11 research outputs found

    Intermolecular dark resonance energy transfer (DRET): Upgrading fluorogenic DNA sensing

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    The sensitivity of FRET-based sensing is usually limited by the spectral overlaps of the FRET donor and acceptor, which generate a poor signal-to-noise ratio. To overcome this limitation, a quenched donor presenting a large Stokes shift can be combined with a bright acceptor to perform Dark Resonance Energy Transfer (DRET). The consequent fluorogenic response from the acceptor considerably improves the signal-to-noise ratio. To date, DRET has mainly relied on a donor that is covalently bound to the acceptor. In this context, our aim was to develop the first intermolecular DRET pair for specific sensing of nucleic acid sequences. To this end, we designed DFK, a push-pull probe based on a fluorenyl π-platform that is strongly quenched in water. DFK was incorporated into a series of oligonucleotides and used as a DRET donor with Cy5-labeled complementary sequences. In line with our expectations, excitation of the dark donor in the double-labeled duplex switched on the far-red Cy5 emission and remained free of cross-excitation. The DRET mechanism was supported by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. This concept was then applied with binary probes, which confirmed the distance dependence of DRET as well as its potency in detecting sequences of interest with low background noise

    Multiphoton characterization and live cell imaging using fluorescent adenine analogue 2CNqA

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    Fluorescent nucleobase analogues (FBAs) are established tools for studying oligonucleotide structure, dynamics and interactions, and have recently also emerged as an attractive option for labeling RNA-based therapeutics. A recognized drawback of FBAs, however, is that they typically require excitation in the UV region, which for imaging in biological samples may have disadvantages related to phototoxicity, tissue penetration, and out-of-focus photobleaching. Multiphoton excitation has the potential to alleviate these issues and therefore, in this work, we characterize the multiphoton absorption properties and detectability of the highly fluorescent quadracyclic adenine analogue 2CNqA as a ribonucleotide monomer as well as incorporated, at one or two positions, into a 16mer antisense oligonucleotide (ASO). We found that 2CNqA has a two-photon absorption cross section that, among FBAs, is exceptionally high, with values of & sigma;(2PA)(700 nm) = 5.8 GM, 6.8 GM, and 13 GM for the monomer, single-, and double-labelled oligonucleotide, respectively. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we show that the 2CNqA has a high 2P brightness as the monomer and when incorporated into the ASO, comparing favorably to other FBAs. We furthermore demonstrate the usefulness of the 2P imaging mode for improving detectability of 2CNqA-labelled ASOs in live cells

    Development of dual emissive adenosine analogs for nucleic acid labeling and life sciences

