33 research outputs found

    Diffraction line profiles of spherical hollow nanocrystals

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    An analytical expression of diffraction line profiles of spherical hollow nanocrystals (NCs) is derived. The particular features of the profile lines, enhanced peak tail intensity, are analyzed and..

    Photon-induced formation of CdS nanocrystals in selected areas of polymer matrices

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    We demonstrate light-induced formation of semiconductor quantum dots in TOPAS (R) polymer matrix with very high control of their size and their spatial localization. Irradiation with UV laser pulses of polymer films embedding Cd thiolate precursors results in the formation of cadmium sulfide nanocrystals well confined in the irradiation area, through a macroscopically nondestructive procedure for the host matrix. With increasing number of laser pulses, we accomplish the formation of nanoparticles with gradually increasing dimensions, resulting in the dynamic change of the spectra emitted by the formed nanocomposite areas. The findings are supported by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy measurements. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physic

    The Effect of Irradiation Wavelength on the Quality of CdS Nanocrystals Formed Directly into PMMA Matrix

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    UV laser irradiation of PMMA films containing Cd thiolate precursors results in the spatially selective formation of CdS crystalline nanoparticles in the host matrix. Here we investigate the effect of the irradiation wavelength on the quality of the formed nanocrystals. Fluorescence topography and XPS studies reveal that the polymer matrix contributes to the trap states formation on the surface of the nanocrystals. When the latter are formed upon irradiation at 266 nm, they exhibit broad emission spectra, ascribed to the high degree of photodegradation of the polymer. In contrast, the irradiation at 355 nm does not chemically modify the matrix, resulting in the formation of CdS nanocrystals with narrow emission, i.e. high emission quality. This is further confirmed by fluorescence lifetime topography studies giving a mean fluorescence nanocrystal lifetime as short as 200 ps at room temperature. Thus, the optimized combination of irradiation wavelength with polymer matrix gives nanocomposite materials inco..

    Localized formation and size tuning of CdS nanocrystals upon irradiation of metal precursors embedded in polymer matrices

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    We present a method of spatial and dimensional controlled formation of CdS quantum dots into polymer matrices by light irradiation. The initial samples consist of Cd thiolate precursors doped in TOPAS polymer matrix. Under pulsed UV laser irradiation the precursors are photolysed driving to the nucleation of CdS nanocrystals, with increasing size and concentration, related to the number of UV pulses. The formed quantum dots are localized in the irradiated area, while the host polymer remains macroscopically unaffected by the UV irradiation. In this study we investigate how the formation of the nanocrystals (size, dimensions, and concentration) is affected by the use of different irradiation conditions (wavelength, number of pulses), revealing information about the different pathways followed during the formation. The change of the size of the dots results in the change of the peak of their emission due to the quantum size effect, which is studied by fluorescence measurements. The results are reinforced by TEM microscopy and by XRD measurements. The main advantages of the presented method are the size tuning of the produced dots and their spatial confinement inside the host matrix, not possible by the other methods used until now (thermal annealing, mixing etc.)

    Strain gauge properties of Pd+-ion-implanted polymer:

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    Pd+ ions (90 keV) were implanted at normal incidence and at room temperature in different highly insulating (>200 GΩ) thermoplastic polymers (poly(methyl methacrylate), polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified, and polycarbonate). At high fluence and optimized process parameters, the ion implantation gives rise to the formation of a nanocomposite thin surface layer constituted by Pd nanoclusters and carbonaceous material (nanographite/amorphous carbon). The morphological, microstructural, and microanalytical properties of the nanocomposite layers were investigated by He-ion microscopy, glancing incidence X-ray diffraction, and Raman scattering, respectively. The electrical properties were characterized by resistance, van der Pauw, and Hall measurements. We performed accurate simultaneous deformation/bending experiments and electrical resistance measurements. We show that the electrical resistance varies linearly with the mechanical deformation (beam deflection) applied. The experimental results are interpreted by "hopping conductivity" model considering the nanostructure configuration of the nanocomposite layers. A gauge factor in the range between 4 and 8, depending on the ion-implanted polymer, was obtained for prototype strain gauge devices

