392 research outputs found

    Conversion of a cyclodextrin glucanotransferase into an alpha-amylase:Assessment of directed evolution strategies

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    Glycoside hydrolase family 13 (GH13) members have evolved to possess various distinct reaction specificities despite the overall structural similarity. In this study we investigated the evolutionary input required to effeciently interchange these specificities and also compared the effectiveness of laboratory evolution techniques applied, i.e., error-prone PCR and saturation mutagenesis. Conversion of our model enzyme, cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase), into an cc-amylase like hydrolytic enzyme by saturation mutagenesis close to the catalytic core yielded a triple mutant (A231V/F260W/F184Q) with the highest hydrolytic rate ever recorded for a CGTase, similar to that of a highly active alpha-anaylase, while cyclodextrin production was virtually abolished. Screening of a much larger, error-prone PCR generated library yielded far less effective mutants. Our results demonstrate that it requires only three mutations to change CGTase reaction specificity into that of another GH13 enzyme. This suggests that GH13 members may have diversified by introduction of a limited number of mutations to the common ancestor, and that interconversion of reaction specificites may prove easier than previously thought

    Rho kinase inhibitors Y27632 and H1152 augment neurite extension in the presence of cultured Schwann cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RhoA and Rho kinase inhibitors overcome the inhibition of axonal regeneration posed by central nervous system (CNS) substrates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To investigate if inhibition of the Rho pathway augments the neurite extension that naturally occurs in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) following nerve damage, dorsal root ganglion neurons and Schwann cell co-cultures were incubated with culture medium, C3 fusion toxin, and the Rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitors Y27632 and H1152. The longest neurite per neuron were measured and compared. Incubation with Y27632 and H1152 resulted in significantly longer neurites than controls when the neurons were in contact with Schwann cells. When separated by a porous P.E.T. membrane, only the group incubated with H1152 developed significantly longer neurites. This work demonstrates that Rho kinase inhibition augments neurite elongation in the presence of contact with a PNS-like substrate.</p

    Glycosidic bond specificity of glucansucrases:on the role of acceptor substrate binding residues

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    Many lactic acid bacteria produce extracellular alpha-glucan polysaccharides using a glucansucrase and sucrose as glucose donor. The structure and the physicochemical properties of the alpha-glucans produced are determined by the nature of the glucansucrase. Typically, the alpha-glucans contain two types of alpha-glycosidic linkages, for example, (alpha 1-2), (alpha 1-3), (alpha 1-4) or (alpha 1-6), which may be randomly or regularly distributed. Usually, the alpha-glucan chains are also branched, which gives rise to an additional level of complexity. Even though the first crystal structure was reported in 2010, our current understanding of the structure-function relationships of glucansucrases is not advanced enough to predict the alpha-glucan specificity from the sequence alone. Nevertheless, based on sequence alignments and site-directed mutagenesis, a few amino acid residues have been identified as being important for the glycosidic bond specificity of glucansucrases. A new development in GH70 research was the identification of a cluster of alpha-glucan disproportionating enzymes. Here, we discuss the current insights into the structure-function relationships of GH70 enzymes in the light of the recently determined crystal structure of glucansucrases

    Clifford Gates by Code Deformation

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    Topological subsystem color codes add to the advantages of topological codes an important feature: error tracking only involves measuring 2-local operators in a two dimensional setting. Unfortunately, known methods to compute with them were highly unpractical. We give a mechanism to implement all Clifford gates by code deformation in a planar setting. In particular, we use twist braiding and express its effects in terms of certain colored Majorana operators.Comment: Extended version with more detail

    Early-onset fetal growth restriction:A systematic review on mortality and morbidity