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    Les analogues fluorescents de nuclĂ©obases sont devenus des outils attractifs pour la chimie biologique des acides nuclĂ©iques. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, ces analogues ne doivent pas compromettre la capacitĂ© intrinsĂšque des bases complĂ©mentaires Ă  s’associer. Ceux prĂ©sentant des longueurs d'onde d'absorption et d'Ă©mission dĂ©calĂ©es vers le rouge, une bonne sensibilitĂ© et sĂ©lectivitĂ©, tout en conservant la capacitĂ© d'appariement des bases sont trĂšs recherchĂ©s. Parmi eux, les sondes fluorescentes Ă  Ă©mission duale stimulent un grand intĂ©rĂȘt en raison de leur Ă©mission ratiomĂ©trique permettant une auto-calibration du signal. Dans cette thĂšse, nous rapportons le dĂ©veloppement d'analogues d'adĂ©nosine Ă  Ă©mission duale auto-calibrĂ©e pour le marquage des acides nuclĂ©iques et l'Ă©tude de leur comportement au cours de processus biologiques associĂ©s. Tout d'abord, une sĂ©rie de conjuguĂ©s Ă  Ă©mission duale – composĂ© d’un nuclĂ©oside 7-dĂ©azadĂ©oxyadĂ©nosine (d7A) et d’un colorant de type 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) – ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©s en vue de rĂ©aliser leur caractĂ©risation photophysique. Ces analogues prĂ©sentaient le dĂ©savantage d’avoir de faibles rendements quantiques dans les milieux protiques polaires, tels que le mĂ©thanol. Cette extinction de fluorescence a laissĂ© suggĂ©rer l’occurrence d’un mĂ©canisme photoinduit de transfert d’électrons (PET). Ensuite, une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e de cette rĂ©action de PET a Ă©tĂ© conduite sur des analogues de d7A et 8-aza-7-dĂ©azadĂ©oxyadĂ©nosine (8d7A) connectĂ©s Ă  une 3-mĂ©thoxychromone (3MC). Notre Ă©tude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les conjuguĂ©s entre d7A et le colorant 3MC formaient dĂ©jĂ  des complexes Ă  l'Ă©tat fondamental Ă  des concentrations de l'ordre du nM, favorisant le processus intermolĂ©culaire de PET. L’annihilation du PET a pu s’effectuer soit en acidifiant la solution, soit en remplaçant dans le conjuguĂ©, la nuclĂ©obase d7A par son analogue 8-aza (8d7A). Dans la continuitĂ© de ces observations, les sondes prĂ©sentant un groupement 3-hydroxyle libre, FC8A et TC8A (conjuguĂ© entre une 8d7A et une 2-(2-furyl)-3HC ou 2-(thiophĂšn-2-yl)-3HC, respectivement), ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©s puis caractĂ©risĂ©s par photophysique. Ces fluorophores ont conservĂ© deux bandes d’émission bien rĂ©solues et ont montrĂ© plusieurs amĂ©liorations par rapport Ă  leurs parents 3HC, telles qu’une absorption et une Ă©mission dĂ©calĂ©es vers le rouge, ainsi qu’une brillance supĂ©rieure. Parmi eux, FC8A a prĂ©sentĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s les plus appropriĂ©es pour une incorporation dans de l'ADN car la forte sensibilitĂ© Ă  l’hydratation de son Ă©mission duale est corrĂ©lĂ©e de façon linĂ©aire de 0 Ă  100 % d’eau. En consĂ©quence, au moyen d’une synthĂšse sur support solide, le reporter FC8A a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© de façon site-spĂ©cifique dans diffĂ©rentes sĂ©quences courtes d’ADN. La sonde a montrĂ© un effet marginal sur la structure et la stabilitĂ© des duplexes d'ADN marquĂ©s, tout en maintenant une Ă©mission duale avec une brillance apprĂ©ciable et une bonne sensibilitĂ© Ă  l'hydratation et au transfert d'Ă©lectrons. En dĂ©finitif, cette combinaison de sensibilitĂ© Ă  l'hydratation et au transfert d'Ă©lectrons ouvre de nouvelles voies pour dĂ©tecter des Ă©vĂšnements biologiques impliquant l'ADN.Emissive nucleobase analogs have become attractive tools in the chemical biology of nucleic acids. As a rule of thumb, the analogs exhibiting red-shifted absorption and emission wavelengths, good sensitivity and selectivity, while maintaining the base-pairing ability are highly demanded. In this thesis, we report our study on the development of self-calibrated dual-emissive adenosine analogs for labeling nucleic acids and studying their related events. Firstly, a series of conjugates comprising 7-deazadeoxyadenosine (d7A) and 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) dye were synthesized for photophysical characterization. These analogs suffered from low quantum yields in polar protic media, such as methanol, due to a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reaction. Secondly, a detailed study on the PET reaction was carried out on 3-methoxychromone (3MC) connected to d7A or its 8-aza analog (8d7A). Our investigations revealed that conjugates between d7A and 3MC dyes already formed ground-state complexes at concentrations of the order of nM, which favor the intermolecular PET process. Quenching due to PET can be switched off whether by acidifying the solution or substituting d7A by 8d7A in the conjugate. In continuation of these findings, the free hydroxyl dyes (conjugates between 8d7A and 3HCs) were synthesized for photophysical study. These fluorophores kept as their parent 3HCs, a well-resolved dual emission but showed several improvements such as red-shifted absorption and emission, and superior brightness. Among them, FC8A exhibited the most appropriate properties for incorporation in DNA as its dual emission is strongly sensitive to hydration on a wide range of variation. As a consequence, using solid-phase synthesis, the new label was incorporated in different ODN sequences. The probe displayed a marginal effect on the structure and stability of the labeled DNA duplexes; while dual emission lighted up the DNA sequences with appreciable brightness and good sensitivity to hydration and electron transfer. Interestingly, combining sensitivity to hydration and electron transfer opens new routes for sensing DNA-related events

