46 research outputs found
Renegotiating and Resisting Nationalism in 20th-century Irish Drama
Le volume, composĂ© dâune introduction, dix articles, une bibliographie gĂ©nĂ©rale et un index, explore le rapport souvent ambivalent des principaux dramaturges irlandais du xxe siĂšcle avec lâidĂ©ologie nationaliste qui a prĂ©sidĂ© Ă la naissance de lâĂtat Libre dâIrlande, puis de la RĂ©publique. Il sâarticule autour de deux axes recouvrant chacun une moitiĂ© du xxe siĂšcle : « Colonialism and the Free State » dâune part, « The Republic and the North » dâautre part. Le premier regroupe quatre articles..
Patrick Lonergan, Irish Drama and Theatre Since 1950
Patrick Lonerganâs latest book offers a well-informed survey of Irish drama and theatre in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, from the 1950s to the present. It looks at a wide range of plays, productions, and theatrical initiatives and provides its readers with valuable, up-to-date information on the latest developments of Irish theatre. The originality of Irish Drama and Theatre Since 1950 lies in its interest in broadening our conception and understanding of what constitutes..
Trauma et hantise de soi dans The Mai et By the Bog of Cats de Marina Carr
Le trauma que The Mai et By the Bog of Cats sâefforcent de reprĂ©senter est celui de sujets dont lâavĂšnement nâa jamais eu lieu, de sujets condamnĂ©s Ă vivre dans la hantise de lâindividuation. La dramaturgie du traumatisme que Marina Carr met en place dans ces deux piĂšces sâapparente Ă bien des Ă©gards Ă une dramaturgie de la revenance. Le spectre, entitĂ© indĂ©cise qui allie des rĂ©alitĂ©s contradictoires telles que prĂ©sence et absence, Ă©vanescence et rĂ©manence, donne pour ainsi dire corps au trauma en ce quâil fait retour et signale la prĂ©sence insistante de lâinvisible, de ce qui reste hors de portĂ©e de la conscience du sujet. La nature par essence inassimilable du trauma empĂȘche toute reprĂ©sentation directe ou frontale. Si, paradoxalement, les piĂšces de Carr disent la rĂ©alitĂ© factuelle du trauma sans dĂ©tour, elles semblent cependant Ă©chouer Ă en exprimer la rĂ©alitĂ© affective et Ă©motionnelle.This article aims at defining the nature of the traumatic experience that lies at the heart of Marina Carrâs The Mai and By the Bog of Cats. Here, Carr constructs characters that never emerge as subjects. The âsubjectâ staged in the two plays is one whose individuation has never really occurred. The female protagonists, Hester Swane and The Mai, are forever ghosted by their own (m)other. The figure of the spectre, as an indefinite entity which allies contradictory characteristics such as presence and absence, evanescence and persistence, (dis)embodies trauma in that it forever returns, thus signalling the insisting presence of the invisible, of that which forever eludes the subjectâs consciousness. The essentially inassimilable nature of trauma renders any direct, frontal representation impossible. Whereas Carrâs plays allow us to see and to hear the factual reality of trauma, I argue that they also fail to fully express traumaâs affective and emotional reality
Alexandra Poulain, Irish Drama, Modernity and the Passion Play, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Irish Drama, Modernity and the Passion Play is a welcome, refreshing contribution to critical studies of twentieth-century Irish drama. It takes its readers on a journey to varied, often unexplored corners as it engages with a wide and eclectic range of plays. Its detailed and contextualised close readings highlight the richness and complexity of the field of twentieth-century Irish theatre. The book looks anew at canonical plays, such as, for example..
(Lecture de) Synge and Edwardian Ireland
Lâouvrage codirigĂ© par Brian Cliff et Nicholas Grene met en relation lâĆuvre de J. M. Synge avec des aspects souvent peu Ă©tudiĂ©s de la vie culturelle irlandaise de lâĂ©poque edwardienne : musique, music hall, mouvement « arts and crafts », naissance du vedettariat⊠Le choix du contexte historique et culturel (1901-1910) est intĂ©ressant en ce quâil met en lumiĂšre une pĂ©riode souvent ignorĂ©e : lâĂšre edwardienne est en effet frĂ©quemment prĂ©sentĂ©e comme transitoire du cĂŽtĂ© britannique et gĂ©nĂ©ralem..
W. B. Yeats, the Abbey Theatre, Censorship, and the Irish State: Adding the Half-Pence to the Pence
Impressively researched and clearly argued, Lauren Arringtonâs book makes a significant contribution to the study of early 20th century Abbey Theatre productions in relation to the wider political context of the period. It also sheds fascinating light on the crucial (and often ambivalent) involvement of W. B. Yeats in both the management of the Abbey Theatre and the politics of the Irish Free State. Lauren Arringtonâs history of the Abbey theatre spans the period starting with what has come ..
Video introduction to issue 6
This video introduces the thematic contributions on âExperimental Artâ.La vidĂ©o prĂ©sente les contributions thĂ©matiques sur âLâart expĂ©rimentalâ