112 research outputs found

    PIKK-ing a New Partner: A New Role for PKB in the DNA Damage Response

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    The protein kinase PKB/Akt has long been associated with regulating signaling pathways that promote cell survival and cell growth, for example, in response to growth factors. In contrast, the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is required for the repair of DNA damage and for cell survival after exposure to DNA-damaging agents, such as ionizing radiation. In a recent paper published in Molecular Cell, Hemmings and colleagues provide evidence that DNA-PK is required for the activation of PKB in response to exposure to ionizing radiation, suggesting that these two protein kinases may act together to promote survival after DNA damage

    Structural insights into NHEJ: Building up an integrated picture of the dynamic DSB repair super complex, one component and interaction at a time

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    Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is the major pathway for repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in human cells. NHEJ is also needed for V(D)J recombination and the development of T and B cells in vertebrate immune systems, and acts in both the generation and prevention of non-homologous chromosomal translocations, a hallmark of genomic instability and many human cancers. X-ray crystal structures, cryo-electron microscopy envelopes, and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) solution conformations and assemblies are defining most of the core protein components for NHEJ: Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer; the DNA dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs); the structure-specific endonuclease Artemis along with polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP), aprataxin and PNKP related protein (APLF); the scaffolding proteins XRCC4 and XLF (XRCC4-like factor); DNA polymerases, and DNA ligase IV (Lig IV). The dynamic assembly of multi-protein NHEJ complexes at DSBs is regulated in part by protein phosphorylation. The basic steps of NHEJ have been biochemically defined to require: 1) DSB detection by the Ku heterodimer with subsequent DNA-PKcs tethering to form the DNA-PKcs-Ku-DNA complex (termed DNA-PK), 2) lesion processing, and 3) DNA end ligation by Lig IV, which functions in complex with XRCC4 and XLF. The current integration of structures by combined methods is resolving puzzles regarding the mechanisms, coordination and regulation of these three basic steps. Overall, structural results suggest the NHEJ system forms a flexing scaffold with the DNA-PKcs HEAT repeats acting as compressible macromolecular springs suitable to store and release conformational energy to apply forces to regulate NHEJ complexes and the DNA substrate for DNA end protection, processing, and ligation

    Unraveling the Complexities of DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Autophosphorylation

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    DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) orchestrates DNA repair by regulating access to breaks through autophosphorylations within two clusters of sites (ABCDE and PQR). Blocking ABCDE phosphorylation (by alanine mutation) imparts a dominant negative effect, rendering cells hypersensitive to agents that cause DNA double-strand breaks. Here, a mutational approach is used to address the mechanistic basis of this dominant negative effect. Blocking ABCDE phosphorylation hypersensitizes cells to most types of DNA damage (base damage, cross-links, breaks, and damage induced by replication stress), suggesting that DNA-PK binds DNA ends that result from many DNA lesions and that blocking ABCDE phosphorylation sequesters these DNA ends from other repair pathways. This dominant negative effect requires DNA-PK's catalytic activity, as well as phosphorylation of multiple (non-ABCDE) DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) sites. PSIPRED analysis indicates that the ABCDE sites are located in the only contiguous extended region of this huge protein that is predicted to be disordered, suggesting a regulatory role(s) and perhaps explaining the large impact ABCDE phosphorylation has on the enzyme's function. Moreover, additional sites in this disordered region contribute to the ABCDE cluster. These data, coupled with recent structural data, suggest a model whereby early phosphorylations promote initiation of nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), whereas ABCDE phosphorylations, potentially located in a “hinge” region between the two domains, lead to regulated conformational changes that initially promote NHEJ and eventually disengage NHEJ

    Non-homologous End Joining Requires That the DNA-PK Complex Undergo an Autophosphorylation-dependent Rearrangement at DNA Ends

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    Repair of chromosome breaks by non-homologous end joining requires the XRCC4-ligase IV complex, Ku, and the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). DNA-PKcs must also retain kinase activity and undergo autophosphorylation at six closely linked sites (ABCDE sites). We describe here an end-joining assay using only purified components that reflects cellular requirements for both Ku and kinase-active DNA-PKcs and investigate the mechanistic basis for these requirements. A need for DNA-PKcs autophosphorylation is sufficient to explain the requirement for kinase activity, in part because autophosphorylation is generally required for end-joining factors to access DNA ends. However, DNA-PKcs with all six ABCDE autophosphorylation sites mutated to alanine allows access to ends through autophosphorylation of other sites, yet our in vitro end-joining assay still reflects the defectiveness of this mutant in cellular end joining. In contrast, mutation of ABCDE sites to aspartate, a phosphorylation mimic, supports high levels of end joining that is now independent of kinase activity. This is likely because DNA-PKcs with aspartate substitutions at ABCDE sites allow access to DNA ends while retaining affinity for Ku-bound ends and stabilizing recruitment of the XRCC4-ligase IV complex. Autophosphorylation at ABCDE sites thus apparently directs a rearrangement of the DNA-PK complex that ensures access to broken ends and joining steps are coupled together within a synaptic complex, making repair more accurate

    Dissection of DNA double-strand-break repair using novel single-molecule forceps.

