5 research outputs found

    The Second SIMBIOS Radiometric Intercomparison (SIMRIC-2), March-November 2002

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    The second SIMBIOS (Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies) Radiometric Intercomparison (SIMRIC-2) was carried out in 2002. The purpose of the SIMRIC's was to ensure a common radiometric scale among the calibration facilities that are engaged in calibrating in-situ radiometrics used for ocean color-related research and to document the calibration procedures and protocols. The SeaWIFS Transfer Radiometer (SXR-II) measured the calibration radiances at six wavelengths from 411nm to 777nm in the ten laboratories participating in the SIMRIC-2. The measured radiances were compared with the radiances expected by the laboratories. The agreement was within the combined uncertainties for all but two laboratories. Likely error sources were identified in these laboratories and corrective measures were implemented. NIST calibrations in December 2001 and January 2003 showed changes ranging from -0.6% to +0.7% for the six SXR-II channels. Two independent light sources were used to monitor changes in the SXR-II responsivity between the NIST calibrations. A 2% variation of the responsivity of channel 1 of the SXR-II was detected, and the SXR-II responsivity was corrected using the monitoring data. This report also compared directional reflectance calibrations of a Spectralon plaque by different calibration facilitie

    Sea WiFS Postlaunch Technical Report Series

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    This report documents the scientific activities during the second Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (Sea- WIFS) Bio-Optical Algorithm Round-Robin (SeaBOARR-99) field campaign, which took place from 2 May to 7 June 1999 on board the Royal Research Ship James Clark Ross during the eighth Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise (AMT-8). The ultimate objective of the SeaBOARR activity is to evaluate the effect of different measurement protocols on bio-optical algorithms using data from a variety of field campaigns. The SeaBOARR-99 field campaign was concerned with collecting a high quality data set of simultaneous in-water and above-water radiometric measurements. The deployment goals documented in this report were to: a) use four different surface glint correction methods to compute water-leaving radiances, Lw(lambda), from above-water data; b) use two different in-water profiling systems and three different methods to compute Lw(lambda) from in-water data; c) use instruments with a common calibration history to minimize intercalibration uncertainties; d) monitor the calibration stability of the instruments in the field with the original SeaWiFS Quality Monitor (SQM) and a commercial, second-generation device called the SQM-II, thereby allowing a distinction between differences in methods from changes in instrument performance; and e) compare the Lw(lambda) values estimated from the above- water and in- water measurements. In addition to describing the instruments deployed and the data collected, a preliminary analysis of part of the SeaBOARR-99 data set is presented (using only the data collected during clear sky, calm sea, and Case-I waters)

    An Evaluation of Above- and In-Water Methods for Determining Water-Leaving Radiances.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.H-Institute for environment and sustainability (Ispra

    Characterisation of the Immersion Factor for a Series of In-Water Optical Radiometers.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.H-Institute for environment and sustainability (Ispra

    The Seventh SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-7), March 1999

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    This report documents the scientific activities during the seventh SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-7) held at Satlantic, Inc. (Halifax, Canada). The overall objective of SIRREX-7 was to determine the uncertainties of radiometric calibrations and measurements at a single calibration facility. Specifically, this involved the estimation of the uncertainties in a) lamp standards, b) plaque standards (including the uncertainties associated with plaque illumination non-uniformity), c) radiance calibrations, and d) irradiance calibrations. The investigation of the uncertainties in lamp standards included a comparison between a calibration of a new FEL by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Optronic Laboratories, Inc. In addition, the rotation and polarization sensitivity of radiometers were determined, and a procedure for transferring an absolute calibration to portable light sources was defined and executed