372 research outputs found

    Luminescent ln-ionic liquids beyond europium

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    UID/QUI/50006/2019 POCI-01-0145-FEDER–007265 IST-ID/077/2018 DL 57/2016 UIDB/00100/2020Searching in the Web of Knowledge for “ionic liquids” AND “luminescence” AND “lan-thanide”, around 260 entries can be found, of which a considerable number refer solely or primarily to europium (90%, ~234). Europium has been deemed the best lanthanide for luminescent applications, mainly due to its efficiency in sensitization, longest decay times, and the ability to use its luminescence spectra to probe the coordination geometry around the metal. The remaining lanthanides can also be of crucial importance due to their different colors, sensitivity, and capability as probes. In this manuscript, we intend to shed some light on the existing published work on the remaining lanthanides. In some cases, they appear in papers with europium, but frequently in a subordinate position, and in fewer cases then the main protagonist of the study. All of them will be assessed and presented in a concise manner; they will be divided into two main categories: lanthanide compounds dissolved in ionic liquids, and lanthanide-based ionic liquids. Finally, some analysis of future trends is carried out highlighting some future promising fields, such as ionogels.publishersversionpublishe

    Irradiation-responsive polysulfone film as a colorimetric UVA/UVB differentiator

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Associated Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry-Clean Processes and Technologies-LAQV, which is financed by national funds from FCT/MEC (UID/QUI/50006/2019) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER–007265). The NMR spectrometers are part of The National NMR Facility, supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (RECI/BBB-BQB/0230/2012). This work was also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the projects UIDB/00100/2020, and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the contract no IST-ID/077/2018 (Bernardo Monteiro). Cláudia C. L. Pereira thanks Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, MCTES, for the Norma transitória DL 57/2016 Program Contract. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P. for the national funds in the scope of the project UIDB/00100/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.A wearable, small size, flexible and energy consumable free colorimetric detector of UVA radiation and UVB/UVA differentiation was created based on the peculiar stimuli-responsive behaviour of an imidazolium based ionic liquid. Semi-transparent polysulfone films are transformed into opaque and homogenous red films under UVA radiation (315-360 nm), while lower wavelength exposure (280-315 nm) induces increased emission detectable under dark light, with no colour modification of the film under visible light. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC), spectroscopic analysis (FT-IR, 1H-NMR and UV-Vis), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were conducted to elucidate confinement mechanism and irradiation effects.publishersversionpublishe

    Substrato com Organosuper® para formação de mudas de pepineiro em ambientes protegidos e bandejas de poliestireno

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    Culture environments, trays and doses of organic compost were evaluated in the formation of cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.). Five environmental conditions were tested: (A1) a greenhouse with height of 2.5 m, covered with polyethylene film, (A2) nursery with height of 2.5 m, monofilament fabric, 50% shading, (A3) nursery with height of 2.5 m, heat-reflective screen, 50% shading, (A4) nursery with a height of 1.8 m, covered with coconut tree straw and (A5) greenhouse with height of 4.0 m, covered with polyethylene film, with zenith opening and thermo-reflective cloth under the plastic. Trays of 72 (R1) and 128 (R2) cells were filled with 93% soil and 7% organic compound (S1), 86% soil and 14% organic compound (S2) and 79% soil and 21% organic compound (S3). It was used a randomized design in split-split-plot scheme, with five replicates (environments x trays x substrates). The greenhouses provide the best environments for the formation of cucumber seedlings. A tray of 72 cells is the best container, promoting more vigorous seedlings in substrate with soil and 7 or 14% organic compound.Ambientes de cultivo, bandejas e doses de composto orgânico foram avaliados na formação de mudas de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.). Cinco ambientes de cultivo foram testados: (A1) estufa agrícola com altura de 2,5 m coberta com filme de polietileno; (A2) viveiro com altura de 2,5 m, tela de monofilamento com 50% de sombreamento; (A3) viveiro com altura de 2,5 m, tela termorrefletora, com 50% de sombreamento; (A4) viveiro com altura de 1,8 m, coberto com palha de coqueiro, e (A5) estufa agrícola com altura de 4,0 m, coberta com filme de polietileno, com abertura zenital e tela termorrefletora sob o filme. Bandejas de 72 (R1) e 128 (R2) células foram preenchidas com 93% de solo e 7% de composto orgânico (S1); 86% de solo e 14% de composto orgânico (S2), e 79% de solo e 21% de composto orgânico (S3). Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, com cinco repetições (ambientes x bandejas x substratos). As estufas agrícolas propiciam os melhores ambientes para a formação das mudas de pepino. A bandeja de 72 células é o melhor recipiente, promovendo plântulas mais vigorosas no substrato com solo e 7 ou 14 % de composto orgânico.22623

