176 research outputs found

    Presence of e-EDCs in surface water and effluents of pollution sources in Sai Gon and Dong Nai river basin

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    © 2016 This study aimed to assess the presence of estrogenic endocrine disrupting compounds (e-EDCs) including estriol, bisphenol A (BPA), atrazine (ATZ), octylphenol, octylphenol diethoxylate, octylphenol triethoxylate, nonylphenol, Nonylphenol triethoxylate (NPE3), nonylphenol diethoxylate (NPE2) and 17β-estradiol in: (i) Sai Gon and Dong Nai river waters which have been major raw water sources for drinking water supply for Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and neighbouring provinces, and (ii) water pollution sources located in their catchment basin. NPE3 and NPE2 were detected in most of the surface water samples. Concentrations of NPE3 were in a range of less than 5.9–235 ng L−1, whereas BPA was detected at significantly high concentrations in the dry season in canals in HCMC. In the upstream of Sai Gon and Dong Nai Rivers, ATZ concentrations were observed at water intake of water treatment plants served for HCMC water supply system. Similarly, high potential risk of NPE2 and NPE3 contamination at Phu Cuong Bridge near Hoa Phu water intake was identified. The significant correlation between NPE2, dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen was found. Estrogenic equivalent or estrogenic activity of Sai Gon and Dong Nai Rivers was lower than those of the previous studies. Compared with other studies, e-EDCs of pollution in Sai Gon river basin were relatively low

    Assessing Dietary Branched-Chain Amino Acids to Achieve Linear Programming Goals through Model Extrapolation and Empirical Research

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    Renewed interest, especially in the United States, has sparked in assessing branched-chain amino acid interactions in practical diets for broilers. Indeed, as L-valine enters formulation bird nitrogen excesses are reduced as diet protein falls to the new first limiting amino acid (e.g., isoleucine, arginine, or tryptophan). For a United States based example, the result is less oilseeds and more gains, which typically result in increased inclusions in corn or corn by-products, coupled with a concomitant increase in dietary leucine. The proceedings outline the foundations of the branched-chain amino acid early research, antagonism studies, and a meta-analysis conducted on publications with Cobb and Ross birds from 2000 to present. Results indicate that branched-chain amino acid interactions can occur in broilers fed on practical diets, and that responses vary by strain

    Mapping for engagement: setting up a community based participatory research project to reach underserved communities at risk for Hepatitis C in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: Approximately 1. 07 million people in Vietnam are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). To address this epidemic, the South East Asian Research Collaborative in Hepatitis (SEARCH) launched a 600-patient cohort study and two clinical trials, both investigating shortened treatment strategies for chronic HCV infection with direct-acting antiviral drugs. We conducted ethnographic research with a subset of trial participants and found that the majority were aware of HCV infection and its implications and were motivated to seek treatment. However, people who inject drugs (PWID), and other groups at risk for HCV were under-represented, although injecting drug use is associated with high rates of HCV. Material and Methods: We designed a community-based participatory research (CBPR) study to engage in dialogues surrounding HCV and other community-prioritized health issues with underserved groups at risk for HCV in Ho Chi Minh City. The project consists of three phases: situation analysis, CBPR implementation, and dissemination. In this paper, we describe the results of the first phase (i.e., the situation analysis) in which we conducted desk research and organized stakeholder mapping meetings with representatives from local non-government and community-based organizations where we used participatory research methods to identify and analyze key stakeholders working with underserved populations. Results: Twenty six institutions or groups working with the key underserved populations were identified. Insights about the challenges and dynamics of underserved communities were also gathered. Two working groups made up of representatives from the NGO and CBO level were formed. Discussion: Using the information provided by local key stakeholders to shape the project has helped us to build solid relationships, give the groups a sense of ownership from the early stages, and made the project more context specific. These steps are not only important preliminary steps for participatory studies but also for other research that takes place within the communities

    Antibacterial hydrogel containing Piper betle L. extract for acne treatment, an ex vivo investigation