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    Introduction: Severe early-onset fetal growth restriction is an obstetric condition with significant risks of perinatal mortality, major and minor neonatal morbidity, and long-term health sequelae. The prognosis of a fetus is influenced by the extent of prematurity and fetal weight. Clinical care is individually adjusted. In literature, survival rates vary and studies often only include live-born neonates with missing rates of antenatal death. This systematic review aims to summarize the literature on mortality and morbidity. Material and methods: A broad literature search was conducted in OVID MEDLINE from 2000 to 26 April 2019 to identify studies on fetal growth restriction and perinatal death. Studies were excluded when all included children were born before 2000 because (neonatal) health care has considerably improved since this period. Studies were included that described fetal growth restriction diagnosed before 32Β weeks of gestation and antenatal mortality and neonatal mortality and/or morbidity as outcome. Quality of evidence was rated with the GRADE instrument. Results: Of the 2604 publications identified, 25 studies, reporting 2895 pregnancies, were included in the systematic review. Overall risk of bias in most studies was judged as low. The quality of evidence was generally rated as very low to moderate, except for 3 large well-designed randomized controlled trials. When combining all data on mortality, in 355 of 2895 pregnancies (12%) the fetus died antenatally, 192 died in the neonatal period (8% of live-born neonates) and 2347 (81% of all pregnancies) children survived. Of the neonatal morbidities recorded, respiratory distress syndrome (34% of the live-born neonates), retinopathy of prematurity (13%) and sepsis (30%) were most common. Of 476 children that underwent neurodevelopmental assessment, 58 (12% of surviving children, 9% of all pregnancies) suffered from cognitive impairment and/or cerebral palsy. Conclusions: When combining the data of 25 included studies, survival in fetal growth restriction pregnancies, diagnosed before 32Β weeks of gestation, was 81%. Neurodevelopmental impairment was assessed in a minority of surviving children. Individual prognostic counseling on the basis of these results is hampered by differences in patient and pregnancy characteristics within the included patient groups

    Gluco-oligomers initially formed by the reuteransucrase enzyme of Lactobacillus reuteri 121 incubated with sucrose and malto-oligosaccharides

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    <p>The probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri 121 produces a complex, branched (1 -> 4, 1 -> 6)-alpha-d-glucan as extracellular polysaccharide (reuteran) from sucrose (Suc), using a single glucansucrase/glucosyltransferase (GTFA) enzyme (reuteransucrase). To gain insight into the reaction/product specificity of the GTFA enzyme and the mechanism of reuteran formation, incubations with Suc and/or a series of malto-oligosaccharides (MOSs) (degree of polymerization (DP2-DP6)) were followed in time. The structures of the initially formed products, isolated via high-performance anion-exchange chromatography, were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and 1D/2D H-1/C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Incubations with Suc only, acting as both donor and acceptor, resulted in elongation of Suc with glucose (Glc) units via alternating (alpha 1 -> 4) and (alpha 1 -> 6) linkages, yielding linear gluco-oligosaccharides up to at least DP similar to 12. Simultaneously with the ensemble of oligosaccharides, polymeric material was formed early on, suggesting that alternan fragments longer than DP similar to 12 have higher affinity with the GTFA enzyme and are quickly extended, yielding high-molecular-mass branched reuteran (4 x 10(7) Da). MOSs (DP2-DP6) in the absence of Suc turned out to be poor substrates. Incubations of GTFA with Suc plus MOSs as substrates resulted in preferential elongation of MOSs (acceptors) with Glc units from Suc (donor). This apparently reflects the higher affinity of GTFA for MOSs compared with Suc. In accordance with the GTFA specificity, most prominent products were oligosaccharides with an (alpha 1 -> 4)/(alpha 1 -> 6) alternating structure.</p>

    The evolution of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase product specificity

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    Cyclodextrin glucanotransferases (CGTases) have attracted major interest from industry due to their unique capacity of forming large quantities of cyclic Ξ±-(1,4)-linked oligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) from starch. CGTases produce a mixture of cyclodextrins from starch consisting of 6 (Ξ±), 7 (Ξ²) and 8 (Ξ³) glucose units. In an effort to identify the structural factors contributing to the evolutionary diversification of product specificity amongst this group of enzymes, we selected nine CGTases from both mesophilic, thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms for comparative product analysis. These enzymes displayed considerable variation regarding thermostability, initial rates, percentage of substrate conversion and ratio of Ξ±-, Ξ²- and Ξ³-cyclodextrins formed from starch. Sequence comparison of these CGTases revealed that specific incorporation and/or substitution of amino acids at the substrate binding sites, during the evolutionary progression of these enzymes, resulted in diversification of cyclodextrin product specificity
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