30 research outputs found

    Experience with a Pre-Series Superfluid Helium Test Bench for LHC Magnets

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) under construction at CERN is based on the use of high-field superconducting magnets operating in superfluid helium. For the validation of the machine dipoles and quadrupoles, a magnet test plant is under construction requiring 12 so-called Cryogenic Feeder Units (CFU). Based on experience done at CERN, two pre-series CFUs were designed and built by industry and are currently in use prior to final series delivery. This presentation describes the features of a CFU, its typical characteristics and the experience acquired with the first units

    Performance of Prototypes and Start up of Series Fabrication of the LHC Arc Quadrupoles

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    The construction of three prototype arc quadrupoles for the LHC machine has been concluded successfully. These magnets underwent warm and cold magnetic measurements as well as many other tests, both in CEA-Saclay's laboratory and at CERN. Their training qualifies them for use in the LHC machine and their measured field quality points to only very minor corrections. An excellent correlation is found between warm and cold magnetic measurements. The prototype quadrupole design has been fully retained for the series fabrication of the 400 magnets and their cold masses by industry. This paper describes the main tests and measurement results of all three prototypes. It further explains the logistics for the manufacturing of the series of cold masses. These cold masses contain not only the main quadrupole but also different combinations of corrector magnets. Thus, together with variants imposed by the cryogenic configuration of the machine, 40 different types of cold masses have to be fabricated by the firm, to which the contract has been adjudicated

    Graines sauvages

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    La cueillette peut être définie comme le ramassage des produits spontanés de la nature. Mais il faut distinguer les cueillettes au jour le jour, grappillages d’occasion, qui sont souvent le fait des enfants pour les baies sauvages, des véritables récoltes effectuées collectivement et dont le produit est conservé. Les premières donnent un complément utile en vitamines, les secondes peuvent parfois fournir pendant plusieurs mois la base de l’alimentation d’une famille ou d’un campement. Les réc..

    Graines sauvages

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    La cueillette peut être définie comme le ramassage des produits spontanés de la nature. Mais il faut distinguer les cueillettes au jour le jour, grappillages d’occasion, qui sont souvent le fait des enfants pour les baies sauvages, des véritables récoltes effectuées collectivement et dont le produit est conservé. Les premières donnent un complément utile en vitamines, les secondes peuvent parfois fournir pendant plusieurs mois la base de l’alimentation d’une famille ou d’un campement. Les réc..

    La arquitectura segĂşn Tati: naturaleza contra artificio

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    Gorostiza, J. (1992). La arquitectura segĂşn Tati: naturaleza contra artificio. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (10):48-55. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/40832.ImportaciĂłn Masiva48551