368 research outputs found

    Narrativas da história nacional na Primavera dos Povos global: o povo como personagem histórica nas historiografias conservadoras mexicana e brasileira em meados do século XIX

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    Mexican and Brazilian mid-19th century historiographies have been conventionally interpreted considering the national circumstances in which they were written. This article aims to transcend this point of view, placing those texts –specifically Historia de México by Lucas Alamán and História Geral do Brasil by Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen– in the framework of the global revolutionary context triggered by the events of February-June Paris 1848. I argue that the negative role that both national histories assigned to “the people” in their respective narratives of the Mexican and Brazilian independence revolutions is closely linked to the mid-19th century global ascent of popular classes to political life and to their global incorporation as key characters of historiographical discourses.As historiografias mexicana e brasileira de meados do século XIX tem sido interpretadas considerando as circunstâncias nacionais em que foram escritas. Este artigo procura transcender esse ponto de vista, situando esses textos – especificamente a Historia de México de Lucas Alamán e a História Geral do Brasil de Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen – no contexto revolucionário global desencadeado pelos acontecimentos de fevereiro-junho de 1848 em Paris. Como argumento, defendo que o papel negativo que ambas as histórias nacionais deram ao “povo” em suas narrativas das revoluções independentistas mexicana e brasileira está ligado à ascensão global das classes populares na vida política e sua incorporação global como personagens-chave nos discursos historiográficos

    History, narrativity and progress in Ernest Renan's Life os Jesus

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    As a result of its particular narrative structure, criticism has understood Ernest Renan’s Life of Jesus (1863) as a biography or a novel. As a main thesis, this article proposes that the Life of Jesus should be understood as a history book that, despite its biographical theme, also embodies a philosophy of history. First, from the analysis of the various interpretations that have been made of the work of Renan, I argue that what stands out most of it is its narrative structure. Immediately, I affirm that this structure assumes the form of a romance. In the end, I defend that although this particular plot structure literally refers to the life and dead of the historical Jesus, symbolically narrates the progressive history of humanity towards individual freedom. This work aims to contribute to the history of historical ideas in nineteenth-century Europe.Como resultado de su particular estructura narrativa, la crítica ha comprendido a la Vida de Jesús (1863) de Ernest Renan como una biografía o una novela. Como tesis principal, este artículo propone que la Vida de Jesús debe ser entendida como un libro de historia que, no obstante su temática biográfica, encarna una filosofía de la historia. En primer lugar, a partir del análisis de las diversas interpretaciones que se han hecho de la obra de Renan, sostengo que lo que más destaca de ella es su estructura narrativa. Enseguida, afirmo que esa estructura asume la forma de un romance. Al final, defiendo que si bien esta particular estructura de trama refiere explícitamente la vida y muerte del Jesús histórico, narra simbólicamente la historia progresiva de la humanidad hacia la libertad individual. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la historia de las ideas históricas en la Europa del siglo XIX

    Análisis de costos para la toma de decisiones en la industria petrolera

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    Un indicador importante es el costo por barril de petróleo producido en un yacimiento y se calcula a partir de dos componentes: el nivel de producción y el nivel de gasto. Por lo tanto, para reducirlo se debe incrementar el primer componente o disminuir el segundo. Con respecto al estudio de la producción, los ingenieros, geólogos y geofísicos se encargan de ser eficaces utilizando softwares específicos de la industria así como también la experiencia personal de cada uno. El desafío en estos tiempos es mantener un determinado nivel de producción al menor gasto posible. Con el fin de analizar el comportamiento de los gastos, se toma el caso empírico de una operadora petrolera ubicada en dos áreas geográficas. Por un lado, se encuentra Cerro Dragón localizada en la provincia de Chubut y conformada por varios distritos; por otro lado, un área de explotación más chica en Santa Cruz a tal punto que se compone por un solo distrito, Koluel Kaike. Este último distrito cuenta con un elevado costo por barril en comparación con el promedio de las unidades de gestión ubicadas en Cerro Dragón. Esto se debe a que no sólo la mayoría de ellas tiene un mayor nivel de producción, sino que además, los niveles de gastos suelen ser menores. Se ha elegido un método de comparación de datos, sector por sector, con el fin de encontrar las similitudes y las diferencias más significativas. La descripción de las realidades de ambos distritos se complementa con entrevistas a los referentes de cada área.Fil: Ledesma, Facundo Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Historia, conocimiento y narración: las “crónicas-romances” de Alexandre Herculano

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    Considerados por la crítica como arquetipos de la literatura romántica portuguesa, los cuentos y novelas históricos de Alexandre Herculano han sido sometidos a diversos estudios tendientes a destacar su valor estético. El presente artículo pretende, no obstante, concentrarse en el componente histórico de los mismos. Como tesis principal se plantea que, llevando hasta sus últimas consecuencias los principios poéticos del modelo de la novela histórica de Walter Scott, Herculano redactó una serie de “crónicas-romances” o reconstrucciones histórico-ficcionales del pasado medieval portugués en las cuales le importó menos la configuración de tramas que la composición de contextos históricos capaces de generar un sentimiento de nacionalidad entre las clases medias lusas. Este artículo pretende contribuir a la discusión teórica sobre las relaciones entre la literatura y la historia, destacando sobre todo que el conocimiento del pasado no ha sido patrimonio exclusivo de la historiografía y que la narrativa de ficción ha hecho importantes aportaciones en esta materia