    Développement d'analogues d'adénosine à émission duale pour le marquage des acides nucléiques et les sciences du vivant

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    Emissive nucleobase analogs have become attractive tools in the chemical biology of nucleic acids. As a rule of thumb, the analogs exhibiting red-shifted absorption and emission wavelengths, good sensitivity and selectivity, while maintaining the base-pairing ability are highly demanded. In this thesis, we report our study on the development of self-calibrated dual-emissive adenosine analogs for labeling nucleic acids and studying their related events. Firstly, a series of conjugates comprising 7-deazadeoxyadenosine (d7A) and 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) dye were synthesized for photophysical characterization. These analogs suffered from low quantum yields in polar protic media, such as methanol, due to a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reaction. Secondly, a detailed study on the PET reaction was carried out on 3-methoxychromone (3MC) connected to d7A or its 8-aza analog (8d7A). Our investigations revealed that conjugates between d7A and 3MC dyes already formed ground-state complexes at concentrations of the order of nM, which favor the intermolecular PET process. Quenching due to PET can be switched off whether by acidifying the solution or substituting d7A by 8d7A in the conjugate. In continuation of these findings, the free hydroxyl dyes (conjugates between 8d7A and 3HCs) were synthesized for photophysical study. These fluorophores kept as their parent 3HCs, a well-resolved dual emission but showed several improvements such as red-shifted absorption and emission, and superior brightness. Among them, FC8A exhibited the most appropriate properties for incorporation in DNA as its dual emission is strongly sensitive to hydration on a wide range of variation. As a consequence, using solid-phase synthesis, the new label was incorporated in different ODN sequences. The probe displayed a marginal effect on the structure and stability of the labeled DNA duplexes; while dual emission lighted up the DNA sequences with appreciable brightness and good sensitivity to hydration and electron transfer. Interestingly, combining sensitivity to hydration and electron transfer opens new routes for sensing DNA-related events.Les analogues fluorescents de nuclĂ©obases sont devenus des outils attractifs pour la chimie biologique des acides nuclĂ©iques. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, ces analogues ne doivent pas compromettre la capacitĂ© intrinsĂšque des bases complĂ©mentaires Ă  s’associer. Ceux prĂ©sentant des longueurs d'onde d'absorption et d'Ă©mission dĂ©calĂ©es vers le rouge, une bonne sensibilitĂ© et sĂ©lectivitĂ©, tout en conservant la capacitĂ© d'appariement des bases sont trĂšs recherchĂ©s. Parmi eux, les sondes fluorescentes Ă  Ă©mission duale stimulent un grand intĂ©rĂȘt en raison de leur Ă©mission ratiomĂ©trique permettant une auto-calibration du signal. Dans cette thĂšse, nous rapportons le dĂ©veloppement d'analogues d'adĂ©nosine Ă  Ă©mission duale auto-calibrĂ©e pour le marquage des acides nuclĂ©iques et l'Ă©tude de leur comportement au cours de processus biologiques associĂ©s. Tout d'abord, une sĂ©rie de conjuguĂ©s Ă  Ă©mission duale – composĂ© d’un nuclĂ©oside 7-dĂ©azadĂ©oxyadĂ©nosine (d7A) et d’un colorant de type 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) – ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©s en vue de rĂ©aliser leur caractĂ©risation photophysique. Ces analogues prĂ©sentaient le dĂ©savantage d’avoir de faibles rendements quantiques dans les milieux protiques polaires, tels que le mĂ©thanol. Cette extinction de fluorescence a laissĂ© suggĂ©rer l’occurrence d’un mĂ©canisme photoinduit de transfert d’électrons (PET). Ensuite, une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e de cette rĂ©action de PET a Ă©tĂ© conduite sur des analogues de d7A et 8-aza-7-dĂ©azadĂ©oxyadĂ©nosine (8d7A) connectĂ©s Ă  une 3-mĂ©thoxychromone (3MC). Notre Ă©tude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les conjuguĂ©s entre d7A et le colorant 3MC formaient dĂ©jĂ  des complexes Ă  l'Ă©tat fondamental Ă  des concentrations de l'ordre du nM, favorisant le processus intermolĂ©culaire de PET. L’annihilation du PET a pu s’effectuer soit en acidifiant la solution, soit en remplaçant dans le conjuguĂ©, la nuclĂ©obase d7A par son analogue 8-aza (8d7A). Dans la continuitĂ© de ces observations, les sondes prĂ©sentant un groupement 3-hydroxyle libre, FC8A et TC8A (conjuguĂ© entre une 8d7A et une 2-(2-furyl)-3HC ou 2-(thiophĂšn-2-yl)-3HC, respectivement), ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©s puis caractĂ©risĂ©s par photophysique. Ces fluorophores ont conservĂ© deux bandes d’émission bien rĂ©solues et ont montrĂ© plusieurs amĂ©liorations par rapport Ă  leurs parents 3HC, telles qu’une absorption et une Ă©mission dĂ©calĂ©es vers le rouge, ainsi qu’une brillance supĂ©rieure. Parmi eux, FC8A a prĂ©sentĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s les plus appropriĂ©es pour une incorporation dans de l'ADN car la forte sensibilitĂ© Ă  l’hydratation de son Ă©mission duale est corrĂ©lĂ©e de façon linĂ©aire de 0 Ă  100 % d’eau. En consĂ©quence, au moyen d’une synthĂšse sur support solide, le reporter FC8A a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© de façon site-spĂ©cifique dans diffĂ©rentes sĂ©quences courtes d’ADN. La sonde a montrĂ© un effet marginal sur la structure et la stabilitĂ© des duplexes d'ADN marquĂ©s, tout en maintenant une Ă©mission duale avec une brillance apprĂ©ciable et une bonne sensibilitĂ© Ă  l'hydratation et au transfert d'Ă©lectrons. En dĂ©finitif, cette combinaison de sensibilitĂ© Ă  l'hydratation et au transfert d'Ă©lectrons ouvre de nouvelles voies pour dĂ©tecter des Ă©vĂšnements biologiques impliquant l'ADN

