12 research outputs found
Genetic Variation of Trichomonas vaginalis Isolates from Iraqi Women: Association with Fertility and Cervical Abnormalities
الخلفية/ الهدف: داء المشعرات المهبلية هو واحد من أكثر الأمراض غير الفيروسية المنقولة جنسيا, يسببه طفيلي Trichomonas vaginalis. لا يعرف سوى القليل عن التنوع الوراثي والهيكل المعيشي لهذا الطفيلي. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد التنوع الوراثي لعزلات طفيلي المشعرات المهبلية وارتباطه بالخصوبة وتشوهات عنق الرحم.
الأساليب: تم تعيين مجموعة من 154 امرأة عراقية ممن يراجعن قسم الولادة والامراض النسائية في عدد من مستشفيات محافظة بغداد خلال الفترة من شباط 2013 إلى نيسان 2014 ، لهذه الدراسة. تم استخراج الحمض النووي لعزلات الطفيلي من مزروع المسحات المهبلية. تم إجراء طريقة التنميط التتابعي المتعدد المواقع (MLST) لستة من الجينات المرجعية لدراسة التغيرات الجينية.
النتائج: ثلاث وخمسون امرأة (34.41 ٪) قد أعطت نتيجة موجبة للأصابة بالطفيلي T.vaginalis. أظهرت طريقة MLST وجود اليلات مختلفة. وكان للمورث glut أعلى درجة من التغايرات بين المورثات الستة.
الاستنتاج: يمكن الاستنتاج أن التنوع الوراثي في الكائن الحي نفسه في عزلات العراق ، يمكن أن يرتبط بالنتائج السريرية. هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من الدراسات MLST لمقارنة عدد أكبر من العزلات من مختلف المواقع ودراسة الطفرات المحددة في المورثات المرجعية لنساء اللاتي يعانين من العقم ومن تشوهات عنق الرحم.
الكلمات المفتاحية: طفيلي المشعرات المهبلية. التغاير الوراثي, الخصوبة, تشوهات عنق الرحم, طريقة التنميط التتابعي المتعدد المواقع.Background: Trichomoniasis, is one of the most common non-viral sexually transmitted diseases caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Little is known about the genetic diversity and population structure of this parasite. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of T. vaginalis isolated from Iraqi women and its association with the fertility and the cervical abnormalities.
Methods: Overall, 154 Iraqi women attending the Gynecology Outpatient departments in Baghdad Province, Iraq from February 2013 to April 2014, were enrolled in this study. DNA of T. vaginalis isolates was extracted from the culture of high vaginal swabs. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method for six housekeeping genes was done in studying the genetic variations.
Results: Fifty-three women (34.41%) were positive for T. vaginalis. MLST method resulted in different alleles. With glutaminase gene, the highest degree of variation was found among the six genes.
Conclusion: The genetic diversity in the organism itself in Iraqi isolates can associate with clinical outcome. Further MLST studies are needed to compare a larger number of isolates from different localities and correlate the certain mutations in housekeeping genes to infertile women and patients with cervical abnormalities
Neuroma of a double gallbladder: a case report
We report a case of 55 year old male patient who presented with recurrent upper abdominal pain following a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A subsequent diagnostic laparoscopy revealed the presence of a second gallbladder which was initially missed. The peculiarity of his symptoms can in part be explained by the presence of a traumatic neuroma in his second gallbladder. A subsequent cholecystectomy led to a complete resolution of this patient's signs and symptoms. As far as we know this is the first report in the literature of a traumatic neuroma in a second gallbladder
The development and validation of a scoring tool to predict the operative duration of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Background: The ability to accurately predict operative duration has the potential to optimise theatre efficiency and utilisation, thus reducing costs and increasing staff and patient satisfaction. With laparoscopic cholecystectomy being one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide, a tool to predict operative duration could be extremely beneficial to healthcare organisations.
Methods: Data collected from the CholeS study on patients undergoing cholecystectomy in UK and Irish hospitals between 04/2014 and 05/2014 were used to study operative duration. A multivariable binary logistic regression model was produced in order to identify significant independent predictors of long (> 90 min) operations. The resulting model was converted to a risk score, which was subsequently validated on second cohort of patients using ROC curves.
Results: After exclusions, data were available for 7227 patients in the derivation (CholeS) cohort. The median operative duration was 60 min (interquartile range 45–85), with 17.7% of operations lasting longer than 90 min. Ten factors were found to be significant independent predictors of operative durations > 90 min, including ASA, age, previous surgical admissions, BMI, gallbladder wall thickness and CBD diameter. A risk score was then produced from these factors, and applied to a cohort of 2405 patients from a tertiary centre for external validation. This returned an area under the ROC curve of 0.708 (SE = 0.013, p 90 min increasing more than eightfold from 5.1 to 41.8% in the extremes of the score.
Conclusion: The scoring tool produced in this study was found to be significantly predictive of long operative durations on validation in an external cohort. As such, the tool may have the potential to enable organisations to better organise theatre lists and deliver greater efficiencies in care
Natural Fibre Filament For Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM): A Review
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) gets the most attention in development and manufacturing industries. The demand for FDM in industries increases gradually over time and attracts many researchers to enhance the quality of the FDM’s fillers. The most popular filler reinforcements in use are synthetic or carbon fibre. However, these fibres are harmful to the environment. To overcome the issue and replace the current fibres and achieve the bio-composites filler, researchers suggested using natural fibre to replace the synthetic and carbon fibres as the reinforcement, which is also combined with bio-polymer matrix such as thermoplastics as the polymer matrix in FDM’s industries. Many experiments and tests are conducted to prove the capability of the natural fibre as the main material in composite industries. FDM is a world-wide technology that aims to be environmentally friendly, thus, this paper focuses on biodegradable fillers for FDM