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    The current treatments of acne vulgaris and acne-like disorders such as gram-negative folliculitis possess lots of unwanted side effects. Thus, alternative approach of utilizing natural plant extracts, specifically Piper betle L., have gained much attention. To this end, this work developed, characterized, and ex vivo evaluated novel antibiotics hydrogels containing P. betle L. leaf extract for acne treatment. Firstly, the design of experiments (DoE) D-optimal method was successfully developed, optimized, and validated, to investigate the relationship between P. betle L. extraction conditions and the extract properties. Secondly, the best extract was encapsulated in the hydrogel formulations composed of carbopol 940, propylene glycol, and cocamidopropyl betaine. Finally, the hydrogel was ex vivo determined its antibacterial activity on bacteria isolated from 15 patient acne samples. The optimal extraction condition being an extraction solvent/plant weight ratio of 4.034:1, an extraction time of 2.147 h, and a water extract volume of 91.4 mL. This condition yielded an extract total phenolic content of 3.337±0.034 g GAE/g, and minimum inhibitory concentrations of 32 µg/mL and 128 µg/mL on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, respectively. The hydrogel possessed suitable properties for a topical medication, including a viscosity of 6800 cps, a pH of 7.0, and a good foaming ability, at both 10°C, 25°C, and 40°C. The hydrogel showed higher antibacterial activity than the positive controls in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Conclusively, the hydrogel could become a potential pharmaceutical product for acne treatment

    Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service coverage in Vietnam 2000-2030: A Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels

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    Background: To assess the reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) service coverage in Vietnam with trends in 2000-2014, projections and probability of achieving targets in 2030 at national and sub-national levels; and to analyze the socioeconomic, regional and urban-rural inequalities in RMNCH service indicators. Methods: We used national population-based datasets of 44,624 households in Vietnam from 2000 to 2014. We applied Bayesian regression models to estimate the trends in and projections of RMNCH indicators and the probabilities of achieving the 2030 targets. Using the relative index, slope index, and concentration index of inequality, we examined the patterns and trends in RMNCH coverage inequality. Findings: We projected that 9 out of 17 health service indicators (53%) would likely achieve the 2030 targets at the national level, including at least one and four ANC visits, BCG immunization, access to improved water and adequate sanitation, institutional delivery, skilled birth attendance, care-seeking for pneumonia, and ARI treatment. We observed very low coverages and zero chance of achieving the 2030 targets at national and sub-national levels in early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding, family planning needs satisfied, and oral rehydration therapy. The most deprived households living in rural areas and the Northwest, Northeast, North Central, Central Highlands, and Mekong River Delta regions would not reach the 80% immunization coverage of DPT3, Polio3, Measles and full immunization. We found socioeconomic, regional, and urban-rural inequalities in all RMNCH indicators in 2014 and no change in inequalities over 15 years in the lowest-coverage indicators. Interpretation: Vietnam has made substantial progress toward UHC. By improving the government\u27s health system reform efforts, re-allocating resources focusing on people in the most impoverished rural regions, and restructuring and enhancing current health programs, Vietnam can achieve the UHC targets and other health-related SDGs

    The CIPAZ study protocol: an open label randomised controlled trial of azithromycin versus ciprofloxacin for the treatment of children hospitalised with dysentery in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: Diarrhoeal disease remains a common cause of illness and death in children <5 years of age. Faecal-oral infection by Shigella spp. causing bacillary dysentery is a leading cause of moderate-to-severe diarrhoea, particularly in low and middle-income countries. In Southeast Asia, S. sonnei predominates and infections are frequently resistant to first-line treatment with the fluoroquinolone, ciprofloxacin. While resistance to all antimicrobials is increasing, there may be theoretical and clinical benefits to prioritizing treatment of bacillary dysentery with the azalide, azithromycin. In this study we aim to measure the efficacy of treatment with azithromycin compared with ciprofloxacin, the current standard of care, for the treatment of children with bacillary dysentery. Methods and analysis: We will perform a multicentre, open-label, randomized controlled trial of two therapeutic options for the antimicrobial treatment of children hospitalised with dysentery. Children (6–60 months of age) presenting with symptoms and signs of dysentery at Children’s Hospital 2 in Ho Chi Minh City will be randomised (1:1) to treatment with either oral ciprofloxacin (15mg/kg/twice daily for 3 days, standard-of-care) or oral azithromycin (10mg/kg/daily for 3 days). The primary endpoint will be the proportion of treatment failure (defined by clinical and microbiological parameters) by day 28 (+3 days) and will be compared between study arms by logistic regression modelling using treatment allocation as the main variable. Ethics and dissemination: The study protocol (version 1.2 dated 27th December 2018) has been approved by the Oxford Tropical Research Ethics Committee (47–18) and the ethical review boards of Children's Hospital 2 (1341/NĐ2-CĐT). The study has also been approved by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health (5044/QĐ-BYT). Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT03854929 (February 26th 2019)

    The 80-year development of Vietnam mathematical research: Preliminary insights from the SciMath database on mathematicians, their works and their networks