    Farming systems in the sandy area of the Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. Survey of socio-economic situation and constraints identified by farmers.

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    The Thua Thien Hue Province situated in Central Vietnam encompasses 5,054 km2 with a population of about 1.1 million people. The total cultivated area is 84,000 ha of which approximately 66,000 ha are soils classified as having a sandy texture. This sandy area is located along the coast and is the most densely populated of the province. The research aims at evaluating various aspects of the present situation including socio-economic aspects and farming systems on these light textured soils of this province. Using an interview-based questionnaire, a survey was conducted in villages by staff members of the Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. Data were collected among 145 households in four districts of the coastal area of the Thua Thien Hue Province. The results show that hostile climate, poor quality of soils, lack of technical knowledge and experience in agricultural production of smallholders on sandy soils are major constraints that limit crop yields and induce a deficit in nutritive value of animal feed. Low income of farmer’s households is an obvious consequence of this unfavourable situation. Our results also indicate that the present animal and cropping systems on sandy soils of Thua Thien Hue include a high diversity of local varieties of plants and local breeds of animals. Options for possible improvement of techniques will be suggested. This research is being conducted in the framework of a Vietnam-Belgium joint project towards a sustainable agricultural development in this area, mainly through the better use of organic resources within farming systems, and by integrated pest and disease management

    Control of Intermolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Deoxyadenosine‐Based Fluorescent Probes

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    International audienceIn this paper, we report on the Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET) reaction between a donor (adenine analog) and an acceptor (3-methoxychromone derivative) in the context of designing efficient fluorescent probes as DNA sensors. Firstly, Gibbs energy was investigated in disconnected donor-acceptor systems by Rehm-Weller equation. The oxidation potential of the adenine derivative was responsible for exergonicity of the PET reaction in separated combinations. Then, the PET reaction in donor-π-acceptor conjugates was investigated using steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy, acid-mediated PET inhibition and transient absorption techniques. In conjugated systems, PET is a favorable pathway of fluorescent quenching when an electron-rich adenine analog (d7A) was connected to the fluorophore (3MC). We found that formation of ground-state complexes even at nM concentration range dominated the dye photophysics and generated poorly emissive species likely through intermolecular PET from d7A to 3MC. On the other hand, solution acidification disrupts complexation and turns on dye emission. Bridging an electron-poor adenine analog with high oxidation potential (8d7A) to 3MC presenting low reduction potential is another alternative to prevent complex formation and produce highly emissive monomer conjugates