17 research outputs found

    Ціноутворення земель техногенного походження як чинник формування рівня їх споживчих властивостей

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    Визначено засади ціноутворення як головного чинника обгрунтування рівня відтворення екологічної та господарської цінності земель техногенного походження, встановлено вплив грошової оцінки на формування їх цільового споживчого ринку, представлено принципи поєднання екологічних та економічних складових оцінки рекультивованого ґрунту.Определены основы ценообразования как главного фактора обоснования уровня восстановления экологической и хозяйственной ценности земель техногенного происхождения, определено влияние денежной оценки на формирование их целевого потребительского рынка, представлены принципы объединения экологических и экономических составляющих оценки рекультивированного грунта.Defined pricing principles as the main factor of level playing ground environmental and economic values of land anthropogenic origin, the effect of monetary valuation of forming their target consumer market, representing a combination of ecological principles and economic evaluation of reclaimed soil constituents

    A Trial of Early Antiretrovirals and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess the benefits of early antiretroviral therapy (ART), 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), or both among HIV-infected adults with high CD4+ cell counts in Ivory Coast. METHODS: We included participants who had HIV type 1 infection and a CD4+ count of less than 800 cells per cubic millimeter and who met no criteria for starting ART according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: deferred ART (ART initiation according to WHO criteria), deferred ART plus IPT, early ART (immediate ART initiation), or early ART plus IPT. The primary end point was a composite of diseases included in the case definition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), non-AIDS-defining cancer, non-AIDS-defining invasive bacterial disease, or death from any cause at 30 months. We used Cox proportional models to compare outcomes between the deferred-ART and early-ART strategies and between the IPT and no-IPT strategies. RESULTS: A total of 2056 patients (41% with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter) were followed for 4757 patient-years. A total of 204 primary end-point events were observed (3.8 events per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3 to 4.4), including 68 in patients with a baseline CD4+ count of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter (3.2 events per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 2.4 to 4.0). Tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases accounted for 42% and 27% of primary end-point events, respectively. The risk of death or severe HIV-related illness was lower with early ART than with deferred ART (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.76; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.94) and lower with IPT than with no IPT (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.88; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.01). The 30-month probability of grade 3 or 4 adverse events did not differ significantly among the strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In this African country, immediate ART and 6 months of IPT independently led to lower rates of severe illness than did deferred ART and no IPT, both overall and among patients with CD4+ counts of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter. (Funded by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; TEMPRANO ANRS 12136 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00495651.)

    Low Frequency Model Of The Sound Radiated By A Concert Harp

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    The concert harp, asmost string instruments, is a complex sound radiator. The aim of this study is to propose a low frequency model of its sound radiation based on multiple monopoles. For this purpose, the radiated acoustic pressure was measured in a semi-anechoic room at more than 600 measurement points over a nearly hemi-spherical surface. Three locations along the soundboard plate were excited with an electronic shaker driven by a white noise signal, permitting the measurement of directivity diagrams. An acoustic monopole distribution is proposed to model the radiated sound in the low frequency range. Estimation of equivalent sources based first on a single monopole description then on a two monopoles description is carried out. The single monopole model is not found to be a physical solution of the sound radiated by the harp. The two monopoles model takes into account both the sound radiation of the soundboard and that of the sound holes located at the back of the soundbox. Computation of their volume velocities and of their positions is obtained by the use of a least squares method. Results show that these equivalent sources are on the symmetry plane of the harp and that this two monopoles description can be considered as a good model of the sound radiated by the harp.513517Bell, A.J., (1987) An Acoustical Investigation of the Concert Harp, , PhD Thesis, University of St. Andrews, United KingdomLe Pichon, A., (1996) Méthode de Prédiction du Rayonnement Acoustique de Structures Volumiques Composées D'une Ou Plusieurs Faces Planes Vibrantes Application Aux Instruments de Musique À Cordes, , PhD Thesis, Université de Paris XI, Paris, France. [In french]Le Carrou, J.-L., Gautier, F., Dauchez, N., Acoustic radiation of the concert harp in the low frequency range (2005) Proc. Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, , LisbonKoopman, G.H., Song, L., Fahnline, B., A method for computing acoustic fields based on the principle of wave superposition (1989) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 86 (6), pp. 2433-2438Renger, D.R.M., (2004) Harp Acoustic Radiation, Equivalent Sources Estimation, , Master Report, Université du Maine, Le Mans, FranceGautier, F., Dauchez, N., Acoustic intensity measurement of the sound field radiated by a concert harp (2004) Applied Acoustics, 65, pp. 1221-123

    WHO guidelines for antiretroviral therapy in serodiscordant couples in sub-Saharan Africa : how many fit ?

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    To evaluate the implication of WHO guidelines for serodiscordant couples, we interviewed HIV-infected adults on their partner's serostatus. We found that 12% with more than 500 CD4(+) R cells/mu l should be recommended antiretroviral treatment (ART) because their partner was seronegative; 24% could be recommended not to start ART because their partner was seropositive; and 64% could not be given any recommendation regarding ART early initiation because they had either no stable partnership (30%) or were in a stable partnership with a partner whose status they were not aware of (34%)

    Investigation of the Harpist/Harp Interaction

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    10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) - Sound, Music and Motion, Marseille, FRANCE, OCT 15-18, 2013International audienceThis paper presents a contribution to the field of the musician/instrument interaction analysis. This study aims at investigating the mechanical parameters that govern the harp plucking action as well as the gestural strategies set up by harpists to control a musical performance. Two specific experimental procedures have been designed to accurately describe the harpist motion in realistic playing contexts. They consist in filming the plucking action and the harpists gestures using a high-speed camera and a motion capture system, respectively. Simultaneously, acoustical measurements are performed to relate the kinematic investigation to sound features. Results describe the musical gesture characteristics. Mechanical parameters governing the finger/string interaction are highlighted and their influence on the produced sound are discussed. Besides, the relationship between non sound-producing gestures and musical intent is pointed out. Finally, the way energy is shared between harpist arm joints according to various playing techniques is analyzed

    Nonsmooth contact dynamics for the numerical simulation of collisions in musical string instruments

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    International audienceCollisions in musical string instruments play a fundamental role in explaining the sound production in various instruments such as sitars, tanpuras and electric basses. Contacts occuring during the vibration provide a nonlinear effect which shapes a specific tone due to energy transfers and enriches the hearing experience. As such, they must be carefully simulated for the purpose of physically-based sound synthesis. Most of the numerical methods presented in the literature rely on a compliant modeling of the contact force between the string and the obstacle. In this contribution, numerical methods from nonsmooth contact dynamics are used to integrate the problem in time. A Moreau-Jean time-stepping scheme is combined with an exact scheme for phases with no contact, thus controlling the numerical dispersion. Results for a two-point bridge mimicking a tanpura and an electric bass are presented, showing the ability of the method to deal efficiently with such problems while invoking, as compared to a compliant approach, less modelling parameters and a reduced computational burden