    Antinociceptive Activity of Trichilia catigua Hydroalcoholic Extract: New Evidence on Its Dopaminergic Effects

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    Trichilia catigua is a native plant of Brazil; its barks are used by some local pharmaceutical companies to prepare tonic drinks, such as Catuama. The present study was addressed to evaluate the effects of T. catigua hydroalcoholic extract in mouse nociception behavioral models, and to evaluate the possible mechanisms involved in its actions. Male Swiss mice were submitted to hot-plate, writhing and von Frey tests, after oral treatment with T. catigua extract (200 mg kg−1, p.o.). The extract displayed antinociceptive effect in all three models. For characterization of the mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive action of the extract, the following pharmacological treatments were done: naloxone (2.5 mg kg−1, s.c.), SR141716A (10 mg kg−1, i.p.), SCH23390 (15 μg kg−1, i.p.), sulpiride (50 mg kg−1, i.p.), prazosin (1 mg kg−1, i.p.), bicuculline (1 mg kg−1, i.p.) or dl-p-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester (PCPA, 100 mg kg−1, i.p.). In these experiments, the action of T. catigua extract was evaluated in the hot-plate test. The treatment with SCH23390 completely prevented the antinociceptive effect, while naloxone partially prevented it. The possible involvement of the dopaminergic system in the actions of T. catigua extract was substantiated by data showing the potentiation of apomorphine-induced hypothermia and by the prevention of haloperidol-induced catalepsy. In conclusion, the antinociceptive effects of T. catigua extract seem to be mainly associated with the activation of dopaminergic system and, to a lesser extent, through interaction with opioid pathway

    Septic spondylodiscitis: diagnosis and treatment

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    We studied retrospectively 24 patients with septic discitis of different etiologies (hematogenic, primary and infantile) and the different aspects involved in its diagnosis and treatment. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate proved to be a valuable parameter and should always be interpreted carefully along with the clinical and neuroimaging findings. Biopsies should be reserved for doubtful cases with atypical course. Clinical treatment should be initiated after the following situations have been ruled out: sepsis, neurological deficit, severe deformity, epidural abscess and foreign body (primary disease). The surgical approach may be chosen based on the stage of disease, being preferably posterior in suppurative forms and anterior in the non-suppurative stage. Based on our experience and on information gathered by literature review, we propose an algorithm to guide diagnosis and treatment in patients with septic discitis.Estudamos retrospectivamente 24 pacientes com espondilodiscite séptica de diferentes etiologias (hematogênica, primária e infantil) e os diferentes aspectos envolvidos em seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Constatamos que a velocidade de hemossedimentação é um bom parâmetro laboratorial para acompanhar a evolução da doença, mas deve ser sempre interpretada conjuntamente com o quadro clínico e os achados de neuroimagem. Biópsias devem ser reservadas para os casos de diagnóstico duvidoso e o tratamento clínico realizado sempre que afastadas as seguintes condições: sepse, déficit neurológico, deformidade severa, abscesso epidural e corpo estranho (discite primária). A abordagem cirúrgica deve ser planejada levando em conta o estágio da doença, sendo preferencialmente por via posterior nas fases supurativas e anterior nas demais. Baseados em nossa experiência e em revisão da literatura, propomos um algoritmo para orientar o diagnóstico e o tratamento das espondilodiscites sépticas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Postharvest characterization of oranges 'Baianinha' stored under refrigeration and ambient conditions

