122 research outputs found

    Concepções de meio ambiente dos educadores ambientais do Zoológico de Goiânia: implicações nas atividades e contribuições para a formação do sujeito ecológico?

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    A concepção de meio ambiente tem uma relação direta com as práticas pedagógicas que serão elaboradas e a situação ambiental que vivenciamos hoje é imperativa no sentido de exigir que soluções sejam condizentes com a realidade. Nesse sentido, o sujeito ecológico tem seu alicerce embasado na corrente crítica de EA (Educação Ambiental), que concebe o meio ambiente em sua totalidade, considerando as complexas e conflituosas interfaces que permeiam a relação homem e natureza. Dessa forma, nos preocupamos nesta pesquisa em verificar quais são as concepções de meio ambiente dos educadores ambientais do Zoológico de Goiânia, verificar como isso é traduzido nas atividades e, por fim, verificar as contribuições desse espaço não formal de educação na formação do sujeito ecológico. Notou-se que as atividades do Zoológico de Goiânia estão alicerçadas em uma perspectiva naturalista e conservacionista, que compreendem o meio ambiente como natureza e como recurso. Assim, foram encontradas práticas simplistas e que reforçam a necessidade de adquirir comportamentos ditos ecologicamente corretos, bem como reconstruir uma ligação com a natureza, sem, contudo, contribuir com a formação do sujeito ecológico. Dessa forma, o zoológico como um espaço não formal de educação, não cumpre seu papel educativo, seu compromisso com a formação do cidadão crítico, ciente dos seus direitos e deveres sociais, capaz de intervir nas discussões sobre as questões ambientais em prol de uma sociedade mais justa e ambientalmente sustentável

    Genetic divergence in snap bean based on agronomic traits and resistance to bacterial wilt

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    The objectives of this research were to estimate the genetic divergence among genotypes of bush snap beanwith based on morphoagronomic descriptors and evaluation of resistance to bacterial wilt; to determine the relative importanceof the distinguishing traits of genotypes and to indicate potential parents to establish a snap bean breeding program forresistance to bacterial wilt. Two experiments were conducted, the first in the field and the second in a greenhouse, both with 15genotypes in a randomized block design with three replications. Seven traits were studied in the field experiment: days toflowering; days to harvest; mean pod length; number of pods; number of pods per plant; total pod weight and number of seedsper pod. In the greenhouse, the reaction of bacterial wilt was assessed based on two variables, one based on a descriptivegrade scale and the other based on the Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). For the evaluation of genotyperesistance to bacterial wilt the isolate Feij – 2634 of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens was inoculated. Thestatistics of pseudo t2 indicated the formation of four groups by the UPGMA method, the same number of groups as indicatedby the use of canonical variables. The traits that contributed most to genetic divergence were days to harvest, pod length, poddiameter and AUDPC

    Agrobiodiversity in Cucurbita spp. landraces collected in Rio de Janeiro assessed by molecular markers

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    Diversity and genetic relationship in forty landraces of Cucurbita spp. collected at small farms in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were analyzed by RAPD and ISSR markers, using 20 and 15 primers, respectively. Both markers were efficient to cluster the accessions separating among species, but not so much to the detection of intra-specific variability, considering the event of different pairs of accessions comprising null genetic distances observed for both markers in C. moschata. Low values observed for genetic distance among the C. moschata landraces showed that most likely genetic losses is in progress in that region of cultivation due to anthropic and market pressure, which are stimulating the small farmers to abandon their local varieties in order to use commercial seeds, including hybrids, which is causing risk of genetic erosion

    Association of 2D and 3D transvaginal ultrasound findings with adenomyosis in symptomatic women of reproductive age: a prospective study

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) findings with adenomyosis symptoms. METHODS: This prospective study conducted between January and December 2018 enrolled 78 women aged 18 to 40 years with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), infertility, and/or pelvic pain. All patients underwent 2D and 3D TVUS. Signs of adenomyosis on TVUS were identified according to the consensus of the Morphological Uterus Sonographic Assessment group. RESULTS: The prevalence of adenomyosis on TVUS was 55.12%. Patients with adenomyosis were older (p=0.002) and had more dysmenorrhea, AUB, and endometriosis than those without adenomyosis. When comparing the presence of symptoms with each adenomyosis feature, on 2D TVUS, severe dyspareunia was significantly associated with the presence of a poorly defined junctional zone (JZ) (p=0.023) and on 3D TVUS, patients with AUB had a more irregular (p=0.003), poorly defined (p=0.028), and interrupted JZ (p=0.011). After logistic regression analysis, signs of adenomyosis on TVUS remained significantly associated only with age over 30 years (OR: 1.2; 95% CI: 1.0-1.2) and AUB (OR: 7.65; 95% CI: 2-29). Patients with diffuse adenomyosis were older and presented with more infertility and AUB than patients with focal or no adenomyosis. CONCLUSION: The findings of adenomyosis by 2D and 3D TVUS showed association with age and AUB. 3D TVUS alterations in the JZ were associated with AUB and dyspareunia. Diffuse adenomyosis was associated with older age, a greater prevalence of infertility, and AUB

