41 research outputs found

    Die Mittelozeanischen RĆ¼cken

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    Weniger als ein Prozent der lƤngsten Bergkette der Welt sind im Detail erforscht. Dabei finden sich entlang der Mittelozeanischen RĆ¼cken faszinierende Ɩkosysteme, die in vƶllig lichtloser Umgebung der Ozeane LebensrƤume fĆ¼r viele Arten bieten

    Evolution of Fineā€Scale Segmentation at Intermediateā€Spreading Rate Ridges

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    Midā€ocean ridge axes are marked by segmentation of the axes and underlying magmatic systems. Fineā€scale segmentation has mainly been studied along fastā€spreading ridges. Here we offer insight into the thirdā€ and fourthā€order segmentation of intermediateā€spreading ridges and their temporal evolution. The AlarcĆ³n Rise and the Endeavour Segment have similar spreading rates (49 and 52.5 mm/year, respectively) but contrasting morphologies that vary from an axial high with a relatively narrow axial summit trough to an axial valley. Oneā€meter resolution bathymetry acquired by autonomous underwater vehicles, lava geochemistry, and ages from sediment cores is combined with available seismic reflection profiles to analyze variations in (1) geometry and orientation of the axial summit trough or valley, (2) seafloor depth near the axis, and (3) distribution of hydrothermal vents, (4) lava chemistry, and (5) flow ages between contiguous axes. Along both intermediateā€spreading segments, thirdā€ and fourthā€order discontinuities and associated segments are similar in dimension to what has been observed along fastā€spreading ridges. The AlarcĆ³n Rise and the Endeavour Segment also allow the study of the evolution of fineā€scale segmentation over periods of 300 to 4,000 years. Comparison between old and young axes reveals that the evolution of fineā€scale segmentation depends on the intensity of the magmatic activity. High magmatic periods are associated with rapid evolution of thirdā€order segments, while low magmatic activity periods, dominated by tectonic deformation and/or hydrothermal activity, are associated with little to no change in segmentation

    Magmatism at an ultra-slow spreading rift: high-resolution geomorphological studies of a Red Sea Rift segment in Hadarba Deep

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    The mid-ocean rift in the Red Sea is one of the youngest rifting systems on Earth. Only recently, state-of-the-art methods and modern deep-sea instruments have been used to explore this young and unique volcanic system. During the first autonomous underwater vehicle surveys of the Red Sea Rift in Spring 2022, we collected multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, sub-bottom profiler data, and water column data over a 9 km long ridge segment in the Hadarba Deep between 22.49Ā°N and 22.56Ā°N to investigate the volcano-tectonic processes of this ultra-slow spreading segment (12 mm/year spreading rate). The high-resolution hydroacoustic data was used to (1) delineate and quantify the geometry of tectonic structures and individual lava flows, (2) define lava flow morphology and eruption style, (3) estimate relative ages of flows and features, and (4) retrace the evolution of the volcanic activity. In addition, the geochemistry of several young lava flows provides information on the relation between the different magma that supply these eruptions. About 90 eruptive units with variable sedimentary cover have been identified within the 43 km2 mapped region. The oldest lava flows are buried under 3 to 4.2 m of sediment, indicating ages of up to ~30 ka based on average sedimentation rate estimates (~14 cm/ka), while the youngest eruptions are covered by<10 cm of sediment, and are thus younger than 700 years. Three volcanic phases have been identified based on changes in flow morphology and distribution, and tectonic pattern. All three axial phases have an average eruptive frequency of ~100-250 years. The segment displays an overall low tectonic extension (<10% of the total extension) and low vertical offset. Our geomorphological maps, analyses, and statistics reveal a moderately faulted, ultra-slow spreading MOR segment in the Red Sea with a surprisingly large amount of magmatic extension, implying that the segment has been underlined by a large magma supply for at least 15 ka. All these observations provide valuable implications for the formation history of the Red Sea Rift and the formation of ultra-slow spreading crust

    Hydrothermal Chimney Distribution on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge

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    The Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge is well known for its abundance of hydrothermal vents and chimneys. Oneā€meter scale multibeam mapping data collected by an autonomous undersea vehicle revealed 572 chimneys along the central 14 km of the segment, although only 47 are named and known to be active. Hydrothermal deposits are restricted to the axial graben and the nearā€rims of the graben above a seismically mapped axial magma lens. The sparse eruptive activity on the segment during the last 4,300 years has not buried inactive chimneys, as occurs at more magmatically robust midā€ocean ridges

    Hydrothermal Chimney Distribution on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge

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    The Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge is well known for its abundance of hydrothermal vents and chimneys. One-meter scale multibeam mapping data collected by an autonomous undersea vehicle revealed 572 chimneys along the central 14 km of the segment, although only 47 are named and known to be active. Hydrothermal deposits are restricted to the axial graben and the near-rims of the graben above a seismically mapped axial magma lens. The sparse eruptive activity on the segment during the last 4,300 years has not buried inactive chimneys, as occurs at more magmatically robust mid-ocean ridges

    Bathymetric Mapping Of The Seafloor - A German Contribution To Completing The Map By 2030, Cruise No. MSM88/1 + MSM88/2, November 28, 2019 - January 14, 2020, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Bridgetown (Barbados)

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    Despite over 100 years of acoustic seabed mapping, only around 15% of the seafloor has ever been directly mapped and little of the mapping performed has been systematic or over larger areas. The result is that our knowledge of seafloor structure is rudimentary and our understanding of the processes which form them has, in principle, advanced little since the advent of plate tectonics. Societally, the seafloor plays a vital role in humanityā€™s "life support system", for example providing habitat for marine organisms, stimulating mixing of ocean water as part of the overturning circulation system and increasingly being the site of industrial installations. It is scientifically and societally imperative that we bring the level of knowledge of the surface of our planet up to that of bodies like Moon and Mars that are mapped with a resolution better than 100 m per pixel. It is also essential that the data are made freely available to all to support research and conservation. The aim of this cruise was to map previously uncharted part of the tropical Atlantic using the shipā€™s multibeam system and to provide the data to global open databases as well as to acquire magnetic gradient data along the same tracks. Magnetic anomalies from so-called Oceanic Core Complexes challenged the conventional view that marine magnetic anomalies arose in the upper, extrusive layer of the oceanic crust, because the crust has been stripped away at these complexes. We therefore collected magnetic data simultaneously to the multibeam data in order to constrain the interpretation of the observed seabed morphology

    Geology of the Alarcon Rise, Southern Gulf of California

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    Meterā€scale AUV bathymetric mapping and ROV sampling of the entire 47 kmā€long Alarcon Rise between the Pescadero and Tamayo transforms show that the shallowest inflated portion of the segment hosts all four active hydrothermal vent fields and the youngest, hottest, and highest effusion rate lava flows. This shallowest inflated part is located āˆ¼1/3 of the way between the Tamayo and Pescadero transforms and is paved by a 16 km2 channelized flow that erupted from 9 km of en echelon fissures and is larger than historic flows on the East Pacific Rise or on the Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges. Starting āˆ¼5 km south of the Pescadero transform, 6.5 km of the Alarcon Rise is characterized by faulted ridges and domes of fractionated lavas ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite with up to 77.3 wt % SiO2. These are the first known rhyolites from the submarine global midā€ocean ridge system. Silicic lavas range from \u3e11.7 ka, to as young as 1.1 ka. A basaltā€toā€basaltic andesite sequence and an andesiteā€toā€daciteā€toā€rhyolite sequence are consistent with crystal fractionation but some intermediate basaltic andesite and andesite formed by mixing basalt with dacite or rhyolite. Magmatism occurred along the bounding Tamayo and Pescadero transforms as extensive channelized flows. The flows erupted from ring faults surrounding uplifted sediment hills inferred to overlie sills. The transforms are transtensional to accommodate magma migration from the adjacent Alarcon Rise

