60 research outputs found

    New tumour entities in the 4th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Head and Neck tumours: odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours.

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    The latest (4th) edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Head and Neck tumours has recently been published with a number of significant changes across all tumour sites. In particular, there has been a major attempt to simplify classifications and to use defining criteria which can be used globally in all situations, avoiding wherever possible the use of complex molecular techniques which may not be affordable or widely available. This review summarises the changes in Chapter 8: Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone lesions. The most significant change is the re-introduction of the classification of the odontogenic cysts, restoring this books status as the only text which classifies and defines the full range of lesions of the odontogenic tissues. The consensus group considered carefully the terminology of lesions and were concerned to ensure that the names used properly reflected the best evidence regarding the true nature of specific entities. For this reason, this new edition restores the odontogenic keratocyst and calcifying odontogenic cyst to the classification of odontogenic cysts and rejects the previous terminology (keratocystic odontogenic tumour and calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour) which were intended to suggest that they are true neoplasms. New entities which have been introduced include the sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma and primordial odontogenic tumour. In addition, some previously poorly defined lesions have been removed, including the ameloblastic fibrodentinoma, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, which are probably developing odontomas, and the odontoameloblastoma, which is not regarded as an entity. Finally, the terminology "cemento" has been restored to cemento-ossifying fibroma and cemento-osseous dysplasias, to properly reflect that they are of odontogenic origin and are found in the tooth-bearing areas of the jaws

    The modular systems biology approach to investigate the control of apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration

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    Apoptosis is a programmed cell death that plays a critical role during the development of the nervous system and in many chronic neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). This pathology, characterized by a progressive degeneration of cholinergic function resulting in a remarkable cognitive decline, is the most common form of dementia with high social and economic impact. Current therapies of AD are only symptomatic, therefore the need to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of the disease is surely needed in order to develop effective pharmacological therapies. Because of its pivotal role in neuronal cell death, apoptosis has been considered one of the most appealing therapeutic targets, however, due to the complexity of the molecular mechanisms involving the various triggering events and the many signaling cascades leading to cell death, a comprehensive understanding of this process is still lacking. Modular systems biology is a very effective strategy in organizing information about complex biological processes and deriving modular and mathematical models that greatly simplify the identification of key steps of a given process. This review aims at describing the main steps underlying the strategy of modular systems biology and briefly summarizes how this approach has been successfully applied for cell cycle studies. Moreover, after giving an overview of the many molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis in AD, we present both a modular and a molecular model of neuronal apoptosis that suggest new insights on neuroprotection for this disease

    Concerted cutting by Spo11 illuminates meiotic DNA break mechanics

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    Genetic recombination arises during meiosis through the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are created by Spo11, a topoisomerase-like protein1,2. Spo11 DSBs form preferentially in nucleosome-depleted regions termed hotspots3,4, yet how Spo11 engages with its DNA substrate to catalyse DNA cleavage is poorly understood. Although most recombination events are initiated by a single Spo11 cut, here we show in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that hyperlocalized, concerted Spo11 DSBs separated by 33 to more than 100 base pairs also form, which we term ‘double cuts’. Notably, the lengths of double cuts vary with a periodicity of 10.5 base pairs, which is conserved in yeast and mice. This finding suggests a model in which the orientation of adjacent Spo11 molecules is fixed relative to the DNA helix—a proposal supported by the in vitro DNA-binding properties of the Spo11 core complex. Deep sequencing of meiotic progeny identifies recombination scars that are consistent with repair initiated from gaps generated by adjacent Spo11 DSBs. Collectively, these results revise our present understanding of the mechanics of Spo11-DSB formation and expand on the original concepts of gap repair during meiosis to include DNA gaps that are generated by Spo11 itself

    Relative rotation number for stochastic systems: dynamical and topological applications

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)We introduce a concept of relative rotation number to unify many different approaches of rotation number in non-linear dynamical systems. We present an ergodic result of existence a.s. for stochastic systems. In higher dimension, we show that the natural idea of projecting into a plane does work well a.s. for any plane (different from deterministic systems where projections may be degenerate). A number of further properties (invariance by homotopy and by conjugacy) and applications are presented.234425435Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FAPESP [02/10246-2, 04/13758-0]CNPq [301112/2003-7

    On the productive efficiency of Australian businesses: firm size and age class effects

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    After 26 years of growth, the Australian economy is beginning to show signs of stress and declining productivity. In this paper, we consider aspects of productive efficiency using an Australian business population data set. Using a production function approach, several key findings are uncovered. Firstly, decreasing returns to scale are identified as a significant feature of the Australian business sector. This implies that not all firm growth will lead to productivity gains. Secondly, there are significant differences in the way value added is created between small and large firms. In the largest 25% of firms, the capital contribution to value added is four times that of the smallest 25% of firms. Thirdly, efficiency follows an inverted ‘U’ shaped in firm age with the youngest (0–2 years) and oldest (> 9 years) firms being less productive than the middle 50% of firms. Fourthly, there are also huge industry sector variations in productivity. In particular, financial services appears to be the most productively efficient sector in the Australian economy and mining the least efficient.N/
