18 research outputs found

    CCR5 e variante CCR5Δ32 : funçÔes, aplicaçÔes e impactos clĂ­nicos em condiçÔes inflamatĂłrias, doenças infecciosas e cĂąncer

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    O CCR5 Ă© um importante receptor celular do sistema imune, atuando principalmente no controle da migração de monĂłcitos/macrĂłfagos e linfĂłcitos T. AlĂ©m disso, possui um papel bem definido na infecção pelo HIV-1, sendo o principal correceptor utilizado pelo vĂ­rus para realizar sua penetração na cĂ©lula hospedeira. A variante CCR5Δ32 (rs333) Ă© um polimorfismo do gene CCR5 que consiste em uma deleção de 32 pb no Ă©xon 3, acarretando a expressĂŁo de uma proteĂ­na truncada nĂŁo-funcional. O alelo Δ32 originou-se no continente Europeu e atualmente possui uma distribuição bastante heterogĂȘnea. No Brasil, verifica-se uma maior frequĂȘncia da variante na regiĂŁo sul em razĂŁo da configuração predominantemente de origem Europeia da população. Diversos trabalhos avaliaram o papel da variante CCR5Δ32 em condiçÔes inflamatĂłrias, doenças infecciosas e cĂąncer, apresentando resultados controversos para vĂĄrios dos desfechos investigados. Na presente dissertação, os estudos avaliando a frequĂȘncia deste alelo de maneira ampla no Brasil sĂŁo revisados (artigo apresentado no CapĂ­tulo 1). Quando tratamos especificamente de cĂąncer, verificamos que o alelo Δ32 atua de maneira diferente em tipos distintos de neoplasias. AlĂ©m dos trabalhos brasileiros, percebe-se que a expressĂŁo de CCR5 pode estar associada com malignidades, como o surgimento de metĂĄstase e controle inflamatĂłrio do microambiente tumoral. Neste contexto, hipotetizamos sobre o papel da interação entre a molĂ©cula CD34, marcadora de cĂ©lulastronco hematopoiĂ©ticas, com o CCR5 no desenvolvimento de cĂąncer (artigo apresentado no CapĂ­tulo 2). Em seguida, discutimos o papel da variante CCR5Δ32 na infecção pelo HIV, trazendo a estratĂ©gia de remissĂŁo sustentada realizada pela primeira vez hĂĄ doze anos e, mais recentemente, pela segunda vez, hĂĄ dois anos, com base no transplante de cĂ©lulas tronco com genĂłtipo Δ32/Δ32. Aqui, apresentamos um artigo original (CapĂ­tulo 3) avaliando a frequĂȘncia do CCR5Δ32 em doadores voluntĂĄrios de medula Ăłssea do Rio Grande do Sul cadastrados no Registro Nacional de Doadores de Medula Óssea (REDOME), alĂ©m de investigar uma possĂ­vel associação da presença de alelos especĂ­ficos de HLA com tal polimorfismo. Encontramos uma frequĂȘncia alĂ©lica de 7,1%, e uma frequĂȘncia do genĂłtipo Δ32/Δ32 de 0,76%. Esses nĂșmeros provavelmente sĂŁo superestimados em relação Ă  população brasileira como um todo, visto que apenas indivĂ­duos da regiĂŁo sul foram incluĂ­dos no estudo. No entanto, o estudo revela um nĂșmero substancial de doadores disponĂ­veis em um contexto nacional que podem fornecer cĂ©lulas com o genĂłtipo Δ32/Δ32 para novas tentativas de remissĂŁo sustentada da infecção pelo HIV. Por fim, nĂŁo encontramos associaçÔes dos alelos de HLA com a variante, mas o locus HLA-B se mostrou um interessante objeto de estudo futuro.CCR5 is an important immune system cell receptor, acting mainly on the migration control of monocytes/macrophages and T lymphocytes. Also, it has a well-defined role in HIV-1 infection, being the main coreceptor used by the virus to penetrate the host cell. The variant CCR5Δ32 (rs333) is a polymorphism of the CCR5 gene, which consists of a 32-bp deletion in exon 3, leading to the expression of a non-functional truncated protein. The Δ32 allele originated in the European continent and currently has a very heterogeneous distribution. In Brazil, there is a high frequency of the variant in the southern region, due to the predominantly European origin of the population. Several studies evaluated the role of the Δ32 variant in inflammatory conditions, infectious diseases and cancer, with controversial results for several of the investigated outcomes. In the present work, studies evaluating the frequency of this allele in different outcomes in Brazil are reviewed (article included in Chapter 1). When we specifically focus on cancer, we find that the Δ32 allele acts differently in different types of neoplasms. In addition, the expression of CCR5 may be associated with malignancies, such as the appearance of metastasis and in the inflammatory control of the tumor microenvironment. In this context, we hypothesized about the interaction between the CD34 molecule, a hematopoietic stem cell marker, with CCR5 in cancer development (article included in Chapter 2). Next, we discussed the role of the CCR5Δ32 variant in HIV-1 infection, bringing the strategy of sustained remission carried out for the first time twelve years ago and, more recently for the second time, two years ago, based on stem cell transplantation with Δ32/Δ32 genotype. Here, we present an original study (Chapter 3) evaluating the CCR5Δ32 frequency in voluntary bone marrow donors from Rio Grande do Sul registered in Registro Nacional de Doadores de Medula Óssea (REDOME), in addition to investigating a possible association of the presence of specific HLA alleles with such polymorphism. We found an allele frequency of 7.1%, and a frequency of the Δ32/Δ32 genotype of 0.76%. These numbers are probably overestimated in relation to the Brazilian population as a whole, as only the southern region was included in the study. However, it suggests a substantial number of available donors in a national context that can supply cells with the Δ32/Δ32 genotype for further attempts of sustained remission of HIV infection. Finally, we did not find associations between the HLA alleles with a variant, but the HLA-B locus is an interesting object for future studies

