32 research outputs found
L'accueil des tout-petits au musée : enjeux et résistance
International audienceIn accordance with their educational role, museums often provide several activities for school-age kids and teenagers. The offer for infants and toddlers, however, remains anecdotal, even if cultural democratization explicitly aims to involve all age groups. Budget guideline, inadequate features, lack of experience : many raisons can explain why museums stay so cautious in this field of early childhood, but we can also imagine that this such particular public stays quite mysterious for a world where their cultural skills are still questionned. For museums, this means that nursery staff as well as parents had to be required in order to identify claims and needs of very young visitors but also to set the most relevant displays. The best way for planning this âideal museum for toddlersâ that few initiatives in France and abroad can already reflect.Conscients de leur rĂŽle Ă©ducatif, les musĂ©es conçoivent depuis longtemps des activitĂ©s Ă lâintention des enfants dâĂąge scolaire et des adolescents. Lâoffre pour les nourrissons et les tout-petits reste en revanche plus anecdotique, quand bien mĂȘme les impĂ©ratifs de dĂ©mocratisation culturelle insistent sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de sâadresser Ă toutes les tranches dâĂąge. Contraintes budgĂ©taires, locaux inadaptĂ©s, manque dâexpĂ©rience : autant dâobstacles qui peuvent expliquer la timiditĂ© des musĂ©es sur ce terrain de la petite enfance. En marge de ces prĂ©occupations lĂ©gitimes, on devine aussi une rĂ©serve plus profonde Ă lâĂ©gard dâun public que lâon ne connaĂźt pas suffisamment et dont on questionne toujours les compĂ©tences culturelles. Aussi le dialogue avec les professionnels de la petite enfance paraĂźt-il indispensable, de mĂȘme que la sollicitation des parents, de façon Ă connaĂźtre les attentes et les besoins des trĂšs jeunes visiteurs mais aussi Ă mieux Ă©valuer la pertinence des activitĂ©s envisageables. Avec, au final, lâĂ©bauche dâun « musĂ©e idĂ©al » pour les tout-petits dont tĂ©moignent dĂ©jĂ quelques initiatives intĂ©ressantes, en France et Ă lâĂ©tranger
La querelle du dĂ©cor : aspects et Ă©volutions de lâarchitecture intĂ©rieure des musĂ©es
Si le musĂ©e offre aux Ćuvres dâart un refuge souvent bienvenu, il les confronte dans le mĂȘme temps Ă un cadre architectural bien diffĂ©rent du contexte dans lequel (et parfois pour lequel) elles avaient Ă©tĂ© pensĂ©es. Sur ce point, les opinions divergent. Dâun cĂŽtĂ©, on estime que cette contrainte doit ĂȘtre assumĂ©e et mĂȘme exacerbĂ©e, quitte Ă justifier le pastiche ou Ă accorder Ă lâarchitecture intĂ©rieure du musĂ©e une attention trop importante pour ne pas ĂȘtre prĂ©judiciable Ă la contemplation des Ćuvres ; de lâautre, on juge que le respect des collections discrĂ©dite toute initiative en matiĂšre de dĂ©cor au profit dâun amĂ©nagement de la salle dâexposition volontiers « antiseptique » (Paul Cret). DĂ©cliner le dĂ©cor du musĂ©e en regard des Ćuvres exposĂ©es constitua alors une alternative attractive, notamment pour Henri Van de Velde Ă Hagen, en 1902 (Museum Folkwang). Au risque dâĂȘtre tentĂ© dâinstrumentaliser les collections et dâen faire lâobjet dâune simple dĂ©monstration architecturale, voire de les rendre elles-mĂȘmes purement dĂ©coratives, comme ce fut le cas au Kunsthistorisches Museum sous Charles VI ou au musĂ©e assyrien de Paris en 1847.For the most part, works of art on view in museums had to desert the first environment theyâve been created in. The new architectural surroundings build up by the museum, far from being left untold, has often aroused critics, claims or dissensions. Opinion is clearly divided : in one way, the fitting requirement has to be assumed and even exacerbated, even if that very position keeps up the pastiche or emphasizes the interior design as far as the works of art themselves ; in another way, a respectful approach of the collections suggests âantisepticâ exhibition rooms (Paul Cret) instead of muggy decoration. Henri Van de Velde showed in Hagen (Museum Folkwang, 1902) that drafting the whole design of the museum from the theme or from the style of the masterpieces remains an attractive option - attractive enough, by the way, to exploit the collection in a decorative purpose, as recorded in the Kunsthistorisches Museum by the beginning of the 18th century or in the Assyrian museum (Paris) in 1847.Auch wenn das Museum fĂŒr Kunstwerke ein oftmals willkommenes Refugium bietet, so konfrontiert es sie doch gleichzeitig mit einem architektonischen Rahmen, der sich grundlegend von jenem unterscheidet, in welchem (bzw. fĂŒr welchen) sie ursprĂŒnglich gedacht waren. Die Meinungen dazu sind oft kontrĂ€r. Einerseits wird argumentiert, dieser Umstand mĂŒsse hingenommen und gar betont werden, auch wenn dadurch möglicherweise Umgestaltungen gerechtfertigt wĂŒrden und die Innenarchitektur des Museums dadurch eine zu groĂe Bedeutung erhalte, die der Kontemplation der Werke abtrĂ€glich sein könne ; andererseits wird angefĂŒhrt, dass eine ĂŒberhöhte, jegliche Umformung missbilligende Huldigung der Sammlungen schlieĂlich zu bewusst âantiseptischenâ (Paul Cret) AusstellungsrĂ€umen fĂŒhren könne. Eine vielversprechende Alternative schien daher zu sein, die Einrichtung des Museums den jeweils ausgestellten Werken anzupassen, wie es insbesondere Henri van de Velde fĂŒr das Folkwangmuseum in Hagen 1902 konzipierte â auch auf die Gefahr hin, dabei die Sammlungen in den Dienst der Architektur zu stellen (bzw. ihnen gar rein dekorative Zwecke zuzusprechen, wie es beispielsweise der Fall war im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien unter Karl VI. oder im MusĂ©e Assyrien in Paris 1847)
