3 research outputs found

    A questionnaire-based investigation of the swimming puppy syndrome: 115 dogs

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    Swimming Puppy Syndrome (SPS) is a benign reversible condition of unknown etiology in multiple dog breeds. Affected dogs show laterally abducted limbs and are unable to stand and walk on their own. The current knowledge of this condition derives from few case reports or small case series. Therefore, the aim of this study was to collect data on the clinical course from a large cohort of dogs with SPS with an online questionnaire supported by video footage. Potential risk factors were compared between 110 litters with SPS and 103 unaffected litters. SPS was reported in 115 dogs from 48 different breeds comprising a wide range of small, middle, and large breeds. Litters with SPS were significantly smaller than unaffected litters. Cesarean sections were reported more frequently in affected litters, but the overall rate of reported birth complications did not differ significantly from unaffected litters. Most puppies were able to stand and walk at a median age of 4.5 weeks (up to 12 weeks) and clinical signs resolved at a median age of six weeks (up to 12 weeks). Puppies from large breeds showed faster recovery than puppies from medium and small breeds. Occasionally, residual deficits were reported and only three dogs failed to recover. A clustering of SPS occurred in closely related litters in four kennels of four different dog breeds (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Golden Retriever, Miniature Bull Terrier, Norwich Terrier). The study shows the benign clinical course of SPS in a large cohort of puppies from multiple dog breeds. Potential risk factors including reports on birth complications, size and muscle mass compared to littermates and diet of the dam during pregnany were evaluated and no influence on the occurrence of SPS was identified

    Self-reported race/ethnicity in the age of genomic research: its potential impact on understanding health disparities

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    This review explores the limitations of self-reported race, ethnicity, and genetic ancestry in biomedical research. Various terminologies are used to classify human differences in genomic research including race, ethnicity, and ancestry. Although race and ethnicity are related, race refers to a person’s physical appearance, such as skin color and eye color. Ethnicity, on the other hand, refers to communality in cultural heritage, language, social practice, traditions, and geopolitical factors. Genetic ancestry inferred using ancestry informative markers (AIMs) is based on genetic/genomic data. Phenotype-based race/ethnicity information and data computed using AIMs often disagree. For example, self-reporting African Americans can have drastically different levels of African or European ancestry. Genetic analysis of individual ancestry shows that some self-identified African Americans have up to 99% of European ancestry, whereas some self-identified European Americans have substantial admixture from African ancestry. Similarly, African ancestry in the Latino population varies between 3% in Mexican Americans to 16% in Puerto Ricans. The implication of this is that, in African American or Latino populations, self-reported ancestry may not be as accurate as direct assessment of individual genomic information in predicting treatment outcomes. To better understand human genetic variation in the context of health disparities, we suggest using “ancestry” (or biogeographical ancestry) to describe actual genetic variation, “race” to describe health disparity in societies characterized by racial categories, and “ethnicity” to describe traditions, lifestyle, diet, and values. We also suggest using ancestry informative markers for precise characterization of individuals’ biological ancestry. Understanding the sources of human genetic variation and the causes of health disparities could lead to interventions that would improve the health of all individuals

    Untersuchungen zu Risikofaktoren und Krankheitsverlauf des Swimming-Puppy-Syndroms

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