    AnĂĄlise do polimorfismo 2848 G/A do gene TLR9 em indivĂ­duos HIV+, HCV+ e coinfectados

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    As infecçÔes por HIV e HCV configuram graves problemas de saĂșde pĂșblica no Brasil. Variantes genĂ©ticas do hospedeiro jĂĄ foram associadas a diferenças na suscetibilidade a ambas as infecçÔes e progressĂŁo Ă  AIDS, assim como Ă  coinfecção por estes vĂ­rus. Os TLRs (do inglĂȘs, Toll-Like Receptors) sĂŁo importantes componentes da resposta imune inata e agem reconhecendo PAMPs e DAMPs. O TLR9, codificado pelo gene sinĂŽnimo localizado no cromossomo 3, estĂĄ presente na porção interior de endossomos, e reconhece molĂ©culas de DNA nĂŁo metilado. Esse receptor pode participar da resposta Ă  infecção pelo HIV reconhecendo o DNA formado a partir da atividade da enzima transcriptase reversa sobre o RNA viral. AlĂ©m disso, a interação da proteĂ­na viral gp120 com cĂ©lulas dendrĂ­ticas inibe respostas inatas mediadas a partir do TLR9, sugerindo um papel desse receptor na resposta contra o HIV. Uma variante do gene TLR9, o polimorfismo de nucleotĂ­deo Ășnico 2848 G/A (rs352140), Ă© alvo de estudos de associação com a infecção por HIV, e seu papel ainda nĂŁo foi claramente elucidado na infecção pelo HCV. Da mesma forma, hĂĄ uma controvĂ©rsia a respeito deste SNP na coinfecção por HIV/HCV. Dito isso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as frequĂȘncias da variante 2848 G/A (TLR9) em indivĂ­duos HCV+, HIV+ e coinfectados, provenientes da regiĂŁo Sul do Brasil, estratificando-os em diferentes grupos Ă©tnicos. Foram genotipados um total de 1182 indivĂ­duos, divididos nos grupos: controle (n = 409); HCV+ (n = 376); HIV+ (n = 296); HCV+/HIV+ (n = 101). As sequĂȘncias de interesse foram amplificadas por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) convencional, utilizando um par de iniciadores especĂ­fico para a regiĂŁo analisada. Os amplicons gerados por PCR foram submetidos Ă  digestĂŁo enzimĂĄtica com endonuclease (Bsh1236I). A verificação dos genĂłtipos foi realizada em gel de agarose 3% com brometo de etĂ­deo sob luz UV. Foram calculadas as frequĂȘncias genotĂ­picas e alĂ©licas do polimorfismo. Os grupos estudados foram comparados para verificar a existĂȘncia de influĂȘncia da variante na susceptibilidade Ă  infecção pelo HIV, pelo HCV e coinfecção por HIV/HCV. Foi utilizado o teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson para comparação dos dados, e valores de p menores que 0,05 foram definidos como estatisticamente significativos. O estudo foi aprovado pelos comitĂȘs de Ă©tica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Hospital de ClĂ­nicas de Porto Alegre e Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA). Todos os participantes da pesquisa assinaram um termo de consentimento desenvolvido de acordo com a Resolução No. 466 do MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde. A partir dos resultados do trabalho, observamos que nĂŁo hĂĄ uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos (p>0,05 em todas as comparaçÔes). Dessa forma, o estudo sugere