Lâinspiration et lâimprudence : poĂ©sie de l'anticomanie dans la critique d'art du second xixe siĂšcle
Quand il sâagissait de commenter la peinture qui, du milieu Ă la fin du xixe siĂšcle, prenait lâAntiquitĂ© comme thĂšme, il nâĂ©tait pas rare que les journalistes ou les historiens dâart convoquent lâautoritĂ© de la poĂ©sie. On rĂ©clamait alors des peintres une habiletĂ© comparable Ă celle dâEschyle ou de ThĂ©ocrite et on les fĂ©licitait lorsquâils parvenaient Ă atteindre une profonde « distinction poĂ©tique » (Paul de Saint-Victor). Les critiques ne furent cependant pas univoques sur cette exigence : indispensable pour les uns, elle restait pour les autres Ă manier avec parcimonie tant elle pouvait ĂȘtre le signe dâune sensiblerie inadaptĂ©e Ă la peinture dâhistoire. La question Ă©tait aussi de savoir si lâAntiquitĂ© pouvait conserver ce monopole de la grĂące en plein essor du naturalisme et de cette poĂ©sie du rĂ©el que lâopinion dĂ©couvrait. On comprend alors combien la peinture anticomane, loin dâĂȘtre anachronique, sâinscrivait bel et bien dans une rĂ©flexion gĂ©nĂ©rale sur lâĂ©volution des arts et la modernitĂ©.Journalists and art historians often called on poetry and its authority when they commented paintings that kept Antiquity as a major theme all along the last issue of the 19th century. Painters has to be as skillful as Aeschylus or Theocritus and they were definitely congratulated when their images included a âpoetic feelingâ (Lavalley, 1902) and expressed âa touch of poetryâ (Claretie, 1866). Critics remained divided about that sharp-cut matter: while many of them explicitly observed poetry as a main requirement, many others did considered that any sentimentalism was inappropriate for history painting. Dispute also involved the way Antiquity could keep the leading part on that very territory while naturalism did popularize the current world as poetic as the ancient one. So that this focus on the poetry of anticomania regarding to critics of the time will finally highlight how this kind of painting, far from being outmoded, was also dealing with art process in search of modernity
LâAncien Testament et ses reprĂ©sentations dans la peinture de la seconde moitiĂ© du xixe siĂšcle
En dĂ©pit des critiques qui annonçaient son dĂ©clin, la reprĂ©sentation de lâAncien Testament resta un thĂšme majeur de la peinture du second xixe siĂšcle. Le genre Ă©tait pourtant dâautant plus pĂ©rilleux que les modĂšles traditionnels Ă©taient bousculĂ©s par les dĂ©couvertes archĂ©ologiques au Proche-Orient et que lâĂ©poque, en sus de sa vocation laĂŻque, accordait une place croissante Ă la science dans la lecture de ce que Gustave Larroumet appelait « les pages sombres de la Bible ». Pour les artistes, figurer lâAncien Testament revenait donc Ă satisfaire des attentes contradictoires tant le respect des textes se heurtait aux exigences nouvelles dâauthenticitĂ© et de spectaculaire, mais des toiles comme le CaĂŻn de Cormon (1880) situaient peut-ĂȘtre prĂ©cisĂ©ment leur originalitĂ© (sinon leur modernitĂ©) dans cette audacieuse tentative pour concilier le propos biblique et les injonctions du naturalisme naissant.Although many art critics were sure that paintings representing scenes from the Old Testament were in decline, the theme remained popular all throughout the second half of the 19th century. The genre nonetheless faced major challenges because traditional models were being toppled by archaeological discoveries in the Middle East, and the period was one of secularism in which science played an ever-increasing role in the reading of what Gustave Larroumet called «the darkest pages of the Bible». Painters who undertook to illustrate the Old Testament thus had to satisfy contradictory expectations because faithfulness to the texts clashed with new requirements for authenticity and for spectacularity, but works such as Fernand Cormonâs CaĂŻn (1880) perhaps drew their originality (if not their modernity) from this audacious attempt to reconcile the words of the Bible with the injunctions of early Naturalism
Design and baseline characteristics of the finerenone in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in diabetic kidney disease trial
Background: Among people with diabetes, those with kidney disease have exceptionally high rates of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality and progression of their underlying kidney disease. Finerenone is a novel, nonsteroidal, selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist that has shown to reduce albuminuria in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) while revealing only a low risk of hyperkalemia. However, the effect of finerenone on CV and renal outcomes has not yet been investigated in long-term trials.