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    The postharvest quality of fresh oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, 'Baianinha') was evaluated in terms of chemical and physical properties, in May of 1998. An experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with two replications, submitting the fruits to two treatments: storage at ambient conditions (21 ± 0.4°C and RH = 60 ± 1.0%, and in cold room (1 ± 0,5°C and RH = 85 ± 2,5%). After 15 days of storage, a highly significant difference was observed (P=0,01) in the levels of ascorbic acid (decrease of 20% and 8%, at ambient condition and refrigerated fruits, respectively). Titratable acidity decrease approximately 14%, for fruits at ambient condition, and 8% for the refrigerated fruits. It was observed an increase of 30% (ambient condition) and 18% (refrigerated fruits), in the brix/titratable acidity ratio. The results demonstrated that there is a tendency of quality loss for fruits maintained at ambient condition. Therefore, the use of refrigeration is necessary for the maintenance of post harvest quality of fresh orange.A qualidade pós colheita de laranjas in natura (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, 'Baianinha'), foi avaliada em termos de suas propriedades químicas e físicas, em maio de 1998. Foi aplicado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetições, submetendo os frutos a dois tratamentos: armazenamento a temperatura ambiente (21 ± 0,4°C e UR= 60 ± 1,0%), e em uma câmara frigorífica (1 ± 0,5°C e UR = 85 ± 2,5%). Após 15 dias de armazenamento, foi observada uma diferença altamente significativa (P=0,01), nos níveis de ácido ascórbico (diminuição de 20% e 8%, nas laranjas expostas a temperatura ambiente e nos frutos refrigerados, respectivamente). A acidez titulável teve uma diminuição de aproximadamente 14%, para os frutos mantidos à temperatura ambiente, e de 8% para os frutos refrigerados. Comprovou-se um aumento de 30% (frutos em condições ambientais) e de 18% (frutos refrigerados), na relação sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável. Os resultados apontam uma tendência à perda da qualidade nos frutos mantidos em condições ambientais, o que reafirma a necessidade do uso de refrigeração para a conservação pós-colheita de laranja in natura.464

    Caracterización microclimática y producción de forrajeras sombreadas con Pinus taeda en el sur de Brasil

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido caracterizar el microclima de gramíneas y leguminosas forrajeras sombreadas con Pinus taeda y su efecto en la producción de materia seca, en el Sur de Brasil.[EN]The objective of this research was to characterize the macroclimate of grass and legume forage plants shaded with Pinus taeda and its effect on dry matter production in Southern Brazil

    Antinociceptive Activity of Trichilia catigua Hydroalcoholic Extract: New Evidence on Its Dopaminergic Effects

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    Trichilia catigua is a native plant of Brazil; its barks are used by some local pharmaceutical companies to prepare tonic drinks, such as Catuama. The present study was addressed to evaluate the effects of T. catigua hydroalcoholic extract in mouse nociception behavioral models, and to evaluate the possible mechanisms involved in its actions. Male Swiss mice were submitted to hot-plate, writhing and von Frey tests, after oral treatment with T. catigua extract (200 mg kg −1 , p.o.). The extract displayed antinociceptive effect in all three models. For characterization of the mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive action of the extract, the following pharmacological treatments were done: naloxone (2.5 mg kg −1 , s.c.), SR141716A (10 mg kg −1 , i.p.), SCH23390 (15 μg kg −1 , i.p.), sulpiride (50 mg kg −1 , i.p.), prazosin (1 mg kg −1 , i.p.), bicuculline (1 mg kg −1 , i.p.) or dl-p-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester (PCPA, 100 mg kg −1 , i.p.). In these experiments, the action of T. catigua extract was evaluated in the hot-plate test. The treatment with SCH23390 completely prevented the antinociceptive effect, while naloxone partially prevented it. The possible involvement of the dopaminergic system in the actions of T. catigua extract was substantiated by data showing the potentiation of apomorphineinduced hypothermia and by the prevention of haloperidol-induced catalepsy. In conclusion, the antinociceptive effects of T. catigua extract seem to be mainly associated with the activation of dopaminergic system and, to a lesser extent, through interaction with opioid pathway