    CRISPR-transient expression in soybean for simplified gRNA screening in planta

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método para criar e validar sistemas CRISPR-Cas e diferentes gRNAs em embriões de soja (Glycine max). Dois genes modelo foram usados para mutação simples com um gRNA ou deleção parcial do gene com dois guias. Os gRNAs foram inseridos nos vetores de transformação CRISPR por uma enzima de restrição do tipo IIS ou por subclonagem e inserção do promotor + gRNA2 no vetor de transformação final, com uso do método clássico de clonagem por enzimas de restrição. Os vetores foram construídos com sucesso para um e dois gRNAs. A transformação transiente de soja por Agrobacterium foi realizada para testar a qualidade dos gRNAs e do próprio sistema (cassete de expressão). Detectaram-se mutação simples e deleção gênica nos embriões transformados após o enriquecimento do DNA por digestão seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase e sequenciamento, o que indica que o sistema CRISPR-Cas e os guias estavam funcionando. Este protocolo pode ser usado para acelerar as estratégias de edição de genoma baseadas em CRISPR, para transformação genética em soja.The objective of this work was to develop a method to create and validate CRISPR-Cas systems and different gRNAs in soybean (Glycine max) embryos. Two model genes were used for simple mutation with one gRNA or partial gene deletion with two guides. The gRNAs were inserted into the CRISPR transformation vectors by a type IIS restriction enzyme or by subcloning and inserting the promoter + gRNA2 in the final transformation vector using the classic restriction enzyme cloning method. The vectors were successfully constructed for one and two gRNAs. Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation in soybean was carried out to test the quality of gRNAs and of the system itself (expression cassette). Simple mutation and gene deletion were detected in the embryos transformed after DNA enrichment by enzyme digestion followed by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing, which indicates that the CRISPR-Cas system and guides were working. This protocol can be used to accelerate CRISPR-based genome editing strategies for genetic transformation in soybean

    Brazilian maize landraces variability under high and low phosphorus inputs

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    Landraces are considered important sources of abiotic stress tolerance. Among the different abiotic stresses, phosphorous (P) deficiency is considered one of the limiting factors in tropical and subtropical soils. Thus, the aim of the present work is to evaluate and compare P acquisition and use efficiency in landraces and improved varieties of maize in Brazil and classify varieties based on their performance (yield) under low (efficient versus inefficient)and high (responsive versus non-responsive) P supplementation. It also investigates the relationship among variables in regards to P use efficiency(PUE) and agronomic traits and evaluates genetic diversity among varieties. Thirteen landraces varieties and five improved varieties were evaluated in two P-contrasting experiments (with and without P application during sowing) in two counties (Londrina and Maringá), Paraná, Brazil. There was a wide genetic variability among the varieties for the agronomic and P efficiency traits. P acquisition efficiency(PAE) showed high correlation with PUE and grain yield (GY). On the other hand, no correlation was detected between PUE and GY for P use internal efficiency(PUTE). In the experiment without P at sowing, the improved variety ST0509 showed high values for PUE and GY, whereas, among the landraces, the varieties Amarelão, Caiano and Caiano 2 stood out, being considered promising varieties for future PUE breeding programs

    Harvest season and seed physiological potential of ‘dedo-de-moça BRS Mari’ hot peppers

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    The cultivation of chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) plays a key role in the fresh vegetable, condiment, and preserve markets. The determination of the harvest season suitable for seed production is crucial to obtain high-quality seeds and ensure production success. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the harvest season of ‘dedo-de-moça BRS Mari’ hot peppers that provides the maximum seed physiological potential. The flowers in anthesis were labeled daily and the fruits were harvested 25, 40, 55, 70, 85, and 100 days after anthesis (DAA) and classified as green, yellowish green, orange, red, extreme red, and intense red, respectively. The seed physiological potential was determined by using the water content, dry matter, germination, first germination count, germination rate index, and accelerated aging tests. The seed dry matter increased steadily until 55 DAA (3.95 mg per seed), then increased slightly to 70 DAA (4.05 mg per seed), and stabilized from 85 to 100 DAA. The harvested seeds began to germinate at 55 DAA with approximately 40% germination, which peaked at 70 DAA with 87% germination; this value was maintained until 100 DAA. The highest values of the germination rate index were found at 70, 85, and 100 DAA. An increase in seed vigor was observed, based on the accelerated aging test, which peaked at 85 DAA and subsequently decreased. The peppers were harvested between 70 and 85 DAA and red to extreme red were found to be the most recommended colors to obtain ‘dedo-de-moça BRS Mari’ hot pepper seeds with high physiological potential
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