418 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study on the Trademark Registration System between Vietnam and China

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    越南和中国都是实行注册取得商标权的模式的国家。因此,商标注册制度在越中两国商标保护体系中都有着重要的意义。商标注册制度不仅是商标专用权的确立基础,而且还是保护商标权的主要依据。两国的商标注册制分别受各自社会经济条件、法律实践和立法观点等因素的影响和支配。两国同样采用注册取得商标权的模式,与此同时两国在商标设立与商标注册具体制度方面存在诸多差异。据此,本文拟从比较法的角度对越中两国商标注册制度进行研究,以期为越南向中国在商标法领域的法律移植提供法理依据及政策参考。 本文的创新点主要通过两国商标注册制度的比较,对两国商标注册制度的差异之处进行分析、评价其各方面的影响,并借鉴各自具有参考价值的规定...Vietnam and China all adopt model of acquisition of trademark right through registration. Therefore, registration system plays an important role both in Vietnam and China. Registration system is not only the base of acquisition of trademark, but also the base of trademark protection. Registration system is subject to different social and economic conditions, legal practice and legislation views of...学位:法学博士院系专业:知识产权研究院_知识产权法学学号:3252012015410

    Segregation Index—A New Soil Parameter for Internal Erosion Assessment

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    Internal erosion is a major cause related to nearly half of dam dysfunctions and failures. This phenomenon occurs when loose soil particles are transported outwards the soil mass by seepage through a series of pores and pore constrictions. As loose particles are usually fine and embedded in the pores formed by the soil primary fabric, traditional methods often correlate the representative sizes of fine and coarse particles to indicate the susceptibility to internal erosion of an assessed soil. These methods are not very accurate because soil particle size distribution can vary widely with several identical key sizes. This paper presents a new indicator for internal erosion assessment using the probability to be transported of loose particles: the segregation index. This index is estimated experimentally and analytically for the correlation with internal erosion test results. The index also has a significant role in the estimation of real effective stress of soils

    Bounded Guaranteed Algorithms for Concave Impurity Minimization Via Maximum Likelihood

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    Partitioning algorithms play a key role in many scientific and engineering disciplines. A partitioning algorithm divides a set into a number of disjoint subsets or partitions. Often, the quality of the resulted partitions is measured by the amount of impurity in each partition, the smaller impurity the higher quality of the partitions. In general, for a given impurity measure specified by a function of the partitions, finding the minimum impurity partitions is an NP-hard problem. Let MM be the number of NN-dimensional elements in a set and KK be the number of desired partitions, then an exhaustive search over all the possible partitions to find a minimum partition has the complexity of O(KM)O(K^M) which quickly becomes impractical for many applications with modest values of KK and MM. Thus, many approximate algorithms with polynomial time complexity have been proposed, but few provide bounded guarantee. In this paper, an upper bound and a lower bound for a class of impurity functions are constructed. Based on these bounds, we propose a low-complexity partitioning algorithm with bounded guarantee based on the maximum likelihood principle. The theoretical analyses on the bounded guarantee of the algorithms are given for two well-known impurity functions Gini index and entropy. When KNK \geq N, the proposed algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of lowest approximations and polynomial time complexity O(NM)O(NM). In addition, a heuristic greedy-merge algorithm having the time complexity of O((NK)N2+NM)O((N-K)N^2+NM) is proposed for K<NK<N. Although the greedy-merge algorithm does not provide a bounded guarantee, its performance is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art methods. Our results also generalize some well-known information-theoretic bounds such as Fano's inequality and Boyd-Chiang's bound.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Can EEG-devices differentiate attention values between incorrect and correct solutions for problem-solving tasks?

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    The affective state of an individual can be determined using physiological parameters; an important metric that can then be extracted is attention. Looking more closely at compact EEGs, algorithms have been implemented in such devices that can measure the attention and other affective states of the user. No information about these algorithms is available; are these feature classification algorithms accurate? An experiment was conducted with 23 subjects who utilized a pedagogical agent to learn the syntax of the programming language Java while having their attention measured by the NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2. Using a concurrent validity approach, the attention values measured were compared to band powers, as well as measures of task performance. The results of the experiment were in part successful and supportive of the claim that the EEG device’s attention algorithm does in fact represent a user’s attention accurately. The results of the analysis based on raw data captured from the device were consistent with previous literature. Inconclusive results were obtained relating to task performance and attention.Peer Reviewe