    Narrating National History in the Global «Springtime of the Peoples». The People as Historical Character in mid-19th Century Mexican and Brazilian Conservative Historiography

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    Mexican and Brazilian mid-19th century historiographies have been conventionally interpreted considering the national circumstances in which they were written. This article aims to transcend this point of view, placing those texts –specifically Historia de México by Lucas Alamán and História Geral do Brasil by Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen– in the framework of the global revolutionary context triggered by the events of February-June Paris 1848. I argue that the negative role that both national histories assigned to “the people” in their respective narratives of the Mexican and Brazilian independence revolutions is closely linked to the mid-19th century global ascent of popular classes to political life and to their global incorporation as key characters of historiographical discourses

    A historiografia nacional como «começo»: A Historia de Méjico de Lucas Alamán e a História Geral do Brazil de Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen

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    This article focuses on the ideological implications of narrative elements found in historiographical pieces on national States in nineteenth-century Latin America, especially its beginnings. The analysis of the incipit of two representative works of this historiographic genre – Historia de Méjico (1844-1852) by Lucas Alamán and História Geral do Brazil (1853-1857) by Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen – will allow us, first, to discuss the formal – fictional – attributes of the aforementioned discursive implications; second, to characterize the latter as ideological artifacts arranged in narrative form. This article thus aims to contribute to the critical study of nineteenth-century Latin American national historiography from a comparative perspective.Este artigo focaliza um problema específico do fenômeno da historiografia nacional escrita na América Latina do século XIX: as implicações ideológicas de seus elementos narrativos, particularmente de seus começos. A análise dos incipit de duas obras representativas desse gênero historiográfico – a História de Méjico (1844-1852), do historiador mexicano Lucas Alamán, e a História Geral do Brazil (1853-1857), do brasileiro Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen – permitirá, em primeiro lugar, discutir as características formais – ficcionais – dos referidos umbrais discursivos; em segundo lugar, caracterizá-los como artefactos ideológicos dispostos em forma narrativa. Pretende-se contribuir para o estudo crítico da historiografia nacional oitocentista latino-americana, a partir de uma perspetiva comparada

    El tiempo de la Huerta

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    Pro HuertaFil: Ledesma, Ricardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Pro Huerta; ArgentinaFil: Ledesma, Ricardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Pro Huerta; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; Argentin

    Near-field enhanced imaging by a magnetized ferrite slab

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    This letter demonstrates the near-field imaging enhancement at microwave frequencies of two-dimensional sources by a ferrite slab magnetized to saturation. It is shown that this effect is based on the nonreciprocal amplification of magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) across the ferrite slab. The inclusion of losses in our analysis has also made it possible to prove this effect for realistic yttrium iron garnet ferrite samples. For ferrite slabs of width d, the resolution at the image plane (at a distance 2d from the source) is better than the resolution in air at a distance d of the source, which leads to an equivalent air length of the ferrite slab less than zero. Since the constitutive parameters of saturated ferrites depend on the external magnetizing field, the operation frequency of the proposed imaging devices can be tuned by varying this biasing field.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2004-03214, TEC2004-04249-C02-0

    Extraordinary transmission through arrays of electrically small holes from a circuit theory perspective

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    Extraordinary optical transmission of light or electromagnetic waves through metal plates periodically perforated with subwavelength holes has been exhaustively analyzed in the last ten years. The study of this phenomenon has attracted the attention of many scientists working in the fields of optics and condensed matter physics. This confluence of scientists has given rise to different theories, some of them controversial. The first theoretical explanation was based on the excitation of surface plasmons along the metalair interfaces. However, since periodically perforated dielectric (and perfect conductor) slabs also exhibit extraordinary transmission, diffraction by a periodic array of scatterers was later considered as the underlying physical phenomenon. From a microwave engineering point of view, periodic structures exhibiting extraordinary optical transmission are very closely related to frequency-selective surfaces. In this paper, we use simple concepts from the theory of frequency-selective surfaces, waveguides, and transmission lines to explain extraordinary transmission for both thin and thick periodically perforated perfect conductor screens. It will be shown that a simple transmission-line equivalent circuit satisfactorily accounts for extraordinary transmission, explaining all of the details of the observed transmission spectra, and easily gives predictions on many features of the phenomenon. Although the equivalent circuit is developed for perfect conductor screens, its extension to dielectric perforated slabs and/or penetrable conductors at optical frequencies is almost straightforward. Our circuit model also predicts extraordinary transmission in nonperiodic systems for which this phenomenon has not yet been reported.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-65376, TEC2007- 68013-C02-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-25

    Equivalent circuit model to explain extraordinary transmission

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    This work proposes a circuit model based explanation for the extraordinary transmission (ET) of light phenomenon studied in recent scientific literature [1], [2]. ET mainly stands for unexpected transmission of light through periodic arrays of subwavelength holes in a metal screen. The study of this phenomenon has attracted the attention of many scientists working in the fields of Optics and Condensed Matter Physics, giving place to some controversial explanations. The existence of surface plasmons supported by the metal/air interface at optical frequencies has been considered the underlying reason behind ET. Our contribution tries to offer a relatively simple explanation of ET based on conventional waveguide/transmission-line theory. It will be shown how this simplified microwave-engineering standpoint offers satisfactory explanation for most ET findings. Indeed, ET should be expected not only at optical frequencies but also at lower frequencies, when surface plasmons are not possible.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-65376, TEC2007-68013-C02- 01Junta de Andalucía TIC-25