2018;93:1442–1451

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    International audienceFirst-line therapy of minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) in adults is extrapolated largely from pediatric studies and consists of high-dose oral corticosteroids. We assessed whether a low corticosteroid dose combined with mycophenolate sodium was superior to a standard oral corticosteroid regimen. We enrolled 116 adults with MCNS in an open-label randomized controlled trial involving 32 French centers. Participants randomly assigned to the test group (n=58) received low-dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg/day, maximum 40 mg/day) plus enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium 720 mg twice daily for 24 weeks; those who did not achieve complete remission after week 8 were eligible for a second-line regimen (increase in the prednisone dose to 1 mg/kg/day with or without Cyclosporine). Participants randomly assigned to the control group (n=58) received conventional high-dose prednisone (1 mg/kg/day, maximum 80 mg/day) for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint of complete remission after four weeks of treatment was ascertained in 109 participants, with no significant difference between the test and control groups. Secondary outcomes, including remission after 8 and 24 weeks of treatment, did not differ between the two groups. During 52 weeks of follow-up, MCNS relapsed in 15 participants (23.1%) who had achieved the primary outcome. Median time to relapse was similar in the test and control groups (7.1 and 5.1 months, respectively), as was the incidence of serious adverse events. Five participants died from hemorrhage (n=2) or septic shock (n=3), including 2 participants in the test group and 3 in the control group. Thus, in adult patients, treatment with low-dose prednisone plus enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium was not superior to a standard high-dose prednisone regimen to induce complete remission of MCNS