    Comparison between laser-induced nucleation of ZnS and CdS nanocrystals directly into polymer matrices

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    The nucleation of two kinds of crystalline nanoparticles, zinc sulfide (ZnS), and cadmium sulfide (CdS), is achieved directly into specific sites of polymer matrices after their irradiation with UV laser pulses. The starting samples consist of polymers doped with precursors of Zn or Cd thiolate that are proved to decompose after the absorption of UV light, resulting into the nanoparticles formation. The growth of the crystalline nanostructures is followed throughout the irradiation of the samples with successive incident pulses, by different methods, such as transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, confocal microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Special attention is paid to the difference of the formation pathways of the two kinds of nanoparticles studied, because the Cd thiolate precursor exhibits much higher absorption efficiency than the Zn thiolate one, at the applied UV wavelength. Indeed, CdS nanoparticles become evident after the very first incident UV pulses, whereas the formation of ZnS nanocrystals requires rather prolonged irradiation, always through a macroscopically nondestructive procedure for the polymer matrix. POLYM. COMPOS., 2010. © 2009 Society of Plastics Engineer

    Synthesis and Microstructural Investigations of Organometallic Pd(II) Thiol-Gold Nanoparticles Hybrids

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    In this work the synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles functionalized by a novel thiol-organometallic complex containing Pd(II) centers is presented. Pd(II) thiol,trans, trans-[dithiolate-dibis(tributylphosphine)dipalladium(II)-4,4′-diethynylbiphenyl] was synthesized and linked to Au nanoparticles by the chemical reduction of a metal salt precursor. The new hybrid made of organometallic Pd(II) thiol-gold nanoparticles, shows through a single S bridge a direct link between Pd(II) and Au nanoparticles. The size-control of the Au nanoparticles (diameter range 2–10 nm) was achieved by choosing the suitable AuCl4−/thiol molar ratio. The size, strain, shape, and crystalline structure of these functionalized nanoparticles were determined by a full-pattern X-ray powder diffraction analysis, high-resolution TEM, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements of the hybrid system show emission peaks at 418 and 440 nm. The hybrid was exposed to gaseous NOxwith the aim to evaluate the suitability for applications in sensor devices; XPS measurements permitted to ascertain and investigate the hybrid –gas interaction

    Multi-photon in situ synthesis and patterning of polymer-embedded nanocrystals

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    The in situ synthesis and patterning of CdS nanocrystals in a polymer matrix is performed via multi-photon absorption. Quantum-sized CdS nanocrystals are obtained by irradiating a cadmium thiolate precursor dispersed in a transparent polymer matrix with a focused near infrared femtosecond laser beam. High resolution transmission electron microscopy evidences the formation of nanocrystals with wurtzite crystalline phase. Fluorescent, nanocomposite patterns with sub-micron spatial resolution are fabricated by scanning the laser beam on the polymer-precursor composite. Moreover, the emission energy of the CdS nanocrystals can be tuned in the range 2.5-2.7 eV, by changing the laser fluences in the range 0.10-0.45 J cm -2. This method enables therefore the synthesis of luminescent, CdS-based composites to be used within patterned nanophotonic and light-emitting devices

    Mono- and bi-functional arenethiols as surfactants for gold nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization

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    Stable gold nanoparticles stabilized by different mono and bi-functional arenethiols, namely, benzylthiol and 1,4-benzenedimethanethiol, have been prepared by using a modified Brust's two-phase synthesis. The size, shape, and crystalline structure of the gold nanoparticles have been determined by high-resolution electron microscopy and full-pattern X-ray powder diffraction analyses. Nanocrystals diameters have been tuned in the range 2 ÷ 9 nm by a proper variation of Au/S molar ratio. The chemical composition of gold nanoparticles and their interaction with thiols have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In particular, the formation of networks has been observed with interconnected gold nanoparticles containing 1,4-benzenedimethanethiol as ligand