que a variante 2848 G/A nĂŁo influencia as infecçÔes por HCV e HIV e a coinfecção por ambos os vĂ­rus na população do Sul do Brasil.HIV and HCV infections constitute important public health problems in Brazil. Host genetic variants have already been associated with differences in susceptibility to both infections and progression to AIDS, as well as coinfection by both viruses. TLRs (Toll-like Receptors) are important components of the innate immune response and act recognizing PAMPs and DAMPs. TLR9, formed from the synonymous gene located on chromosome 3, is present in the inner portion of endosomes, and recognizes molecules of unmethylated DNA. This receptor may participate in the response to HIV infection by recognizing the DNA formed from the activity of the reverse transcriptase enzyme on viral RNA. In addition, the interaction of the gp120 viral protein with dendritic cells inhibits innate responses mediated by TLR9, suggesting a role for that receptor in the response to HIV. A variant of the TLR9 gene, the 2848 G/A single nucleotide polymorphism (rs352140), is targeted in association studies with HIV infection, and its role has not yet been clearly elucidated in HCV infection. Likewise, there is controversy regarding this SNP in HIV/HCV coinfection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequencies of the 2848 G/A variant (TLR9) in HCV+, HIV+ and coinfected individuals from the southern region of Brazil, stratifying them in different ethnic groups. A total of 1182 individuals were genotyped, divided into groups: control (n = 409); HCV+ (n = 376); HIV+ (n = 296); HCV+/ HIV+ (n = 101). The sequences of interest were amplified by conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using a pair of specific primers for the analyzed variant. With the amplicons generated by PCR, the samples were cleaved using specific restriction enzyme (Bsh1236I). Genotype verification was performed on 3% agarose gel with ethidium bromide under UV light. The genotypic and allelic frequencies of the polymorphism were calculated. The groups studied were compared to verify the influence of the variant on susceptibility to HIV infection, HCV and HCV/HIV coinfection. Pearson's chi-square test was used for comparison of the data, and p-values lower than 0.05 were defined as statistically significant. The study was approved by the ethics committees of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Hospital de ClĂ­nicas de Porto Alegre and Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA). All study participants signed a consent form developed according to Resolution No. 466 of MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde. From the results of the study, we observed that there is no statistically significant difference between the groups (p> 0.05 in all cases). Thus, the study suggests that the 2848 G/A variant does not influence HCV and HIV infections and coinfection by both viruses in the southern Brazilian population

    VĂ­rus: o que sĂŁo, de onde vĂȘm e para onde “vamos”? A COVID-19 como exemplo para entender o mundo dos vĂ­rus