    Enhancing Security and Robustness for SDN-Enabled Cloud Networks

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    Software-Defined Networking is an emerging network architecture which promises to solve the limitations associated with current cloud computing systems based on traditional network. The main idea behind SDN is to separate control plane from networking devices, thereby providing a centralized control layer integrable to cloud-based infrastructure. The integration of SDN and Cloud Computing brings an immense benefits to network deployment and management, however, this model still faces many critical challenges with regards to availability, scalability and security. In this study, we present a security and robustness SDN-Enabled Cloud model using OpenStack and OpenDaylight. In particular, we design and implement a security clustering-based SDN Controller for monitoring and managing cloud networking, and a hardware platform to accelerate packet processing in virtual switches. We evaluate our proposed model on a practical cloud testbed consisting of several physical and virtual nodes. The experiment results show that the SDN controller cluster significantly improve robustness for the network even in case of being attacked by abnormal network traffic; while the hardware-accelerated switches can be operated in highperformance and well-adapted to the cloud environment

    Biochemical Analysis Of Modulation Of Sex Pheromone Production By Prgy, A Structural Homolog Of A Metalloprotease (Tiki) That Modulates Wnt Signaling In Eukaryotes

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2017. Major: Oral Biology. Advisor: Gary Dunny. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 87 pages.Enterococcus faecalis contains mobile genetic elements that can rapidly spread antibiotic resistance and virulence genes through its population by conjugation. The chromosomally encoded pheromone cCF10 (LVTLVFV) induces conjugative transfer of E. faecalis plasmid pCF10. Pheromone inducible plasmids have evolved a highly specific and sensitive response to pheromone to allow their host (donor) cell to sense recipients while minimizing expression of the conjugation genes in the absence of recipients. The pCF10 PrgY protein reduces production of endogenous pheromone by donor cells to prevent self-induction. Recent data suggested that PrgY shares significant homology to the eukaryotic metalloprotease TIKI that has been shown to cleave the amino terminus of mature Wnt proteins, thereby regulates the Wnt signaling. Comparative modeling of PrgY active site revealed that PrgY and TIKI share key conserved residues in the metal-binding catalytic core as well as overall secondary structure. Based on the structural similarity between PrgY and TIKI, we hypothesized that PrgY reduces endogenous pheromone production in donor cells by specifically binding and degrading cCF10 as it is secreted across the cytoplasmic membrane. To test the working model, affinity chromatography and Surface Plasmon Resonance were used to demonstrate the direct interaction between PrgY and cCF10, and their binding affinities. The results of this work revealed that PrgY directly interacts with cCF10. Strong binding between cCF10 and PrgY was observed, and the binding can be saturated at a level comparable to the calculated theoretical maximum assuming 1:1 binding. Mass spectrometry was used to identify possible degradation products of cCF10 in the culture supernatant from a strain expressing PrgY. Peptide LVTL was uniquely identified in the donor culture supernatant expressing PrgY. This suggests that PrgY cleaved cCF10 after the second leucine, and released the degraded peptide fragments LVTL and VFV that do not have any pheromone activity. The cumulative results of this research provide important insights into the molecular mechanism of PrgY, and advance our understanding on the function of each of the PrgY family members found in a diverse range of species

    Randomness in post-selected events

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    Bell inequality violations can be used to certify private randomness for use in cryptographic applications. In photonic Bell experiments, a large amount of the data that is generated comes from no-detection events and presumably contains little randomness. This raises the question as to whether randomness can be extracted only from the smaller post-selected subset corresponding to proper detection events, instead of from the entire set of data. This could in principle be feasible without opening an analogue of the detection loophole as long as the min-entropy of the post-selected data is evaluated by taking all the information into account, including no-detection events. The possibility of extracting randomness from a short string has a practical advantage, because it reduces the computational time of the extraction. Here, we investigate the above idea in a simple scenario, where the devices and the adversary behave according to i.i.d. strategies. We show that indeed almost all the randomness is present in the pair of outcomes for which at least one detection happened. We further show that in some cases applying a pre-processing on the data can capture features that an analysis based on global frequencies only misses, thus resulting in the certification of more randomness. We then briefly consider non-i.i.d strategies and provide an explicit example of such a strategy that is more powerful than any i.i.d. one even in the asymptotic limit of infinitely many measurement rounds, something that was not reported before in the context of Bell inequalities.Comment: similar to published version, new section (III) on photonic experiment