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    Starting with the first international publication of Le Van Thiem (Lê Văn Thiêm) in 1947, modern mathematics in Vietnam is a longstanding research field. However, what is known about its development usually comes from discrete essays such as anecdotes or interviews of renowned mathematicians. We introduce SciMath—a database on publications of Vietnamese mathematicians. To ensure this database covers as many publications as possible, data entries are manually collected from scientists’ publication records, journals’ websites, universities, and research institutions. Collected data went through various verification steps to ensure data quality and minimize errors. At the time of this report, the database covered 8372 publications, profiles of 1566 Vietnamese, and 1492 foreign authors since 1947. We found a growing capability in mathematics research in Vietnam in various aspects: scientific output, publications on influential journals, or collaboration. The database and preliminary results were presented to the Scientific Council of Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) on November 13th, 2020

    Validation of Mesocyclops (Copepoda) and community participation as an effective combination for Dengue control in Northern Vietnam

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    The “Programme Meso-Vietnam” was implemented in Vietnam from October 2007 to December 2010 to reduce dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever incidence and to improve the quality of life in the four project communes. This dengue control project was based on biological control using Mesocyclops, a larvivorous micro-crustacean, as well as on the establishment of a strong community involvement to educate the population on dengue transmission and to reduce Aedes breeding by removal of containers. During three years, a network of collaborators was responsible for introducing Mesocyclops in all the containers defined as key breeding-sites, and regular activities such as community training workshops, school programmes, clean-up campaigns and health promotion through IEC programmess were performed. To make this programme sustainable, local leadership has been strengthened as well. The use of these larvivorous micro-crustaceans as a biological control strategy against dengue over the medium and long term, when combined with community participation and effective health promotion, demonstrated a significant reduction in dengue vector populations and dengue cases.  In Vietnam, this study reconfirms that there is an ecological alternative to systematic use of insecticides to control dengue vector population. (Abstract word count: 186)Le " Programme Meso-Vietnam " a été mis en œuvre au Vietnam entre octobre 2007 et décembre 2010. Ce programme vise à réduire l'incidence de la dengue et de la fièvre hémorragique de la dengue et à améliorer la qualité de vie dans les quatre communes sélectionnées pour le projet. Ce projet de lutte contre la dengue était basé sur un contrôle biologique assuré par des Mésocyclopes, micro-crustacés larvivores, et sur l'établissement d'une forte implication de la communauté pour éduquer la population sur la transmission de la dengue et pour réduire la reproduction des moustiques Aedes par élimination des conteneurs leur servant de site de ponte. Pendant trois ans, un réseau de collaborateurs a été chargé d'introduire des Mésocyclopes dans tous les conteneurs définis comme des sites de reproduction clés, et des activités régulières telles que des ateliers de formation communautaires, des programmes scolaires, des campagnes de nettoyage et des activités de promotion de la santé via les programmes IEC ont été mises en place. En outre, pour assurer la pérennité de ce programme, le leadership local a été renforcé. L'utilisation de ces micro-crustacés larvivores comme stratégie de contrôle biologique de la dengue à moyen et long terme, associée à une participation communautaire et à une promotion efficace de la santé, a permis d'aboutir à une réduction significative des populations vecteurs de la dengue et des cas de dengue. Au Vietnam, cette étude confirme une fois de plus qu'il existe une alternative écologique à l'utilisation systématique d'insecticides pour lutter contre les vecteurs de la dengue.El “Programa Meso-Vietnam” se implementó en Vietnam desde octubre de 2007 hasta diciembre de 2010 para reducir la incidencia del dengue y la fiebre hemorrágica del dengue y para mejorar la calidad de vida en los cuatro municipios del proyecto. Este proyecto de control del dengue se basaba en el control biológico usando Mesocyclops, un microcrustáceo larvívoro, así como en el establecimiento de una fuerte implicación comunitaria para educar a la población sobre la transmisión del dengue y para reducir la cría de Aedes mediante la eliminación de recipientes. Durante tres años, una red de colaboradores fue responsable de la introducción de Mesocyclops en todos los recipientes definidos como sitios clave para la cría, y se realizaron actividades regulares tales como talleres de formación comunitaria, programas escolares, campañas de limpieza y promoción de la salud a través de programas de IEC. Para hacer sostenible este programa, también se reforzó el liderazgo local. El uso de estos microcrustáceos larvívoros como estrategia de control biológico contra el dengue a medio y largo plazo demostró una reducción significativa de las poblaciones de vectores del dengue y los casos de dengue cuando se combinaba con la participación comunitaria y la promoción eficaz de la salud. En Vietnam, este estudio vuelve a confirmar que existe una alternativa ecológica al uso sistemático de insecticidas para controlar la población de vectores del dengue