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    Repairing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) requires multiple proteins to recognize and bind DNA ends, process them for compatibility, and ligate them together. We constructed novel DNA substrates for single-molecule nanomanipulation, allowing us to mechanically detect, probe, and rupture in real-time DSB synapsis by specific human NHEJ components. DNA-PKcs and Ku allow DNA end synapsis on the 100 ms timescale, and the addition of PAXX extends this lifetime to ~2 s. Further addition of XRCC4, XLF and ligase IV results in minute-scale synapsis and leads to robust repair of both strands of the nanomanipulated DNA. The energetic contribution of the different components to synaptic stability is typically on the scale of a few kilocalories per mole. Our results define assembly rules for NHEJ machinery and unveil the importance of weak interactions, rapidly ruptured even at sub-picoNewton forces, in regulating this multicomponent chemomechanical system for genome integrity

    Phosphorylation in the serine/threonine 2609–2647 cluster promotes but is not essential for DNA-dependent protein kinase-mediated nonhomologous end joining in human whole-cell extracts

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    Previous work suggested that phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs at several serine/threonine (S/T) residues at positions 2609–2647 promotes DNA-PK-dependent end joining. In an attempt to clarify the role of such phosphorylation, end joining was examined in extracts of DNA-PKcs-deficient M059J cells. Joining of ends requiring gap filling prior to ligation was completely dependent on complementation of these extracts with exogenous DNA-PKcs. DNA-PKcs with either S/T → A or S/T → D substitutions at all six sites in the 2609–2647 cluster also supported end joining, but with markedly lower efficiency than wild-type protein. The residual end joining was greater with the S/T → D-substituted than with the S/T → A-substituted protein. A specific inhibitor of the kinase activity of DNA-PK, KU57788, completely blocked end joining promoted by wild type as well as both mutant forms of DNA-PK, while inhibition of ATM kinase did not. The fidelity of end joining was not affected by the mutant DNA-PKcs alleles or the inhibitors. Overall, the results support a role for autophosphorylation of the 2609–2647 cluster in promoting end joining and controlling the accessibility of DNA ends, but suggest that DNA-PK-mediated phosphorylation at other sites, on either DNA-PKcs or other proteins, is at least as important as the 2609–2647 cluster in regulating end joining

    Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase and the repair of 3′-phosphoglycolate-terminated DNA double-strand breaks

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    Although tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase (TDP1) is capable of removing blocked 3′ termini from DNA double-strand break ends, it is uncertain whether this activity plays a role in double-strand break repair. To address this question, affinity-tagged TDP1 was overexpressed in human cells and purified, and its interactions with end joining proteins were assessed. Ku and DNA-PKcs inhibited TDP1-mediated processing of 3′-phosphoglycolate double-strand break termini, and in the absence of ATP, ends sequestered by Ku plus DNA-PKcs were completely refractory to TDP1. Addition of ATP restored TDP1-mediated end processing, presumably due to DNA-PK-catalyzed phosphorylation. Mutations in the 2609–2647 Ser/Thr phosphorylation cluster of DNA-PKcs only modestly affected such processing, suggesting that phosphorylation at other sites was important for rendering DNA ends accessible to TDP1. In human nuclear extracts, about 30% of PG termini were removed within a few hours despite very high concentrations of Ku and DNA-PKcs. Most such removal was blocked by the DNA-PK inhibitor KU-57788, but ~5% of PG termini were removed in the first few minutes of incubation even in extracts preincubated with inhibitor. The results suggest that despite an apparent lack of specific recruitment of TDP1 by DNA-PK, TDP1 can gain access to and can process blocked 3′ termini of double-strand breaks before ends are fully sequestered by DNA-PK, as well as at a later stage after DNA-PK autophosphorylation. Following cell treatment with calicheamicin, which specifically induces double-strand breaks with protruding 3′-PG termini, TDP1-mutant SCAN1 (spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy) cells exhibited a much higher incidence of dicentric chromosomes, as well as higher incidence of chromosome breaks and micronuclei, than normal cells. This chromosomal hypersensitivity, as well as a small but reproducible enhancement of calicheamicin cytotoxicity following siRNA-mediated TDP1 knockdown, suggests a role for TDP1 in repair of 3′-PG double-strand breaks in vivo
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