Patients and Methods: The Finerenone in Reducing CV Mortality and Morbidity in Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trial aims to assess the efficacy and safety of finerenone compared to placebo at reducing clinically important CV and renal outcomes in T2D patients with CKD. FIGARO-DKD is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, event-driven trial running in 47 countries with an expected duration of approximately 6 years. FIGARO-DKD randomized 7,437 patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate >= 25 mL/min/1.73 m(2) and albuminuria (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio >= 30 to <= 5,000 mg/g). The study has at least 90% power to detect a 20% reduction in the risk of the primary outcome (overall two-sided significance level alpha = 0.05), the composite of time to first occurrence of CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure.
Conclusions: FIGARO-DKD will determine whether an optimally treated cohort of T2D patients with CKD at high risk of CV and renal events will experience cardiorenal benefits with the addition of finerenone to their treatment regimen.
Trial Registration: EudraCT number: 2015-000950-39; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02545049
De la peinture au pĂ©plum. Lâanticomanie du second xixe siĂšcle et son hĂ©ritage Ă lâĂ©cran
DĂšs les premiers courts mĂ©trages des annĂ©es 1890, le cinĂ©ma Ă©pique sâest mis Ă puiser allĂ©grement dans lâimagerie que lui fournissait la peinture acadĂ©mique de la seconde partie du xixe siĂšcle. Les visions de Jean-LĂ©on GĂ©rĂŽme, de Poynter ou dâAlma-Tadema ne cessĂšrent dâailleurs jamais de servir de modĂšles pour reconstituer lâAntiquitĂ© Ă lâĂ©cran. Lâinfluence est telle quâelle cache sans doute plus quâune astuce facile pour les cinĂ©astes en manque dâinspiration. Ă la fois fantasmatique et trĂšs documentĂ©e, cette esthĂ©tique singuliĂšre â celle des peintres « pompiers » â correspond prĂ©cisĂ©ment aux attentes contradictoires dâune industrie cinĂ©matographique essayant depuis toujours de concilier un grand rĂ©alisme scientifique, gage dâauthenticitĂ© et de lĂ©gitimitĂ©, et ce goĂ»t du public pour les mises en scĂšne spectaculaires qui lui assurent audience et popularitĂ©. Il nây aurait alors pas lĂ un simple phĂ©nomĂšne de recyclage bon marchĂ©, mais une connivence â entre la peinture et le cinĂ©ma â dans la maniĂšre de concevoir les images et, consĂ©quemment, de donner Ă voir lâhistoire.Since the earliest short films in the 1890s, the filmed epic has blithely drawn on the imagery provided to it by academic painting of the latter half of the nineteenth century. In fact, the visions of Jean-LĂ©on GĂ©rĂŽme, Poynter and Alma-Tadema have never stopped serving as models for recreating Antiquity on screen. This influence is so great that it has undoubtedly been the source of more than one easy trick for filmmakers in need of inspiration. The singular aesthetic of these pretentious painters, an aesthetic at one and the same time fantastic and highly documented, corresponds exactly to the contradictory expectations of a film industry which from the beginning has tried to reconcile great scientific realism, the mark of authenticity and legitimacy, with the publicâs taste for spectacular productions which provide that industry with an audience and popularity. In this case, we are not dealing with a simple phenomenon of low-cost recycling, but rather with complicity between painting and cinema in the way images are conceived and, as a result, the way history is shown
Pour ou contre la visite scolaire ?
