23 research outputs found

    A bacterial chloroform reductive dehalogenase: purification and biochemical characterization

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    © 2017 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology. We report herein the purification of a chloroform (CF)-reducing enzyme, TmrA, from the membrane fraction of a strict anaerobe Dehalobacter sp. strain UNSWDHB to apparent homogeneity with an approximate 23-fold increase in relative purity compared to crude lysate. The membrane fraction obtained by ultracentrifugation was solubilized in Triton X-100 in the presence of glycerol, followed by purification by anion exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of the purified TmrA was determined to be 44.5 kDa by SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF/TOF. The purified dehalogenase reductively dechlorinated CF to dichloromethane in vitro with reduced methyl viologen as the electron donor at a specific activity of (1.27 ± 0.04) × 103units mg protein−1. The optimum temperature and pH for the activity were 45°C and 7.2, respectively. The UV-visible spectrometric analysis indicated the presence of a corrinoid and two [4Fe-4S] clusters, predicted from the amino acid sequence. This is the first report of the production, purification and biochemical characterization of a CF reductive dehalogenase

    A doubling dimension threshold Θ(log log n) for augmented graph navigability

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    Abstract. In his seminal work, Kleinberg showed how to augment meshes using random edges, so that they become navigable; that is, greedy routing computes paths of polylogarithmic expected length between any pairs of nodes. This yields the crucial question of determining wether such an augmentation is possible for all graphs. In this paper, we answer negatively to this question by exhibiting a threshold on the doubling dimension, above which an infinite family of graphs cannot be augmented to become navigable whatever the distribution of random edges is. Precisely, it was known that graphs of doubling dimension at most O(log log n) are navigable. We show that for doubling dimension ≫ log log n, an infinite family of graphs cannot be augmented to become navigable. Finally, we complete our result by studying the special case of square meshes, that we prove to always be augmentable to become navigable

    The impact of tropomyosins on actin filament assembly is isoform specific

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    Tropomyosin (Tpm) is an α helical coiled-coil dimer that forms a co-polymer along the actin filament. Tpm is involved in the regulation of actin's interaction with binding proteins as well as stabilization of the actin filament and its assembly kinetics. Recent studies show that multiple Tpm isoforms also define the functional properties of distinct actin filament populations within a cell. Subtle structural variations within well conserved Tpm isoforms are the key to their functional specificity. Therefore, we purified and characterized a comprehensive set of 8 Tpm isoforms (Tpm1.1, Tpm1.12, Tpm1.6, Tpm1.7, Tpm1.8, Tpm2.1, Tpm3.1, and Tpm4.2), using well-established actin co-sedimentation and pyrene fluorescence polymerization assays. We observed that the apparent affinity (Kd(app)) to filamentous actin varied in all Tpm isoforms between ∼0.1–5 μM with similar values for both, skeletal and cytoskeletal actin filaments. The data did not indicate any correlation between affinity and size of Tpm molecules, however high molecular weight (HMW) isoforms Tpm1.1, Tpm1.6, Tpm1.7 and Tpm2.1, showed ∼3-fold higher cooperativity compared to low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms Tpm1.12, Tpm1.8, Tpm3.1, and Tpm4.2. The rate of actin filament elongation in the presence of Tpm2.1 increased, while all other isoforms decreased the elongation rate by 27–85 %. Our study shows that the biochemical properties of Tpm isoforms are finely tuned and depend on sequence variations in alternatively spliced regions of Tpm molecules

    Self-renewing Monolayer of Primary Colonic or Rectal Epithelial CellsSummary

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    Background & Aims: Three-dimensional organoid culture has fundamentally changed the in vitro study of intestinal biology enabling novel assays; however, its use is limited because of an inaccessible luminal compartment and challenges to data gathering in a three-dimensional hydrogel matrix. Long-lived, self-renewing 2-dimensional (2-D) tissue cultured from primary colon cells has not been accomplished. Methods: The surface matrix and chemical factors that sustain 2-D mouse colonic and human rectal epithelial cell monolayers with cell repertoires comparable to that in vivo were identified. Results: The monolayers formed organoids or colonoids when placed in standard Matrigel culture. As with the colonoids, the monolayers exhibited compartmentalization of proliferative and differentiated cells, with proliferative cells located near the peripheral edges of growing monolayers and differentiated cells predominated in the central regions. Screening of 77 dietary compounds and metabolites revealed altered proliferation or differentiation of the murine colonic epithelium. When exposed to a subset of the compound library, murine organoids exhibited similar responses to that of the monolayer but with differences that were likely attributable to the inaccessible organoid lumen. The response of the human primary epithelium to a compound subset was distinct from that of both the murine primary epithelium and human tumor cells. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a self-renewing 2-D murine and human monolayer derived from primary cells can serve as a physiologically relevant assay system for study of stem cell renewal and differentiation and for compound screening. The platform holds transformative potential for personalized and precision medicine and can be applied to emerging areas of disease modeling and microbiome studies. Keywords: Colonic Epithelial Cells, Monolayer, Organoids, Compound Screenin