83 research outputs found

    Optimizing optical Bragg scattering for single-photon frequency conversion

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    We develop a systematic theory for optimising single-photon frequency conversion using optical Bragg scattering. The efficiency and phase-matching conditions for the desired Bragg scattering conversion as well as spurious scattering and modulation instability are identified. We find that third-order dispersion can suppress unwanted processes, while dispersion above the fourth order limits the maximum conversion efficiency. We apply the optimisation conditions to frequency conversion in highly nonlinear fiber, silicon nitride waveguides and silicon nanowires. Efficient conversion is confirmed using full numerical simulations. These design rules will assist the development of efficient quantum frequency conversion between multicolour single photon sources for integration in complex quantum networks.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Fiber Four-Wave Mixing Source for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy

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    We present a fiber-format picosecond light source for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Pulses from an Yb-doped fiber amplifier are frequency-converted by four-wave mixing in normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber to produce a synchronized two-color picosecond pulse train. We show that seeding the four-wave mixing process overcomes the deleterious effects of group-velocity mismatch and allows efficient conversion into narrow frequency bands. The source generates more than 160 mW of nearly-transform-limited pulses tunable from 775 to 815 nm. High-quality coherent Raman images of animal tissues and cells acquired with this source are presented.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog

    Fiber optical parametric oscillator for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy

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    We present a synchronously pumped fiber optical parametric oscillator for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Pulses from a 1 μm Yb-doped fiber laser are amplified and frequency converted to 779–808 nm through normal dispersion four-wave mixing in a photonic crystal fiber. The idler frequency is resonant in the oscillator cavity, and we find that bandpass filtering the feedback is essential for a stable, narrow-bandwidth output. Experimental results agree quite well with numerical simulations of the device. Transform-limited 2 ps pulses with energy up to 4 nJ can be generated at the signal wavelength. The average power is 180 mW, and the relative-intensity noise is much lower than that of a similar parametric amplifier. High-quality coherent Raman images of mouse tissues recorded with this source are presented

    Mucosal CD8 T Cell Responses Are Shaped by Batf3-DC After Foodborne Listeria monocytogenes Infection

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    While immune responses have been rigorously examined after intravenous Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) infection, less is understood about its dissemination from the intestines or the induction of adaptive immunity after more physiologic models of foodborne infection. Consequently, this study focused on early events in the intestinal mucosa and draining mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) using foodborne infection of mice with Lm modified to invade murine intestinal epithelium (InlAM Lm). InlAM Lm trafficked intracellularly from the intestines to the MLN and were associated with Batf3-independent dendritic cells (DC) in the lymphatics. Consistent with this, InlAM Lm initially disseminated from the gut to the MLN normally in Batf3–/– mice. Activated migratory DC accumulated in the MLN by 3 days post-infection and surrounded foci of InlAM Lm. At this time Batf3–/– mice displayed reduced InlAM Lm burdens, implicating cDC1 in maximal bacterial accumulation in the MLN. Batf3–/– mice also exhibited profound defects in the induction and gut-homing of InlAM Lm-specific effector CD8 T cells. Restoration of pathogen burden did not rescue antigen-specific CD8 T cell responses in Batf3–/– mice, indicating a critical role for Batf3 in generating anti-InlAM Lm immunity following foodborne infection. Collectively, these data suggest that DC play diverse, dynamic roles in the early events following foodborne InlAM Lm infection and in driving the establishment of intestinal Lm-specific effector T cells.Fil: Imperato, Jessica Nancy. Stony Brook University Renaissance School Of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Xu, Daqi. Uconn Health; Estados UnidosFil: Romagnoli, Pablo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa.; ArgentinaFil: Qiu, Zhijuan. Stony Brook University Renaissance School Of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Perez, Pedro. Stony Brook University Renaissance School Of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Khairallah, Camille. Stony Brook University Renaissance School Of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Pham, Quynh Mai. Uconn Health; Estados UnidosFil: Andrusaite, Anna. University of Glasgow; Reino UnidoFil: Bravo Blas, Alberto. The Beatson Institute For Cancer Research; Reino UnidoFil: Milling, Simon W. F.. University of Glasgow; Reino UnidoFil: Lefrancois, Leo. Uconn Health; Estados UnidosFil: Khanna, Kamal M.. University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Puddington, Lynn. Uconn Health; Estados UnidosFil: Sheridan, Brian S.. Stony Brook University Renaissance School Of Medicine; Estados Unido