    Geology of the Alarcon Rise, Southern Gulf of California

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    Meterā€scale AUV bathymetric mapping and ROV sampling of the entire 47 kmā€long Alarcon Rise between the Pescadero and Tamayo transforms show that the shallowest inflated portion of the segment hosts all four active hydrothermal vent fields and the youngest, hottest, and highest effusion rate lava flows. This shallowest inflated part is located āˆ¼1/3 of the way between the Tamayo and Pescadero transforms and is paved by a 16 km2 channelized flow that erupted from 9 km of en echelon fissures and is larger than historic flows on the East Pacific Rise or on the Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges. Starting āˆ¼5 km south of the Pescadero transform, 6.5 km of the Alarcon Rise is characterized by faulted ridges and domes of fractionated lavas ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite with up to 77.3 wt % SiO2. These are the first known rhyolites from the submarine global midā€ocean ridge system. Silicic lavas range from \u3e11.7 ka, to as young as 1.1 ka. A basaltā€toā€basaltic andesite sequence and an andesiteā€toā€daciteā€toā€rhyolite sequence are consistent with crystal fractionation but some intermediate basaltic andesite and andesite formed by mixing basalt with dacite or rhyolite. Magmatism occurred along the bounding Tamayo and Pescadero transforms as extensive channelized flows. The flows erupted from ring faults surrounding uplifted sediment hills inferred to overlie sills. The transforms are transtensional to accommodate magma migration from the adjacent Alarcon Rise

    Geology of the Alarcon Rise, Southern Gulf of California

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    Abstract Meter-scale AUV bathymetric mapping and ROV sampling of the entire 47 km-long Alarcon Rise between the Pescadero and Tamayo transforms show that the shallowest inflated portion of the segment hosts all four active hydrothermal vent fields and the youngest, hottest, and highest effusion rate lava flows. This shallowest inflated part is located ~1/3 of the way between the Tamayo and Pescadero transforms and is paved by a 16 km2 channelized flow that erupted from 9 km of en echelon fissures and is larger than historic flows on the East Pacific Rise or on the Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges. Starting ~5 km south of the Pescadero transform, 6.5 km of the Alarcon Rise is characterized by faulted ridges and domes of fractionated lavas ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite with up to 77.3 wt % SiO2. These are the first known rhyolites from the submarine global mid-ocean ridge system. Silicic lavas range from \u3e11.7 ka, to as young as 1.1 ka. A basalt-to-basaltic andesite sequence and an andesite-to-dacite-to-rhyolite sequence are consistent with crystal fractionation but some intermediate basaltic andesite and andesite formed by mixing basalt with dacite or rhyolite. Magmatism occurred along the bounding Tamayo and Pescadero transforms as extensive channelized flows. The flows erupted from ring faults surrounding uplifted sediment hills inferred to overlie sills. The transforms are transtensional to accommodate magma migration from the adjacent Alarcon Rise. Plain Language Summary This study combines 1 m resolution bathymetry collected using an autonomous underwater vehicle, with chemical compositions of precisely located lava samples and ages of lava flows determined from short sediment cores collected using a remotely operated vehicle. The objective was to determine the history of an entire 47 km long segment of the global mid-ocean ridge system. The ridge segment studied is named the Alarcon Rise and is located at the mouth of the Gulf of California. The Rise is bounded to the north and south by strike-slip faults that offset the Rise from adjacent segments of the spreading ridge system. Such faults are usually thought to be parallel to the direction of seafloor spreading, but these have an oblique component to their movement that makes space for magma to be injected along the faults where it uplifts hills of sediment and sometimes erupts. Most lavas erupted along midocean ridges are basalts, but some highly unusual silica-rich lavas were identified by their rough surface texture and sampled. These lavas include the most silica-rich ones found along the entire global submarine mid-ocean ridge system. They formed, not by melting of nearby continental crust, but from common basalt by extreme amounts of crystallization of minerals, leaving a small volume of remaining high-silica magma. The complete mapping and closely spaced sampling along the Rise show that old ideas indicating a central point of magma delivery from the underlying mantle for each ridge segment followed by shallow transport of the magmas along the ridge are supported by the central distribution of (1) hydrothermally active sites, (2) the youngest, hottest, most fluid lava flows, and (3) the most voluminous lava flows that accumulate to form the shallowest portion of the ridge segment. The study shows how magmas are transported at shallow depths along the ridge and even around the corners in the adjacent faults