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    As discussĂ”es relacionadas a vĂ­rus e infecçÔes virais sĂŁo cada vez mais comuns e populares, principalmente considerando o cenĂĄrio atual da pandemia da COVID-19. No entanto, serĂĄ que sabemos mesmo o que sĂŁo os vĂ­rus? Apesar de ouvirmos extensivamente sobre doenças relacionadas a infecçÔes virais, nĂŁo podemos resumir esse vasto grupo a “causadores de doença”. E ainda, mesmo nesse contexto, como explicar que tais partĂ­culas possam ocasionar um tĂŁo amplo leque de situaçÔes, incluindo uma ampla diversidade de processos patolĂłgicos? Para respondermos a essas perguntas, no presente trabalho realizamos uma revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica sobre o tema, para desmistificar e tornar as discussĂ”es acerca dos vĂ­rus mais completa e acessĂ­vel. Aqui, iremos conversar sobre a origem dos vĂ­rus, as estruturas e modos de replicação viral, retomar o antigo debate a respeito do status de vivo ou nĂŁo vivo de um vĂ­rus, e, ainda, trazer como exemplo para tais discussĂ”es aspectos interessantes sobre o SARS-CoV-2 e a COVID-19. Discussions related to viruses and viral infections are increasingly common and popular, especially considering the current scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, do we really know what viruses are? Although we hear extensively about illness related to viral infections, we cannot consider this vast group only as “disease-causing”. Yet, even in this context, do we really understand how it is possible that such particles can cause a so wide range of pathological processes? To answer these questions, we present a bibliographic review on the subject, in an attempt to demystify and make discussions about viruses completer and more accessible. We will discuss the origin of viruses, the structure and modes of viral replication, revisit the old debate about the status of living or non-living of a virus, and bring as an example to such discussion interesting aspects about the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

    Beyond diversity loss and climate change : impacts of Amazon deforestation on infectious diseases and public health

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    Amazonian biodiversity is increasingly threatened due to the weakening of policies for combating deforestation, especially in Brazil. Loss of animal and plant species, many not yet known to science, is just one among many negative consequences of Amazon deforestation. Deforestation affects indigenous communities, riverside as well as urban populations, and even planetary health. Amazonia has a prominent role in regulating the Earth’s climate, with forest loss contributing to rising regional and global temperatures and intensification of extreme weather events. These climatic conditions are important drivers of emerging infectious diseases, and activities associated with deforestation contribute to the spread of disease vectors. This review presents the main impacts of Amazon deforestation on infectious-disease dynamics and public health from a One Health perspective. Because Brazil holds the largest area of Amazon rainforest, emphasis is given to the Brazilian scenario. Finally, potential solutions to mitigate deforestation and emerging infectious diseases are presented from the perspectives of researchers in different fields

    Synthesizing the connections between environmental disturbances and zoonotic spillover

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    Zoonotic spillover is a phenomenon characterized by the transfer of pathogens between different animal species. Most human emerging infectious diseases originate from non-human animals, and human-related environmental disturbances are the driving forces of the emergence of new human pathogens. Synthesizing the sequence of basic events involved in the emergence of new human pathogens is important for guiding the understanding, identifi cation, and description of key aspects of human activities that can be changed to prevent new outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. This review synthesizes the connections between environmental disturbances and increased risk of spillover events based on the One Health perspective. Anthropogenic disturbances in the environment (e.g., deforestation, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, wildlife exploitation) lead to changes in ecological niches, reduction of the dilution effect, increased contact between humans and other animals, changes in the incidence and load of pathogens in animal populations, and alterations in the abiotic factors of landscapes. These phenomena can increase the risk of spillover events and, potentially, facilitate new infectious disease outbreaks. Using Brazil as a study model, this review brings a discussion concerning anthropogenic activities in the Amazon region and their potential impacts on spillover risk and spread of emerging diseases in this region