DĂ©sormais inscrite dans le quotidien des Ă©lĂšves et des enseignants, la sortie au musĂ©e fait toujours polĂ©mique, quand bien mĂȘme on en reconnaĂźt les atouts en termes dâapprentissage, bien sĂ»r, mais aussi de construction de la citoyennetĂ© et dâĂ©galitĂ© des chances. Sans doute est-ce quâelle met en demeure lâidentitĂ© des deux protagonistes, soit que les injonctions officielles crĂ©ent le trouble Ă force dâinviter au rapprochement de lâĂ©cole et du musĂ©e, soit quâon a toujours du mal Ă bien distinguer les contours de chaque territoire tant on y projette des attentes diverses, parfois contradictoires. Que la rĂ©putation de la visite scolaire demeure fragile ne ferait finalement que reflĂ©ter une relation elle-mĂȘme ambiguĂ«, celle qui, entre clivages et tentatives de rĂ©conciliation, unit ou dĂ©sunit le musĂ©e et lâĂ©cole. Aussi sâagira-t-il aussi pour nous, en bout de course, de mieux cerner la spĂ©cificitĂ© de ce moment particulier quâest la visite scolaire au musĂ©e pour que chacun, lâĂ©cole comme le musĂ©e, puissent y (re)situer son avantage en termes Ă©ducatifs et y conforter son identitĂ©.There are still debates around visiting museums with pupils although teachers and museums staff consider how important is art education in museums not only in terms of learning but also regarding to citizenship and equal access to culture. Maybe school visit remains so controversial just because such a display does involve identity of both sides. No doubt that background remains tricky: on the one hand, official instructions require an intimate connection between educational institutions and museums; on the other, each of us do keep so many expectations about school as about museums that a real consensus on these loose territories stays a bit fictional. Thatâs why it could be quite enlightening to make out the main features of school visits (a new way of experiencing art instead of a simple and attractive out-of-class activity) so that school as well as museums could recover their own educational legitimacy as full partners among that particular device
Chickens can durably clear herpesvirus vaccine infection in feathers while still carrying vaccine-induced antibodies
International audiencetMarekâs disease (MD) is a major disease of chickens induced by Marekâs disease virus (MDV) associated to lethal lymphomas. Current MD vaccines protect against lymphomas, but fail to prevent infection and shedding. The control of MDV shedding is crucial in order to eradicate this highly contagious virus. Like pathogenic MDV, MD vaccines infect the feather follicles of the skin before being shed into the environment. MD vaccines constitute excellent models to study virus interaction with feathers, the unique excretion source of these viruses. Herein we studied the viral persistence in feathers of a MD vaccine, the recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT-ND). We report that most of the birds showed a persistent HVT infection of feathers over 41Â weeks with moderate viral loads. Interestingly, 20% of the birds were identified as low HVT producers, among which six birds cleared the infection. Indeed, after week 14â26, these birds named controllers had undetectable HVT DNA in their feathers through week 41. All vaccinated birds developed antibodies to NDV, which lasted until week 41 in 95% of the birds, including the controllers. No correlation was found between HVT loads in feathers and NDV antibody titers over time. Interestingly, no HVT DNA was detected in the spleens of four controllers. This is the first description of chickens that durably cleared MD vaccine infection of feathers suggesting that control of Mardivirus shedding is achievable by the host
Evidence that individuals among chickens are able to durably control Mardivirus replication in feathers
International audienc
Multiplexed infectious protein microarray immunoassay suitable for the study of the specificity of monoclonal immunoglobulins
International audienceEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) used to detect antibodies specific for common infectious agents such as EpsteinâBarr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are time-consuming and require large volumes of samples, which restrict their use. We propose a new assay based on a multiplexed infectious protein (MIP) microarray combining different epitopes representative of the four germs. Antigens and lysates were printed on nitrocellulose slides to constitute the microarray. First, the microarray was incubated with human serum samples. Then, the suitability of the microarray for analysis of the specificity of purified monoclonal immunoglobulin (mc Ig) was assessed using serum and mc Ig of HCV-positive patients. Bound human immunoglobulin G (IgG) was detected using fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies, and the signals were quantified. Results obtained in serum samples with the new MIP microarray immunoassay were compared with ELI-SAs; we observed concordances of 95% for EBV, 93% for CMV, 91% for T. gondii, and 100% for HCV. Regarding purified mc Ig of HCV-positive patients, 3 of 3 recognized antigens printed on the microarray. Hence, the novel EBV/CMV/T. gondii/HCV MIP microarray allows simultaneous diagnosis of polyclonal and monoclonal immune response to infectious diseases using very small volume samples