    The eSMAF: a software for the assessment and follow-up of functional autonomy in geriatrics

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    BACKGROUND: Functional status or disability forms the core of most assessment instruments used to identify mix and level of resources and services needed by older adults who possess common characteristics. The Functional Autonomy Measurement System (SMAF) is a 29-item scale measuring functional ability in five different areas. It has been recommended for use for home care, for allocation of chronic beds, for developing care plans in institutional settings and for epidemiological and evaluative studies. The SMAF can also be used with a case-mix classification system (Iso-SMAF) to allocate resources based on patients' functional autonomy characteristics. The objective of this project was to develop a software version of the SMAF to facilitate the evaluation of the functional status of older adults in health services research and to optimize the clinical decision-making process. RESULTS: The eSMAF was developed over an 24-month period using a modified waterfall software engineering process. Requirements and functional specifications were determined using focus groups of stakeholders. Different versions of the software were iteratively field-tested in clinical and research environments and software adaptations made accordingly. User documentation and online help were created to assist the deployment of the software. The software is available in French or English versions under a 30-day unregistered demonstration license or a free restricted registered academic license. It can be used locally on a Windows-based PC or over a network to input SMAF data into a database, search and aggregate client data according to clinical and/or administrative criteria, and generate summary or detailed reports of selected data sets for print or export to another database. CONCLUSION: In the last year, the software has been successfully deployed in the clinical workflow of different institutions in research and clinical applications. The software performed relatively well in terms of stability and performance. Barriers to implementation included antiquated computer hardware, low computer literacy and access to IT support. Key factors for the deployment of the software included standardization of the workflow, user training and support

    ChIPpeakAnno: a Bioconductor package to annotate ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) or ChIP followed by genome tiling array analysis (ChIP-chip) have become standard technologies for genome-wide identification of DNA-binding protein target sites. A number of algorithms have been developed in parallel that allow identification of binding sites from ChIP-seq or ChIP-chip datasets and subsequent visualization in the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser as custom annotation tracks. However, summarizing these tracks can be a daunting task, particularly if there are a large number of binding sites or the binding sites are distributed widely across the genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed <it>ChIPpeakAnno </it>as a Bioconductor package within the statistical programming environment R to facilitate batch annotation of enriched peaks identified from ChIP-seq, ChIP-chip, cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE) or any experiments resulting in a large number of enriched genomic regions. The binding sites annotated with <it>ChIPpeakAnno </it>can be viewed easily as a table, a pie chart or plotted in histogram form, i.e., the distribution of distances to the nearest genes for each set of peaks. In addition, we have implemented functionalities for determining the significance of overlap between replicates or binding sites among transcription factors within a complex, and for drawing Venn diagrams to visualize the extent of the overlap between replicates. Furthermore, the package includes functionalities to retrieve sequences flanking putative binding sites for PCR amplification, cloning, or motif discovery, and to identify Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with adjacent genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>ChIPpeakAnno </it>enables batch annotation of the binding sites identified from ChIP-seq, ChIP-chip, CAGE or any technology that results in a large number of enriched genomic regions within the statistical programming environment R. Allowing users to pass their own annotation data such as a different Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) preparation and a dataset from literature, or existing annotation packages, such as <it>GenomicFeatures </it>and <it>BSgenom</it>e, provides flexibility. Tight integration to the <it>biomaRt </it>package enables up-to-date annotation retrieval from the BioMart database.</p

    Software for the frontiers of quantum chemistry:An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package

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    This article summarizes technical advances contained in the fifth major release of the Q-Chem quantum chemistry program package, covering developments since 2015. A comprehensive library of exchange–correlation functionals, along with a suite of correlated many-body methods, continues to be a hallmark of the Q-Chem software. The many-body methods include novel variants of both coupled-cluster and configuration-interaction approaches along with methods based on the algebraic diagrammatic construction and variational reduced density-matrix methods. Methods highlighted in Q-Chem 5 include a suite of tools for modeling core-level spectroscopy, methods for describing metastable resonances, methods for computing vibronic spectra, the nuclear–electronic orbital method, and several different energy decomposition analysis techniques. High-performance capabilities including multithreaded parallelism and support for calculations on graphics processing units are described. Q-Chem boasts a community of well over 100 active academic developers, and the continuing evolution of the software is supported by an “open teamware” model and an increasingly modular design

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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